With Global Adventurer and Leading Innovator
in the Evolution of Prana Vinyasa Yoga
Shiva Rea

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Experience seven guided solar and lunar vinyasa flows and build your own daily practice of tending your inner fire to cultivate harmony and live your soul’s highest purpose.

Immerse yourself in a curated journey during this especially auspicious time of year, as the fertile bloom of spring ushers in Earth Day and Beltane.

Are you seeking to connect to your vital energy, power for life, creative flow, and soul purpose?

The power of love devotion in motion is already alive within your heart and yearning to be of service in the world.

With the support of a full-spectrum living yoga practice in which you align your rhythm with the sunrise, sunset, and moon cycles you can apply vital sacred wisdom to light up all aspects of your life... and share this wisdom with others.

You have an inner fire that, when tended to, can fuel your life-force energy and ignite a true connection to your creative flow and spiritual transformation.

And there’s a primordial practice of fire-tending that can equip you to meet everything life brings with greater ease, resilience, compassion, and love. It brings into focus a powerful truth that when you tune in to the rhythms of the natural world, you’ll be in greater flow with everything around you.

In fact, tending to your inner fire can become a way of life for people in search of more balance, sovereignty, and soul purpose.

Do you envision yourself lit up from within, in a deep state of flow that allows for greater self-expression and a clear inner vision of who you’re meant to be in this lifetime?

Since ancient times, the Tantric Body has served as a fire altar a portal to the wisdom of our ancestors, the elements, the cosmic ever-changing rhythm of the seasons, and the waxing and waning of the moon and the sun.

It’s through your miraculous body and the alchemy of yoga that you can transform your feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction into a zest and passion for life, filling yourself up with an abundance of compassion and love.

Join us for a new, deeply experiential course with Shiva Rea world-renowned yoga and movement teacher and learn how to embrace your inner fire keeper through the elemental systems of Ayurveda, tantra, and yoga.

Shiva will guide you to enhance your yoga practice, deepen your relationship with yourself, and establish seva selfless service within your community.

Just as a fire requires stoking to burn steadily, the different levels of fire in your energy system need to be fueled, honored, and supported so they can provide steady nourishment as you move through the daily, weekly, and seasonal rhythms of your life.

In this powerful program with Shiva, you’ll learn how to cultivate a weekly home practice that can serve as life-sustaining fuel for your fire.

You’ll learn to open, balance, and nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual health by reconnecting to the rhythms of the natural world. By invoking the phases of the sun and moon, and by listening and leaning into your energies of exhilarating creation and rejuvenating rest, you can build your capacity to reset patterns within your own body and live a life of more easeful flow.

Session by session, Shiva will guide you to uplift your relationship with all aspects of your being from your physical body, your life-force energy, and your inner emotional world to your heart and soul taking you through practices that alchemize and merge you into harmony and alignment with the transcendence of solar-lunar energies.

This course consists of a dynamic balance of wisdom teachings and practices you can apply and embody in all aspects of your daily life. Shiva’s Prana Flow Yoga Practice as “meditation in movement” includes asana and pranayama (breathwork) that will help you cultivate greater union with your body, breath, and energy. Her health and wellness practices will support you in creating a thriving body so you can enjoy enhanced vitality throughout the day.

And her meditation practices experienced on your own or with others will help you connect with more advanced and subtler states of consciousness and realization.

As the fertile bloom of spring ushers in Earth Day and Beltane, it’s an auspicious time of year to take this curated journey that Shiva has designed especially for you.

The course will culminate with Shiva in Hawaii where she’ll share a peek into her pilgrimage, in reverence of the full moon. To sweeten the final session, your practice will be amplified by the soulful voice of musical artist Daphne Tse.

Join this dynamic and inspiring 7-module yoga journey and activate your inner fire to make subtle, yet powerful shifts in your life, movement, mindfulness, and meditation practice for a more heart-centered and present life.

