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With Vision Keeper of the Four Winds Society &
Author of The Sacred Andean Codes
Marcela Lobos

Embrace the sacred wisdom of the Andes through the life-changing Munay-Ki rites.

Experience a powerful initiation into these rites as you journey through the 5 Bands of Power in a guided meditation, awakening a profound connection to nature and an unshakable trust in the Divine.

Are you yearning for a deeper sense of purpose and connection in these transformative times?

Feeling lost or disconnected from your destiny can leave you feeling confused, lonely, anxious, and stressed.

As Andean vision keeper Marcela Lobos explains, the shamans of the Peruvian Andes and Amazon jungle have safeguarded sacred initiatory practices for hundreds of years practices like the Munay-Ki rites, which can connect you to a more transcendental life purpose and ignite profound personal and collective change.

Munay-ki means the “power of love”  the unconditional love the Creator has for all of Creation. These rites can erase both karmic and genetic wounds, reprogram your energy, and even unlock the rejuvenating potential within your DNA, allowing you to create a “new body” that heals and fosters vitality through the aging process.

Join Marcela as she introduces you to Sacred Andean Codes the Munay-Ki initiatory rites which offer a path to spiritual awakening, and can elevate the way you perceive and interact with the world. These rites empower you to embody prophecies from a period of great transformation and conscious revolution in the ancient Americas.

In this extraordinary event, Marcela will focus on one of these initiations, known as the Five Bands of Power. These five energetic belts are woven around the body with the essence of each element earth, water, fire, air, and pure light and serve as filters that disintegrate negative and heavy energies, protecting you both physically and psychically.

This protection empowers you to reclaim your sense of belonging in the natural world and cultivate a greater trust in the Great Mystery to guide and support you.

Join Marcella as she elegantly offers the Munay-Ki as a complete body of wisdom that can facilitate the breakthrough from the selfish and small “me” to the expansive consciousness of an earth keeper with prophetic vision, a compassionate heart, and the power to manifest.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Sow the seeds of your most auspicious destiny as you create the 5 bands of power around your body (based on the elements) during a guided meditation
  • Receive a compass for life from an Earth-based tradition: The Sacred Andean Codes, a body of wisdom known as Munay-Ki
  • Learn how states of consciousness are different from the stages of consciousness so you can better understand the depth of your vision, love, and power
  • Become aware of nature’s elements in your own body so you can source from nature’s wisdom and understand yourself as part of the ecosystem
  • Feel the protection of the elements earth, water, fire, air, and light to feel safe as you dismantle emotional barriers

You’ll also hear about how you can join Marcela for her upcoming 7-week live video course. As you dive deep into Munay-Ki rites, you’ll come into the here and now with yourself and with the Universe. Each week is designed to bring you into closer connection with your destiny, your community, the planet, and the cosmos.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Marcela Lobos and discover the Munay-Ki Rites for creating the prophesied conscious revolution for a more compassionate world.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Marcela Lobos...

“Marcela is the perfect person to transmit these powerful rites to us.”

The Sacred Andean Codes is a magnificent book. Marcela Lobos gives us a comprehensive understanding of the Munay-Ki initiations. The wisdom of these 10 initiations will connect you with your authentic self and root you in the flow of life. Marcela is the perfect person to transmit these powerful rites to us. She writes and teaches in a masterful way while bringing in deep feminine wisdom. You will learn how to reach your highest spiritual potential — this is a true gift Marcela shares with us in this beautiful book.

Sandra Ingerman

Shamanism teacher and award-winning author of 13 books

“[Marcela’s] work will help you go beyond self-help to encounter true spiritual awakening.”

Most current books about creating a better life focus on speed: life hacks, shortcuts, and mechanistic systems. But true transformation lies beyond such strategies. In The Sacred Andean Codes, Marcela Lobos encourages us to find our inherent wisdom by slowing down. She writes lovingly and clearly about the Munay-Ki (10 shamanic initiations) as a time-honored way to connect with and empower your true self. Her work will help you go beyond self-help to encounter true spiritual awakening.

Susan Piver

New York Times bestselling author of The Buddhist Enneagram

“Marcela’s book guides us like a potent ray of light...”

In these changing times, Marcela’s book guides us like a potent ray of light to awaken and expand our consciousness and to transform heavy energies into love. This is precisely what is most important in the dawn of the new day, and that we share our real selves — the light that shines from our inner sun. This book is a brilliant guide to conquer our own selves. Thank you, Marcela, for your luminous contribution to life!

Jorge Luis Delgado

Author of Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru

“... an important contribution toward healing societal dysfunction...”

Marcela Lobos offers simple, accessible, and inclusive insights to navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, so that we may evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of the world to come. The Sacred Andean Codes is an important contribution toward healing societal dysfunction and ensuring the healthy development of future generations. This book will inspire your spirit as you comprehend the enormous potential of applying this information in your life.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

Bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

“... leading us into our deepest healing and highest dreams.”

Long before the birth of modern science, the secrets of life were revealed and preserved for future generations among a clan of wisdom keepers hidden high in the mountains of the Peruvian Andes. Marcela Lobos reveals these ancient secrets and more in her book The Sacred Andean Codes. In an intimate sharing of her apprenticeship with the descendants of that clan — the Q’uero people of today — Lobos reveals how the direct experience of the Munay-Ki initiations can shape our perception of life’s challenges, while leading us into our deepest healing and highest dreams. Whether you’re an artist or an engineer, a homemaker or policy maker, this book is about you, your life, and every relationship that you’ll ever experience. Lobos’ compelling truths of earth wisdom linger in our hearts long after we read the pages of The Sacred Andean Codes, reminding us that we’re always more than the challenges that life brings to our doorstep.

Gregg Braden

New York Times bestselling author of The God Code and The Divine Matrix


About Marcela Lobos


Marcela Lobos has been extensively initiated in the healing and spiritual traditions of the Amazon and the Andes. She was born and raised in Chile, where she leads shamanic journeys for women to awaken their own power, grace, and wisdom.

Marcela is author of The Sacred Andean Codes and Awakening Your Inner Shaman, and the co-author of the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck. She is vision keeper and faculty lead of the shamanic school, The Four Winds Society. She travels internationally teaching the wisdom of the Munay-Ki and the Medicine Wheel.

Discover the Munay-Ki Rites
Marcela Lobos