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With Energy Expert, Consciousness Educator & Soul Activist
Prune Harris


Discover a comprehensive approach to understanding the 6 energy systems that govern your physical body and hold the blueprint, not only for your physical wellbeing, but your emotional resilience, radiance, and ability to navigate the complexities of today’s world.


Each person is born with a template of health. Health is vibrant, energized, connective, joyful, abundant, and radiant. Your body, your energy, your soul KNOWS how to be healthy.
Prune Harris

Have you ever experienced the frustration of going to the doctor because you haven’t felt well for a while, and being told that you’re perfectly healthy and there’s nothing wrong with you yet you still know something is off?

There’s a reason why, even if your physiological systems are all free of ailments, you may still have a sense of being ill, and feel a lack of vitality and resilience, physical or emotional instability, and perhaps mental fogginess.

The reason lies in energetic imbalances. And that’s why energy expert Prune Harris, a consciousness educator and soul activist, has devoted her life to understanding the complexities of our energetic makeup.

She believes that a loss of strength of body or mind and even a diminished passion for life is almost always due to constrictions in what she calls your energy anatomy. Even if just one aspect of your energy is blocked, your whole being can be knocked out of balance.

If you have a spasm in your back, for example, you might slowly notice that your hip is out of whack and you’re walking with a limp. Before you know it, your jaw is clicking, you have a headache, and your whole body starts to collapse like dominoes. The same is true when there’s a restriction somewhere in your energy flow.

Prune was born with the powerful ability to actually see energy. She can take one look at someone and know where, and perhaps even why as a result of trauma residue or physical, mental, or soul-level dis-ease their energy isn’t running at full capacity.

In this illuminating hour, Prune will share her unique wisdom on the six systems that make up your energy anatomy your energetic core, aura, chakras, energy channels, elemental rhythms, and heartfield.

She’ll define for you what each of these systems are, what they’re responsible for, the ways they work together, and how their optimal functionality serves as a bridge for a healthy, conscious, authentic, and purposeful life.

Prune will guide you through three experiential techniques that you can continue to use anytime, anywhere to make minor adjustments to your energy throughout your day if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or even uncomfortably vulnerable.

You’ll first practice grounding and expanding your aura so you can start to feel your own vibrant, colorful field of energy, which links to every other field of energy in the universe enabling you to experience yourself as part of the vast and infinite cosmic web.

Then, to help you truly grasp how interwoven your six energy systems are and how together they create a balanced blueprint for optimal wellbeing and connected, joyful living, Prune will lead you through a process to illustrate how your energy radiates from one system to the next.

Finally, you’ll participate in an exercise to move from your sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, and freeze) to your parasympathetic (rest and digest).


In this hour-long workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn about the 6 energy systems that underpin every aspect of your being, for enhanced understanding of how energy moves through you and how your unique energy affects your body, mind, and soul
  • Be guided through 3 processes designed to ground and expand your aura, enhance your energetic cohesiveness, and reset your nervous system
  • Experience what it feels like to come into a state of relaxation, centeredness, flow, and balance
  • Understand that you can consciously make simple slight adjustments in your energy throughout your day to feel more comfortable in the world and in your own skin
  • Start to assemble a medicine bag of energetic tools that will help you make more conscious decisions the big, soul-path ones as well as the smaller moment-by-moment choices

As you launch your new year in a world fractured by collective grief, anxiety, and uncertainty, it’s no wonder you may be feeling tense, powerless, or hopeless. It’s all the more important to tend to your energetic health as the foundation of your entire wellbeing.

Prune can show you how to determine whether you’re activating your energetic blueprint or diminishing it, so you can show up in your fullness, with an elevated capacity to walk your soul path.

With her guidance, you’ll learn to make sense of the challenging situations in your life, heal old habits, and break through any barriers that are holding you hostage.

When you join Prune for this event, you’ll also be among the first to hear about her brand-new 7-week live video course, in which you’ll delve deeper into the complexities of each of your energy systems, learning how you can optimize them for self-healing.

In addition to practicing a wide breadth of techniques that can change your experience on a daily basis and transform your life, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to balance and reconnect your energy to live in vitality, joy, and passion on your continuing journey to become the most luminous and productive version of yourself.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Prune Harris, author of Your Radiant Soul: Understand Your Energy to Transform Your World, and discover how the six systems of your energy anatomy operate together to achieve balance, flow, and resilience through a variety of practices designed to maximize your wellbeing and potential.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Prune Harris...


Shift Faculty Dr. Jennifer Freed: “I’ve Been Around a Lot of
Healers and Teachers, and Prune Is a Standout”

“Prune’s work continues to change my life.”

Prune’s work continues to change my life. It helps bring me home to myself and invites deep healing with trust, with ease, with deep honoring of who and where I am now, and with joy. I didn’t used to believe that was possible, but with the help of Prune’s work, I have found that it is!

“I feel very calm yet full of life and at peace. I have gained so much understanding of my own energy.”


“I am so thankful and grateful that I found Prune Harris.”

Now I truly know how much power the human body has to heal itself and how we are surrounded by energy. I am so thankful and grateful that I found Prune Harris.

“[Prune’s course] has completely shifted my perception and perspective of my body.”

I became aware that my body is incredibly strong, like an ancient and wise old oak tree. Wow! It was so powerful and palpable. It has completely shifted my perception and perspective of my body.


About Prune Harris

Prune Harris has been able to see the energy of humans, animals, trees, and the Earth since birth, seeing this energy as vibrations, colors, and connective patterns. Yet it wasn’t until a pivotal moment in her mid-30s that Prune realized that her way of experiencing the world was so different.

Training with healers, elders, and wisdom holders throughout the world, Prune became certified in Touch For Health Kinesiology, Eden Energy Medicine, and Celtic and Norse Shamanism. Her simple and insightful explanations of how our personal energy field, our collective energy field, and the global energy field interconnect shed forgotten light on how we can begin moving back to patterns of individual and global health and harmony.

For 20 years, Prune worked as a clinical practitioner, dedicating her skills and gifts to helping those who needed to heal physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Yet, with a 3-year waiting list, she knew that to make a global impact she needed to make her knowledge accessible to a much wider audience. Through her in-person and online courses, and book Your Radiant Soul: Transform Your Energy to Transform Your World, she has empowered thousands of people across the globe to bring consciousness to their energy systems and make small yet powerful changes that produce real change in their lives.
