The World As One

By Jonathan Goldman

This October 24th, for the 6th time thus far, we as planetary citizens have the opportunity to help create wholeness and oneness for our planet. There will be thousands of people throughout the earth who will be joining together in meditation in order to initiate a shift from separation to one of unification. This day is known as Global Oneness Day and I am honored to be a part of it. I will be a speaker and I’m also a co-creator of Global Oneness Day this year. My only regret is that from my perspective every day should be such a day!

We are certainly living in a time of great fragmentation where an “us” and “them” mentality seems to be the norm of almost every situation that is encountered. There is a “right” and there is a “wrong” and there seems to be no in between. Yet, for those involved in consciousness and evolution, neither of these terms of correctness seems appropriate. Once one understands the concept of oneness, there is no need for such duality—for such fragmentation.

Is it possible for oneness to occur? From my perspective, the answer is a resounding “Of course!”. The question then manifests: how do we get such a oneness to happen?

Our great spiritual teachers have known the answer to this for years. And now our scientists are getting in resonance and synchrony with this awareness. The answer is simple and yet because of its ease, it is also awesome. We meditate. We pray. We place ourselves in a state of peace. We manifest compassion in this depth of consciousness.

All the great spiritual traditions teach this importance of compassion. Recently, awareness of our individual electromagnetic fields has come to the attention of scientists. It seems that if we generate compassion—kindness, appreciation and love—we are able to amplify our electromagnetic field greatly. Our fields interconnect and exponentially combine and grow hundreds of times so that we can literally interface with the electromagnetic field of our planet. And when this occurs, we can effect this field. By doing so we individually co-connect with others, raise the vibratory rate of our consciousness and help initiate oneness.

As part of the Transformational Entertainment Panel for Global Oneness Day, I’d like to acknowledge I’ve been involved in the field of using sound as a transformative modality for more than 30 years. And I’ve helped initiate events such as Global Oneness Day, with events such as World Sound Healing Day, which occurs on February 14th of each year. From my understanding, there is a reason that in the various spiritual traditions of our planet, our prayers are vocalized. They are whispered, they are spoken, they are chanted, they are sung. The reason for this is that sound amplifies the power of prayer. On World Sound Healing Day, thousands of people throughout the planet join together and send a sonic valentine to what I call the Gaia Matrix—the energy field of the planet—sounding forth with an “Ah” generated from the heart.

Through listening to calming and gentle sounds, we have the ability to sooth our soul. Through generating love filled sounds such as in our prayers, we have the ability to amplify our energy field. Thus I ‘d like to suggest that for this upcoming Global Oneness Day, we utilize listening to gentle sounds in order to help initiate a state of meditation and compassion. And if it is appropriate, we sound forth with a simple sound—it can be an “Om” or an “Ah” or even a hum. When we do this our initiation of the ability to create Oneness becomes even greater. What a blessing. Remember—we heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet!

I encourage you to check out Global Oneness Day and to register for this powerful, complimentary event: click here.

JONATHAN GOLDMAN, M.A. is an international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. He is author of HEALING SOUNDS, SHIFTING FREQUENCIES, the best-selling THE 7 SECRETS OF SOUND HEALING,CHAKRA FREQUENCIES (co-authored with his wife Andi),and his latest THE DIVINE NAME, winner of the 2011 Visionary Award for "Best Alternative Health Book". Jonathan is director of the Sound Healers Association and president of Spirit Music, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. A Grammy nominee, he has created numerous best-selling, award winning recordings including “THE DIVINE NAME” (with Gregg Braden), “REIKI CHANTS”, "FREQUENCIES”, “THE LOST CHORD”, “ASCENSION HARMONICS”, “MERKABA OF SOUND” and “CHAKRA CHANTS”. Jonathan is a lecturing member of the International Society for Music Medicine. He has dedicated his life to the path of service, helping awaken and empower others with the ability of sound to heal and transform. In Spring 2011, Jonathan was named as one of Watkin’s Reviews “100 Most Spiritually Influential People on the Planet.” Also, in 2011, Jonathan was inducted into the Massage Therapy’s Hall of Fame. He presents HEALING SOUNDS lectures, workshops and seminars worldwide. Jonathan lives with his wife Andi in Boulder, Colorado and may be reached


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This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 20: Global Oneness Day
