With Award-Winning Author & International Teacher of
Medical Intuition and Mediumship
Tina Zion

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Catalyze your personal healing journey by activating your 4 main pathways of intuitive wisdom for self-healing and tuning in to your body, senses, energy field, and sacred specialty guides.

Gain practical medical intuitive tools that support your spiritual growth, health, and wellbeing.


Are you unintentionally blocking access to your intuition?

While you may not realize it yet, your intuition has gifted you with the power to influence your health and wellbeing...

... to become aware of what’s truly ailing you physically, mentally, and emotionally and to recognize the best path forward.

It’s part of the intuitive sense you were born with. To access it, however, you must first learn how to listen to, decipher, and trust the messages that your body, soul, and spirit guides are offering you.

You are a powerful contributor in the energy system of the Universe, and hold the wisdom of the Universe within you.

With the right guidance, you can harness it and heal yourself.

During this empowering course with medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion, you’ll activate your intuition and innate self-healing ability using practical yet powerful medical intuitive tools that nurture your body and spiritual growth and catalyze positive health and wellbeing.

An award-winning author, psychiatric nurse, mental health counselor, and popular medical intuitive teacher, Tina has taught thousands around the world how to access and activate their medical intuitive skills and optimize their health and wellbeing.

You’ll experience her rich knowledge of intuitive healing and working with the nonphysical realm firsthand every class during guided experiences and potent practices that help you uncover the root cause of your health imbalances and heal them.


During this empowering course to develop your medical intuitive skills, you’ll discover:

  • How to access your intuition and medical intuition, fine-tune your connections with the matrix of knowledge within the Universe, and reveal how you may be blocking your intuitive senses
  • Guided experiences to communicate with sick or uncomfortable areas of your body, including scanning your own body and energy field, energizing weakened areas within you, inviting in and communicating with specialty guides, using color frequencies for self-healing and protection, cleansing and healing yourself of negative energy cords, and more
  • Ways to decode and understand where negative emotions tend to accumulate in the human body, correlating thoughts and emotions with illness and disease
  • Where your energy field is the most vulnerable and empower that area for safety and your health
  • Techniques to call on the most helpful unseen allies for guidance through intuitive means
  • The potential cause of many struggles and illnesses at the energetic level
  • Seven keys to communicate with divine and sacred spirit guides and how to be precise when communicating with your guides and the Universe
  • The powerful truth that the negative patterns that keep repeating in your life aren’t punishments and are, instead, physical signals from spirit and the Universe
  • How your thoughts and emotions are electrically powerful and how they help you hone your medical intuition skills
  • The reasons spirits cannot push themselves into our lives
  • How addressing the root causes of issues improves your ability to bring healing changes to your body, mind, and life

Tina will show you how to effectively call in the best spirit guides for your health challenge or life struggle when working with your intuition.

You’ll explore the eight blockages that may be hindering your intuition, energetically scan your body for health and imbalance, and use powerful techniques such as astral projection for uncovering the underlying causes of your struggles.

You’ll learn how to access the wisdom and support of seen and unseen worlds to become more adept at self-regulating your health and a more empowered self-advocate of your own life.

You’ll discover the words to use when working with sacred and divine guides and how to communicate with helping spirits using your telepathic abilities.

As you become your own medical intuitive, you’ll also monitor and help sustain your wellbeing, grow in your self-awareness, and gain important insights about your physical and emotional health.

You’ll learn how your true path is really about expanding, visualizing, and trusting your individual level of awareness and experiencing the cosmos as a living being.

A compassionate and humble teacher, Tina teaches that honing your medical intuition is something anyone can do.

She believes she wasn’t endowed with a special “gift” that’s unattainable by others she simply set out to cultivate her innate intuitive skills.

And now, she’ll teach you how to do the same for yourself.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Module

In this 7-part transformational course, Tina will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to activate your intuition and built-in ability to self-heal using practical medical intuitive tools that support your spiritual growth, health, and wellbeing and a life of meaning, fulfillment, and joy.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Tina. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices and principles you’ll need to activate your intuition and ability to self-heal using practical medical intuitive tools.

