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With Award-Winning Author &
Internationally Recognized Teacher of Medical Intuition
Tina Zion

Discover why lifelong healing must first happen on an energetic, non-physical level  and begin releasing and healing a current physical or emotional pain by discerning when it originated through a powerful body scan.

Do you find yourself repeating undesirable life patterns? Relationships that don’t work? Jobs that aren’t a right fit? Financial hardships?

Perhaps you’re suffering from a mystery illness that Western medicine has been unable to decipher?

Or, are you merely wanting to feel more empowered in your ability to maintain your health and overcome life challenges?

Healing your body, mind, and spirit, and shifting the trajectory of your life in a true and enduring way must happen energetically beyond the physical plane to address the root cause.

This approach is a key tool of medical intuition, a skill we all inherently have and can put to work in service of healing ourselves and for navigating and remedying our life challenges.

When you listen to what your body is telling you through the intuitive messages it provides, you unveil the energetic root of a health or life issue, enabling you to go beyond the symptoms and open the door for creating lasting results.

During this eye-opening workshop with world-renowned medical intuition instructor Tina Zion, you’ll learn the eight root causes of illness and life challenges surprising origins that can go back as far as past lives.

You’ll also discover how working with your innate intuitive skills and the help of Divine and Sacred Guides can help you tune in to your body and medical intuitive skills to reveal the origins of your own health and life issues so you can begin releasing and healing them.

Tina will explain why all struggles and illnesses originate somewhere within your personal history as an eternal soul. Those causes must be healed before changes can occur in your current life.

Traditional medical protocols, though important to follow, often address just the symptoms. Energetic healing directed at a root cause creates a powerful release and a more complete and permanent healing of body, mind, and soul.

In this self-empowering 60-minute workshop with Tina, you’ll:

  • Discover the 8 root causes of illness and life challenges surprising origins that can go back as far as past lives and provide answers to “mystery illnesses” and more
  • Learn why enduring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing must first happen on an energetic, non-physical level and how your innate medical intuitive skills are key
  • Experience a powerful body scanning exercise to discern when a current physical or emotional pain actually originated and begin releasing and healing it
  • Discover how negative interferences from deceased people can affect your health or environment and how your intuition and Divine and Sacred Guides can help you send them off in love and light
  • Learn how allergies from food, pets, the environment, and more can be traced to childhood traumas  and healed using medical intuition

Tina, an award-winning author and psychiatric nurse, is a popular medical intuitive teacher to medical professionals. She’s taught thousands across the globe how to access their medical intuitive skills to help others.

A compassionate and humble teacher, she’ll tell you that she wasn’t endowed with a special “gift” that’s unattainable by others; she simply set out to cultivate her innate intuitive skills... just as you can do.

When you join this online event, you’ll be among the first to hear about a brand-new 9-week course with Tina, where you’ll delve more deeply into the eight primary causes of life struggles and illness and learn powerful medical intuition skills to help you remedy them so you can lead a healthy, happy, fulfilling life.

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Join this FREE video event with Tina Zion and discover why lifelong healing must first happen on an energetic, non-physical level and begin releasing and healing a current physical or emotional pain by discerning when it originated through a powerful body scan.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Tina Zion...

“Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing.”

Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing. She offers guidance and practical applications of scientifically and energetically based medical intuitive skills that communicate the multidimensional aspects of healing opportunities for those in the medical field to maintain balance, increase their energy levels, and improve their self-care so they can truly model wellness for their patients. As a student of Tina’s, I can attest to her balanced, grounded, ethical, and thoughtful approach for maintaining connection with the spiritual worlds of healing.
Dr. Janet Roseman, associate professor of integrative medicine and author of If Joan of Arc Had Cancer: Finding Courage, Faith, and Healing from History’s Most Inspirational Woman Warrior

“She continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing.”

I have found Tina Zion to be an extraordinary teacher of medical intuition. I admire her uncanny ability to teach medical intuition in an accessible way. She continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing. She provides techniques and tools which anyone with a sincere interest can learn and use. Guiding by example, she encourages the reader to trust in their own intuition towards the healing of others. As a physician and psychiatrist, I welcome Tina Zion’s voice to our evolving knowledge of alternative medicine.
Dr. H. Pankowsky

“... an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.”

Tina emphasizes the need for confidentiality, compassion, and a non-judgmental attitude. This is a form of energetic healing as opposed to the traditional physical or mental health techniques which are predominantly used to treat illness. It is therefore a relatively new area of healing, which is gathering momentum as Zion has noticed with the increasing numbers of physicians, nurses, and physical therapists who attend her courses. This is something that can be effectively used in conjunction with traditional medicine, signifying an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.
Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences and co-author of The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

“I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered.”

After over 30+ years in all sorts of training (clinical, university, professional, etc.), I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered. The breadth and depth of Tina’s abilities, combined with her humility, humor, and personification of passion for sharing her expertise, is unmatched in my experience, and I have had lots of classroom training experiences from around the globe across a diverse set of subjects. What’s additionally amazing is how her delivery resonates across attendees who are at different development points and who each tap into intuition in a unique way.
Maryann Kelly, Intuitive Services Insight

“I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications.”

Tina Zion’s clear, concise, detailed approach combines inspiration, tools, and scientific explanations. She gives us blueprints and follows with specific tools for healing and transformation for both the client and, yes, for us the practitioner. As a professional medium and teacher for over 48 years, I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications. Every once in a while, [a teacher] comes along that has what it takes to change lives... this is one of those times.
Rev. Elaine D. Thomas, MS, director of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy

About Tina Zion

Tina Zion, a fourth-generation intuitive medium and educator, is widely viewed as an expert in medical intuition. She is an award-winning author, specializing in medical intuition and teaching it internationally. Tina teaches her course on how to become your own medical intuitive in the United Kingdom, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and throughout the U.S.

Tina has worked in the mental health field as a registered nurse, with a national board specialty certification in mental health nursing from the American Nurses Credentialing Association. A Gestalt-trained mental health counselor, she received her certification in clinical hypnotherapy from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, specializing in past-life regressions; she was also certified through the Michael Newton Institute. A Reiki master, she has taught this healing modality for over 10 years.

Tina’s books, Become a Medical Intuitive and Advanced Medical Intuition, both won First Place Gold awards from prestigious organizations. She’s the author of The Reiki Teacher’s Manual and Reiki and Your Intuition, and a contributing author to Michael Newton’s book, Memories of the Afterlife.
