With “The Sensitive Doctor” and the Founder of Club Sensitive
Dr. Natasha Fallahi

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Discover insights and highly empowering techniques, practices, nutritional suggestions, and natural remedies specific to your sensitivity type for living a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life as an empath or sensitive person.


Do your emotions sometimes feel overwhelming?

Are you easily absorbed in the stories of others, yet feel out of place and disconnected from yourself and your true purpose? 

Do you care deeply for the people in your life but wish that navigating the dynamics of relationships with your loved ones or within your community would feel more natural and easy? 

If so, you’re in good company. Highly sensitive people, empaths, intuitives, and creative types experience the world in more subtle, nuanced, and often intense ways… and due to their highly attuned nature, may operate at a different pace than much of the world.

The experience of the empath or sensitive person can be much richer, deeper, and fuller than others, and trying to keep up with the whirlwind of stimuli can take its toll resulting in overwhelm, fatigue, vague pain, “mystery symptoms,” chronic illness, and emotional or mental overwhelm. 

However, the ability to feel the depth and breadth of the world around you is also a great gift

Sensitive people are messengers for the planet. They possess special superpowers that can be nurtured and strengthened for creativity and healing.

The key is to learn how to harness your sensitivity as magic rather than mystery, and mastery rather than liability, so you can experience true full-being wellness, cultivate fulfilling relationships, create whatever you feel called to do in this life, and feel deeply at home in the world.

According to Dr. Natasha Fallahi, who’s known as “The Sensitive Doctor” and who founded Club Sensitive, there are six sensitivity types mental, emotional, physical, chemical, social, and energetic. Symptoms of any of these types can be decoded as messages from inside you.

And, when you know how to interpret them, they can coax and invite you to manage your days and your life more effectively and comfortably, and achieve optimal health and high states of vibrant wellbeing.

Experience Natasha's profoundly healing 7-module journey into each of the sensitivity types. You’ll discover the root cause of the free-floating symptoms that prevent you from taking control of your experience and leading your best, most purposeful life. You’ll learn a framework within which to identify imbalances in your system, build resilience, and embrace the gifts and benefits of your particular sensitivities.

Harnessing the Healing Power of Your Sensitivities

In this powerful program, Natasha helps you uncover where overstimulation, stress, trauma, and overwhelm are causing distortions in your mind, body, and spirit leading to illness, pain, and other kinds of suffering.

You’ll take a deep dive into the common symptoms of each of the types, and get to know them as the guiding language of your mind-body-spirit.

And, through an approach that integrates energy medicine, biochemistry, metabolic health, neurology, immunology, psychology, and somatic principles, you’ll develop the capacity to better align yourself with the outside world, and grow into your full potential.

Natasha shares how the deeper wisdom of your health symptoms, including sensitivities in your body and emotions, shows up biochemically and neurologically. And, as you explore the six sensitivity types, you’ll discover how sensitivity is actually an inroad to higher health.

This potent course will help illuminate the coping mechanisms you’ve adopted, provide insights, experiential practices, nutritional suggestions, and natural remedies for addressing emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges, and give you tangible, proven, highly empowering approaches for living as a happy, healthy, thriving, and fulfilled empath or sensitive person.


During this highly experiential course for sensitive people, you’ll:

  • Take a Sensitivity Quiz to determine what your sensitivities are and where you’re out of balance
  • Deeply explore the 6 sensitivity types and the clues they provide about your physical, emotional, and spiritual health
  • Discover why sensitive people are more prone to chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and illness... and the natural therapies and remedies that can free you from these challenges
  • Learn specific rituals to optimize your health mental, physical, and emotional
  • Be provided with mind-body tools to cultivate emotional resilience
  • Experience brain-based practices to reduce stress and overwhelm
  • Participate in techniques to open your detox and drainage pathways and release toxins... and receive best practices for nontoxic living
  • Explore different energy-healing tools, including light therapy and color therapy
  • Receive information about food and nutrition that can calm your mind
  • Learn simple, practical things you can do on a daily basis to more easily connect with others and experience colorful life experiences without the chaos
  • Learn how to expand your empathy without draining your energy reserves
  • Understand how symptoms are messengers of deeper wisdom and how this wisdom, including sensitivities in your body and emotions, shows up biochemically
  • And much more...