Module 1: Heal & Empower Your Own Health by Becoming a Medical Intuitive


Everyone is born with an inherent intuition.

Tina will share 15 key points to help you discover what intuition really is and discuss the eight blockages that hinder you from developing (and listening) to your innate sense of inner knowing.

Explore how half of you is nonphysical and learn how to heighten your connection with your soul’s unique language by knowing and feeling the six pathways to receive nonphysical information.

Take the opportunity to rate your intuition now at the end of the course, you’ll check in on how your intuitive skills have developed.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to define and understand the terms “intuition” and “medical intuition”
  • The controversy around whether or not you can become your own medical intuitive (as Tina will confirm, of course you can!)
  • Eight primary blocks to your intuition
  • How to recognize intuition when you receive it
  • Fifteen insights on what medical intuition really is
  • The 6 pathways to receive intuitive information
  • Handouts to support your self-healing abilities
  • An experience to identify a place in the body that is uncomfortable and sick and start communicating with it

Module 2: Empower Your Intuition & Energy With Clear Intention


Your thoughts and emotions create your experiences and your life and they have an incredibly profound impact on your physical body.

Move past your limitations as you gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts and emotions are impacting your health and life.

Experience where certain negative thoughts are located in your body and learn to use a powerful healing method to stimulate healing and diminish any negative thoughts that might prevent you from living your most fulfilled life.

Tina will guide you on how to use visualizations that depict energy flow in the body, and self-scans and color to determine the frequency of information.

Learn how to scan your own energy field and discover where energy is located on an energetic, spiritual, and electrical level as you notice your thoughts and emotions.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The powerful truth that you’re a unique ball of surging energy
  • How your thoughts are directing everything, and your emotions are empowering everything that you direct
  • Ways to deliberately become in charge of your personal energy field
  • How to decode and understand where negative emotions tend to accumulate in the human body, and how thoughts and emotions correlate with illness and disease
  • Why your aura is so much more than mere colors
  • A guided experience to know yourself more deeply by scanning your energy field and noticing any negative thoughts and emotions that arise
  • A guided meditation to direct your energy field to energize the weakened areas you’ve discovered during this session

Module 3: Communicate Clearly With Divine & Sacred Spirit Guides to Increase Accuracy & Support


Many of us talk and pray to Source and the nonphysical realms but do you stop, listen, and receive a response?

It’s essential to slow down enough to get answers to your requests.

Tina will show you how to deliberately and clearly communicate with your spirit guides and the nonphysical world by getting the thinking mind out of the way.

You’ll learn practices to call in your specialty guides using crystal-clear words, how to interview them to ensure they’re divine and sacred, and the commands to use.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Why there’s nothing to fear about spirits in fact, you’re a spirit, surrounded by spirits
  • Seven keys for communicating with divine and sacred spirit guides
  • How thoughts are electrical signals to the Universe
  • The reasons spirits cannot push themselves into our lives
  • Detailed instructions for helping you communicate with Spirit
  • Guided practices to call out to and invite in 3 specific spirit guides and communicate with each guide individually
  • Your ability to discern with confidence that you are working with the highest level of guides possible
  • A guided experience to invite in and communicate with specialty guides using clear words to receive the clearest responses

Module 4: Access Your Unique Telepathic Abilities & Connect With Your Guides in a Potent 8-Step Process for Health & Healing


You’ve developed an interactive relationship with your specialty guides. Now, you’ll focus those relationships and communications on realizing your goals.

Learn the eight steps to direct your spiritual team toward your health and healing...

... and explore how to talk to your team of helping spirits and to your physical body, using your telepathic abilities and your mind’s eye.

