Summer of Peace Pre-Launch Events

The Summer of Peace officially begins on Sunday, June 23rd with the first Spirituality and Peace session.

As we begin the countdown to the Summer of Peace we have a few special events planned to begin building the energy and buzz and to help you get engaged (and get others engaged!)

All of the Summer of Peace events (including these pre-launch events) are completely free. If you would like to register for the main Summer of Peace series just enter your name and email in the form to the right.

You do not need to register for these pre-launch events.

Lift Off - The 100 Day Countdown to the International Day of Peace.

June 13, 2013; 9 - 10:30 a.m. PT/12 noon-1:30 p.m. ET

The International Day of Peace, a.k.a. "Peace Day" provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date..  Established in 1982 the International Day of Peace has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace. It has grown to include millions of people in all parts of the world, and each year events are organized to commemorate and celebrate this day. Events range in scale from private gatherings to public concerts and forums where hundreds of thousands of people participate.

On June 13th the United Nations will mark the 100 Day Countdown to the International Day of Peace as a way to activate and engage individuals, schools, businesses, cities and countries to prepare for their participation in this huge global Day of Peace. 

Please join us as we hear from leaders of the IDP-NGO Committee at the United Nations about the exciting ways to be involved this year.  On this call we will hear from:

  • Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury (former UN Under Secretary-General)
  • Deborah Moldow (World Peace Prayer Society)
  • Dot Maver (National Peace Academy)
  • Shawn Sweeney (Jane Goodall Institute)
  • Monica Willard (United Religions Initiative)
  • Jean Trudel (Cercle de Paix)
  • Rick Ulfik (We, The World)
  • Nathalie Leroy (UN Dept of Public Information) and special gues
  • Avon Mattison (Pathways To Peace).

This year’s Peace Day theme Education for Peace draws on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Education First initiative – a call to educators around the world to include education for conflict resolution skills and global citizenship at all levels of curriculum.

Your local call in numbers include: (415) 671-4335 (San Francisco) 718 290-9983 (New York), 020 3151 1990 (London), (02) 9191 9435 (Sydney), (778) 300 1942 (BC Vancouver)

A complete list of local access numbers is at: 

After calling in, use this Access Code: 862166#

Webcast Link: Click here



Peace Rally: Activation Call!

with James O’Dea

June 15 - 10 - 11 a.m. PT/1 - 2 p.m. ET

This call is for everyone who wants to create a culture of peace! We’re going to activate and expand the wave of people participating in the Summer of Peace.

Bestselling author and peace builder, James O’Dea will highlight the need to take tangible actions to facilitate the peaceful birthing of a new society.

Philip Hellmich, the Director of Peace, and several Summer of Peace partners will showcase major initiatives where you, your family, schools and communities can join people around the world in creating a wave of peace. We will hear about the international compassion games, creating international cities of peace, joining global meditations, etc...

For each call your local call in numbers include: (415) 671-4335 (San Francisco) 718 290-9983 (New York), 020 3151 1990 (London), (02) 9191 9435 (Sydney), (778) 300 1942 (BC Vancouver) A complete list of local access numbers is at:

After calling in, use this Access Code: 862166#

 Webcast Link:  Click here



Global Solstice Meditation


June 20, 2013 - 9-10.30AM PT/4-5.30PM GMT

Please join the Gaiafield Project and Summer of Peace in a synchronized global meditation to celebrate the Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project and to help activate the global grid laid down by this remarkable project.
For 23 years, Cynthia Jurs and the Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project have brought healing and protection to the Earth by filling consecrated clay vessels with prayers and offerings, and ceremonially burying them in the Earth in collaboration with indigenous elders, young activists and grassroots leaders in places where healing and protection are most needed around the planet. The final pilgrimage to bury the last vase will occur in Australia in June 2013. The burial of this vase in Australia will mark the completion of a global mandala seeded all over the planet to bring healing and protection to the Earth.  For more information click here

Call in numbers (see below). Webcast Link: Click here

Global Care Room: see all the people participating in the meditation on a global map:  Click here

For each call your local call in numbers include: (415) 671-4335 (San Francisco) 718 290-9983 (New York), 020 3151 1990 (London), (02) 9191 9435 (Sydney), (778) 300 1942 (BC Vancouver) A complete list of local access numbers is at:

After calling in, use this Access Code: 862166#


And for Bay Area Peace Builders Join Us for this Powerful Live Event in Oakland on Sunday, June 23rd


JOIN US in Launching The Summer of Peace

 Live Event & Online Broadcast

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The East Bay Church of Religious Science and The Shift Network Present



Celebrate, learn, connect, and experience

healing and restorative peace-building work in Oakland.



East Bay Church of Religious Science - 4130 Telegraph Ave

(within walking distance of MacArthur BART - Oakland)


The Schedule


Special Peace Day - Morning Church Services

  •            Meditation at 8:30 & 11:00 am followed by
  •            Worship Services at 9:00 am & 11:30 am
  •            World-renowned East Bay Mass Choir performing at both services


Delicious Healthy Lunch – 1:00 to 1:45 pm


Summer of Peace Program – 2:00 to 5:30 pm 


A few of the highlights:

  •            James O'Dea, global peace leader and author – being a 21st century Peace Ambassador
  •            Reverend Elouise Oliver, Senior Minister – being peaceful inside as part of your everyday life
  •            RJOY – Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth – in the schools and community
  •            PPWN – Positive Peace Warriors Network – Kingian Nonviolence Training
  •            Music and rejoicing


Donation – Your $10 donation helps support this event. No one will be turned away.


More Information


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2013 Catalyst - Issue 9
