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With Doctor of Oriental Medicine &
Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Melanie Smith

Clear out negative energies that are holding you back from creating the life you desire with a 4-phase energy medicine protocol that includes locking in new and positive energies.

Be introduced to a 4-day online energy medicine intensive that can help you release old patterns and create a life you love.

Step Into the Vortex of Manifestation

Do you feel there are hidden obstacles in your life holding you back from the abundance you desire… whether in your financial situation, relationships, personal vitality, spiritual connection, or even physical health?

What if you could learn how to identify and overcome those blocks and unlock your full potential?

According to Dr. Melanie Smith, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and advanced energy medicine practitioner, when you can’t seem to climb over the hump of unseen limitations, or find yourself repeating unhealthy patterns that aren’t getting you where you want to be, it’s likely because there are negative energies locked in your system that are keeping you from manifesting the circumstances you desire.

Dr. Melanie, recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time, has dedicated her life to empowering people to heal complex health issues and transform their lives with her unique fusion of alternative energetic methods.

Over two decades ago, she created and has since perfected a highly effective protocol of energy medicine techniques for clearing away energies that aren’t serving you, and then bringing in bright and powerful manifesting energies that make it more possible to pursue and achieve the life you want.

So, what challenges are you currently facing? What needs healing within you? And, what’s missing from your life that would make your time on this earth healthier, more meaningful, and more fulfilling?

Join Dr. Melanie for an experiential hour in which she’ll guide you through her clearing and manifesting protocol, designed to help you feel palpable shifts in the moment.

During this empowering event, Dr. Melanie will invite you to identify and work with a specific issue that’s holding you back right now a health concern, a difficult relationship, low self-esteem, economic challenges, or an unsatisfying career…

She’ll then walk you through a multi-layered system of practical and hands-on exercisesin real time to 1) uncover underlying stressors and life challenges that have energetically blocked you from receiving infinite abundance and healing…. 2) release the energies obstructing your path… and 3) fill you with the positive energies you need to pursue your dreams.

What isthis unique protocol you have the opportunity to experience?

There are four phases, each with their own techniques:

  • The Preparation Phase: Bringing your energies into balance as you ground, unscramble, integrate your left and right brain, move stress hormones out of your body, dissipate anger, release stuck energy, and activate your vagus nerve
  • The Release Phase: Resetting your nervous system, decreasing your stress response cycle, and increasing your peace of mind, vitality, and health
  • Bringing in the Joy Phase: Learning to create, as Dr. Melanie says, your own “joy movie” by working with your heart chakra and radiant circuits so you can begin to feel joy replacing your stressful memories in every cell of your being
  • The Set Your Intention and Manifest Phase: Focusing on what you intend to manifest and visualizing it happening NOW in its completely manifested form

In this final phase, you’ll bring the energy of what you desire directly into your soul, enabling you to infuse every cell of your being with what you intend to manifest, and send that vibration out to the universe.

What makes this process even more exciting is the variety of exercises you’ll get to explore! These include techniques that Dr. Melanie has gathered from a variety of wisdom traditions she studied over three decades ago when she began her own personal healing journey…

This diverse array of techniques include sound healing, breathwork, the Chinese five elements and meridians, hands-on energy medicine exercises, Qigong, chanting, chakra alignment, Alta Major chakra and portal activations, mudras, affirmations, and intention-setting.

Dr. Melanie’s protocol can be easily integrated into your daily routine. The results can be profound, opening you to prosperity and abundance, optimal health and longevity, a better sense of self, inner peace, joy, harmony, and happiness.

You may even find that you’re better able to attract healthy relationships and find the love of your lifetime, enhance your body image, climb higher on your career path, raise your consciousness, or deepen your spiritual growth.

In this free hour-long online event, you’ll discover:

  • The amplified beneficial impact of combining affirmations (based on the Law of Attraction) and specifically targeted energy medicine practices
  • How to clear out negative energies you may be accumulating from stress, illness, overwork, or unhappiness by first recognizing these blocks exist and then safely releasing them, making space to receive new, fresh energy and positive thoughts
  • Techniques for calming your nervous system and getting grounded and centered so you can bring your awareness to your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, even when you’re feeling scattered
  • Processes for releasing limiting beliefs of “not enough-ness” so you feel empowered to face life’s transitions in a healthy and supported way
  • Why connecting to love, joy, and gratitude as well as activating your vagus nerve can create a vortex with an infinite supply of positive, healthy, abundant energy
  • An upcoming 4-day online energy medicine intensive for clearing and manifesting in a sacred collective vortex of healing

Because you’ve registered for at least one of Dr. Melanie’s online events over the years, and maybe even participated in one of her courses, you’re likely familiar with her teachings and practices that have reached thousands of people, especially as they relate to the vagus nerve and protecting our energy in the electromagnetic era.

