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With President of the Expanded Awareness Institute
Scott M. Taylor, EdD
& Co-Teacher: International Workshop Leader, Clinical Psychologist, Reiki Master Teacher & Spiritual Coach
Charleene Nicely, PhD

Explore how to manage and direct your personal energy field to stay balanced amid chaos and harness the vibrational frequencies that connect you to all that exists beyond the veil.

Experience a powerful exercise that will empower you to set healthy boundaries and reclaim control over your energy.


Imagine being able to master your energy field so effectively that the chaos of the world around you no longer affects your mental and emotional state.

With that in mind, wouldn’t you do everything you could to protect, harness, and enhance your personal energy... not only so you can navigate through life’s chaos with greater ease, but to ensure that you maintain strong boundaries and balanced energy throughout your entire life?

According to shared-death and near-death experience expert Dr. Scott M. Taylor and his co-teacher Dr. Charleene Nicely, there are many factors that can disrupt our energy field from a very young age even in utero! from being born into a family dealing with hardship... to experiencing traumatic events... to regular exposure to discordant energies, emotional stress, and the chaotic nature of modern life.

If we don’t intentionally manage our energy field, we can start feeling overwhelmed, lose our sense of balance, and ultimately compromise our mental and physical wellbeing.

But fear not.

Regardless of your stage of life and what’s happened in your personal world, there are many things you can do to reclaim control, and enhance and direct your personal energy field.

Doing so can help you counteract energies not consistent with your desired goals, allowing you to successfully journey to multidimensional realms.

Learning how to direct your energy is the first step to accessing multidimensional realms, as it allows you to harness and control the vibrational frequencies that connect us to these higher dimensions.

Join Scott and Charleene in a free hour-long video event, in which they’ll guide you through a Vortex of Heart Energy exercise to help you connect with your personal energy field and learn how to direct it.

Scott and Charleene​ will also teach you a potent energy self-care practice you can do anytime to help you relax and feel at ease, while supporting and enhancing your energy potential.

By mastering your personal energy field, you can tune in to the subtle energies that exist beyond our physical reality, opening the door to profound insights and experiences. This foundational skill empowers you to navigate and explore these realms with clarity and intention, leading to deeper understanding and spiritual growth.


In this hour-long free illuminating online event, you’ll:

  • Gain practical tools for managing your energy when surrounded by discordant energies, helping you stay balanced and focused
  • Learn how to direct your energy field rather than reacting to external chaos, allowing you to maintain control and composure
  • Discover techniques for moderating your vibration, so you can live and function effectively even during turbulent times
  • Experience a Vortex of Heart Energy exercise to learn how to open to and connect with your personal energy field

You’ll walk away from this event understanding that it’s never too late to heal and enhance your energy field  and that once you do, you can journey to nonphysical realms to connect with loved ones who have passed and other beings beyond the veil.

When you attend, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Scott and Charleene’s brand-new 12-week live video course a highly experiential online program designed to help you experience profound personal growth and spiritual expansion by developing skills for multidimensional communication across realms and lifetimes, receiving higher guidance, and enhancing your ability to manifest in partnership with the nonphysical realms.


Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Scott M. Taylor, EdD ,and discover practical techniques for harnessing and directing your personal energy, helping you maintain balance in turbulent times and access multidimensional realms.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Dr. Scott M. Taylor, EdD, and Charleene Nicely, PhD..

“Scott is a pioneer and master teacher…”

Scott is a pioneer and master teacher in crafting guided meditations that simulate NDEs and SDEs. We have worked together for years and I highly recommend his course!

William Peters

Founder of the Shared Crossing Project and author of At Heaven’s Door

EDIT 1933
“My personal experience in this course enabled me... to enter the Light by intention and choice.”

I attended the virtual course offered by Dr. Scott Taylor. The content was exact yet friendly and warm — creating a space for me to experience the possibilities of consciousness journeying into the Light at death. My personal experience in this course enabled me (and continues to do so) to enter the Light by intention and choice. This course will illustrate and teach us about the limitless possibilities of consciousness.

Kevin Jeffers

Author of The Pattern: An Exploration of Consciousness

EDIT 1934
“Scott brings positive energy and competence to everything he does.”

Scott brings positive energy and competence to everything he does. His background combined with his expertise in expanded states of consciousness and the shared-death experience make him an easy choice for an instructor.

Suzanne Giesemann

Mystic, medium, and author

EDIT 1935
“This course was a great gift...”

I have been grieving the loss of my son, Tom. This course was a great gift in that it was time just for me to receive peace and deeper connection with my precious son, and many others, even my pets. During the Reunion module, my late husband emerged from the back of a crowd of many loved ones. He died in 1976. We held each other and wept. Not tears of pain but of incredible love. A love that is indescribable. I was also reunited with powerful and precious teachers that have crossed over. Another great gift is that nature seems to have a more beautiful glow about it. So very beautiful. Thank you so much, Scott and Charleene. This was just what I needed.


Lakewood, New Jersey

EDIT 1929
“I have the ability to raise my vibration and access guidance.”

When I first began this course I had doubts about the authenticity of my experience. Was it just my imagination? The surprises I got during journeys convinced me otherwise. By the time of course completion I had experienced valuable insights, and confidence that I could go forward on my own. Many times a day, I have the ability to raise my vibration and access guidance. I FEEL enlightened. I am grateful for the expert facilitation from Scott and Charleene, both offering lightness and loving support.


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

EDIT 5087

About Scott M. Taylor, EdD


Dr. Scott M. Taylor is one of the few people on the planet who’s a shared-death experiencer, academic, educator, and contributor to the field of NDEs and SDEs. He completed doctoral research on near-death experiences, and developed and teaches a meditation method capable of safely exploring the places NDErs visit during their experience. He is gifted in making the exploration of the nonphysical universe accessible to the curious.

Scott wrote and voiced six Into the Light guided meditation albums on near-death experiences, and hosts The Afterlife Files podcast. He taught meditation for the Monroe Institute for 35 years, and retired as Monroe’s president and executive director.

He is the president of the Expanded Awareness Institute (EAI), which helps people interested in near-death and shared-death experiences explore what these experiences mean to them and to our culture as a whole. He served twice as a member of the Board of Directors for the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and served as co-emcee for IANDS’ international conferences for 12 years. 

About Charleene Nicely


Dr. Charleene Nicely PhD, is a sought-after international group facilitator for exploring expanded states of consciousness. She has empowered hundreds of people to discover more of who they really are since 1990, both through her own programs and through the Monroe Institute. Her joy is helping people integrate spiritually transformative experiences into their life and relationships. 

She has taught an NDE Intensive and related courses with Dr. Scott Taylor for over a dozen years. Although her education and work in the field have given her a strong foundation in clinical psychology, her passion is helping people expand who they are by leading them in spiritual explorations. 

She empowers people to find their own understanding of how the Universe operates, and how to navigate the physical world, relationships, and spiritual connections. She brings a mix of humor, passion, and understanding to her work, with a focus on practical applications.
