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With Co-Founder of the Foundation
for Conscious Living, Author & Evolutionary Catalyst
Dr. Katie Hendricks



Harness the transformative power of fear with gentle  mind-body practices that repurpose this unsettling energy to deepen your connection with yourself and others… expanding your life view and consciousness and your capacity for a healthy, happy life.


These days, even mildly alarming situations can trigger an amplified fear response in your body that is disproportionate to what’s actually happening.

Our fight-flight-freeze-faint response was designed to protect us in appropriate situations, such as escaping danger… but if it’s “switched on” all the time, it can become a danger to us

The elevated cortisol levels resulting from fear are linked to lower immune function, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and lower life expectancy. 

The good news is that we can shift this trajectory with new ways of thinking and being.

In this enlightening hour with body intelligence pioneer, author, and evolutionary catalyst Katie Hendricks, PhD, you’ll discover why now more than ever it’s so important to your health, relationships, and happiness to become aware of your body’s fear response and learn how to “repurpose” the heightened energy behind it to empower your mind, body, and spirit.

Katie will touch on the psychology and science behind fear and help you start to unveil your own fear signature how fear is triggered and unfolds in your body and teach you simple movements with special attention to breathing, so you can quickly respond to and dissipate fear’s adrenaline surge, bringing you back to the present moment.

You’ll discover presence and connection as the antidotes to fear and adrenaline.

When you’re more present with what’s happening within your body and around you, you can make better decisions, be more empathetic and connected in your relationships, more tapped into your creative side...

... and become a better steward of your health, helping your nervous system maintain homeostasis so your immune system remains strong and working optimally.

You’ll also discover that befriending fear can expand your view of life, your acceptance and love of yourself and others, your capacity to be spontaneous, creative, and fulfilled, and your ability to shift from a protective to a growth mindset.

With 50 years of experience teaching others about the power of self-awareness, conscious living, and embodied integrity, Katie is the perfect guide for this timely transformational work.


In this 60-minute online workshop with Katie, you’ll:

  • Discover the “medicine of attention” how awareness of how fear is triggered in your body, and how learning to repurpose its energy can shift every aspect of your life for the better
  • Learn 2 ways the body holds fear (fight and faint) and experience gentle somatic movements which Katie calls Fear Melters  to release fear, cultivate presence and self-awareness, and feel more self-empowered
  • Discover the 4 fear signatures (fight, flee, freeze, and faint) and begin to demystify your own unique fear signature
  • Learn a fear “Fast Aid” exercise that can help you release fear quickly in the moment
  • Learn what it means to befriend fear and how deep engagement with this unsettling feeling can pave the way for an expanded view on life, deeper connection with yourself and others, and greater capacity to live a healthy, happy life

When you join us, you’ll also be among the first to hear about an all-new 7-week online program with Katie, where you’ll learn much more about the psychology and science behind fear so you can befriend it and turn it into vital, physical, and emotional energy you can use at any given moment.

You’ll use gentle somatic exercises, including movement and breathwork, to break out of the fear trance and embody the nourishing aliveness that comes with stepping into full presence, self-empowerment, and the ability to respond to life in creative, collaborative, and fulfilling ways.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Dr. Katie Hendricks and imagine your life without fear as you learn practical, easy-to-access, mind-body practices to release it... and expand your view of life for greater presence, connection, and wellbeing.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Dr. Katie Hendricks...

“Kathlyn Hendricks shows us how to connect with our inner intelligence and discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition, and insight.”

The inner intelligence of the body is the ultimate and supreme genius. Kathlyn Hendricks shows us how to connect with our inner intelligence and discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition, and insight.
Deepak Chopra, MD

“Her trainings are powerful, transformative events...”

Kathlyn Hendricks teaches an integrated approach to living our spirituality in every moment of our lives in our relationships, our work, our creativity, our play. Her trainings are powerful, transformative events in which the encrusted behaviors and attitudes of a lifetime are dynamited apart with integrity and love. Not only is she a master therapist and teacher, she is a beautiful, big-hearted being who walks her talk. I recommend her work wholeheartedly.
Stephan Bodian, psychotherapist, writer, former editor of Yoga Journal, and author of Timeless Vision, Healing Voices

“I cannot recommend this [work] with Kathlyn Hendricks highly enough.”

If you are in an intimate relationship, regardless of whether it’s awesome or maybe could use a little TLC, I cannot recommend this [work] with Kathlyn Hendricks highly enough. It really is possible to completely eliminate blame, criticism, and bickering from your relationship.
Becky Margiotta, co-founder and president of Billions Institute, LLC

“This foundational integration of play is a game-changer for me as a facilitator, a therapist, a minister, and a coach.”

Evolutionary Playground is a 3-day spectacular embodiment of deep play and lively connections. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have returned many times for the life-changing reminders. Personally, I had held for many years the value of play. I had not discovered a way to integrate play when dealing with “serious” issues. I often judged myself that I was discounting the level of severity of the other. Through the wonder of this playground, I have radically changed my perspective. I have experienced that play loosens the grip and expands the energetic density of any issue in a manner that invites movement and thus changes. This foundational integration of play is a game-changer for me as a facilitator, a therapist, a minister, and a coach.
Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper

“I’m more vital, alive, youthful, happy, and available for possibilities and new realities than ever before.”

Evolutionary Playgrounds is the place to be and return to over and over again... if your interest is to transform your life and relationships while creating a really good time. I always thought that life change had to be hard, and during my first training (I’ve returned many times), I laughed more in one weekend than I probably had in years. Discovery and transformation through play is evolutionary in and of itself  and as a physiologist, it’s also the genuinely biological way that works for sustainable growth. I’m more vital, alive, youthful, happy and available for possibilities and new realities than ever before.
Audrey Hazekamp, integrative master coach


About Dr. Katie Hendricks

Katie Hendricks, PhD, BC-DMT, an evolutionary catalyst, contextual disruptor, and freelance mentor, has been a pioneer in the field of body intelligence and conscious loving for 50 years. Her purpose, she says, is to “feel through to the heart with laser-love and evoke essence through deep play.”

Katie is the co-author of 12 books, including the bestselling Conscious Loving... At The Speed of Life... and Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond. Passionate about the power of embodied integrity and full-spectrum presence, her work explores the how of consciousness and the structures and practices that befriend and transform fear into presence, relational authenticity, and resonant collaboration.

She specializes in translating concepts such as commitment into directly felt experiences that lead to new choices and creative engagement. Her unique coaching and leadership programs have generated hundreds of body intelligence and relationship coaches in the U.S. and Europe. She developed and led the unique Leadership and Transformation Training for 30 years, and is currently joining with her community through the Foundation for Conscious Living to create the Big Leap Online Programs. These online videos are designed to support people in coming home to presence, restoring resourcefulness, and creating caring communities.
