With Naturopath, Psychologist, Composer
& the Co-Founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd.
Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience even deeper whole-being healing as you integrate the power of science-backed sound-healing practices with complementary healing modalities including crystals, trance states, the power of intention, light and color therapy, and more... for life-changing effects.


When you harness the science of sound and a regular sound-healing practice, you’re creating a state of coherence between your nervous system, heart, and gut.

This process empowers you to essentially hack into your body’s nervous system, releasing stress at a cellular level so you can properly vibrate in perfect harmony.

When you integrate sound healing with other healing modalities, its life-changing healing effects are profoundly amplified, according to Dr. John Beaulieu, a psychologist, naturopathic physician, and composer.

For example, you might combine sound healing and guided visualizations to boost your body’s healing response.

Or, you can integrate sound healing with the power of light and color therapy, combining colored lenses and tuning forks to balance your nervous system.

You can even use sound as a psychedelic to explore altered states of consciousness...

Join us for an advanced 12-module course with Dr. John and experience profound healing of your mind, body, and spirit as you integrate the power of sound healing with other proven modalities.

What do you want your life to look like? How do you want to feel?

You’ll cultivate the power to fine-tune your mind, body, and life, addressing everything from anxiety to chronic illness and improving everything from academic prowess to athletic ability.

You can apply Dr. John’s integrative sound-healing principles to all sound-healing instruments including tuning forks, crystal or metal bowls, gongs, and your own voice.

A pioneer in the design, development, and manufacture of leading-edge Biosonic tuning forks, Dr. John is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to “tuning the world.”

His work focuses on tuning the forks according to precise mathematical formulas to positively affect consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening.

Join Dr. John for this advanced exploration as you combine sound healing with other proven mind-body tools and modalities. You’ll explore new ways to fine-tune your body, mind, and spirit to perfection so you can live a more balanced, peaceful, and blissful life.


During this 12-module advanced course, you’ll explore:

  • Special sound-healing and visualization protocols developed by Dr. John to boost your body’s healing response
  • Using sound as a psychedelic to explore altered states of consciousness with Biosonic tuning forks to balance your nervous system
  • How tuning forks, crystal bowls, gongs, and different sound instruments induce trance states, where deep healing can take place
  • How to create music playlists for guided psychedelic therapy
  • Using your smartphone to photograph sonic designs in your environment that arise from an underlying vibratory field
  • How to create and make healing suggestions with what Dr. John calls the art of good words
  • Biosonic Brain Tuner™ tuning forks to create binaural beats to entrain brain waves and affect consciousness
  • Biosonic Crystal Tuner™ tuning forks to clear rooms, activate chakra energy centers, and resonate trigger points
  • Speaking to yourself and others using what Dr. John calls 5-element fuzzy logic
  • Integrating sound healing with crystals to boost the healing effects of sound
  • Combining sound healing and the power of intention to restructure the sonic design of your cerebrospinal fluid so you’ll experience more energy, clarity, and overall wellbeing

In these two videos, Dr. John shares how this course will help you integrate sound healing into your daily life.


Classes Will Include Deepening Practices and Sound Healing Sessions

Why We’ll Focus on Sensory Integration in This Next-Level Course


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Dr. John will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to integrate the power of science-backed sound-healing practices with other healing modalities for life-changing effects.


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dr. John. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to integrate the power of advanced tuning fork techniques to create long-term happiness and wellbeing.

Medical advisory: Please note that this course utilizes binaural beats, an audio technology developed for achieving deeply relaxed states of mind. While binaural beats are generally considered safe, they are contraindicated for certain medical conditions. The use of binaural beats in any Shift Network program is always optional. Click here for detailed information.

Module 1: Sound, Trance & Consciousness to Examine Your Subconscious & More Skilfully Meet Everyday Challenges


Coming into coherent resonance with any sound will induce a state of trance.

As your journey begins, you’ll explore the history of sound and trance including the modern Western medical history, beginning with Anton Mesmer, Freud, and Milton Erickson.

Dr. John will walk you through the modern Western cultural understanding of trance and compare it to the understanding of trance in Eastern cultures.

Along the way, you’ll explore the scientific theories of coherent resonance related to consciousness, frequency, and trance.

You’ll also discover what Dr. John calls the science of fuzzy logic and how it’s used in technology and especially in language to make healing suggestions.

