With the Founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)
Dr. Shamini Jain

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Join a leading scientist and healer and unlock your capacity to thrive using The Healing Keys and push the boundaries of what you thought possible for wholeness and interconnectedness.

Learn what mind-body, placebo, and biofield sciences teach us about the power to heal ourselves and others and create your own personalized healing practices and rituals for deeper healing in all areas of your life!


Our current models of medicine fall short of understanding the depths of our human healing potential.
Dr. Shamini Jain

Spontaneous remission, the placebo effect, and energy healing these medical phenomena have mystified the conventional medical community for decades.

The truth is that we’ve not been told the entire scientific story behind the healing effects of placebo  which is so much more than filling your mind with positive expectations.

Emerging healing science, including placebo, psychoneuroimmunology, and biofield science,  is showing us that even beyond our conscious minds, our energy matters greatly for healing.

When we bring our consciousness into coherence individually and collectively, through aligning our biofields we pave the way for powerful healing and transformation.

What can you do at times when you feel exhausted, isolated, stagnated, shut down, unable to connect with others, or like you don't have a creative bone left in your body?

You may be surprised by how science shows that the placebo effect reveals key healing influencers and that integrating these influencers into your day can help you address these problems and lead your life with more energy, radiance, and grace.

A growing number of researchers, including psychologist Dr. Shamini Jain, are forging a new path in this area a true expansion of science that honors and incorporates ancient spiritual understandings.

What’s needed is a new way to think about healthcare and our ability to heal ourselves. Dr. Jain rejects the “either/or” thinking that has placed conventional medicine at odds with so-called alternative methods and offers an integrated path, a holistic model of health based on sound scientific evidence and personal empowerment.

It’s time to accelerate your healing process with the clear understanding that science and spirituality are not ultimately separate they are simply different approaches to understanding Truth.

In this 7-module course with Shamini, you’ll explore self-healing practices that draw from psychology, neuroscience, and psychoneuroimmunology, as well as from spiritual healing wisdom. You’ll be empowered with the balanced knowledge and ability to heal yourself and others in new ways and to experience an authentic connection with your divine source and with others so you can feel more alive and aligned in all your roles and relationships.

With the proper cultivation, you have the ability to restore harmony within your biofield, and shape your energy toward the specific intentions you have for your own wholeness, as well as the wholeness of others.


During this transformational exploration, you’ll:

  • Learn what science actually says about “positive” and “negative” emotions particularly about the power of emotions to facilitate optimal health
  • Experience world-class guest teachers moving beyond creative blocks with the Brothers Koren, recording artists and empowerment coaches… and expanding your psychic senses to move beyond confusion, doubt, and fear with intuitive healer and biofield scientist Dr. Tiffany Barsotti
  • Explore your subtle energy and inner sound with mantra and vocalization practices to connect with the Earth, foster your vitality, and release old patterns that don’t serve you
  • Embody ancient understandings of energy and consciousness, explore how they relate to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in each of us, and learn how to harmonize these forces in our bodies for wellbeing and fulfillment
  • Be guided through an energetic meditation and mantra practice to ground into your body, vanquish fear, and cultivate a sense of powerful presence
  • Discover the latest scientific research in placebo and understand why Harvard researchers have shown that you don’t have to be tricked to experience powerful healing effects
  • Deepen into what mind-body, placebo, and biofield science teach us about the power to heal ourselves and others
  • Engage in collective Chakra and Divine Feminine meditations to charge ourselves with loving energy, and deepen your connection with spiritual guidance
  • Create your own personalized healing ritual to feel the flow of wellbeing throughout your life journey
  • Explore the bioenergetic connection with our Earth and greater solar system becoming aware of how planetary fluctuations influence behavior
  • Discover how connecting with the Earth reduces pain and anxiety, as well as improves sleep
  • Learn to overcome your blocks, recover your creative identity and explore what kinds of creative acts improve your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing
  • Learn how to engage in the practice of surrender without “spiritual bypass”
  • And much more…

Born in an Indian Jain household, Shamini is rooted in Jain dharma as well as Tantric teachings and practices. A recognized expert in biofield science and healing, she has conducted pioneering research in the areas of meditation and hands-on energy work. In addition to sharing her knowledge and expertise via keynote speeches and TEDx talks, Shamini teaches healing self-practices at leading retreat centers across the U.S.

Deepak Chopra calls Shamini a visionary scientist and collaboration catalyst, with the energy and heart of a healer.

Shamini will share ancient understandings of energy and consciousness, how they relate to the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within each of us, and how to harmonize these forces in our bodies for wellbeing and fulfillment. She’ll show you how to do this through your own personalized healing practices and rituals to help you feel the flow of wellbeing throughout your life.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational course, Shamini will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to claim your power to expand your consciousness and allow for a deeper, more complete healing in multiple areas of your life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Shamini. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to push the boundaries of what you thought possible for interconnectedness and wholeness.