Like many of us, Natasha struggled for years with unexplained health issues, which she transformed using this same holistic framework.

Her intuitive approach to living and healing, combined with her functional medicine expertise which weaves together neuroscience and nutrition provides a whole-body, evidence-based integrative health model that she’s honed with hundreds of clients and patients.

Her course shows you how to take back your power as the sensitive, insightful being that you are... so you can feel more at home in your body, live with more peace, clarity, and energy, and better experience life as a sensitive in mind, body, and spirit.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Natasha will guide you through a framework of tangible, proven, highly empowering approaches to identify your sensitivity types, hear the messages in your symptoms, begin to heal your mind-body-spirit imbalances, and live a happy, healthy, purpose-filled life.

The Beauty of On-Demand


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Natasha. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to heal your sensitivity-related emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges and live a happy, healthy, purpose-filled life.


Module 1: Sensitivity Quiz & Roadmap The Sensitive Doctor’s Guide to Mind-Body Healing


Do you ever feel like your sensitivity is a burden, fault, or problem?

In this opening session, Natasha guides you through the six different types of sensitivity and explain how they each contribute to both your strengths and weaknesses.

You’ll learn why sensitive people need a different approach to navigating challenges, so they can achieve balance, health, and wellness.

Natasha shares a new language of holistic healing and set the stage for optimal results by diving into the philosophy, science, and art of high sensitivity.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Receive an overview of the 6 sensitivity types
  • Take a Sensitivity Quiz to determine what your sensitivities are and where you’re out of balance
  • Discover why sensitive people need a different approach to achieve balance, health, and wellness
  • Start to understand the actual, underlying purpose for any symptoms you’re experiencing
  • Begin to unravel the triggers for your hypersensitivity

Module 2: Mental Sensitivity How to Excel Without Stress


In this module, you’ll take a deep dive into mental sensitivity.

Imbalances in mental sensitivity can lead to frustrations at home and in the workplace.

Often, when people get overwhelmed by their mental sensitivity, they can be hypercritical, stressed, inflexible, or difficult to be around. On the flipside, however, once you master your mental sensitivity, you can become an expert problem-solver and enhance your surroundings through organization and optimization.

In this session, Natasha guides you through:

  • Specific spiritual rituals to optimize your mental health
  • What the “neurology of perfectionism” is and how it shows up in your system
  • Brain-based practices to reduce stress and overwhelm
  • An in-depth look at food and nutrition you can incorporate in your daily life to calm your mind

Module 3: Emotional Sensitivity Stepping Off the Rollercoaster Into True Presence


This session will be a profound exploration into emotional sensitivity.

People with high emotional sensitivity might be perceived as volatile or dramatic.

Natasha affirms that most sensitive empaths have rich emotional experiences. When those experiences become overwhelming, however, you might experience anxiety, depression, moodiness, or low self-esteem.

In this module, Natasha helps you take control of your emotional sensitivity, so you can begin to unleash your power to connect with others and experience colorful life experiences without the chaos.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice simple steps to turn emotional chaos into clear communication
  • Experience a guided through unique mind-body tools to cultivate emotional resilience
  • Discover many nutritional and herbal remedies to uplift your mood
  • Explore the science of joy, gratitude, and humor

Module 4: Physical Sensitivity Getting Grounded & Feeling at Home in Your Body


In this session, Natasha walks you through physical sensitivity... where it comes from and what you can do to navigate it more effectively.

Your physical body carries so much of your life experiences... it’s the musculoskeletal vessel that carries your experience through the world.

Your five senses, reflexes, and physical touch are some of the first and most primal capacities that you developed as a human being, so it makes sense that your physical sensitivity can be overwhelming.

Imbalances in your physical sensitivity can lead to chronic pain, discomfort, and mind-body disconnect. In this module, Natasha shows you how to reconnect with your physical self, to unravel the mindbodyspirit imbalances taking place inside you.

In this module, you’ll also:

  • Practice an ancient healing technique to connect your body to your brain
  • Begin to reduce and release body pain using your mind and thoughts
  • Learn about the different receptor types in your body
  • Explore how you can use your 5 senses to heal mental, emotional, and physical discomfort

Module 5: Chemical Sensitivity Living Clean


The increased prevalence of environmental, industrial, and synthetic chemicals has been linked to many growing problems in the natural world, including human health.