Tina will also guide you through an experience to open, enhance, and gain more control of your personal energy field with the use of specific energy vibrations.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Your team of divine and sacred spirit guides who are focused on excelling with you and for you
  • Eight steps to communicate with guides and your physical body and 9 steps to empower your own healing
  • The 3 most important pathways of intuitive information for healing and how to stop interfering in your own healing
  • Ways to work with your telepathic communication
  • Communication using the frequency that you want to receive and words not to use with your guides
  • Where your energy field is the most vulnerable and how to empower that area for safety and health
  • A guided experience to use color frequencies for self-healing and protection
  • A guided experience to open, enhance, and gain more control of your personal energy field through specific energy vibrations

Module 5: How Ethics, Energy Cords & Tending to Your Energy Field Can Empower Your Intuitive Healing Skills


Explore how medical intuitive skills impact you, the people around you, and the larger world.

Tina will explain the ethics of working with your personal empowerment, including how to work with astral projection. As you’ll discover, it’s vital to honor the ethical guidelines of this work as you grow in your abilities.

Learn how naturally powerful you truly are and how to use your power wisely with compassion, honor, and integrity.

Come to understand the difference between removing negative cords and cord cutting, how to distinguish between negative and positive cords, the steps for healing our energy bodies, and how to bring yourself back from other people (and why it is vital to do so).

You’ll also explore the range of results that can come from using your medical intuition.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How the human energy field can’t be destroyed but it can be transformed, altered, and changed
  • Ways for empaths to care for themselves as they care for others
  • Proof that energy cords are real, how they are created, and how to distinguish between positive and negative cords
  • How taking care of your energy is like taking a shower you do it daily, just for you
  • Ways to be sure you don’t take on other people’s emotions
  • How to become luminescent light to shine the way for others
  • A guided experience to examine any energetic cords interfering with your personal health and wellbeing
  • A guided experience to cleanse and heal yourself of negative energy cords

Module 6: Unlock the Secret Key to Your Personal Healing by Exploring the 8 Causes of Illness


Often in conventional Western medicine, the focus is to rid the body of symptoms.

However, as you likely already know, there is so much more to illness than the symptomatic manifestations.

You’ll unlock the secret key to empower your personal healing by exploring the 8 causes of illness Tina has identified and how they each require their own level of healing.

In a guided experience, you’ll take the steps to discover the root cause of a problem and travel to a past life that is causing this issue, enabling you to move forward on your own to heal other areas of difficulty and disease in your life.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The potential cause of many struggles and illnesses at the energetic level
  • Why the past, present, and future are all one connected timeline of energy
  • How you’ll no longer need to gradually peel away layers of your energetic and emotional issues because you’ll know how to quickly get to the root cause
  • How addressing the 8 root causes of issues improves your ability to bring healing changes to your body, mind, and life
  • Guided self-examinations of why other healings haven’t worked for you and one potential cause that affects everyone
  • Step-by-step methods to begin the healing process for one of your struggles or an illness
  • A guided experience to discover a common cause of your life struggles and take the steps to heal it

Module 7: Discover Your Life’s Purpose & Bring Deep Healing to Your Soul With the Help of Your Sacred Guides


Am I on the right path in my life? Am I on the wrong path in my life? What’s the life path I’m supposed to be on?

Discover how to pose these questions (and many more!) to your guides. Explore how to communicate with your guides to find your true path and come to see you’re not alone in discerning your life’s purpose.

Learn how everyone has patterns in their lives that keep showing up over and over again. The details may vary however, the underlying pattern is always present.

Unlock the hidden meaning behind these repeating patterns what they are trying to tell you and what you need to notice and learn about them.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 versions of the same question people are always asking Tina
  • Three questions you must ask yourself as an intuitive
  • Why you have more control over your life than you may realize because you actually have choices every second of your day, and every second of your life
  • The reasons negative patterns that keep repeating in your life aren’t punishments and are instead physical signals from spirit and the Universe
  • How to learn from the negative patterns in your life while still following the positive patterns
  • A guided exploration of your often-repeating life patterns
  • A guided experience to help you take charge and become the director of your life’s path, enlisting the help of your guides to show you the way
  • A guided closing mantra meditation to infuse your words and thoughts with positivity


