The Time for Oneness is Now

By Lisa Betz

BOULDER, Colo. – A vital moment is upon us. On Oct. 24, 2015, Humanity's Team (HT) and many partners worldwide, invite you to participate in the sixth annual Global Oneness Day, a public service day, to celebrate our Oneness with all life. Now in its sixth year, Global Oneness Day is more critical than ever. People across the Earth continue in the false idea that we are disconnected from each other. With worldwide challenges such as earthquake recovery, the plight of refugees, and the suffering caused by human trafficking and slavery throughout the globe, it is vital for all of humanity to embrace our Oneness and harness the power we have to come together to heal our planet.

The celebration of Global Oneness Day brings hope, reminding us that we are all connected. On Oct. 24, 2015 and within the week, tens of thousands of people around the world will participate in a 12-hour online conversation with the world’s activist and spiritual leaders to discuss the nature of our Oneness and the responsibility we have for each other. Through community events such as concerts, special church services, outreach projects, drum circles and performances, humanity’s Oneness will take center stage.

With Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States, galvanizing the conversation about Oneness, to the messages of spiritual teachers across the earth, all reminding us of our responsibility to each other, there is hope. Pope Francis, in his encyclical, urgently appealed for dialogue concerning migrants, the poor, nature and the Earth and described these challenges as essentially spiritual problems.

The concept of our Oneness with all of creation is not a new idea. In South Africa, the word, Ubuntu, has ancient origins. Now, Ubuntu has formally become part of South Africa’s constitution. It means, “I am because we are.” South Africa’s late president Nelson Mandela spoke about the importance of Ubuntu (Oneness) and the role it played in his life. No doubt this belief in Ubuntu fueled Mandela’s efforts to create a more just society.

Martin Luther King said, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with God…”

Martin Luther King’s call to action is as relevant today as it was in 1963. Will you join us?

Leaders all over the world have spent much of 2015 planning Global Oneness Day, our “Earth Day” for an awakened humanity and over 40 global leaders are freely giving of their time. Together, we’ve planned a day of expanded consciousness, of conscious creation, a day to put life first and to talk about being stewards of the Earth, our home.

Iyanla Vanzant, Desmond Tutu, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Gray Zukav, Ken Wilber, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, Neale Donald Walsch, Nassim Haramein, Dean Radin, Doreen Virtue, Patricia Cota-Robles, Andrew Harvey, James O’Dea and Matt Kahn are only a few of the leaders devoting themselves to this cause. They are volunteering their time so we collectively have a voice, so we can stand up and be counted, so we create a culture that is life enhancing, life supporting and life sustaining. Are you in?

Check out the program by clicking here. It is complimentary and if you miss any part of it you can listen-in at no charge for 48 hours.

Worldwide Coordinating Director of Humanity’s Team, Steve Farrell, said “Whether it’s going into a homeless shelter, creating a celebration event, or whatever we’re doing in honor of this day, we encourage everyone to speak this universal truth, to share this awareness of our Oneness with others,” said Farrell. “It’s an important way to initiate the conversation about Oneness.

Leaders all over the world are calling for an awakened humanity and are tirelessly supporting life affirming initiatives. Will you be one? Will you get involved and add your voice to others?

Reserve your spot for this important online event - click here. And please share the registration link with your friends.

The time to embrace our Oneness is now.

For more information about Humanity’s Team or Global Oneness Day 2015, contact Nannette Kennedy (click here) and Dee Meyer (click here). Please write Global Oneness Day in the subject line.

Lisa Betz has served as a teammate with Humanity’s Team since 2012, after listening in on a call with Neale Donald Walsch. Lisa discovered Walsch’s writings at the age of 25, shortly after the passing of her father and life has been an adventure of soul-seeking ever since. Lisa dreams of a day when all the people of earth can experience our Oneness with all that is. To that end, she is pleased to serve Humanity’s Team in its mission to awaken the world to our Oneness. Lisa is the owner/publisher of a weekly community newspaper in her hometown, located in Gering, Nebraska.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 20: Global Oneness Day
