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With Popular Podcast Host, Author
& Inspirational Speaker
Michael Sandler

Experience a proven guided process that is the first step to communicating with departed loved ones and other beings beyond the veil.

Take steps to liberate your inner voice through automatic writing trusting the wisdom of your body to guide you as you manage the fears and desires of your ego.

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.

The quest to understand the mysteries of the passing of life is as old as our oldest ceremonial burials  some 40,000 years ago.

The acceptance and exploration of death is the primary paradox of life if you wish to truly open up to and fully embody the miraculous life that you’re living.

Many people believe that this is a mystery too great for human understanding but there are those who embrace active and direct dialogue with departed souls to enlighten and uplift all of us who are still here.

That path of direct communication is available to anyone who earnestly seeks to deepen their connection with loved ones and other benevolent beings on the other side of the veil.

If you’ve attempted it yourself, the first hurdle is contending with the obvious question: “What if I’m just making all this up?”

It’s a fair question!

That’s why it’s important to know what is real, objective truth, particularly when contacting a departed soul.

In this hour-long free online event with world-renowned automatic writing teacher Michael Sandler, you’ll:

  • Learn to hear, receive, and ultimately trust the inner voice/wisdom that bridges to other worlds
  • Discover how to deeply listen to truly hear this voice on a moment’s notice
  • Learn the subtle but important keys to discern if the voice is really coming from you or your ego
  • Understand when to take action on this inner voice, rather than to hold back and wait for additional information
  • Develop trust that this inner voice has your best interests at heart (by testing the advice you receive)

Wouldn’t it be great to have a reliable approach to spiritual mediumship (a.k.a. channeling) that allows you to bypass the meddling influence of our miraculously analytical, survival-seeking, storytelling brain and make verifiable contact with the other side?

Yet, how do you validate it to yourself? How do you trust you’re not subliminally feeding yourself your own ego-serving script when it’s your soul you want in the driver’s seat... particularly when traversing the veil.

That’s where Michael comes in with simple and elegant body-based exercises sourced in the energy and power of love that can help you make the subtle adjustments you need to know for certain you’re successfully connecting with the other side.

For nearly a decade, the practice of automatic writing has been Michael’s window to another world, beyond anything he had ever imagined. This simple yet powerful channeling technique completely transformed every aspect of his life. It helped him start a hugely successful podcast and write popular books all while training others to be modern mystics. It even saved his marriage!

And he’s seen the lives of countless others transformed right before his eyes.

Michael will show you the first steps toward dropping into a trance-like state that can help you communicate with loved ones on the other side for peace, understanding, and guidance far beyond the thinking mind.

If you’re seeking to understand the big picture when most of us are desperately seeking answers to many of our personal and global issues now is the time to begin or restart your dialogue with wise friends, guides, angels, and departed loved ones.

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Join this FREE video event with Michael Sandler and experience a proven guided process that is the first step to communicating with departed loved ones and other beings beyond the veil.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Michael Sandler...

“[Michael Sandler] shows you how to set aside your worried, logical, limited mind, and connect with wellsprings of wisdom far below the level of conscious awareness.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to consult a source of infinite wisdom when faced with a life-changing decision? That’s exactly what Michael Sandler shows you how to do in The Automatic Writing Experience, using the apt acronym of AWE. He shows you how to set aside your worried, logical, limited mind, and connect with wellsprings of wisdom far below the level of conscious awareness.
Dawson Church, award-winning author of Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy

“Michael is a powerhouse of information to change your life...”

Michael is a powerhouse of information to change your life in ways that are emotional and physical, especially when you have been faced with any kind of hardship or struggle. His knowledge and tool chest... have already brought peace, newfound strength, and inspiration to the ones that need it the most.
Anthony William, the “Medical Medium” and #1 New York Times bestselling author and originator of the global celery juice movement

“Michael Sandler helps you plug into the power source that can guide you to manifest the life of your dreams.”

Drawing on an ancient practice and the latest in deep-mind techniques, Michael Sandler helps you plug into the power source that can guide you to manifest the life of your dreams.
Dr Joe Vitale, author of Zero Limits

“Michael has turned [writing] into a full-fledged spiritual practice to be engaged in with uplifting creative energies that arise from the very depths of our inner being.”

Most of us in the quiet time of writing feel inner peace and spiritual renewal. But until now only the inimitable Michael has turned this perennial experience into a full-fledged spiritual practice to be engaged in with uplifting creative energies that arise from the very depths of our inner being.
Stephen G. Post, PhD, founding director of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love and author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People

“Listen to Michael, he knows what he’s talking about.”

Michael Sandler is my good friend. The universe connected us together. He understands the universe. He understands what you need in your self-help arsenal to manifest your dreams. And your arsenal should be simple: Pen. Paper. Dreams. That’s it. This book shows you how to successfully manifest your desires and connect to the angels who are at our command. I am proof it works. This is serious life-saving stuff. The Automatic Writing Experience solidified my belief in the law of attraction, the angels, your higher self, and the laws of the universe. Listen to Michael, he knows what he’s talking about. Study this book. Apply it. Reap your greatness!
Michael Samuels, bestselling author of Just Ask the Universe

About Michael Sandler

Michael Sandler is a mystical teacher and the host of the popular Inspire Nation Show, a transformational, self-help, spiritually focused YouTube channel and podcast that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide with over 2,000 shows produced. He is an author, speaker, coach, creator of The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE) program, and the co-creator of the School of Mystics.

It was two near-death experiences (NDEs) that completely transformed his life. These NDEs led Michael, a former pro athlete, to a much deeper understanding of the world, of Spirit, and of our connection to something greater than ourselves. He calls this “getting the big picture.” From those experiences, his program and book, The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE), emerged, as did the popular School of Mystics, now teaching thousands of “MITs” (Mystics in Training) around the globe.
