Subtle Activism: If you had 10 minutes each day to help change the world...would you do it

By Chantal Monté

I don’t know about you but I’ve spent years ‘self-help’ing myself. And while this is a necessary aspect of healing and evolving, this type of work on oneself, for oneself, with oneself, can become insular. I can only do so many processes in this lifetime! So, I began looking for a movement. Something that would move me – holy and completely, where my practices and dedication could make a difference.

I’ve spent a lot of time in Bali over the years, getting to know my grandmother’s Indonesian lineage and traditions, studying with teachers, living in community and working at a yoga festival. Every morning, afternoon and evening offerings are made to the invisible and subtle realms of existence honoring both light and dark for harmony and to reduce suffering for ALL people. And when participating in this way of life, there is an inherent selfless quality that gets cultivated by making offerings. I found myself awakening to more beauty, more ease and flow, community, and a way to dedicate my love for others.

When I returned back to the United States from living in Bali, I deeply missed being in a culture that lives and breathes and is completely immersed in a relationship with the aliveness of the Universe. There are no words for This.

I was delighted when I was introduced to David Thomas Nicol and discovered Subtle Activism is a new movement sweeping across our planet - Global synchronized meditations for world peace.

These synchronized meditations gave me the opportunity to participate and connect with thousands of others within a field of consciousness while holding the same intention, vision and focus for a better world.

Together WE are a force of nature.

Subtle Activism is beginning to have a momentum and life of its own.

I am profoundly inspired by this new movement where the power of our thoughts, prayers and meditations, when joined together as One, can effect change by contributing to a larger global field of coherence.

The world is changing, and fast. There is a need to go from “I/Me/Mine” to “WE” and Subtle Activism is providing a tangible opportunity for a “felt sense” of Collective Consciousness.

WE can become more innovative than ever. By using Subtle Activism WE can begin right now, today in our homes, our living rooms, and our lives by simply using inner technology to effect change.

WE are the new leading edge.

Imagine World Peace, in part, by using Subtle Activism as a support system for those who are campaigning for social change.

In an upcoming “BeThePeace” global meditation, the theme is: Everyone. Everywhere. Together Now.

Subtle Activism has the opportunity to disrupt the norm and penetrate deep into our core. By using meditation, intention, and awareness practices to birth a new field of consciousness we can create a tipping point into a new paradigm...just the way WE desire it to be.

Inner Technology

Subtle Activism sits at the crossroads of modern science and ancient wisdom. Take a look at quantum physics, the morphogenetic field, and critical mass - all naturally occurring and unseen phenomenon. As WE purposefully tap into these fields, WE alter the dynamic of life and our very DNA. The yogis have been utilizing this power for thousands of years. They tapped into the Ultimate Consciousness. The Intelligence of the Universe. Science is only now catching on and making sense of it.

What WE bring to Life with our life is - at its core - awareness, attention, and presence.

Awareness, attention, and presence are some of the most valuable aspects of being human. WE may bring many other aspects of ourselves to our lives such as creativity, running a business, and having a family, but the core where these arise from is awareness and presence. This state of being is beyond Soul and beyond science.

Dedication: The Practice

WE can all participate in Subtle Activism by having a daily practice of at least 10 minutes of giving our full attention to the benefit of others. Simply stop, sit, and imagine giving all your love and attention to relieve suffering, negate wars, stop crime, and prevent atrocities across the globe. Pick one, just begin with one...this will create a wave of action. A ripple of human consciousness moving across the web of time and space.

By building this daily practice, it is all the more powerful when WE come together for synchronized global meditation events.

WE have the power to create a world WE are in love with.

And who doesn’t want to be in love?

Here is a free guided World Peace Meditation
that provides an experience in subtle activism:

About Chantal Monté:
I AM a Meditation Teacher, Intuitive Consultant and Event Advisor that is on the forefront of emerging consciousness. I assist individuals in going to new levels of awareness and also advise and collaborate on large events for global change and awakening. I AM also the Creator of the upcoming Yoga Teacher Training program – Subtle Activism: Meditate 4 Society.

To learn more, click here.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 17: Subtle Activism & 11 Days of Global Unity