In her upcoming online intensive in the fall, she’ll guide you through two value-packed weekends a highly experiential deep dive into her clearing and manifesting energies protocol, in which you’ll systematically address and resolve a number of potential challenges.

It’s a one-of-a-kind opportunity to take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a collective, energetic, meditative, and restorative experience, where you’ll be immersed in eight uniquely different clearing and manifesting sessions in a safe and sacred “vortex of manifestation.”

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Dr. Melanie Smith and participate in a 4-phase energy clearing and manifestation protocol to help you start creating the life of your deepest desires.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Dr. Melanie Smith...

“[Dr. Melanie’s] clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work.”

I had the good fortune of being in one of Dr. Melanie's energy medicine classes. Her wellspring of knowledge is deep and clear. Her teaching style is precise and concise. Her clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work. Dr. Melanie's blend of experience and scientific background add credibility to the field of energy medicine.

Christine Simonetta

Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

“I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Dr. Melanie's teaching.”

Dr. Melanie has carefully, skillfully, and thoughtfully crafted the teaching of energy medicine and taken it to a new level. Having taken most of Dr. Melanie's energy mastery courses, I can honestly say that each one is better than the last; in fact, I won't hesitate to take the same course more than one time to absorb all the rich material. At the end of a workshop, one feels so empowered, so revitalized, so grateful, and so cared for that there is only anticipation for the next one. Having taught many workshops myself for over 40 years, both as an attorney (teaching other lawyers, judges, and juries) and as an energy medicine practitioner, I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Dr. Melanie's teaching.

Karen L. Semmelman, JD

Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

“[Dr. Melanie] has profoundly impacted my life.”

Dr. Melanie is a great teacher: thorough, knowledgeable, and engaging. She took difficult concepts and broke them down into manageable, usable information that changed my life. I learned so much in these classes, I sought her out for personal care. When I started seeing Dr. Melanie in 2014, she put me back together as I was struggling with divorce, chronic health conditions, physical and emotional exhaustion, and all of my systems being overwhelmed. Her work kept me going so I could juggle parenting, starting a new business, and all the things life was throwing at me. She restored my balance and strengthened my physical and emotional wellbeing. Now she is part of my regular health maintenance and I feel great! Her work has created a shift in my anxiety, depression, and fatigue — and has reinforced my focus on self-care and balance. She has profoundly impacted my life.

April Boykin, LMHC
“[Dr. Melanie is] brilliant, clear, and organized...”

What I love about the way Dr. Melanie teaches is that she brings in the understanding and insight of different systems, so we are able to connect the dots between the symptoms and energetic imbalances to better understand what's happening in the body. I think she's brilliant, clear, and organized, and the protocols that she teaches are very easy to apply and use at home.

Dr. Anne Deatly, PhD

Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

“I consider Dr. Melanie to be one of the top teachers of energy medicine skills.”

I count myself blessed to have had Dr. Melanie Smith as my teacher. She presents information in a clear, organized way, while keeping everything fun. Her lectures are enjoyable; the written handouts and visuals are easy to follow. I consider Dr. Melanie to be one of the top teachers of energy medicine skills.

Donna Kassewitz, EEMCP

Founder of Dolphin Energy Medicine and the Speak Dolphin Communication Research Project


About Dr. Melanie Smith

Dr. Melanie Smith is recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time. She is a doctor of Oriental Medicine, acupuncture physician, Eden Energy Medicine advanced practitioner, and senior faculty for Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine certification program in the U.S. and United Kingdom.

Thirty years ago, she sustained a serious injury. When Western medicine could not improve her condition, she turned to alternative medicine and fully recovered. As a result, she changed careers and has since dedicated her life to empowering people to transform their lives by connecting with their own inner healers through the power of energy medicine.

Dr. Melanie is known for her intuitive ability to help people heal complex health issues with her unique fusion of energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, Oriental medicine, emotional healing, and nutrition.

Passionate about inspiring others to learn, grow, and heal, she created multiple Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ online courses and charts.  Her recent courses for The Shift Network include Discover Your Vagus Nerve as an Energetic Healing Pathway... Access the Vagus Nerve’s Power to Heal... Energetic Resilience in the Electromagnetic Era of 5G”… and Energy Medicine for the Aging Brain.

Dr. Melanie has provided energy consultations to patients in over 50 countries and all 50 states, taught workshops on four continents, and treated thousands of patients in person and online.

Experience Clearing & Manifesting Energies for Daily Living
Dr. Melanie Smith