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With Renowned Spiritual Pioneer & Author of More Than 35 Books
Matthew Fox


Cultivate the divine essence of compassion through the unifying teachings of Meister Eckhart and other world mystics to free yourself from judgment, isolation, and despair and discover a more peaceful and just approach to living and interacting that can help create a healthier world.


Has it ever crossed your mind that being compassionate in the midst of chaos, destruction, or cruelty may be a powerful step toward becoming a conduit for the Divine in troubled times?

Compassion is one way that we carry the Divine within us and into our world. In a time of global turmoil, the rise of authoritarianism, and the destruction of Mother Earth, cultivating compassion may also be our saving grace.

This doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to the injustices of the world, says beloved theologian Matthew Fox, but rather calling upon the divine and noble self within us that compassionately resists injustice.

All world spiritual traditions hold that compassion is key to an authentic spiritual life and a healthy, sustainable culture. Your invitation, as we stand at such a liminal point in human history, is to nurture it...

... first within yourself as compassionate self-love and then throughout the various social structures of your daily life  all of which really speak to our interdependence and shared human journey.

During this empowering event with Matthew, you’ll explore Meister Eckhart’s mystical teachings on why cultivating and nurturing our compassionate selves is the greatest divine call of our time our initiation into a new way of being and interacting in our world and the healing elixir for our individual and collective wounds.

Compassion helps us move beyond our differences into a deeper understanding of the similarities we possess. This interconnectedness is the call of the Divine and the inner upwelling of wisdom we need to live reverently, peacefully, and collaboratively together.

You’ll experience this firsthand as Matthew guides us through three experiential teachings on compassion, one of which is based on a creative archetypal exploration of a painting by the 12th-century visionary Saint Hildegard of Bingen.

You are wired for love and compassion. Join us to learn how you can begin to live and contribute to our world as the noble and compassionate person you were born to be.


In this uplifting online event, you’ll:

  • Explore 13th-century theologian and mystic Meister Eckhart’s idea that “compassion begins at home” beginning with how you embody compassion within yourself and extend it with love to your community
  • Be immersed in 3 experiential exercises on compassion: the Indigenous story of the two wolves... a meditation on Hildegard’s painting of “The Man in Sapphire Blue” and practicing with your hands the archetype of compassion that she paints... and be guided in a breathing exercise by Thich Nhat Hanh to embody the present moment
  • Learn why compassion is vital to our survival as a species and as individuals and why it takes more strength to be compassionate
  • Explore the synergy of compassion and justice and why true compassion includes responding to moral outrage or anger in positive and effective ways
  • View forgiveness and letting go as an act of self-compassion and discover that the priceless gift of forgiveness is lasting peace
  • Experience presence as a precursor for being a spiritual warrior and your ability to live in the present without worrying about the future (fear) or the past (regret)

As one of the foremost mystical scholars of our time, Matthew’s depth of knowledge is suffused with an acute awareness and sensitivity toward our timeless human struggles and the unique possibilities that are still available to us.

Compassion names the Divine in all of us, he teaches, as it reinforces our interconnectedness. Learning how to nurture self-compassion can therefore help us bridge our inner and outer divides...

... such as the judgments, injustices, power-over dynamics, conflicts, and imbalances that are perpetuating suffering and separation and sadly, guiding our everyday reality.

Matthew will share how science and spirituality both support the idea of compassion as an uplifting and renewing tool for society as well as for self.

In joining us, you’ll also be among the first to learn about Matthew’s new 7-week live video course on how to cultivate compassion as a state of being uplifting and inspiring your life and our world through embodied presence, connection, self-love, creativity, and the ability to draw deeper meaning from the challenges and uncertainties of life.

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Join this FREE video event with Matthew Fox to explore how cultivating compassion can help you free yourself from judgment, isolation, and despair.

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What People Are Saying About Matthew Fox...


Bestselling Author Mirabai Starr: “Matthew Fox Will Go Down in History as One of the True Spiritual Geniuses of Our Age”

Bestselling Author Andrew Harvey: “Matthew Will Illumine Your Life as He Has Illumined Mine”

“I think of Matthew Fox as ‘God’s talent scout’…”

I think of Matthew Fox as “God’s Talent Scout” for all the pivotal figures and ideas he has reclaimed for the reform of Christianity. He knows the sources and translates them into modern idioms for the rest of us! What he has done with Hildegard, Eckhart, and Aquinas makes him a major teacher and guide.
Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico

“Matthew Fox is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of spirituality.”

Matthew Fox is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of spirituality. He has redefined what healthy spirituality is, and what it is not. We should place him at the same level of cultural importance as Thomas Berry, Gandhi, and Dr. King.
Steve Mortimer, Black Chapel Collective

“If one person deserves credit for the great Hildegard renaissance in our time, it is Matthew Fox.”

If one person deserves credit for the great Hildegard renaissance in our time, it is Matthew Fox. Here in the long-lost legacy of Hildegard of Bingen, Fox found blindingly beautiful paintings, radiant writings overflowing with fresh insights of the deepest kind, prophetic wisdom, and engaged political spirituality. Here was a mystical genius who could help to illuminate the human soul spirituality, ecologically, politically in every dimension of life.
Mary Ford-Grabowsky, author of Sacred Voices

“History will name Fox one of the great Christian spirits of our age.”

John Shelby Spong, author of A New Christianity for a New World


About Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox is a prolific author of books dedicated to renewing the ancient tradition of Creation Spirituality, including Original Blessing... A Spirituality Named Compassion... and Christian Mystics. This earth-based mystical tradition is feminist, welcoming of the arts and artists, honors Indigenous wisdom, works with science, and is committed to interfaith approaches and eco, social, and gender justice.

Matthew’s effort to reawaken the West to its own mystical tradition has sparked awareness of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, and the mysticism of Thomas Aquinas, as well as the wisdom tradition that nurtured Jesus. Matthew’s work helps reconnect science and spirituality by honoring the sacredness of the Cosmos, and interacting with contemporary scientists who are also mystics. He believes that “by reinventing work, education, and worship, we can bring about a nonviolent revolution on our planet.”

Matthew received his doctorate summa cum laude in the history and theology of spiritualities from the Institut Catholique de Paris. A member of the Dominican Order for 34 years, he established an Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality that operated for seven years at Mundelein College in Chicago, and for 12 years at Holy Names University in Oakland.

He founded the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland in 1996 and was president and professor until 2005 when he left to create a pilot project to reinvent the educational experience for inner-city teenagers.

Matthew is a recipient of many awards, including the Gandhi King Ikeda Award from Morehouse College, which is awarded for dedication to peace, unity, nonviolence, and justice. He also received the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award other recipients have included the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and Rosa Parks. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Academy for the Love of Learning in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
