Today's Birth 2012 TV Schedule

9:00 am—Live broadcast begins from Los Angeles hosted by Stephen with Unify producer Adil Kassam, as they share recorded highlights from dawn ceremonies worldwide. See minute-by-minute schedule here. Here's a complete listing (Pacific time) of today's Waves of Unity:
12:00 pm—twelve minutes of silence with Unify in what may become the largest moment of global meditation ever (see Unify locations here); Shiva Rea introduces Salute the Dawn yoga wave at 7 am across the world. We begin our live feeds from the rest of the world.
2:00 pm—"Ise Oluwa" African song sung in unison and led by Shyla Nelson; song feeds from major event in Sydney (broadcast by BBC in Australia) + live broadcast from Cathedral church in Lagos, Nigeria (broadcast by Nigerian TV)
4:00 pm—Teotihuacan drumming with 700 drummers
6:00 pm—Qigong broadcast by Master Mingtong Gu
8:00 pm—World Peace Prayer and prayer flag ceremony from Mt. Fuji, Japan
10:30 pm—One Billion Oms, India feed from South India led by Sadhguru
"EveryOne, Everywhere, Together"—Time to Unify!

Thanks to a San Francisco-based coalition called "Unify" and its myriad of partners (including our team at Birth 2012), hundreds of locations worldwide are linking up today at two sacred moments. The objective is for an unprecedented demonstration of human unity during two exact instants of synchronized peace and presence:
Here's the inspiring invitation for the "Moment of Peace" (at the moment of the solstice): "We invite the world to join. Fill the churches, fill the temples, fill the mosques, fill the ashrams, fill the streets. Everyone, Everywhere, Together at the same exact time."
The "Unification Moment" at 8:00 pm GMT will be 12 minutes of silence, 12 minutes of chanting or singing, and 12 minutes of imagination "where we all imagine the world we are inspired to create." Don't miss this video overview of the effort.
But these amazing San Francisco-based visionaries are doing more than simply foster the world's largest global synchronized meditation. Unify is also a major broadcast partner with Birth 2012, providing us feeds of livestream footage of key events of the day. This includes festivals, ceremonies and events from Jerusalem, the Pyramids at Giza, Stonehenge and Glastonbury, Chichen Itza, Palenque, Teotihuacan, San Francisco, Lake Titicaca, Cape Town, and Taj Mahal. Perhaps most notable: the "interfaith moment" in Jerusalem between three major world religions, which Unify is facilitating. (See just below.)
And word of this historic effort has gone viral. TV star Ashton Kutcher started a wave with a tweet to his 13 million followers. Famed artists Shepard Fairey and Alex Grey have contributed extraordinary art (see Alex's piece at left.)
Abrahamic Traditions Unite to Heal Jerusalem (and Haifa)
Unify is also sponsoring a weekend of interfaith harmony and prayer events in Jerusalem on Dec. 21 and 22. At the event, prominent leaders of the Abrahamic faiths—Islam, Christianity and Judaism—will offer prayers and meditations from sacred sites including the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Wailing Wall, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. In addition, there will be a pinnacle concert event in Jerusalem on Sat. evening, Dec. 22nd, when interfaith leaders and musicians of the Abrahamic faiths join together in a musical prayer for peace that will be live-streamed as part of the 33-hour Birth 2012 global broadcast we're producing. The concert will be launched by German spiritual healer Thomas Hubl, who will facilitate a musical prayer with musicians of an Arab-Jewish band. It will be the last event we stream before our Los Angeles ceremony and gala. Please support fundraising for this historic event here.
It's very much worth adding that the Birth 2012 hub at the Beit HaGefen Arab-Jewish community center in Haifa, Israel, has a major multi-cultural event planned this weekend. It features "Cosmic Melody," a major piece by Eliana Gilad, inspired by Barbara's work. Don't miss their story and the inspired music that is part of this video submitted by Eliana to our "I am birthing..." video contest.
Shiva Rea's 'Yoga Wave' Travels the Globe
Shiva Rea's impact on the world of yoga is hard to overestimate. Perhaps an appropriate descriptor of Shiva is "alchemist," for she consistently mixes up a fusion of yoga, trance dance, community-building, spiritual precepts, and service. In conjunction with Birth 2012, Shiva is offering a Global Mala—Salute to a New Dawn, a call worldwide for practitioners to do sunrise salutations that will follow the rising sun across the planet—which she will introduce at the noon moment today on Birth 2012 TV.
Shiva tells how this special idea evolved: "I was asked by Chris Deckker, founder of Earthdance and coproducer of the UPLIFT 2012 and Stephen Dinan as well as Debra Guisti of the Synthesis Festival at Chitzen Itza to help spread the word in this way." Shiva is uniting the global yoga community from every continent, school or approach to form a "mala around the earth" through collective practices based on the sacred cycle of 108. Various traditions can vary their form according to their tradition and inspiration: Examples are 108 Sun salutations (or variations of 27, 56) or 108 rounds of mantra or 108 rounds of prayer, meditation, or chanting.