Stand with Humanity on Global Oneness Day
By Lisa Betz, Newsletter Services, Humanity’s TeamBOULDER, Colo. - The countdown is on. Humanity's Team and The Association for Global New Thought (AGNT), along with many partners worldwide, will present the fourth annual Global Oneness Day, a public service day, on October 24. On this day and within the week, tens of thousands of people around the world will enjoy community events such as concerts, special church services, outreach projects; drum circles and performances in celebration of humanity’s Oneness.
Additionally, organizers believe that 100,000 people will participate in a free, 12-hour, live online summit exploring the profound realization that we are One. Summit speakers will include spiritual leaders such as Michael Beckwith, Ervin Laszlo, Ken Wilber, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Panache Desai, and Joan Borysenko, to name a few, who will join Humanity’s Team’s Worldwide Coordinating Director Steve Farrell and AGNT Executive Director Barbara Fields for an inspiring discussion about bringing Oneness into our daily lives and the global community.
Erwin Schrodinger, the Nobel Prize Winner for Physics in 1933, said, “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe” but there is little awareness in the mainstream. Eighty years have passed but this message and the same message delivered by thousands of others has been given little attention. Global Oneness Day intends to remedy this.
“Many believe that one person cannot make a difference but we know this is not true. Global Oneness Day is an open field for all to gather who feel the truth of our connection, our Oneness and who feel that now is the time to stand in this truth,” said Farrell. Each year more speakers, sponsors and people come together as voices for Oneness. “The Global Oneness Day message is that we can and we are awakening the world to Oneness in this generation so we may co-create the fulfilling, compassionate and sustainable world the Earth was always destined to be.”
Global Oneness Day asks the people of Earth to acknowledge what many already know to be our ultimate reality, that nothing is separate, that we are interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, part of a larger whole. “When we see our Oneness, we come into compassionate service to each other, said Farrell. “It then becomes impossible to ignore the plight of others. Global Oneness Day encourages the people of Earth to see themselves as part of a larger whole, as a cell serving the larger body it is part of.”
Humanity’s Team and The Association for Global New Thought invite churches, schools and organizations to become involved in Global Oneness Day by participating in the summit or by hosting their own celebration or service project in the name of Oneness.
Barbara Fields and AGNT have been strategic Global Oneness Day thought leaders and partners from the very beginning. “New Thought churches created special services themed around Global Oneness Day in 2010 and the number of churches and energy has been growing ever since,” said Barbara Fields. The Association for Global New Thought, co-founder of the longstanding Gandhi King Gyatso Season for Nonviolence was a perfect fit in expanding Oneness messages to engaged networks of spiritually motivated activists.
The encouraging news is that the Oneness movement is gaining momentum. People around the globe are awakening to Oneness every day and world leaders are speaking about solidarity and Oneness. During a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this summer, Pope Francis stated, “…The culture of selfishness and individualism that often prevails in our society is not what builds up and leads to a more habitable world: it is the culture of solidarity that does so, seeing others not as rivals or statistics, but brothers and sisters.”
His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, has this to say about Oneness, “We're all human beings, all humanity, members of same human family. Nationality, religious faith, of color, rich or poor, handicapped, all have basic rights and we are one of them. So therefore, in order to achieve a happy life myself, I have to take serious consideration for others' welfare. If the rest of the people, the rest of humanity are happy, peaceful, then all individuals really get a benefit. So that taking care of others is not just holy or ethical, but it is something relevant for one's own welfare, one's own happiness." (See featured video in this issue of the Catalyst.)
These great words from the Dalai Lama and the catholic spiritual leader inspire us to the realization of our Oneness, demonstrating that people around the world from all spiritual traditions are hearing this message and being asked to live in Oneness.
Astronauts, scientists, religious leaders, business people, entertainment professionals, government leaders, United Nations leaders and others have acknowledged this as our true nature. It is a timeless truth that we are all One.
How Global Oneness Day began
The creation of Global Oneness day began as a simple petition drive by Humanity’s Team in 2008. The group created a Oneness petition with the goal of obtaining 50,000 signatures that could be delivered to the United Nations (U.N.) with a request that the U.N. support the focus on awakening Oneness. By the time Humanity’s Team approached the U.N. in May 2010, over 52,000 signatures had been obtained from more than 150 countries.
When members of the Global Council for Humanity’s Team met with the U.N., the signatures, the Oneness petition and supporting material were presented. The U.N. was invited to take the Oneness petition up as a discussion. In addition, Humanity’s Team requested that the U.N. create a Global Oneness Day that could be celebrated around the world.
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, who hosted the Humanity’s Team Global Council on behalf of the United Nations, graciously thanked the group for coming, and spoke about the mission, vision and purpose of the United Nations including its focus on and solidarity. He said, “Until there is a sense of solidarity among the peoples of the world all of our efforts for peace and security will go nowhere."
Ambassador Chowdhury invited Humanity’s Team to create a Global Oneness Day. He agreed that it was an important day, and that Humanity’s Team should create that day because it would take too long for the United Nations to take up discussion and come to consensus. Chowdhury also encouraged Humanity’s Team to return to the U.N. when there were more signatures.
In July of 2010, the Humanity’s Team Global Council discussed the earlier U.N. meeting and decided to create Global Oneness Day on United Nations Day, Oct. 24. United Nations Day and Global Oneness Day share common visions for a compassionate and sustainable world and this would be acknowledged in celebrating the two days together.
The first Global Oneness Day was celebrated in 2010. A thousand people from around the world celebrated on October 24 with an inspiring global phone call. AGNT played a key role in the inaugural call and launched Global Oneness Day church services at this time. Others throughout the world celebrated with community events, drum circles, service events and performances.
In the ensuing years Global Oneness Day grew in its scope and activities. In 2011 and 2012 Stephen Dinan and The Shift Network committed substantial summit building resources and registrations increased to 17,000 and then 25,000. Global Oneness Day events including classroom activities, celebration, outreach with homeless, youth programs and signings of the Oneness Declaration also took place in Argentina, Canada, England, France, Portugal, Columbia, South Africa, and many other countries.
This year, Global Oneness Day will dawn in Australia, with potentially live-streaming footage of the first country to celebrate our Oneness that day. Momentum will spread all over the world as the sun rises.
Individuals around the globe are hosting events this year in celebration of our Oneness. A walk for Oneness will be held in New Mexico and 32 global rhythm circles are planned in addition to charitable projects and school programs for children across the globe. Thus far, there are 32 states in America and 33 countries hosting events to celebrate Global Oneness Day.
To register for the free, 12-hour online summit and invite your friends to participate in this Global Oneness Day virtual event - click here.
If you plan to host an event, fill out the Global Oneness Day event form and see your event placed on the world map - click here.
To follow Global Oneness Day on Facebook, visit
The impact of Global Oneness Day is immeasurable. Every movement begins by taking private conversations and making them public. We currently live in a powerful illusion of separation and we must no longer marginalize our Oneness and connection to Divine Source. Oneness is an ancient truth and its time is now. On Global Oneness Day, Humanity’s Team and AGNT invite people to take this awareness of our Oneness public for one day, so in the not too distant future we may live our Oneness each day.
“Whether it’s going into a homeless shelter, creating a celebration event, or whatever we’re doing in honor of this day, we encourage everyone to speak this universal truth, to share this awareness of our Oneness with others,” said Farrell. “It’s an important way to initiate the conversation about Oneness. In time, awareness will spread to every corner of the world,” he said.
Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.
This article appears in: 2013 Catalyst - Issue 18