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With Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine & Naturopath, RSME
Brian Siddhartha Ingle
and Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Hanna Somatic Educator, RSME, BScEd
Gayatri Schriefer

Please note: We hope you're able to catch the event as scheduled. If you register and can't make the event, you'll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it's available. 

Experience how subtle, inward-focused, connected movements can help you self-correct physically, mentally, and spiritually calming your nervous system, altering discomfort and distress, and fostering balance.

Have you heard the expression “we carry our issues in our tissues”?

It’s a clever way of saying that our body remembers everything good or bad that’s happened to us.

Throughout this pandemic, we’ve found ourselves shut in and disconnected not only from the outside world, but even from ourselves. Many of us have internalized our feelings, just trying to get through the day as best as we can.

We’ve been holding on to accumulated stress, sadness, and anger, and it’s depleted our body, mind, and spirit from being whole, fully alive, and connected to everything that really matters.

Fortunately, through the felt experience of movement, we can open up and allow our body to be our greatest teacher, letting us self-regulate and bring ourselves back to optimal wellbeing.

In this FREE online workshop, you’ll delve into the medicinal power of embodied motion. Gayatri Schriefer and Brian Siddhartha Ingle, founders of Living Somatics, will share with you how to listen to what your body is telling you so you can develop a meditative mind and the freedom of movement that allows your whole being to settle down and manifest good health.

You’ll see how slow, conscious movement, while focusing on the internal experience, can help you draw on your body’s innate self-regulating and self-healing power to find balance, inner peace, and wellbeing.

During this hour-long event, Siddhartha and Gayatri will share how somatic movement is performed slowly, consciously, and with focused intent, so you can calm your nervous system and change learned sensory-motor patterns.

They’ll lead you in a movement practice and meditation, enabling your self-correcting capacity to activate. This awareness practice will draw from your midline and out to the periphery to include the bioelectric field, creating a secure and balanced interior foundation in which you can continue to build optimal health.

You’ll tap into a deep well of self-love and natural self-expression to wake up the fluid body (which includes all of the body’s fluids as a unified field) that enables your innate self-correcting mechanism  the force which grows in us in the womb and heals us throughout our lives.

In this free healing workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The biodynamic concept of how it feels to have good health flow through you and how you can return to that felt sense and use it as a resource
  • Ways to embody and understand your ability to self-heal and self-correct, empowering you to regulate your own health and wellbeing
  • How to shift from a fight, flight, or freeze response that makes you anxious, fearful, and insecure, into a state of rest, repair, and rejuvenation
  • The core strategies and principles of somatic movement and how focusing inward can calm and balance your nervous system
  • How to connect the 7 energy centers to your own felt experience, allowing you to deeply connect to your way of being and living in the world

Gayatri Schriefer, program director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education, and Brian Siddharta Ingle, naturopath and doctor of osteopathic medicine, are the co-founders of Living Somatics, a worldwide training program that focuses on how key neuromuscular movements, when coupled with awareness, can increase your health and wellbeing and help you reach your full potential.

At the end of this powerful hour, you’ll also hear about Siddhartha and Gayatri’s new 7-week course where you’ll explore somatic movement as a spiritual practice, creating a process you can return to again and again to build inner alignment, spaciousness, and freedom so you can move in the world as your best self.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer and experience how subtle, inward-focused, connected movements can help calm your nervous system, alter discomfort and distress, and foster balance helping you embody deeper states of awareness and self-love.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Brian Siddhartha and Gayatri...

“The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of their work is both palpable and healing.”

If you are looking for an uplifting course to savour more of the power, serenity, and beauty of your inner world, and let that ripple out into your life more, this is the course for you. Siddhartha and Gayatri are both very talented somatic practitioners in their own right. They hold space beautifully and give an empowering, nonjudgmental presence that is in itself transformative. The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of their work is both palpable and healing. Siddhartha’s upbeat and uplifting approach to this work is deeply grounded in his osteopathic training and is complemented by Gayatri’s (Somatic Graduate of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research) deeply nurturing, all-embracing, and intuitive presence. They are both a real gift to this world, and this course will no doubt be a gift to you in your life. Enjoy it.
Emer, holistic therapist and teacher, Ireland

“... you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness...”