In this opening module, you’ll discover:

  • The history of sound healing, trance, and consciousness
  • Coherent resonance and the science of consciousness
  • How tuning forks, crystal bowls, gongs, and different sound instruments induce trance states
  • How to create and make healing suggestions with what Dr. John calls the art of good words

Module 2: How the Design Nature of Sound Facilitates & Enhances Your Healing Process


Dr. John will welcome a guest teacher, cymatic phenomenologist Dr. David Perez-Martinez, M.D.

Dr. Perez-Martinez is an integrative psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and sound-healing practitioner in private practice in New York City. In his clinical practice, Dr. Perez-Martinez integrates controlled breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, and sound-healing techniques with standard psychiatric care.

He’ll share how he utilizes the voice, breath, overtone singing, singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, drums, and several other instruments as therapeutic tools to facilitate and enhance the healing process.

Dr. Perez-Martinez and Dr. John will also explain the wave, pulse, and design dynamics of sound.

You’ll discover the difference between qualitative and quantitative frequency and learn how to “visually listen” and come into qualitative resonance with sonic designs.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the science of cymatics, a discipline pioneered by Dr. Hans Jenny
  • Discover phenomenological cymatics and the design nature of sound
  • Explore how to relate to a vibrational universe
  • Use your smartphone to learn how to tune in to and share sonic designs in your immediate environment as you photograph sonic designs that arise from an underlying vibratory field

Module 3: Dew From Heaven Harnessing the Sonic Design of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Radiant Health


Alchemists refer to cerebrospinal fluid as dew from heaven and the nectar of the gods.

Dr. Andrew Still, the founder of osteopathic medicine, said “cerebrospinal fluid is the highest known element in the body. He who is able to reason will see that this great river of life must be tapped, and the withering field irrigated at once, or the harvest of health be forever lost."

In this session, Dr. John will share how your cerebrospinal fluid connects to mindful listening and sonic design, emotional looping, your chakras, the five elements, and much more.

You’ll also learn how to use tuning forks and intention to homeopathically structure the sonic design of cerebrospinal fluid and how those patterns relate to the chakra system.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The neural anatomy of listening and the sensory pathways that lead directly to the brain stem
  • The bones of the cranium, how they move, and how their movements can be positively affected by sound using special tuning fork protocols for each bone
  • The history of the ventricular system of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid
  • How sound moves from the brainstem to the prefrontal cortex, where it’s associated with different experiences and loops back to the brainstem
  • Mindful listening methods to positively interrupt prefrontal looping
  • The neural anatomy of sensory pathways, deep listening, and the brain

Module 4: Tuning Your Brain Synchronize Brain Waves to Achieve Your Life Goals


Dr. John will walk you through the science of brain waves related to different states of consciousness such as sleeping, dreaming, waking, and multi-tasking.

You’ll learn how to use Biosonic Brain Tuner tuning forks to create binaural beats to entrain brain waves to affect consciousness.

You’ll practice using language to visualize outcomes related to brain wave states.

Dr. John will explain how ancient sound instruments created binaural beats to affect different states of consciousness.

You’ll explore how to create brain wave sessions using different Brain Tuner protocols and how different sound and music recordings use binaural beats to cycle through different brain states.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How the science of consciousness connects to the delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma brain waves
  • Sound-healing instruments that create binaural beats and synchronize brain waves
  • How to use Biosonic Brain Tuners to synchronize brain waves so you can achieve your life goals
  • How to use protocols and visualization to create brain wave sessions
  • “Tuning your brain” sessions with Dr. John

Module 5: Sound Healing & Intention Clinic to Support Your Body’s Healing Response


In this first experiential clinic session, you’ll utilize special sound-healing and visualization protocols developed by Dr. John.

As you’ll discover, these protocols can support a body-healing response and work to address everything from cancer and immune disorders to digestive issues.

You can also use these special sound-healing and visualization protocols to ease depression, anxiety, addiction, and more.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Create specific intentions based on your goals
  • Learn to use Dr. John’s special sound-healing and visualization protocols to support the treatment of nearly any issue that stands in the way of your wellbeing
  • Discover special sound-healing and visualization protocols to improve your performance in athletics, music, academics, and more

Module 6: Sound & Crystals to Amplify Your Intentions


Your body consists of interlinking solid and liquid crystal structures that are designed to receive and transmit energy.

Just as the crystal chip in a computer enables you to surf the web, your crystal body enables you to surf a multidimensional vibrational universe.

