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With Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Naturopath & Registered Doctor of Osteopathy with Ahpra
Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO


Inspire your body’s ability to reverse pain and chronic health conditions by realigning with the healing essence of nature and returning to a simple and joyful way of living and being when we basked in the sun, walked barefoot in the grass, enjoyed seasonal foods, and our health and life were guided by nature’s rhythms.


Do you feel like your health needs aren’t being met? Or that you’ve never really had an opportunity to experience optimal health and energy?

What if the simple act of reconnecting with nature and its rhythms could heighten your wellbeing... by illuminating the vibrancy that has lived within you all along?

Living in alignment with nature’s laws and using its healing forces such as natural lights, circadian and cellular rhythms, and electromagnetism to harmonize bodily systems, mind, and spirit is the basis of good natural hygiene and good health, affirms Brian Siddhartha Ingle, a naturopath and osteopathic doctor.

Natural hygienics ignites the body’s natural capacity for self-healing by harnessing the power of nature and its rhythms, laws, and forces to cleanse us of the toxins we absorb from living in the modern world toxins such as artificial light, processed foods, or the byproducts of technology like radio-frequency radiation and harmful electromagnetic fields.

It also nurtures the life force within us, or the health as Brian calls it, allowing it to reveal itself to us in miraculous ways including transmuting pain, heaviness, illness, and chronic conditions into vibrancy, joy, and a lightness of being.

You’ll explore the principles of natural hygienics with Brian during this free online event, including an expanded formula for self-healing as you harness the wonder and intelligence of nature’s laws to reset your biorhythms, detox your body, and optimize your health and wellbeing.

You’ll experience this firsthand as Brian guides you in an embodied journey to help you create deeper potency in your biofield and tangibly experience natural law and the health in your system.

You’ll also be guided to look for your inner saboteur the part of you that creates obstacles between you and vibrant health.

Brian will also share alternative reasons for our current era of disease and illness that will empower your ability to amplify the health in your system.

Praised as a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher by prior students, Brian’s holistic approach to health weaves together embodied awareness, somatic movement, naturopathy and osteopathic medicine to meet you where you are on your healing journey.


In this illuminating event, you’ll:

  • Explore the lost art and science of natural hygienics using natural laws to help the health in your system reveal itself
  • Be guided in an embodied journey to create deeper potency in your field and the inner foundation needed to experience natural law and the health in your system
  • Experience an embodied introspective enquiry to find the health and the inner saboteur the one that blocks you from your potential radiant health
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the formula for health and begin to shift from a disease focus to a health focus
  • Investigate alternative reasons behind the disease epidemic in our time
  • Discover significant epigenetic (environmental) factors in the self-healing equation

Reconnecting with nature and nature’s laws is essential for reclaiming your vitality and unlocking your body’s remarkable capacity for self-healing.

As you learn how to work with and not against nature’s laws and forces, Brian teaches that you’ll empower the health within your system...

... and your ability to self-regulate your nervous system, reduce pain, increase immunity, remain balanced, and mitigate stress.

In joining this event with Brian, you’ll also learn about his new 12-week live video course where you’ll explore 12 bioharmonic practices that systematically help you align your health and life with the cycles of nature, deepen your spiritual connection to the Earth, and awaken your true Self.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO to activate bioharmony and radiant health through the laws and forces of nature.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO

“Thank you for this profound exploration of the connections between the bones of our head and spine, our eyes as extensions of our brains, and our entire selves as One.”

I practiced this morning listening to the comforting hooting sounds of birds in the background. Thank you for this profound exploration of the connections between the bones of our head and spine, our eyes as extensions of our brains, and our entire selves as One. The visuals were magnificent.
Dr. Elisa Beth Haransky-Beck, doctor of optometry and somatic movement educator

“After reaching the still point in today’s deeply relaxing session, my experience is expansive; I feel taller, lighter, and softer than before.”

Last week I became aware of the way my eyes were reacting to stress. They became shy and retiring in an attempt to avoid the uncomfortable feelings; my peripheral vision diminished in response. After reaching the still point in today’s deeply relaxing session, my experience is expansive; I feel taller, lighter, and softer than before. The urgency I have often felt is absent. My center feels alive, relaxed, and resilient. I take pleasure in simply looking around the room. All is as it should be, just as it is. It’s been with me all along, but now I see. Such gratitude!
Maro Moulin

“Brian’s course on the eyes that I continue practicing has not only improved my visual ability but also awakened the eyes of the soul...”

Brian’s course on the eyes that I continue practicing has not only improved my visual ability but also awakened the eyes of the soul, deepening into the immensity of the awakening of consciousness.
Carmen Covian

“The course has wonderfully exceeded my expectations...”

The key principles of Siddhartha’s approach include less is more, deep listening, be still and know, move intuitively, work from a sense of our whole system and how it connects to the other person’s whole system, and look for the health. I have found working with these principles a beautiful process, and it has transformed my perspective on the somatic movement work I do and will continue to do in the future. I feel the practice is channeling all the emotional and spiritual work, practices, experiences, and learning that I have explored on my life journey so far into a whole world of new possibilities. The course has wonderfully exceeded my expectations and I know the experience and the teachings will go on playing a very significant role in my life.
Lin Westmoreland, PhD candidate in Embodied Dance as a Form of Therapy

“The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of [Brian’s] work is both palpable and healing.”

If you are looking for an uplifting course to savor more of the power, serenity, and beauty of your inner world, and let that ripple out into your life more, this is the course for you. Brian is a very talented somatic practitioner. He holds space beautifully and gives an empowering, nonjudgmental presence that is in itself transformative. The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of his work is both palpable and healing. Brian’s upbeat and uplifting approach to this work is deeply grounded in his osteopathic training. He is a real gift to this world, and this course will no doubt be a gift to you.
Emer, holistic therapist and teacher, Ireland


About Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO

Brian Siddhartha Ingle, RSME, ND, DO, is a licensed doctor of osteopathic medicine and also a naturopath. He is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator®, somatic yoga teacher, practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, and an aqua bodyworker. He is co-founder of Living Somatics, along with Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer, and the founder and educational director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education.

Brian is a graduate of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training, and has a background in Ayurvedic medicine and Vedic astrology. For more than 30 years, he has been inquiring into authentic systems of self-healing, movement, and personal development.

Based in India since 1995, Brian co-curated and co-hosted the online Somatic Movement Summit, a collaboration between Living Somatics and The Shift Network. Brian travels extensively, teaching workshops and presenting professional trainings all over the world, sharing his passion for embracing somatic movement as a vehicle to greater freedom. He conducts trainings on the clinical, hands-on work of Living Somatics and teaches an extensive one-year online program, training people as Somatic Movement Teachers.
