The New Aging Paradigm: How to Boom not Bust

By Kerry Temple-Wood

In general, our society fails us in offering beneficial attitudes and role models for aging. Though aging was not something I thought a lot about in my younger years, I did not have any bias against the aging process either. “Olders” were easier to talk to, had less drama, and would take the time to listen and reflect on life with me. My life experiences and family relationships taught me that getting older would be fine and aging was a natural part of life. Perspective is everything.

As I arrive “over the hill,” now fully ensconced in my 60s, I notice that the perspective of enjoying aging is not a widely shared view. In fact, women in particular pay a hefty price in the aging arena; we are constantly bombarded by the cultural marketing machine which delights in focusing on everything that we are not. I call bullshit. I want to age differently. I’d love to shift the conversation with my peers from disempowerment to empowerment.

The negative connotations of eldering will continue in their current state unless we demand something different. A new eldering paradigm cultivates an attitude that honors our value. We are creating the new roadmap and becoming the new role models for a society in which individuals will continue to live longer. We have the opportunity to open the doorway, to forge the path of aging consciously, successfully, and mindfully. As we Pioneer the Aging Process, we can honor our ripening by making life-enhancing choices to become both radiant and wise — I can get on board with that.

As parents and community members, we try everything in our power to support our young people to develop healthy self-esteem, confidence, skills, and resilience. Why then do we sell ourselves short past 50? Why do we let ourselves be sold to, convinced that aging is negative, to be avoided and fought against? Why is older, experienced, and hopefully wiser, not better? If “youth is wasted on the young,” then why are we not taking the lessons and experiences learned, and putting them to better use for ourselves and our communities? As Pioneers of the Conscious Aging Process let's reframe what it means to get old, and claim the beauty, the wisdom, and the honor of aging.

The midlife mind-trap slogan is often, “It’s all downhill from here.” We often fail to recognize the bounty of a long-lived life if we get fixated on fear of death. Many of us do not value ourselves and honor our time; thereby we are complicit in that failing. It is up to us to set the standard for how society views and treats aging people. Rather than feeling like “it’s all downhill,” my mindset is There is no time left to waste. The new journey for us becomes, How do I do age consciously, mindfully, and with intention?

As I entered my midlife journey, I realized certain relationships no longer nurtured me, I had no patience for mindless conversations, and I discovered my new mantra, Whatever is not truth falls away. Rather than fighting against the reality of aging and feeling morbid, this aging/eldering journey fascinates me. I do not have time for the anti-aging mindset. I do not find it helpful or constructive.

Consider for yourself: do you really have time for anything less than an intentional and meaningful aging journey? Does it feel effective to put energy into avoiding the inevitable reality of aging? I’ve chosen to keep exploring the deep and rich river of conscious eldering. This process is not always sweet-smelling roses and easeful. Often, aging feels to the contrary but it is the journey that my body, mind, and spirit are on.

This article is dedicated to the exploration of the beauty, challenges, wisdom, and fears (“the good, the bad, and the ugly”) of these years of fruition. Conscious eldership is a path for all those who choose to open the doorway to The Art of Conscious Aging.

Kerry Temple-Wood is the founder of The Art of Conscious Aging™ and the 63rd Street Yoga Studio in Niwot, Colorado. With 45+ years experience practicing yoga and cultivating a solid foundation of humility and humor, Kerry’s wisdom exudes from her being, inspiring those around her through her teaching, writing, and educational programs. She is passionate about exploring the feminine journey individually and collectively. Her connection to yoga and awakened consciousness has been a thread woven through all the experiences of her life, such as relationships, marriage, motherhood and parenting, menopause, and conscious aging. To learn more about Kerry, her offerings and insights visit The Art of Conscious Aging and 63rd Street Yoga.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 2: Feminine Spirituality
