Keesha Ewers, PhD

Explore the 5 self-sabotaging patterns created from early childhood trauma and how shifting out of them can help you neutralize mental and emotional reactivity — and initiate new pathways for health, happiness, and wellbeing.

What would you like your life to look like five years from now?
Integrative medicine expert Dr. Keesha Ewers says your current physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual habits predict this future.
She refers to our negative habits as the karma of trauma — the disruptive imprints that we create and then repeat in every facet of our lives through our perceptions of ourselves and our world.
Just like fractals, which are essentially scaled down replicas of a whole, our karmic patterns — which overall can be positive or negative — are infused into all that we are and everything we do.
Too often, these energetic patterns prevent us from fully and consistently accessing the portal to our higher selves, our wisdom guides, the collective unconscious, and the Akashic records.
Our karmic patterns are what we make of them, however...
Bringing compassionate curiosity, awake awareness, and self-inquiry to each thought, feeling, and experience creates resilience...
... and allows for a shift in karma and a more loving and compassionate way of being in the world with self and others.
Join us for Dr. Keesha’s free online event to explore the five karmic fractals of early childhood trauma and stress...
... and be guided in a potent meditation to track and begin to repattern them in your body, aligning your whole being with the best version of health and life that you envision for yourself.
Board-certified in functional and Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. Keesha has helped thousands shift out of the karma of trauma through a rich fusion of Eastern wisdom teachings and practices — and practical steps that detoxify the mind, emotions, body, and spirit.
In this event, you’ll:
- Discover 5 different fractal patterns, or energy systems, created from early trauma
- Be guided in a meditation to track and bring compassionate awareness to your fractal patterns
- Explore how to forge a path through betrayal, trauma, and heartbreak as a natural shift from innocence to wisdom — recognizing and working with the ego from a place of collaboration versus transcendence
- Learn why trauma is a necessary aspect of growth — and how changing your relationship to the story you’ve created around your wounds allows you to diffuse the toxicity you contributed to it... and begin healing
- Begin dissolving the concrete structures of mind you created as a method for protection, which are impeding your ability to live fully now — and begin connecting more easefully and meaningfully with others
- Gain a deeper understanding of the collective imperative to evolve — and how the survival of our species hinges on our ability to collaborate with all that we are... and all that others are
Dr. Keesha teaches that every act of self-neglect, self-rejection, or self-sabotage comes from a habit of mind that was created in early life.
In learning how to heal and repattern your behaviors and perceptions of trauma, you can activate your innate ability to create healthy new fractals — and gain deeper agency to reimagine the health, relationships, and life that you truly desire.
You’ll move beyond what Dr. Keesha refers to as “drive-by downloads” (the sporadic insightful moment) and step onto a path of sustained awareness of your true nature...
... as you begin unraveling your mental and emotional reactivity threads — part of the eight levels of consciousness in Buddhism — and reweaving your health and wellbeing by recognizing the many layers of perception that influence your understanding of yourself, others, situations, and experiences.
Join us to learn how you can begin recasting your health, relationships, and life by repatterning your karmic fractals.
You’ll also be among the first to learn about Dr. Keesha’s upcoming live video course — a 7-week journey on how to release unhealthy mental, emotional, and physical patterns, how to heal the karma of trauma, and how to forge new streams of health.
Sign Up Now
Join this FREE video event with Keesha Ewers, PhD, to explore the five self-sabotaging fractal patterns of early childhood trauma and stress — and discover how to begin shifting out of them.

Free Video Event
What People Are Saying About Keesha Ewers, PhD...

“Dr. Keesha’s lecture and style was profoundly impactful.”
Dr. Keesha’s lecture and style was profoundly impactful. She partnered with us to allow the slow and steady evolution of understanding the material. My husband and I did this program together, and our growth as a couple and the way we communicate with each other has grown tremendously. We have more compassion for ourselves and each other. We also are less judgmental when we slip into our old patterns. This was truly a blessing to discover. My illness will take a long time to heal, but I have a guidepost now to light the way. Many thanks, and I will miss our weekly Dr. Keesha nights. She is so relatable, kind, compassionate, intelligent, and so human.
— Sherry, San Diego, California
“This course changed my thinking, explained reasons behind what was going on, and completely transformed me as a result.”
This course changed my thinking, explained reasons behind what was going on, and completely transformed me as a result. Thank you.
— Susan, Brisbane, Australia
“I have much more work ahead, but I am excited and grateful I finally have a framework to assist me.”
After years of battling my symptoms, I’ve entered into a ceasefire agreement with my body to stop the internal war I didn’t realize I was fighting. And I’ve begun working toward a lasting peace using the tools from Dr. Keesha to accept and appreciate my body and my health and learn to fully express gratitude, grace, and compassion for myself and others. In the past 8 weeks, I’ve already noticed a shift in my thinking working through the exercises and seeing a reduction of symptoms. I have much more work ahead, but I’m excited and grateful I finally have a framework to assist me.
— Christina, Phoenix, Arizona
“Dr. Keesha is a great teacher with a wealth of knowledge to share about reversing autoimmune conditions and healing from past trauma.”
Dr. Keesha is a great teacher with a wealth of knowledge to share about reversing autoimmune conditions and healing from past trauma. This course helped me begin making connections that I hadn’t been able to on my own, and it gave me the tools to continue doing this healing work even after the course is over. It’s given me hope for being able to achieve the level of health I desire.
— Melissa, Signal Hill, California
“I was amazed in this course to see so much material and tools that I had never seen before.”
I was a counselor long ago with a degree, license, and experience. I have taken many workshops and trainings, and read books on the subject of psychology and personal development. I was amazed in this course to see so much material and tools that I had never seen before. They were and continue to be surprisingly helpful — more like transformative.
— James, Santa Fe, New Mexico
About Keesha Ewers, PhD

Dr. Keesha Ewers, ARNP, IFM-C, AAP, is an integrative medicine expert, Doctor of Sexology, Family Practice ARNP, psychotherapist, and herbalist. She is board-certified in functional medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, and is the founder and medical director of the Academy for Integrative Medicine Health Coach Certification Program.
Dr. Keesha has been in the medical field for over 30 years. After conducting the HURT Study in 2013 (Healing Un-Resolved Trauma), she developed the HURT Model for understanding how past childhood trauma impacts adult health. This led to the creation of the You Unbroken online program for patients to heal their own trauma, and the Mystic Medicine deep immersion healing retreats she leads at her home on San Juan Island, Washington.
Dr. Keesha is a popular speaker, including at Harvard and from the TEDx stage, and is the author of Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle: The Woman’s Guide to Reclaiming Emotional Freedom and Vibrant Health... The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook: Anti-Inflammatory Recipes With 7 Ingredients or Less for Busy People... and Your Libido Story: A Workbook for Women Who Want to Find, Fix, and Free Their Sexual Desire.