The Become Your Own Medical Intuitive for Personal Healing Bonus Coillection

In addition to Tina’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Be a Medical Intuitive Healer for Yourself & Others
Session From the Medical Intuitive Summit

Tina Zion believes that medical intuition is a precise healing method that is a learned skill, not a gift or an ability that is inherited. And it is so much more than an intuitive reading. An excellent medical intuitive discovers illness or life struggles within the physical body, as well as emotions, the energy field, past lives, and more. Hear Tina share about what healing really means and how you know when healing has taken place in this video interview from The Shift Network Medical Intuitive Summit.


Energy Alerts: What Not to Do
PDF Chapter From Tina Zion’s Book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

In Chapter 14, “Energy Alerts: What Not to Do,” from Tina’s latest award-winning book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive, she discusses the importance of being vigilant and aware of the power that you are learning. She also shares standards for improving yourself without doing harm.


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What Graduates of Tina’s Courses Are Saying...


Maryann Kelly: “Tina Makes Information Accessible, Understandable, Digestible, and Able to Be Applied”

Betty Ann Dean: “I Am Able to Do Client Sessions on a Level I Never Expected to Be Able to Achieve”

Tammy Barton: “I've Seen Miracles Happen”

Courtney Dillon: “Tina Has Helped Me Revolutionize the Way I Work With Other People”

Michelle McClintock: “Tina Is So Patient With Me in Helping Me Hone My Medical Intuitive Skills”

Cristiana Manole: “Tina's Methods Are So Powerful, and Yet So Simple”

“Tina is wise, kind, and an absolute gift.”

This course was life-changing. I feel empowered to move forward as a medical intuitive, while taking care of myself so that I don’t drain or harm myself in the process. I have already been doing intuitive work, and this course helped me take my work to the next level. Tina is wise, kind, and an absolute gift.
Stephanie, Hudson, New York

“I learned so much!”

Our teacher Tina Zion gave me the confidence to practice medical intuitive mediumship due to her positive, genuine, professional, attitude and loving nature... plus she really knows her stuff! I learned so much! I can’t wait for her next class!
Tiffany Gianfala, LMFT, Antioch, California

“Wow! The results were amazing!”

I have been learning many ways to help others to heal themselves by using healing touch, clairvoyance, and more. What surprised me is the simplicity of this unique course. I never thought I would help others without being affected by their energies, traumas, issues, and unhealthy habits or incurable diseases. Tina is a wonderful teacher and thanks to her I will allow myself to give more without being worried about getting “things or vibes” from others. I was fortunate to participate in a masterclass last week, and as a hypnotherapist and energy healer I had the opportunity to use what Tina taught me. Wow! The results were amazing! 100% effectiveness with each one. By the way, my Sacred and Divine Guides are the best team I have ever had. Thank you, Tina, from the bottom of my heart.
Elinda, Albany, New York

“This course has dramatically increased my confidence in using intuitive information and [my] receptiveness to it.”

This course has dramatically increased my confidence in using intuitive information and [my] receptiveness to it. It has changed the way I approach my patients and, actually, my life. I am very grateful for Tina’s teachings. When I first started “waking up” to intuitive guidance and the fact that reality is way bigger than what I had been taught to believe, I was pretty freaked out. Tina’s teaching has changed this for me. I’m not afraid. Seriously, that is saying a lot!
Jenny Allgier, DVM

“I do not have sufficient words to express how grateful I was to be able to participate in this course.”

This was a wonderful opportunity to glean much from Tina Zion’s many years of experience. Tina’s presentation and attitude are exemplary and I do not have sufficient words to express how grateful I was to be able to participate in this course.
Jay, Australia


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Tina Zion

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from award-winning author Tina Zion, international teacher of medical intuition and mediumship from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to access and activate your medical intuitive skills for self-healing.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Become Your Own Medical Intuitive for Personal Healing Bonus Collection
  • Be a Medical Intuitive Healer for Yourself & Others
    Session From the Medical Intuitive Summit
  • Energy Alerts: What Not to Do
    PDF Chapter From Tina Zion’s Book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Become Your Own Medical Intuitive for Personal Healing


We feel honored that Tina Zion has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online program. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an award-winning author and international teacher of medical intuition and mediumship whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about learning how to access the healing intelligence of your intuition to support your spiritual growth, health, and wellbeing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.