There’s a strong correlation between chemical exposure and systemic overwhelm, which can lead to a hypersensitivity to these chemicals.

If you’re bothered by smells, perfumes, and air pollutants... if you notice a skin sensitivity to lotions, personal care products, and household cleaning chemicals... if you feel like your digestion is not as good as you want it to be or you have an increasing number of food sensitivities, allergies, or skin issues… you may be experiencing chemical inflammation.

In this module, you’ll discover why, and how you can begin to resolve your chemical sensitivities.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice techniques to open up your detoxification and drainage pathways and release toxins
  • Receive best practices for nontoxic living
  • Learn about inflammation the good, the bad, and the necessary
  • Discover protective barrier systems in your body and what happens when they start leaking

Module 6: Social Sensitivity Connecting With the External World


Bonding with others, engaging with community, and connection are some of the most basic, necessary, and rewarding aspects of life. Our brains are hardwired for connection.

When these areas become disconnected, changes in our mental, emotional, and physical experiences can develop including hypersensitivity, hormonal changes, and increased pain resulting in social sensitivity.

In this session, you’ll discover how to be at peace internally and connected externally, so you can achieve holistic balance and get closer to true healing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn simple practical things you can do on a daily basis to connect with your external world
  • Learn how to expand your empathy without draining your energy reserves
  • Understand the definition of community and how to build your ideal community
  • Discover why rituals and cultural traditions are an important part of health and longevity

Module 7: Energetic Sensitivity Integrating Mind-Body-Spirit


Everything is energy, and energy needs to flow. When energy gets stuck or distorted, it can lead to a whole array of imbalances in our mind, body, and spirit.

In this final module, Natasha wraps up all the types of sensitivity to deepen your understanding about how your subtle experiences as a sensitive person are all part of your unique journey. You’ll delve into your intangible, immeasurable, expansive energetic self to unlock your true purpose and step more fully into your highest potential.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore different energy healing tools, including light therapy and color therapy
  • Take your gratitude practice to the next level with simple modifications
  • Learn about the power of purpose
  • Discover the awesome science of awe
  • Understand the connection between energy sensitivity and your spiritual experiences

The Integrated System for Empaths & Sensitives Bonus Collection

In addition to Natasha’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Energetic Healing of Personal & Generational Trauma
Video Dialogue With Companion PDF Workbook From Dr. Natasha Fallahi and Dr. Keesha Ewers

Tune into this powerful conversation Natasha and Dr. Keesha Ewers, the founder of the Academy for Integrative Medicine and Doctor of Sexology, as they share about sensitive people, trauma healing, and the subtle energy bodies of our mind-body-spirit. You’ll also receive a step-by-step guide for your journey toward healing personal and intergenerational trauma. You’ll discover techniques to liberate yourself from any traces of trauma on every level physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


Trauma Workbook for Sensitive Souls
PDF Workbook From Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Natasha has created this 34-page interactive healing workbook to help you assess and track your progress on your own, individualized healing journey. It will help you identify your unique types of sensitivity, trauma, and wounds... and provide ways to customize your holistic healing care with Yin and Yang medicine tools and techniques. The goal of this bonus is to equip you with what you need to love, respect, and care for your sensitive self.


True Healing
Video Dialogue With Dr. Natasha Fallahi and Dr. Jay Komarek

Join healing master Dr. Jay Komarek as he discusses the roots of true healing, the philosophy of vitalism and the power of the innate intelligence in our own being that orchestrates all of life and healing. Hear first hand stories of healing through chiropractic, mindset, and nutrition.


Reset Your Nervous System
Video Demonstration From Dr. Titus Chiu Hosted by Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Award-winning professor, healer, and functional neurologist Dr. Titus Chiu reveals the secrets of the brain and vagus nerve in this fun and interactive demonstration about your brain. He shares about body-mind connections and offers simple brain rehabilitation exercises you can do at home to balance your brain and prime your nervous system for whole body healing.


Qigong Movement Practices for Calming & Centering the Nervous System
Video Practice From Mark Tanaka

Improving your health is, in part, about taking greater control over your own nervous system. In this video, Mark Tanaka, who’s been studying and practicing various approaches to the art of yoga for 14 years, will guide you through a simple and effective sequence of exercises to help your body dispel accumulated stress as you relax your nervous system. You’ll learn how to center yourself, stay calm in the midst of a storm, and train yourself to find your center in stressful times.


