Marshall 'Golden Eagle' Jack - Deepening Our Relationship with Water

By Linda Long

“They really promoted the waters as being our most powerful medicine on this planet and to honor our waters as such. In the teachings we were told to never place anything in the water that would destroy the energy and the teaching was that if we did our practices, ceremonial and otherwise, to enhance the frequency in the waters at source, that the frequency in the water would carry down off of the mountains, through the creek beds, through the river beds and to our lakes and then on to its mother, the ocean, and then get recycled again. So we needed to make the water as strong as possible so it could reach the ocean along its journey and so the energy in the water would produce energy for everything that drinks of the water including all the plants, the animals, the fish obviously, and us as humans.”
So says Marshall ‘Golden Eagle’ Jack, founder of Golden Eagle Ceremonies, a 501(c)3 non-profit company dedicated to impart knowledge to people of all cultures around the world, to introduce to them the Native American prophecies by providing healing ceremonies for all life forms that live on Mother Earth, and to educate the people on how to conduct sacred healing ceremonies for Mother Earth.

Considered a Spiritual Leader, Advisor, Ceremonial Leader and Healer, Marshall is a member of the Washoe Tribe of California and Nevada. Born in Bishop, California, he was raised in a small community called Bridgeport, California, up in the high Sierras. Family history includes great-grandparents and grandparents who were medicine people and healers. Most of his lineage on the Paiute side is in and around the Mono Lake region including Yosemite and Lake Tahoe areas and Inyo Valley of the Bishop region. His great-grandfather was born in Damascus so he is of Lebanese descent on his mother’s side. Marshall is one of the few medicine people who carry the original teachings passed down through many generations of ancestors.

There is a flow to everything in the universe. A movement exists in the center of creation, vibrating like the ebb and flow of the tides of the oceans. The energy created by the Water Wheel is what brings thought form into manifestation. Water Wheels are activated by our thoughts, intentions, and clear quartz crystals to create an energy field, or vortex of consciousness, for energizing water. The more love and energy the Water Wheel receives from us, the more energy goes out to help our source waters from which all living things are fed.

A Water Wheel is the sacred geometry design based on a Native American medicine wheel. Its purpose is to energize, celebrate, and honor water. It is also a place to deepen our relationship with the spirit of water. This energy is created by walking clockwise (or deasil) around the center of the wheel and then walking counter-clockwise (or widdershins). This activates the energies to flow and creates a vortex or whirlpool effect. It emphasizes a grid using crystals to energize the water with thought-forms. In this way Water Wheels are a generator of the energy of our thoughts. In creating a Water Wheel, keep in mind all of the waters in your homelands.

Keep in mind where is the source water, where are the lakes, where are the dams, anything that intrudes into our water and bring that knowledge and intentions into the center of the Water Wheel structure. The center of the Water Wheel is what we call the Altar Area, a Crystalline Altar. We produce our energy, that is, our intention through the crystals used in the crystal altar and also place crystals that will work in the lands that hold that frequency that we have. We have a vortex ceremony with drums and songs to infuse our energy into that crystal altar in the center of the Water Wheel placing other crystals for the lands in the center altar.

Once the energy has been produced, we transfer that energy into the crystals of the lands which we call the ‘worker bees’. We then distribute these crystals to the people in those areas for their lands and ask them to go to their source waters and bring their intention not only as individuals but also as a group energy field, along with them to put that energy into the source water. We ask that, if possible, they follow the source water all the way down to where it enters into the ocean and place crystals along that gridline or tributary of that river. By doing the crystalline work it makes that river very, very powerful.

This is called ancient alchemy or geomancy. By doing this, we reintroduced our authority as humans on this Earth to do this kind of work for the enhancement of our waters. When we enhance our waters, we are enhancing everything that drinks of those waters automatically. So, in a nutshell that’s what the Water Wheel Ceremonies are about. We go into communities that are in need of the information.

A Water Wheel can be a personal altar in your home (Water Wheel Kit), or the design can be laid on the earth like a medicine wheel using corn meal, flowers, or stones. For more information and instructions on how to make your own Water Wheel, please see our website at We welcome your involvement in helping to heal our waters and our relationship with water. Get involved - click here.

Here is a video of Marshall: CREATING A SACRED WATER WHEEL ALTAR

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This article appears in: 2013 Catalyst - Issue 21