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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Become Your Own Medical Intuitive for Personal Healing or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Tina Zion...

“Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing.”

Tina Zion’s expertise as a healer, teacher, and writer aligns with personal empowerment the key to any long-lasting healing. She offers guidance and practical applications of scientifically and energetically based medical intuitive skills that communicate the multidimensional aspects of healing opportunities for those in the medical field to maintain balance, increase their energy levels, and improve their self-care so they can truly model wellness for their patients. As a student of Tina’s, I can attest to her balanced, grounded, ethical, and thoughtful approach for maintaining connection with the spiritual worlds of healing.
Dr. Janet Roseman, associate professor of integrative medicine and author of  If Joan of Arc Had Cancer: Finding Courage, Faith, and Healing from History’s Most Inspirational Woman Warrior

“[Tina] continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing.”

I have found Tina Zion to be an extraordinary teacher of medical intuition. I admire her uncanny ability to teach medical intuition in an accessible way. She continues to provide a concise, easy-to-follow guide for learning the root causes of illness and dis-ease states and their healing. She provides techniques and tools which anyone with a sincere interest can learn and use. Guiding by example, she encourages the reader to trust in their own intuition towards the healing of others. As a physician and psychiatrist, I welcome Tina Zion’s voice to our evolving knowledge of alternative medicine.
Dr. H. Pankowsky

“... an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.”

Tina emphasizes the need for confidentiality, compassion, and a nonjudgmental attitude. This is a form of energetic healing as opposed to the traditional physical or mental health techniques which are predominantly used to treat illness. It is therefore a relatively new area of healing which is gathering momentum, as Tina has noticed with the increasing numbers of physicians, nurses, and physical therapists who attend her courses. This is something that can be effectively used in conjunction with traditional medicine, signifying an enhancement and evolution of our current healthcare.
Dr. Penny Sartori, author of  The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences and co-author of  The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

“I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered.”

After over 30+ years in all sorts of training (clinical, university, professional, etc.), I can count on one hand the few times that I have found training so engaging that my mind never wandered. The breadth and depth of Tina’s abilities, combined with her humility, humor, and personification of passion for sharing her expertise, is unmatched in my experience. What’s additionally amazing is how her delivery resonates across attendees who are at different development points, and who each tap into intuition in a unique way.
Maryann Kelly, founder of Intuitive Services Insight

“I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications.”

Tina Zion’s clear, concise, detailed approach combines inspiration, tools, and scientific explanations. She gives us blueprints, and follows with specific tools for healing and transformation for both the client and the practitioner. As a professional medium and teacher for over 48 years, I was inspired by Tina’s spiritual clarity, down-to-earth common sense, and practical applications. Every once in a while, a teacher comes along who has what it takes to change lives. This is one of those times.
Rev. Elaine D. Thomas, MS, director of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy


About Tina Zion

Tina Zion, a fourth-generation intuitive medium, is globally acclaimed as a medical intuition expert. She has taught self-development courses, with an emphasis on medical intuition and mediumship, for more than 25 years.

Tina has a national board specialty certification in mental health nursing from the American Nurses Credentialing Association, and has worked in the mental health field as a registered nurse. A Gestalt-trained mental health counselor, she received her certification in clinical hypnotherapy from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, specializing in past-life regressions. A Reiki master, she has taught this healing modality for over 10 years.

An award-winning author, Tina’s books include Become a Medical Intuitive... Advanced Medical Intuition... The Reiki Teacher’s Manual... Reiki and Your Intuition... and her newest book, Be Your Own Medical Intuitive.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