Module 1: Embodying Presence Through Grounding for Health & Deeper Connection With the Earth


What is grounding? It’s a process of going into and feeling your physical body and deepening your connection with the Earth. By becoming more embodied and actually paying attention to the feeling of your feet on the ground as well as the sensations in your feet and legs, you become more present, allowing more energy to flow more freely from you to the Earth... and from the Earth to you.

All people and the Earth are mutually bound through many factors, the most significant being an electromagnetic connection, exchanging ions in a dance of interdependence that’s deeply cooperative and mutually beneficial.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the bioenergetic connection with our Earth and greater solar system, deepening your awareness of how planetary fluctuations influence behavior
  • Discover how connecting with the Earth reduces pain and anxiety, as well as improves sleep
  • Understand the science behind our human-earth-solar-system connection, and how to harmonize your biofield with Earth and planetary energies
  • Learn how to be present in your body to amplify your conscious, energetic presence with yourself and others
  • Integrate ancient practices and perspectives on karmic patterns and explore how to clear ancestral patterns that no longer serve you

You’ll also explore the role of Tantric deities Ganesha and Durga Ma and engage in an energetic meditation and mantra practice to ground into your body, vanquish fear, and cultivate a sense of powerful presence.


Module 2: Flow With Emotional Energy to Move Beyond Drama Spirals


Do you ever feel captive to your emotions? Sometimes it might even seem like your emotions run your life. And yet, many ancient healers and philosophers are reported to have transcended all their emotions for ultimate wellbeing.

Emotions are information, and as long as you open to the information and sensations present in emotions and don’t dwell in them or try to stuff them away they can be a huge help to you on your journey to health and inner peace. Scientists have begun to research more deeply the impact of positive emotions on our health and the science is encouraging!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn what science actually says about “positive” and “negative” emotions particularly about the power of emotions to facilitate optimal health
  • Discover the role of curiosity in cultivating emotional mastery
  • Work with powerful inner sound practices to skillfully navigate and clear destabilizing emotions from your biofield
  • Understand how to harmonize and work through your emotions energetically recognizing when a emotion is yours or someone else’s
  • Learn how the Tantric goddess Kali Ma can help you release stuck emotions and attachments, so you can move beyond the drama spiral

Module 3: Express Your Creativity to Jumpstart Vitality With Guest Teachers the Brothers Koren


When it comes to the impact of creativity on health, there’s much research showing that engaging in art therapies such as dance, expressive writing, music, and visual art affects a person’s psychological and physical health.

We’re also all currently taking our first steps as a global society into the Creative Age, an era of collective inner awareness and outward expression, each of us serving as a potential brush in the hand of the artist within who is painting the masterpieces that are our lives.

Shamini will extend to you a very special invitation to step more fully into your own expression of creativity (and creative expression can take many forms)!

In this special session, you’ll explore how to move beyond creative blocks with special guests the Brothers Koren, singer-songwriters and vocal empowerment teachers. You’ll discover why “daring to suck” is your best ally in unleashing your full creative process. Be prepared to have fun and make some joyful noise!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience yourself as a creative without self-judgment or shame
  • Learn to overcome your blocks, recover your creative identity, and explore what kinds of creative acts improve emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing
  • Discover the relationship between the elements and the creative process
  • Learn about and integrate the archetypes in your psyche that support creativity
  • Participate in a powerful inner sound work practice to liberate the creative forces in your body

Module 4: Create Powerful Rituals to Establish & Focus Your Healing Intention


The concept of “healing” is multidimensional in scope and essentially refers to the restoration of harmony within your biofield. Now that you’ve learned to ground and cultivate higher energy, you can begin to shape it toward a specific intention you have for your life.

In this science-strong module, you’ll learn what placebo research is teaching us about the power of intention, relationship, and ritual to expand your consciousness and allow for a complete manifestation of the life you desire. You’ll explore the vital role of connecting with the biofield to foster strong healing intentions through a powerful healing ritual you create for yourself.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the latest scientific research in placebo and understand why Harvard researchers have shown you don’t have to be tricked to experience powerful healing effects
  • Understand the science behind nocebo (negative placebo effects) and how to prevent them
  • Explore why ancient traditions understood that the mind itself is insufficient to bring about effective manifestation and discover how to combine your energy with the mind for powerful healing effects
  • Learn which chakras specifically aid in co-creative manifestation
  • Engage in a sankalpa (stated intention) to work the energy of unfulfilled desire and bring about the fruits of your heart’s true longing

Module 5: Connect With Others to Heal the Wounding of Isolation


You’ve likely heard the phrase “loneliness kills,” and are perhaps familiar with the neuroscience, public health studies, and social science that not only acknowledge this but also show the pathways by which it comes about.