As Dr. John will explain, crystals are amplifiers of intention, and clear quartz crystal is a universal amplifier for all intention.

When you use crystals in conjunction with sound, your intentions will be, as Dr. John puts it, crystal clear.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The history of using crystals and gems in the healing arts
  • The structure of quartz crystals, piezoelectricity, and the crystalline properties of bones and connective tissue
  • Crystals as semiconductors of vibrational information
  • How to care for, program, activate, and clear crystals
  • How to use the Biosonic Crystal Tuner™ tuning forks to clear rooms, activate chakra energy centers, and resonate trigger points
  • How to use Crystal Feet and crystals in general with Biosonic Otto Tuners™

Module 7: Sound, Light & Color to Balance Your Energy


Dr. John will welcome his second special guest teacher, his collaborator Dr. Jerry Wintrob, O.D.

Over 30 years ago, Dr. Wintrob discovered that the vibration of colored lenses could be applied to tuning forks. Dr. Wintrob has been working with colored light as a healing modality in his optometry practice ever since, tailoring his use of tuning forks to his patients’ specific visual issues.

In this session, you’ll learn the importance of sensory integration in all aspects of life, as well as how color and sound are used in the chakra system for balancing energy.

You’ll also discover the relationship of colors to the autonomic nervous system and stress management.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The history of color and sound sensory integration in different cultures
  • The use of color healing in optometry and the importance of sound integration
  • Sound and color frequency resonance
  • Color and the autonomic nervous system
  • Sound and color visualization
  • How to use Biosonic Color glasses™ with Biosonic tuning forks to balance the nervous system

Module 8: Sound & Crystal Clinic Accessing a Multidimensional Vibrational Universe for Deeper Healing of Your Mind, Body & Spirit


In this experiential clinic session, you’ll put all you’ve been learning about integrating sound healing and crystals into action.

You’ll also experience Dr. John’s sound-healing concert featuring crystal singing bowls.

In this module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create geometric crystal grids that amplify the healing effects of sound
  • Place crystals on the body to focus intention
  • Give sound-healing sessions integrated with crystals
  • Integrate crystals into sound-healing concerts

Module 9: Sound, Music & Psychedelics to Access Your Inner Creativity & Empathy


Dr. John will once again welcome cymatic phenomenologist Dr. David Perez-Martinez, as they share how sound has been used for thousands of years to open up different states of consciousness.

The relationship of sound journeys to the psychedelic experience is based on the modern science of what’s called the Default Mode Network (DMN), our mind’s default state.

As you’ll discover, the DMN is an inner place of both inner creativity and empathy where your mind is free to daydream. Many researchers relate the DMN to identity formation, socializing, and decision-making.

You’ll also discover how to use sound in the form of sound baths and playing sounds, called sound journeys to safely enter into alternate states of consciousness for healing without taking psychedelics.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The cultural history of psychedelics as plant medicine
  • How sound and music became integrated with plant medicine long ago
  • Environmental sounds that alter consciousness through deep listening
  • How altered states connect to the expansion of your creativity
  • Principles for integrating sound with psychedelic therapy
  • How to create music playlists for guided psychedelic therapy

Module 10: Using Sound as a Psychedelic to Explore Altered States of Consciousness & Fine-Tune Your Intentions


Many experiences we have when listening to the music and the sound of tuning forks are similar to experiences described by those taking opiates and psychedelics.

As Dr. John will explain, when you listen to tuning forks and music in the right setting, the sounds will tune you to a specific vibrational field.

Within that energy field, your awareness will shift, the tone of your nervous system will change, and the connective tissues throughout your body will vibrate to the sound.

When the environment is safe and correctly aligned with your intentions, you’re free to discover which tuning forks and music can best be used to fine-tune yourself.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Deep listening as a gateway into an infinite vibrational universe
  • How to navigate the vibrational field for healing outcomes
  • How the Biosonic Fibonacci tuning fork impacts the altered states of consciousness experience
  • How to create sound journeys (trips) and sound-journey concerts
  • Sounds developed by shaman and healers to induce alternate states of consciousness

Module 11: The Power of Sound, Language & the 5 Elements to Better Communicate With Yourself & Others


In the first module, Dr. John introduced the science of fuzzy logic and how it’s used in technology, especially in language, to make healing suggestions.

In this module, you’ll learn how the science of fuzzy logic applies to the language of intention.

