A Personal Video Invitation to the July 10-12 Shamanism Global Summit From Your Host, Michael Stone

Our fourth annual Shamanism Global Summit, hosted by our good friend, Michael Stone, takes place July 10-12.

During this powerful, FREE 3-day summit, you’ll explore a path of sacred, practical action, allowing you to build inner resources and access guidance to become a positive and effective agent of change.

This summit can also help you cultivate spiritual alignment, abundance, and love in your life, and a natural sense of deep interconnection with all the world — seen and unseen. To register, click here.

Hi, this is Michael Stone. I am the host of the Shamanism Global Summit, presented by The Shift Network. And I'm really excited about this year — this is the fourth year we've done it and this year is definitely a blockbuster. We've got a lot of amazing people. The themes are around healing our connection with the earth and with each other. We've got so many great people coming. People who have been on before that are wonderful, Sandra Ingerman, of course, she'll be talking about ceremony and how to make your entire life a ceremony and bring it in to your everyday life. We've got Alberto Villoldo, who talks about the continuity of what we do in this life and through death. Brooke Medicine Eagle, Grandmother Flordemayo is going to be here talking about the rise of the feminine.

And this is not just talking, they're really going to be giving you skills that you can work with to have more joy, more connection, more radiant health, and deepen your relationship. So it's really incredible and we've got again, HeatherAsh Amara, she'll be talking about we leak energy and how to heal that. We've also got some awesome new people. Daniel Foor, who wrote Ancestral Medicine and is a practitioner in the African tradition of sangoma, works with us around ancestors and how we can heal our ancestral lineage.

One of the big themes that we've been working with this year is the impact of colonialism on shamanism and racism and the hidden impact and how it's embedded in all of our institutions — it's institutionalized and it's really raising its ugly head in the world right now. And this is an opportunity to see how you personally can open yourself up to a greater sense of unity and inter being.

One of the people that's new is Christina Donnell, and don't miss Christina Donnell, she's amazing. Every word she says is a transmission. She speaks about how to access unity consciousness to go beyond the self-centric consciousness of form and into the spacious interiority of awakening the spaciousness and inner connection with all of life.

So this is going to be an amazing opportunity. I really invite you and encourage you to join us and to be part of it. It will be running July 10 through 12 and you're just really welcome. And we honor our inner connection with you here at The Shift Network — and these programs are designed to help you to live a life you love and that's fulfilling and that's connected with your community and your opportunity to share your own sacred gifts and strengths and talents with the world. So please do join us. Thanks so much.

Michael Stone, MSOD, ISOD spent most of his vocational life as a corporate organizational development consultant, communications specialist and leadership trainer. His company, Mastery of Management International (MMI), focused on bringing heart and meaning into the workplace as a tool for increasing productivity, connectivity and creativity. For over three decades he has worked with Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and social profit institutions throughout Europe and North America. For the past 10 years Michael has focused his attention on the social profit sector while deepening his knowledge of shamanism, gender issues and creative alternatives to current organizational structures and methods of productivity.

Michael is the host of KVMR’s award winning show, Conversations: Possibilities and Perspectives on Local and Global Issues. It focuses on environmental restoration, spiritual fulfillment, evolutionary cosmology, community building, wellness, and social justice issues. He is also a journalist who contributes to numerous publications, including his own e-newsletter, The Well of Light. Michael has extensive training in somatic movement and is a certified trainer in Trance Dance, Soul Motion, and Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms. He has brought his training in communications, gestalt, meditation and psychology together with his spiritual and environmental conviction to develop a totally unique approach to bringing forth a new depth in social, cultural and environmental awareness.

Michael has a BS in Organizational Communication and Behavior from California State University Sacramento, an MSOD from Pepperdine University and various post-graduate courses, including the 2-year International Organizational Systems Development (ISOD) from Cleveland Gestalt Institute where he focused on cross cultural applications of Gestalt methodology in International Organizational Systems. He is also a shamanic teacher and practitioner and graduate of Sandra Ingerman’s Shamanic teachers program.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 13: Shamanism Global Summit