AND... the flip side of the science of loneliness is that connection heals an even stronger truth!

The combined results of the studies so strongly support the vital impact of social connection on our health that many scientists have called for governments to advance social connection as a public health priority.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn why science says connection is a powerful healer and how to deepen healing connections
  • Explore the relationship between complex emotions like grief, loss, and gratitude, and the dynamic of disrupted connection(s)
  • Ask for spiritual support though an energy-based guided meditation
  • Discuss the role of the heart in selfless service and how acts of service deepen connection and healing from society to our cells
  • Learn to clear connections for your health releasing those individuals in your past that no longer serve your healing journey
  • Learn a powerful mantra to bring supportive light into the heart and deepen your sense of connection with everything in every moment

Module 6: Opening to Your Own Intuitions, Insights & Wisdom for Personalized Healing Guidance With Guest Teacher Tiffany Barsotti


A critical element of the healing process is being able to expand your consciousness to receive personally relevant information that is vital to your evolution, both as an individual and as the society you want to be a part of.

In this module, you’ll explore the physiology of intuition and science-based practices that can help you move beyond the chattering mind to trust your intuitive guidance so you can expand your awareness and access greater wisdom to guide your healing journey.

How can we expand our psychic senses to move beyond confusion, doubt, and fear, and embrace our inner psychic gifts? This module includes a very special session with intuitive healer and biofield scientist Dr. Tiffany Barsotti sharing about both the esoteric physiology and experience of psychic awareness, for powerful intuitive guidance.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Understand why being grounded in your body is key to obtaining intuitions, as well as developing insight
  • Learn the science behind precognition or knowing something before it happens
  • Discover the many pathways through which you may gain intuitions and extrasensory information
  • Deepen your awareness of the relationship between insight and wisdom and explore key chakras and subtle energy channels to work with to enhance both
  • Practice a powerful meditation to open to nature’s wisdom to enhance your capacity for insight

You’ll also gain an understanding of how the Vedic Goddess Saraswati can aid you in enhancing your insight and wisdom and how to connect with the subtle energy channel in your body (Saraswati Nadi) to enhance the energy of her wisdom.


Module 7: Explore the Path of Surrender to Embody Higher Consciousness


As you continue to live a path of purpose and service, you’ll realize that your life is not fully your own that is to say, your life is not only for your egoic fulfillment. Opportunities for spiritual surrender occur to remind you that coming into your sheer Being is all that’s actually required for spiritual growth.

You may begin to deeply understand that expanding your consciousness and your relationships with others are one and the same thing. As your heart opens more fully, so does your recognition of interbeing. You’ll realize that “your” life is really part of a web of shared lives... that sometimes, “personal sacrifices” are actually wise decisions made for the good of the whole.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to engage in the practice of surrender without “spiritual bypass”
  • Discover the ancient and modern science behind surrender, sacrifice, and spiritual expansion
  • Explore how you can fully embody a position and attitude of surrender while retaining autonomy and staying in your full power
  • Understand the relationship of Oneness with surrender practices, and explore why surrender can lead to bliss
  • Learn a mantra and connect with the Goddess Lalita for powerful and joyful surrender


The Healing Keys of Your Biofield Bonus Collection

In addition to Shamini’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Embodied Surrender Meditation for Deeper Spiritual Grounding
Audio Meditation From Dr. Shamini Jain

In this chakra-based meditation, you’ll be guided to work with the elemental energies of each of your chakras to feel grounded and embodied, to flow with the currents of emotions, to set your healing intentions, and to open more deeply to the co-creative and surrender process. This meditation will deepen your sense of presence and subtle awareness, and allow for higher levels of spiritual connection.


The Miraculous Powers of Your Divine Self
Video Dialogue With Dr. Shamini Jain & Cyndi Dale

You already exist in a state of divinity and when you’re conscious of this, you’re able to easily activate your ability to create the miraculous. In this video with Shamini and author, intuitive, and healer Cyndi Dale, Cyndi shares the light and sounds that are available to you for miracles great and small. You’ll explore how to reach a certain state in a flash a level of reality called the Divine Pathway that travels through your very own God Spot.


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What Graduates of Shamini’s Courses Are Saying...


Natalie Backman: “I Was Shocked in a Very Pleasant Way By the Amount of Pure Shakti That Is Within Shamini”

Radha Krishnan: “I Was Very Moved Because My Worldview Had Shifted”

Sarah Albrecht: “Shamini Knows Exactly What She’s Talking About”

“[Dr. Shamini Jain] is passionate about the science behind work with the human biofield and the healing of mankind and the planet.”

Dr. Shamini Jain is a vibrant and joyous teacher. She is passionate about the science behind work with the human biofield and the healing of mankind and the planet. In a time of planetary crisis, this course was a true blessing.
Julie Baggarley, Brisbane, Australia

“This [course] has helped me tremendously with my health and my healing journey.”

