President Obama: Send Federal Military to Standing Rock - It is Time to Shut Down DAPL and Time to Have a Long Deserved Rest

By Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.

The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is continuing to violate presidential legal orders given on November 14, 2016 and December 4, 2016 by President Obama via the US Department of the Army. DAPL and their partners are moving forward 24/7 and are determined to complete DAPL by January 1, 2017, if not stopped immediately!

To objectively consider the constitutional challenges before us, we need to respectfully transcend personalities and political affiliations and come to definite conclusions and immediate action to protect any and all violations of the United States Constitution, related legislation, and the Supreme Law of the Land, Treaties!

I pray that President Obama, who solemnly swore, like all public servants, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, very strongly considers sending, immediately, a fully equipped and armed regiment of special forces to peacefully shut down DAPL. This federal military action is needed to address the ongoing violation of legal orders by the US President and his officers, the violent and abusive treatment of unarmed, peaceful, prayerful US citizens attempting to practice their unalienable rights; as well as, the on-going breach of the US Constitution, related Federal Legislation and Treaties, the Supreme Law of the Land.

No American is above the Rule of Law, including Energy Transfer CEO Kelcy Warren, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple, and Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.

Federal military action, duly mandated by the Commander and Chief of all US Military Forces, seems to be the only viable option, at this time, if the violation of Treaties, the US Constitution, and related Federal Legislation is to cease. And to ensure DAPL stops violating the Presidential Legal Orders of November 14 and December 4, 2016.

From my perspective, this proposed Presidential action may be another defining moment in our collective history as US Citizens and Members of the Human Family.

This potential Federal Military action has nothing to do with US Special Forces entering into Native American Land, interacting with Water Protectors and Veterans. This suggested action is focused on shutting down DAPL and DAPL's corporate supporters, who have been and continue to violate the US Constitution, Treaties, and Inherent Rights. If DAPL agrees to third party oversight to ensure that all DAPL construction stops until granted an easement, based on the completion of a Full Environmental Impact Study, then there would be no need for further action.

It seems time to decide whether or not the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, by and for the people, will continue to govern the United States of America — or if, on the other hand, the United States of America will be regulated and controlled by the money, greed, and immoral actions and practices of certain multinational corporations and their legal representatives?

If you have a better alternative, please share your perspective. It will be greatly appreciated!

If it is Our Creator's Will that the Dakota Access Pipeline is to built, I will fully surrender to this reality! With great thanksgiving, gratitude, love, compassion, joy, and happiness. I will continue to step forward, grounded in the conscious faith that everything that comes into our lives comes to us for our spiritual growth and development!

With Warm and Loving Greetings,

Brother Phil
Shunkmanu He Miye Do!
Chanupa Sapa He Miye Do!

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. is a member of the Hinhan Wicasa Oyate, Yankton Sioux Tribe and Chickasaw Nation. For more than 45 years Phil has been working with Indigenous peoples from across the Americas, South East Asia, India, Hawaii and Africa. In 1970‐1971 Phil worked with Indigenous peoples in Bolivia. It was here where he began his lifelong dedication, with other indigenous peoples, toward actualizing the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle. Phil served 16 years as Associate Professor in Indigenous Education at the University of Lethbridge, where, in 1982, he co-founded, with elders from across North America, the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII). With the guidance of the Four Worlds Elders Council and Phil’s leadership and applied experience, FWII has become an internationally recognized leader in human, community and organizational development because of the institute’s unique focus on the importance of culture and spirituality in all dimensions of development. To learn more about Chief Phil Lane Jr. and the Four Worlds International Institute, click here.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 21: Standing Rock Update & Shift Members' Gifts