What People Are Saying About Dr. Natasha Fallahi...


Natalia Osorio: “Dr. Natasha Fallahi Creates a Truly Unique Healing Experience for Sensitive People”

Katrina Swan: “Dr. Natasha Fallahi Taught Me How to Be STRONG as a Sensitive Person”

Ketsia Ellis: “Dr. Natasha Fallahi Was the First to Make Me Feel Understood”

Bella Campbell: “Dr. Natasha Fallahi Has Helped Me Grow In Ways I Could Never Have Imagined”

Michèle van Kooijk: “Dr. Natasha Fallahi Has Made an Incredible Impact on My Life”

Sanaz Ebriani: “Just Listening to Natasha, You Feel Like She’s Helping Your Body Heal”

“Dr. Natasha is a health miracle-worker of sorts.”

Dr. Natasha is a health miracle-worker of sorts. She marries science, medicine, and intuition, and it’s pretty amazing to go through the healing process with her. She really does this because she cares and loves the work. She is such a kind-hearted person, and she truly is a vessel for healing. She is committed to getting you better each step of the way.

“She has given me so much hope and excitement for what’s to come!”

Thank you for all you do. Words can’t express how much I get out of every workshop and office hours educationally and emotionally. She has given me so much hope and excitement for what’s to come!
Yamile, Club Sensitive

“Realignment work and the bodywork has really helped me get more in touch with myself and my own receptors.”

Realignment work and the bodywork has really helped me get more in touch with myself and my own receptors. I’m trending up for the first time, and that is a really exciting place to be.

“I feel so well-cared for, and in an individually designed and comprehensive way.”

As always, phenomenally great! I feel so well-cared for, and in an individually designed and comprehensive way. After years of suffering and having lost hope, I am feeling I can steadily overcome challenges and enjoy life again. Thank you!

“She really allows your body to heal itself, while gently supporting it along the way.”

If you are suffering from autoimmune disease, or from a disease that conventional doctors can’t help you with, RUN, don’t walk, to Dr. Natasha! I wish I had had this back when I was first diagnosed two years ago! So much money, and more importantly stress and damage to my body, I could have saved instead of jumping around from doctor to doctor. She really allows your body to heal itself, while gently supporting it along the way. Even if you don’t have an autoimmune condition, but are suffering from pain or even emotional stress, this is the place for you. I can’t recommend Dr. Natasha enough.

“I’ve been working with Dr. Natasha for three years now. One word: LIFE-CHANGING.”

I’ve been working with Dr. Natasha for three years now. One word: LIFE-CHANGING. When I met Dr. Natasha, I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know which way I was headed. I had nausea, I had cold sweats, I was freezing, I was hot. I really didn’t know which way was up or down. The sadness that I had in me, I just felt broken. I was fighting with my body and not knowing what to do. I’ve become stronger with the help of Dr. Natasha, and because my body’s stronger, my mind is stronger.

“She’s the best, kindest, most caring person I know.”

She’s the best, kindest, most caring person I know. If you’ve been feeling under the weather or just haven’t been you for quite some time and have not found any answers, come see Dr. Natasha. Your life will be changed!

“She is caring, dedicated, and goes above and beyond for her clients.”

She is caring, dedicated, and goes above and beyond for her clients. She has firsthand knowledge about what we’re going through, and that helps a lot.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from The Sensitive Doctor, Natasha Fallahi, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you through a framework of tangible, proven, highly empowering approaches to determine your sensitivity type, heal emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges, and live a happy, healthy, purpose-filled life.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Integrated System for Empaths & Sensitives Bonus Collection
  • Energetic Healing of Personal & Generational Trauma
    Video Dialogue With Companion PDF Workbook From Dr. Natasha Fallahi and Dr. Keesha Ewers
  • Trauma Workbook for Sensitive Souls
    PDF Workbook From Dr. Natasha Fallahi
  • True Healing
    Video Dialogue With Dr. Natasha Fallahi and Dr. Jay Komarek
  • Reset Your Nervous System
    Video Demonstration From Dr. Titus Chiu Hosted by Dr. Natasha Fallahi
  • Qigong Movement Practices for Calming & Centering the Nervous System
    Video Practice From Mark Tanaka

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Integrated System for Empaths & Sensitives Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. Natasha Fallahi has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from The Sensitive Doctor whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about living a happy, healthy, purpose-filled life as an empath or highly sensitive person, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE An Integrated System for Empaths & Sensitives or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Natasha Fallahi...

