Global Oneness Day

By Barbara Fields

What an incredible day it was! Thanks to all of YOU, Humanity's Team and The Association for Global New Thought, Global Oneness Day 2013 succeeded as a phenomenal event!

Thousands of you joined us for the live calls, and thousands more are already tuning in to listen to the replays. And with over 40,000 participants registered from more than 140 countries, the spirit of interconnectedness, collaboration, and coherence, of Oneness, reached into every corner of the world! And, thousands of you celebrated with us in our on-the-ground programs around the world including: the Global Rhythm Circle, the Global Oneness Day Meditation, Oneness Walks, church services, food drives, celebration events, sharing the Oneness hand signal , participating in T.V. and radio programs, and much, much more.

On October 24th, 2014 it’s time to take Global Oneness Day to the next level!

The Association for Global New Thought is blessed by their connection to so many New Thought churches, spiritual centers, and faith communities representing many diverse traditions.  One of the most inspiring things you can do as a spiritual center is to have a Global Oneness Day service in your community. Although we hope you will add your unique creativity to the service, The Association for Global New Thought has created a FREE template for a wonderful Sunday Service (or gathering any day of the week) - here here.   

Last year, from the stimulating opening panels with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Steve Farrell and Barbara Fields, through the deep exploration of Leadership Models with Ervin Lazlo, Jean Houston, and William Gladstone, to Catalyzing an Awakened World with Neale Donald Walsch, Jean Houston, and Panache Desai, the profound and optimistic implications of the Science of Interconnection with Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, and Gregg Braden, the truly enlivening discussion about What’s Next with Steve Farrell and Ken Wilber, to the groundbreaking New Bottom Line for Business, fun-filled discussions on Transformational Entertainment, deep insights on Compassion and the Human Family, and the heartfelt Closing Ceremonies, G.O.D.’s 2013 conversations have set in motion a long lasting and far reaching positive impact in the world.

During the Global Oneness Day Telesummit we heard from many inspiring leaders and their thoughts about a shift taking place on Earth. While we are not yet at the tipping point for a great shift to take place, many of our speakers believe that the tipping point is on its way.

For example, Jean Houston during the “New Leadership Model for 21st Century” panel alluded to where we are heading: “We are all partners in Creation and we are joined by a huge ecology of Being...Oneness is inescapable!  Unilateral action is no longer possible...We have come into a spiritual renaissance...Consciousness is rising up to new solutions and higher possibilities!”

Others offered ways we get to that tipping point. 

Ervin Laszlo from “New Leadership Model for 21st Century” said: “The new leadership is mastering the process of listening, understanding and guiding.”

Panache Desai during the ‘Catalyzing an Awakened  World’ panel suggested: “When we remove blocks to love’s presence we radiate a sense of peace, our One Self, our Wise Self and so much more!” 

Joan Borysenko on the "Catalyzing an Awakened  World" panel offered: “We must not practice new age bypass. Healing our early life experiences is critical to coming into true health and wellbeing.”

Ken Wilber during the "What’s Next" panel stated: “No stages in our growth process can be skipped.  Each step is ingredient to successor step...With each step we climb to our next highest Self and then at certain point Oneness emerges.”

Dr. Riane Eisler during the "Transformational Entertainment" panel asserted: “We must change the stories by which we live.”

Global Oneness can be a reality in our lifetime. Gather your local community in real time, and join your global community online to expand our presence, increase our impact, and evolve our commitment to a World that Works for Everyone.

You can register for Global Oneness Day by clicking here.

Barbara Fields is the Executive Director, The Association for Global New Thought ; Co-founder and Project Director – The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence ; Program Director – Parliament of the World's Religions centennial celebration in Chicago; Co-founder and Project Director – the Synthesis Dialogues I, II, III & IV with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; Coordinator of U.S. based omni-local initiatives for Harvard-based Project on Negotiation’s Abraham Walk Initiative in the Middle East; Program Director - International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter, Purdue University and the Lilly Foundation; Delegate – UNESCO Seminar on Religion and Peace. Awards include: Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Holmes Institute; Religious Science International’s first Peace Award; the Gandhi-King-Ikeda Award from Martin Luther King Jr. Chapel at Morehouse College, The Peace Museum's Community Peacemaker Award in the area of Diplomacy; Co-founder of The Earth Network, a non-profit alternative television organization for which she received the Visionary Award from the Center For New Television. Board member – Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Contributing author: The Community of Religions; Two Hundred Visionaries; Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership: Where Grace Meets Power; numerous articles and publications.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2014 Catalyst, Issue 20: Global Oneness Day