You’ll explore the art of 5-element “fuzzy” communication and voice evaluation, and how to integrate the 5-element communication of intention with sound-healing sessions and concerts.

Plus, Dr. John will offer a special sound-healing concert of his own.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The basic science of fuzzy logic and the importance of fuzzy outcomes
  • Five-element voice speaking
  • The special good words that can be imbedded into 5-element speaking
  • How to inwardly speak with yourself using 5-element fuzzy language
  • How to communicate with others using 5-element fuzzy language

Module 12: The Art of Sound-Healing Concerts Integrating This Healing Wisdom Into Your Daily Life


As this transformative journey comes to a close, you’ll enjoy a special sound-healing concert with Dr. John and his special guests.

You’ll be invited to share final thoughts and ask questions as Dr. John synthesizes everything you’ve learned so you can integrate these new techniques, insights, and healing wisdom into your daily life.

In this final module, Dr. John will walk you through how to create a sound-healing concert of your own. You’ll discover:

  • The optimal structure of a sound-healing concert
  • The importance of movement
  • How to establish boundaries
  • How to creatively express intention


The Finely Tuned to Perfection Bonus Gift

In addition to Dr. John’s transformative 12-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Sounds People Dr. John Beaulieu’s Drawings During Deep Listening
Series of PDF Images From Dr. John Beaulieu

Explore eight spontaneous drawings that Dr. John created in 1979 during deep listening experiments with Fibonacci sonic ratios. He describes these drawings as images of sonic beings he met in an altered state of consciousness that guided him in his understanding of sound. You’ll meet these sonic beings through this image series and invite them to visit you in your dreams and teach you about sound.

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What People Are Saying About Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD...

“[Dr. John Beaulieu’s] work is an invaluable resource for teachers, students, and practitioners in all the healing arts.”

Dr. John Beaulieu integrates didactic left-brain material with right-brain inner journeying in his masterful classes and concerts. His work is an invaluable resource for teachers, students, and practitioners in all the healing arts.
Elisabeth L. Macrae, MD, psychiatrist

“[Dr. John Beaulieu’s] years of pioneering research, experience, and his dedication to share his knowledge in this field surpass any expectation one may have.”

I highly recommend Dr. John Beaulieu. His years of pioneering research, experience, and his dedication to share his knowledge in this field surpass any expectation one may have. I personally have studied with Dr. John Beaulieu for the past 12 years. His style of teaching allows each individual to explore their own skill sets and techniques. His impact in this field can never be underestimated.
Donna L. Nesteruk, licensed acupuncturist and therapeutic sound healing practitioner instructor

“I held the tuning forks at each side of my pelvis and within seconds, my whole body was immediately realigned!”

I’ve been using Biosonic tuning forks for a number of years. Before I started using the Om Tuners, for example, my whole body felt twisted pelvis, hips, shoulders, and spine. I held the tuning forks at each side of my pelvis and within seconds, my whole body was immediately realigned!
Fiona McKinney, president of New York Polarity Association

“[Dr. John Beaulieu’s] teachings are a jewel in the landscape of energy medicine and vibrational healing modalities.”

I have been in the healing arts for 40-plus years with Dr. John Beaulieu. His teachings are a jewel in the landscape of energy medicine and vibrational healing modalities. He has consistently nurtured the minds, bodies, and souls of all of our students at all of our campuses worldwide. So many have benefitted from his years of wisdom and experience.
Gary Strauss, owner and director of Life Energy Institute

“Dr. John Beaulieu is an inspired master sound and energy medicine healer...”

Dr. John Beaulieu is an inspired master sound and energy medicine healer whose groundbreaking nitric-oxide-spiking research has produced tuning forks that help users reduce and dissolve stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and grief. John’s compassionate teaching approach simultaneously produces whole-brain synchrony and elevates consciousness to higher states of awareness and being, automatically reducing your allostatic loads and moving you closer to homeostasis.
Robert Wright, Jr., PhD, COFT, the Stress Relief Doctor


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. John Beaulieu

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from naturopath, psychologist, and composer Dr. John Beaulieu from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and will guide you to integrate the power of science-backed sound-healing practices with other healing modalities for life-changing effects.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Finely Tuned to Perfection Bonus Gift
  • Sounds People Dr. John Beaulieu’s Drawings During Deep Listening
    Series of PDF Images From Dr. John Beaulieu

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Finely Tuned to Perfection Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. John Beaulieu has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a naturopath, psychologist, and composer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about experiencing profound healing of your mind, body, and spirit as you integrate the power of sound healing with other proven healing modalities, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

Note: If you have NOT experienced John’s Tuned to Perfection teachings before (through his 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Tuned to Perfection7-module program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Finely Tuned to Perfection or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD...