I greatly enjoyed the course and found the mantras incredibly beneficial for healing. I liked learning about the placebo effect, and creating our own rituals for healing. This has helped me tremendously with my health and my healing journey.
Lynn, Fishersville, Virginia

“I would take another course from [Shamini] in a heartbeat!”

Shamini Jain is an amazing teacher. The presentation of her knowledge is enhanced by her openness and vulnerability, a rare feature in an “authority.” Just her presence was inspirational and healing. I would take another course from her in a heartbeat!
Betty, San Diego, California

“I loved the integration of Western science and Eastern spiritual philosophies the course opened up a diverse chanting/mantra portal for which I’m grateful.”

I loved the integration of Western science and Eastern spiritual philosophies the course opened up a diverse chanting/mantra portal for which I’m grateful. I’ve chanted the Ganesha mantra for many years. I found Shamini’s voice soothing and beautiful to listen to, especially while she chanted the mantras. Her wisdom and knowledge blended infectiously with her passionate enthusiasm.
Michelle McGregor, Brighton, United Kingdom

“I only take courses with those who are able to transmit healing directly through their being, and Shamini is one of those.”

Shamini is amazing! From the first time I heard her sing a short mantra in the introductory session, I was transformed from the inside. This deepened throughout the course as I learned to embody and balance the qualities of the goddesses through the mantras and stories and was blessed with their grace. I only take courses with those who are able to transmit healing directly through their being, and Shamini is one of those. Thank you, Shamini!
Jane, Manchester, United Kingdom


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Shamini Jain

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to push the boundaries of what you thought possible for personal and collective wholeness.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Healing Keys of Your Biofield Bonus Collection
  • The Embodied Surrender Meditation for Deeper Spiritual Grounding
    Audio Meditation From Dr. Shamini Jain
  • The Miraculous Powers of Your Divine Self
    Video Dialogue With Dr. Shamini Jain & Cyndi Dale

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Healing Keys of Your Biofield Online Training


We feel honored that Shamini Jain has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about working with the science behind The Healing Keys earth, connection, creativity, sound, emotion, and ritual then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Healing Keys of Your Biofield or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Shamini Jain...

“... inspires and empowers us to ignite infinite healing potential...”

Dr. Shamini Jain is a visionary scientist and collaboration catalyst with the energy and heart of a healer. She’s a master synthesizer of diverse wisdom streams, weaving together scientific discoveries and practical wisdom in a way that inspires and empowers us to ignite infinite healing potential for ourselves, each other, and the planet.
Deepak Chopra, MD, author of How to Know God

“... a potent bridge... between science and spirituality…”

Shamini Jain is that rare integration of open-hearted, open-minded, divinely feminine mystic, and grounded, pragmatic, rational scientist who serves as a potent bridge in a time when the divide between science and spirituality has never been more polarized. Weaving this bridge together with the alchemy of her personal medicine, Shamini can be trusted to take you down rabbit holes you might otherwise be scared to explore, with the understanding that you won’t fly off the earth like a disembodied balloon or get too stuck in the morass of materialism that is so rampant in the dogmas of science right now. At the edge of where science and spirituality meet, transformation through Shamini’s guidance awaits you.
Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute

“... elevating, enlightening, mind-expanding, and fun.”

I am honored and proud to call Dr. Shamini Jain my friend and colleague. I am continually amazed by her energy, her incredible amount of talents, and her ability to make just about anything happen. I highly recommend that if you are considering undertaking anything with Shamini, no matter what it is, that you do it! She will deliver above and beyond whatever is promised in ways that are elevating, enlightening, mind-expanding, and fun.
Eileen McKusick, author and sound researcher



About Dr. Shamini Jain

Dr. Shamini Jain is a psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur. She is founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves.

CHI was formed through Shamini’s deep desire to bring key stakeholders together to create a coherent and effective movement to move us beyond models of “disease thinking,” and into the age of whole-person healing and personal and societal empowerment.

Shamini also serves as adjunct faculty at UC San Diego, where she is an active member of the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine’s Research Committee. She is the author of Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health.

Shamini integrates her background in clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, spiritual wisdom, and the healing arts to teach people how they can best heal themselves and live with joy and spiritual alignment. She is a student of Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere in the healing arts, and a student of the Divine Feminine.

Shamini teaches regularly at leading retreat centers, including Esalen, the Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health, and the Art of Living Retreat Center. Her research has been featured in TIME, US News and World Report, on CNN, and in other news media. She shares research on the science and practice of healing in diverse venues, including NATO, TEDx, major universities and medical centers, health-related conferences, and corporations. She also serves as a board member and scientific advisor for several nonprofit and social benefit companies.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
