Mommy Gong!

By Debra DeWeese

I never dreamed I would be a mother. No one that knew me ever had that thought either! I was content climbing the corporate ladder, and having a fancy-free life, yet filled with purpose. Then, at 37, my Mommy Gong went off!

I had to meet someone, fall in love, and start a family immediately. No time to mess around or court. I had to identify someone and fall in love fast! Within months, I met my love.

Next I crafted my indoor mommy alter. It was clear on intention. Mother figurines, and symbolism abounded, statues, postcards, puka shells for fertility, and an abundance of nature! It was beautiful and clear to the universe that my full intention now was to become a mom!

I was pregnant with my first daughter within one month, and knew, by the energy that clearly, clearly, clearly she was a girl!

The Power of Clarity and Intention:

- I wanted children that represent the global community. I’m Caucasian and their father is Guatemalan.

- Zero population growth: 2 children

- Astrologically I wanted a Taurus (1st daughter), and a Gemini/Cancer – ok – off by two weeks on that one and got a Leo, but I love her anyway (hah!)

- Natural childbirth, both, second one at home at age 42 – you can do it!

- For childbirth, incorporated a lifetime of skills, meditation, imagery (ocean waves in and out with each contraction), pre-natal yoga, no caffeine, no meds – for me it was all about choosing self-sacrifice from the very start! I wanted these children, and I had them.

- Midwives and natural deliveries for both of them.

And growing up, my strategy was experiential over stuff. I ended up a single mom so choices had to be made. We spent time picking apples, pumpkins and blueberries. Took many road trips and saw a lot of America.

I am now the mother of two beautiful, young adult daughters, and every year that I approach Mother’s Day I feel so blessed that I listened to that Mommy Gong!

More about Debra DeWeese, Human Relations and Recruiting (Including The Shift Network):

I believe everyone arrives on Earth with a purpose. When we find and follow our deepest values, desires, and goals, we contribute to the healing and advancement of life on this planet.

I have a long-lived career in Human Relations and Consulting. For more than twenty years I have nurtured companies and employees, from Fortune 500 corporations to startups to family businesses to socially conscious companies. Some of those on my client list include Neutrogena Corporation, Pitney Bowes, Thermo Fisher Scientific, The Shift Network, and individuals like you.

My Vision: I want everyone on this planet doing the work they’re meant to do, in careers that serve their highest purpose, in business communities that vibrate with the highest expression of peace, collaboration, respect, love, communication, and deep connection. That is the vision I hold for us all. In gratitude and in loving service, Debra


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 8: Inspiring Women