“I went to the workshop to learn how to heal. Instead, I was healed.”

I’ve been Dr. John Beaulieu’s student for many years now. When I first attended one of his courses, I fully expected to learn more about the physics of sound and to learn new techniques in sound therapy. The workshop delivered all of that with flying colors. What I didn’t expect was to actually transform through the experience of sound. I went to the workshop to learn how to heal. Instead, I was healed. And through this experience I became a better healer. This type of “learning” is obtained only through experience. Each one of Dr. Beaulieu’s courses is a unique ensemble that harmonizes several facets of sound healing into one whole transformative and life-changing experience. Second to none, his classes interlace cutting-edge content with the penetrating experience of sound immersion and group work with his students. I will be a lifelong student of Dr. Beaulieu. 
Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins, DO, author, lecturer, physician, and sound healer, board-certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine, and a director and faculty at the Osteopathic Cranial Academy

“Covering all dimensions of the field, [Dr. John Beaulieu’s] teachings are in the foundation and the future of sound as a healing art.”

I have been collaborating with Dr. John Beaulieu for more than 25 years and he always amazes me with new research and new inventions. Covering all dimensions of the field, his teachings are in the foundation and the future of sound as a healing art. Learning from John is the way to evolve, and his precious tuning forks are the path to dissolve... ahhhh... into the nature of harmonic magic.
Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT, Grammy-nominated musician, and founder and artistic director of the Vox Mundi Project and School

“I was totally blown away by [Dr. John Beaulieu’s] incredibly informative and entertaining multimedia presentations...”

The first time I saw John Beaulieu presenting his work I had no idea who he was, had not read any of the books he’s written, and was not aware of the important contributions that he’s made to the study and practice of therapeutic sound healing. I was totally blown away by his incredibly informative and entertaining multimedia presentations then, and now all over again seeing how he has managed to master online presentations during the pandemic!
Dr. David Perez-Martinez, MD, psychiatrist and therapeutic sound-healing practitioner

“[Dr. John Beaulieu] is creating peace, stillness, and happiness in people.”

Dr. John Beaulieu’s sound world is deeply rooted in old traditions and in modern science. With his unique approach to tuning forks for healing and deep listening, he is creating peace, stillness, and happiness in people.
Dr. Urs Honauer, PhD, director of the Center for Inner Ecology, Zurich, Switzerland

“Dr. John Beaulieu is a teacher, gifted with a special ability to arrive at the central nodes of truth in seemingly disparate and conflicting fields of thought.”

Dr. John Beaulieu guides students through science and intuition into an understanding of the nature of our vibrational universe. Students learn how to use sound through the use of tuning forks to come into a state of coherence with universal vibrational principles. Every student learns through understanding based on a direct experience of sound. Dr. John Beaulieu is a teacher, gifted with a special ability to arrive at the central nodes of truth in seemingly disparate and conflicting fields of thought. His insights and synthesis of the five elements, music, sound, archetypes, and life energy ranges far and yet is grounded and accessible to all.
Dr. Steffie Yost, chiropractor and physician


About Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD

Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, is a composer, musician, psychologist, and naturopathic physician whose work focuses on the development of tuning forks as musical instruments tuned to precise mathematical formulas to affect consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening. He is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to “tuning the world.”

John is the author of numerous research papers and professional publications, including Music and Sound in The Healing Arts... Human Tuning Vol. I: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks... and Vol. II: Sound Healing and Values Visualization.

His research publications focus on nitric oxide, sound, and the relaxation response related to vagal tone. He is the composer of Calendula: A Suite for Pythagorean Tuning Forks and Apollo’s Lyre: A Modern Adventure In Ancient Cosmic Harmony.

He lectures around the world on sound and healing and performs special sound-healing concerts with tuning forks called Human Tune Ins™.

John has been a practicing clinical therapist and professor for 45 years. He graduated from Purdue and Indiana Universities, where he studied psychology and music and went on to serve as a supervising therapist and researcher at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note: If you have NOT experienced John’s Tuned to Perfection teachings before (through his 7-module course), you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Tuned to Perfection7-module program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
