How Synchronicity Can Help You Unlock Your Divine Destiny

By Amelía Aeon Karris

At 1:21am on the night of July 21st 2015, I heard the loud and sudden noise of exploding glass. I jumped up, saw the flames and soon realized that everyone else was still asleep. “Wake up!” I screamed, “The house is on fire!” Within twenty minutes the flames had torn through the roof of my Oakland community home, and all six members were outside, mouths agape in horror and awe watching our earthly possessions burn to the ground. Thank god no one was hurt.

I moved into the Lake House Temple just a short year before after eight long years living and working in India. The return to my native home had been a rather challenging culture transition. The Bay Area’s pace of business and cost of living are on the extreme end of the scale, and once again I was starting over. As a spiritual guide, sustainable lifestyle designer and consultant to intentional communities, part of my mission is to help people learn to live in balance with their natural rhythms and flows. Yet more often than I wanted to admit, I found myself stressed and overwhelmed with the pace of Bay Area life.

And yet, Spirit has always played a heavy hand in my life, getting involved when I slip off my track; and this time was to be no different. Two days before the fire, I conducted a closing ritual for my workshop participants where I personally chose to let go of stress and overwhelm. I asked Spirit for “new structures for sustainable growth.. My intention was not to move homes, so it was all too divine when my house burned just days later.

Now I live in a cabin deep in the ancient Redwoods of Northern California. That I find myself there is once again at Spirit’s guiding hand…

A month after the fire, I sat in tears in a friend’s house not knowing where I was meant to go or what was next. Even looking for housing in the Bay had been a nightmare, as apartments are literally snatched up overnight as thousands vie for limited spots. “What do you really want?” my friend asked me. In sudden clarity, I said, “I want a cabin in the woods so I can write my book.” Within moments, to my surprise, her husband appeared around the corner as if from nowhere and said, “I have a cabin in the woods and its empty.”

I didn’t know what was next, but I knew I was being guided down a different path. Still processing the shock of the fire while facing the basics of life, I thought perhaps to give up the stresses of being an entrepreneur and just find a steady income supporting a cause I believe in. Having collaborated with Philip and Stephen at the Shift Network on Bless the Lake, an Oakland World Water Day event that I co-produced, I asked them if there was any work at the Shift Network for me. I heard later that Stephen laughed heartily while the suggestion that came back to me was to meditate on it. My sense is that they recognized better than I at that moment that with my passion I am an entrepreneur at heart with a different role to play. I took their advice by embarking upon three day’s of silence, and within the first hour Spirit’s message came through clearly: “write your book.” Now four months and some long nights later, Synchronicity: Unlock Your Divine Destiny is set to release on March 10th, 2016.

This book is both a labor of love and a lifetime’s worth of lessons from following synchronicity’s signs and symbols. This guidance has inspired me to launch businesses in fashion, entertainment, technology, organic farming, and sustainable community development, and likewise has directed me to mentors, mystics, yogis, shamans, and leading spiritual figures. In the book I detail more of this journey and how synchronicity showed up to divinely guide me.

Over the course of my life following synchronicity, and in counseling thousands of others, I have learned that it is the guiding lights along the pathway to your soul’s liberation. Following synchronicity’s soft whispers and hard whacks is really not for the faint of heart. It is rarely logical and has little respect for comfort, and yet demands courage, trust and commitment to your ideals. Synchronicity is magic made manifest directing your life in accordance with a higher order.

In my new book Synchronicity: Unlock Your Divine Destiny, I offer seven vibrational keys to higher living. To get a free copy on March 10th when my book releases on Amazon, please click here.

For a personal consultation, or to join in one of my group attunement circles, please click here or visit my website at

Spirit is guiding all of us; it is up to us to learn how to listen.

Amelía Aeon Karris is the founding director of Know The Self, a Mystery School for Modern Day Living, in which she guides truth seekers to access their innate wisdom. She has helped thousands worldwide to liberate their mind, navigate expanding realities, establish sustainable lifestyles and live out their divine destiny. Visit 


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 4: International Women's Day & Transforming Aging
