Diet for Divine Connection


By Margaret Paul

Like so many of you, I grew up in a dysfunctional family, and by time I was five years old, I was a mess — anxious, nail-biting, a persistent cough, and difficulty sleeping with lots of nightmares. That’s when my mother took me to a psychiatrist, whom I remember well. After talking with me and with my mother, this tall skinny man looked at me and told me to tell my mother not to yell at me. I clearly remember thinking, “I’m five years old. She isn’t going to listen to me. Why don’t YOU tell her?” And my next thought was, “I can do a better job than you.” That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a psychologist.

I was the kind of empathic kid who people came to with their problems, and I always loved being of help.

I was not only a very anxious child, but I was also a very sickly child, and by the time I was in my early 20s I was very tired of being sick. That’s when I started to read everything I could about health and nutrition. After reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and The Poisons In Your Food, by William Longgood, I threw all my food out and started to shop at the Coop Marke, the only little health food store in Santa Monica. My health greatly improved and I’ve been eating only organic since then, which was 56 years ago! I’m now healthier than I’ve ever been with extraordinary energy!

My parents were atheists and I grew up without any religious or spiritual training. According to my father, anyone who believed in “God” was just using that as a crutch. Being a naturally spiritual child, I completely suppressed this to fit into my family.

It was in my early 30s, after my third child was born, that I started to become interested in Divine connection. I tried everything — following a guru, various forms of meditation, listening to tapes on opening to channeling — but I couldn’t seem to find the connection that I intuitively knew was available. And since my late teens, I was in and out of therapy, trying every form of emotional healing that was available at that time. It was also at this time that I received my PhD in psychology.

I practiced for 17 years as a traditional psychotherapist and I was not at all happy with the results — nor for me and not for my clients. That’s when I started to pray for a process that would truly work to heal pain and bring joy.

In 1984, I met Dr. Erika Chopich, the co-creator of Inner Bonding. We each had half the Inner Bonding process, so of course we had to meet! As we developed the Six Steps of Inner Bonding, which includes a spiritual connection, we realized that a vital aspect of spiritually connecting is about your intent — which you will learn about in this book.

Once I was able to raise my frequency by consciously choosing my intent, I was instantly able to connect with my Divine source of love and wisdom!

I thought that everyone would be able to connect the way I did, but I was wrong. That’s when I realized that it was the combination of my food diet AND my thought diet that raised my frequency high enough to easily connect!

I’m very excited to share with you how and why junk foods and junk thoughts prevent Divine connection, and how a healthy food and thought diet will enable you to easily attain at-will Divine connection.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 4: Inspiring Women With Soul