Living Somatics offers an exceptional education in somatic movement. Gayatri and Siddhartha are highly professional and create a safe space for learning and exploring where everyone feels heard and seen. Whether you are doing the education to work in this field or if you are doing it for your own personal development, you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness and your quality of life for years to come. Studying with them is the best decision I have made, and I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Annika Pahlen, physiotherapist, Stockholm, Sweden

“I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief...”

I have suffered from lower back pain for most of my life, and as a result, I have studied fitness, yoga, and Pilates to alleviate the condition. While each of these has played a role in minimising discomfort, none have had the profound effect of Living Somatics. I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief (although that does feel good). I can instead explore the Living Somatics movement lessons. The work has had a profound impact on my life, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to explore the subtlety of movement within their own body. Unlike many other modalities, this work is accessible to all bodies. I hope you enjoy your journey.
Rachel Falconer, Living Somatic Movement teacher, yoga and Pilates instructor, Sydney, Australia

“They opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness...”

I am very happy to be a part of the Living Somatics family since 2016. And even more happy that Gayatri and Siddhartha were my first guides in this world of freedom, self-exploration, and deep body knowledge. They opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness, and they support and share their knowledge in a way that includes respect, trust, and loving kindness. For me their ability to accept, share, and improve is an example of the wisest way in a somatic field.
Alina Litvinova, Clinical Living Somatic Educator, freediving instructor, fitness coach, and apnea yoga teacher, Moscow, Russia

“Siddhartha and Gayatri’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension.”

I am so thankful that I found Living Somatics trainings! As a yoga therapist I was looking for a somatic training as a complementary “tool” to help my clients to leverage the body-mind connection and to assist them in moving towards wellbeing. By serendipity I discovered, through a free workshop, the teaching of Siddhartha and Gayatri, which led me to what I was looking for: “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Now that I’ve enrolled with the online Living Somatics Movement Teacher Training (LSMTT), I can deeply recommend the program. It’s intense and very practical. We are a group of students from different countries learning within a very positive and open-minded group spirit. In addition, Siddhartha and Gayatri’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension. I am so grateful! 
Pénélope Caux, yoga therapist, Living Somatic Movement teacher in training, Paris, France

About Brian Siddhartha Ingle

Brian Siddhartha Ingle is a licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and a naturopath. He is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator, a Somatic Yoga teacher, a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, and an aqua bodyworker. He is a co-founder of Living Somatics, and the founder and educational director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education

Siddhartha is also a co-host of the online Shift Network Somatic Movement Summit. He’s a graduate of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. For more than 30 years, Siddhartha has been inquiring into authentic systems of self-healing, movement, and personal development. He has a background in Ayurvedic Medicine and Vedic Astrology, and has been based in India since 1995.

Siddhartha’s work takes him traveling extensively, sharing his passion for somatic movement as a vehicle to greater freedom. He teaches workshops and professional trainings all over the world, including India, Europe, and Russian-speaking countries with his team.

About Gayatri Schriefer

Gayatri Schriefer is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator. She is a graduate of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training in California, USA. Gayatri holds a bachelor’s degree in Education with a focus on health promotion. She is a co-founder of Living Somatics, which offers professional training programs in the clinical hands-on work and movement lessons of Living Somatics.

Gayatri is passionate about making somatic disciplines available to the world, and to connect and grow the global somatic community. Gayatri is a co-host of the yearly virtual Somatic Movement Summit, a collaboration between The Shift Network and Living Somatics. She now lives in Sweden, consults clients internationally, and teaches trainings and workshops in-house and online. Additionally, Gayatri has been facilitating women’s circles for 20 years and co-facilitates women’s leadership programs. She has travelled the world studying and teaching somatic disciplines.

Over the course of her adult life, Gayatri has studied somatic movement and spiritual modalities, including Hanna Somatics, Equine Somatics, the Feldenkrais Method®, Watsu®, Body-Mind Centering®, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, Qigong, tracking, several styles of yoga, and dance. She has spent many years living in India during her studies of various spiritual traditions.

Gayatri’s mission is to offer pathways to greater self-connection, transformation, and elevation in the somatic lived experience. She is a firm believer that each person is self-responsible, self-regulating, and self-healing. Through her facilitations, Gayatri creates a field of wholeness for aligning oneself to live in resonance with the great mystery of life.