“Dr. Natasha is a wonderful teacher.”

Dr. Natasha is a wonderful teacher. She blends the best of science and intuition through research and storytelling. Her integrative approach is fun and empowering. She offers simple and practical healing tools for sensitive people to make lasting changes in their lives.
Dr. Mark Hyman, 14-time New York Times bestselling author, the Head of Strategy and Innovation at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and Board President for Clinical Affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine

“Dr. Natasha possesses an authentic, unique blend of knowledge, experience, and empathy in everything she does.”

Dr. Natasha possesses an authentic, unique blend of knowledge, experience, and empathy in everything she does. Her interviews and presentations are always among the favorites of our audiences and for good reason. Not only can she teach at a high level, but also her ability to meet people where they are with compassion and understanding is truly something special.
Michael Roesslein, health and wellness educator and co-founder of Rebel Health Tribe and Inaura

“Dr. Natasha has the rare ability to blend clinical science with deep insight and empathy into the human condition.”

Dr. Natasha has the rare ability to blend clinical science with deep insight and empathy into the human condition. She also has a unique way of articulating the interconnections between body, mind, and spirit that makes complex concepts immediately understandable and self-care recommendations infinitely accessible. And as if that isn’t enough, her own sensitivities make her an ideal person to deliver the most tender therapeutic care.
Andrea Nakayama, functional medicine nutritionist, founder and former CEO of Functional Nutrition Alliance

“She provides a holistic framework for understanding sensitivity, and simple steps to make the most of this superpower we have.”

Dr. Natasha effortlessly gives words to an experience that so many of us feel. She provides a holistic framework for understanding sensitivity, and simple steps to make the most of this superpower we have. As sensitive people ourselves, we feel so validated! It’s nice to also hear the neuroscience and physiology as to why we’re that way, because I think sensitivity can be a bit isolating. I remember as a kid, I often felt very alone with all my feelings. I think Dr. Natasha has really created something that is going to serve a lot of people. As sensitive people, Matt and I obviously both resonate personally.
Sarah Otto and Matt Potts, founders of Goodness Lover

“She has the rare ability to admire without envy and understand her mission of meaning, purpose, and service with humble brilliance”

I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Natasha for many years, both as my student and colleague. Most impressive is how she blends her clinical background and empathic gift to share her wisdom with her patients, friends, and colleagues. She has the rare ability to admire without envy and understand her mission of meaning, purpose, and service with humble brilliance. Dr. Natasha is a valued contributor to the way of compassion in troubled times.
Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of Biocognitive Science and author of The MindBody Code and The MindBody Self


About Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Dr. Natasha Fallahi is known as The Sensitive Doctor. She is a mind-body health expert, functional medicine practitioner, energy therapist, certified autoimmune coach, and multimedia artist with an intuitive approach to living and healing. As founder of Club Sensitive, she brings together sensitive people experiencing anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, coaching them to connect with their intuition, develop holistic rituals, overcome trauma, and meet kindred spirits. They share stories and best practices using mind-body techniques such as energy medicine and healing foods so that they can harness their own magic, tap into their superpowers, experience true wellness, build lasting relationships, and finally feel at home in this world.

Like many of the people she provides care for, Natasha herself struggled for many years with unexplainable health issues. After transforming her own health with mind-body medicine, she dedicated her life and career to helping people suffering from mystery symptoms and chronic illness. She’s passionate about guiding others to achieve their highest potential physically, emotionally, and energetically. Her approach is especially effective for people experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, vague pain, brain fog, food intolerance, chemical sensitivities, Hashimoto’s, and autoimmune disorders.

In addition to earning her doctorate in chiropractic, Natasha holds advanced training in functional medicine, functional immunology, functional neurology, energy psychology, homeopathy, nutrition, and somatic bodywork. And, with her background in multimedia studies, art, and design, she brings a creative flair to everything she does.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
