Spiritual Upliftment from Your Own Nutrition Grown' Garden
By Jana Bogs, PhD
Food plants, grown with the optimal balance of nutrients to allow their full genetic expression — what I call Nutrition Grown foods — allow us to express our full genetic potential. We can expect:
- Chronic and acute disease prevention and recovery
- Improved athletic performance
- Improved mental function
- Increased longevity
- Increased quality of life
It is my contention that people and animals given the nutrition they need will not only be physically healthier, but also smarter and more noble. When strength and energy within oneself is realized, one does not experience the fears of a lesser mortal. One can be more generous and loving because one has an overflowing abundance of life energy.
Vandana Shiva, from India, is considered one of this decade’s most influential women in the world. She has dedicated her life to food biodiversity and the preservation of the integrity of seed sources. In a recent speech, she said, “It is our food that shapes every cell of our body, every bit of our organs. And, at least the elder women in my country say, ‘It shapes our thinking too.’ You eat bad food, you have bad thinking. You eat good food; your mind works fresh, creative, beautiful.”
Life energy has been recognized throughout the world for centuries by different names, e.g., prana, chi, qi, ki, vitality, life force, mana. A living system with strong energy fields is healthy, balanced, and free of disease. Its life energy is noticeably and measurably high.
Some research work has attempted to measure life energy in plants, foods, and even human bodies. One instrument with which I was privileged to work for a brief period displayed digital frequency readouts measured in megahertz (MHz). A normal reading from a human’s forehead is approximately 70 to 78 MHz during wake state and prior to eating a meal. This reading could go over 100 MHz at certain times in some individuals. Lower than normal readings were correlated to disease states. For example:
58 MHz — flu symptoms
55 MHz — viral infection
42 MHz — cancer
The instrument’s inventor and I measured the energetic frequency fields of plants and various foods. I had a beautiful, large organic apple with me that day. It had a 90 MHz reading. The inventor looked at me and said, “I would eat that apple if I were you.” When he measured points on my head, the readings exceeded 100 MHz. He was a bit surprised and then reasoned that the readings were that high because of the relatively large amounts of high-quality raw foods I consume.
Energetic aspects of the form and structure of nutritional components and their subtle energy fields influence the life energy of our bodies. Consuming a nutritious plant with strong energy fields enhances the body’s energy field, raising the megahertz frequency of the body, which equates to an increased ability to heal. Whereas consuming food with low energetic frequencies depletes the body’s life force energy, increasing disease susceptibility. Young, living plants, organically grown on nutritionally-balanced soils, have very strong energy fields.
Could it be that the individual nutrients in Nutrition Grown foods also have higher vibrational frequencies, and are therefore more easily absorbed and properly utilized by the body? Cooking can destroy some of this life energy. I believe this is one reason why raw fresh-from-the-garden foods can be so powerfully healing.
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You
While we’re out here exploring possibilities beyond the edge of the establishment’s accepted paradigm of existence, I will suggest another possibility—that of Nutrition Grown foods enhancing spiritual unfoldment, intuition, and psychic abilities.
The pineal gland is thought by some to be the “seat of spiritual consciousness.” It is associated with the “third eye.” The pineal gland is also known as the epiphysis. Perhaps this is hinting at something important. Let’s examine a related word, epiphany.
The following is from Dictionary.com:
e·piph·a·ny [ih-pif-uh-nee] –noun
~ A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something.
~ A moment of revelation and insight.
![]() | Perhaps one experiences more epiphanies — more “aha moments” — when one’s epiphysis is working optimally. As people age, their pineal glands tend to calcify — as do some other soft tissues in the body. This may decrease functionality. It seems that people dream less as they age, and general cognitive ability declines. Are there certain nutrients that may impact pineal gland functionality? For example, mined calcium supplements are thought to cause calcification of soft tissue, such as the pineal gland. This is proposed to be due in part to nanobacterial contamination in the calcium sources. Certain forms of calcium, such as calcium phosphates, may prove more hazardous than others. Unfortunately, various forms of calcium phosphates (e.g., monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate) are added to many food products, such as nutritional bars, as well as mineral supplements. Calcium carbonate is another form of calcium that’s often added to food products, such as soy milk. Obtaining calcium from food sources, not mined rocks, is the way nature intended for us to be nourished. We need to be getting high-vibrational frequency calcium from optimally grown foods so that it may be utilized properly by the body. Some researchers and practitioners claim that certain elements, such as iridium, gold, and other platinum group elements, when in high spin states (electrons are highly energized) help to open one spiritually through enhanced function of the endocrine system. Foods raised in conscientious ways contain these ultra-trace elements, and these high spin states may be achieved in the growing process. It all starts by balancing the soil with the full spectrum of nutrients so our food and medicinal plants can express their full potentials. We, the lucky consumers, are in turn supported to fulfill our own amazing potential. |
Dr. Jana Bogs has had a passion for optimizing health since she was young. Jana is a nutritionist turned horticulturist with the aim of growing the best-quality food possible — the most nutritious and the best tasting. After starting her career in the field of nutrition, she realized that food nutritional quality was not what it could or should be — or what it once was. She saw that we needed to go back to the soil and fix its problems if we were to grow better-quality foods, thus “creating health from the soil up.” To accomplish these goals, she returned to school and graduated with a PhD in horticulture and food science. Dr. Bogs also studied extensively outside of universities to learn cutting-edge techniques from the organic agricultural industry.
As a researcher and consultant, Dr. Bogs is on the cutting edge of maximizing nutritional quality in foods from the soil up using sustainable, environmentally friendly methods that minimize pest and disease problems naturally. The method she developed is called the Beyond Organic Growing System™ (BOGS). Dr. Bogs works with farmers and gardeners nationwide to take nutrition to the next level for improving health and longevity by moving beyond “simply organic” to “Nutrition Grown.”
Dr. Bogs has written a book summarizing her work: Beyond Organic… Growing for Maximum Nutrition and Flavor. This well-illustrated book is available in a printed version as well as an ebook. Dr. Bogs also teaches an online, interactive Perfect Soil course, which includes soil and plant tissue analyses. Click here to see more information on her website.
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This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 11: The Power of the Enneagram