In this transformative new course, you’ll:

  • Participate in guided vinyasa yoga practices integrating movement, breath, and flow and learn ways to build and increase balanced fire within
  • Explore foundational principles for energy management to experience steady, supportive vitality that empowers you to thrive
  • Develop a holistic understanding of your physical and energetic constitution so you can increase your vitality
  • Discover the benefits of inner fire-building for metabolizing stress, cultivating inner wisdom, and clearing the path for greater intuition
  • Learn the sacred principles of inner harmony through tejas-enhancing (inner-illumination-enhancing) practices
  • Develop breathing (pranayama) and mudra practices that enhance your presence and sense of connection
  • Integrate ojas-building (vitality-building) practices to increase mental clarity, generate strong immunity, and minimize the effects of stress
  • Synchronize your life with the cycles of the sun, moon, and seasons to feel nourished and grounded
  • Discover the steps that allow for deeper relaxation and sleep that’s more rejuvenating and satisfying
  • Explore potent practices to access your fire center to discover your sacred calling, manifest your dharma, and engage your worldly service

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Shiva will guide you through the supportive vinyasa flows and deeply nourishing meditations you’ll need to successfully tend to your inner fire and activate your soul’s sacred purpose.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Shiva. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to receive a whole-system reboot of your energy and your yogic practices to sustain you in your daily life.

Module 1: Your Inner Fire in Changing Times Initiation, Reflection, Vision & Embodiment

In this opening module, Shiva will introduce you to the elements of the Tantric Body and the practical, mystical nature of the fire altar within you.

You’ll explore the roots of your ancestral fire-keeping legacy and the microcosmic and macrocosmic views of the fire within all elements of yoga, Ayurveda, and tantra.

Shiva will share ways to assess your very own inner fire so you can learn how to balance a dim, excessive, or wavering fire through the lens of your Ayurvedic constitution to bring more harmony into your life.

In this session, you’ll receive:

  • Movement alchemy teachings you can apply to balance the level of fire in your life
  • An Inner Fire Meditation for dissolving patterns and igniting positive change
  • An introduction to fire and lunar energy awareness through asana practice using the Sun and Moon Salutations (Surya and Chandra Namaskar)
  • An understanding of the differences, challenges, and ways to address the fluctuating states of your inner fire
  • A deeper understanding of the 3 Ayurvedic doshas Kapha, Pitta, and Vata and how your constitution serves as an important key to practices, foods, and habits that can balance, support, and nourish you

Module 2: The Vital Fire of Your Earth Body

In this class, you’ll explore the yoga of tending your physical fire your health and vitality as the foundation for all the other fires. You’ll explore the importance of “sealing the leaks” and “caring for the container.”

In Ayurveda, dinacharya (practices of the day) and ratricharya (practices of the night) help you establish a seasonal health rhythm to care for your vital health-fire from the moment you wake till you turn in for a restful night’s sleep.

You’ll learn how to care for your digestion by syncing with the beautiful daily rhythm of sunrise and sunset waking up with the sun and going to sleep as the night falls.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Grounding and relaxing yoga practices including an introduction to Standing Pose Flow, hip openers, and daily Shavasana
  • A meditation practice using breath and mantra to support your immune system
  • The benefits of tending the fire of your physical health and you’ll identify ways to strengthen your energy centers
  • The positive impact of a daily self-care routine based in the Ayurvedic principles of cleanliness, balance, and nourishment
  • How to develop a holistic understanding of your physical and energetic constitution so you can increase your vitality

Module 3: Your Creative-Sexual Fire

In this module, Shiva will guide you to cultivate the power of your creative-sexual fire, as you learn the process of releasing inhibitions that block your creative flow.

Shiva will show you how to explore the alchemy of the water element and how to generate ojas your juiciness, luster, and intrinsic happiness with herbs, food, and yoga practices to support sringara rasa (the fluid Eros of life).

In the process, you’ll feel yourself more deeply progressing into an exquisite flow state.

In this session, you’ll receive:

  • Ways to enhance your creative center to experience more flow in your daily life and build greater radiance and vitality
  • Teachings on how to use the dynamic relationship of the water element with your sexual fire to release blocks and meet the creative visionary within you
  • The gift of integrating ojas-building practices to increase mental clarity, generate strong immunity, and minimize the effects of stress

Module 4: The Fire of Life Energy

In this class, Shiva will guide you to cultivate the inner fire of your sacred center. You’ll learn how to harness, digest, and manifest your raw potential by exploring the three powers of fire to ignite, sustain, and transform.

You’ll fortify your capacity to manifest your deeper dharma (life calling) by cultivating tejas (inner illumination) as you begin to let your intelligence, instincts, radiance, and brightness shine.

In this session, you’ll experience:

  • Potent practices to access your fire center to discover your sacred calling and manifest your dharma
  • The benefits of inner fire-building for metabolizing stress, cultivating inner wisdom, and clearing the path for greater intuition
  • The sacred principles of inner harmony through tejas-enhancing practices
  • Ways to build and increase balanced fire within
  • The almighty power of love that’s already alive within your heart and yearning to be of service in the world

Module 5: The Fire of Love

Shiva loves to fan the fire of love at the soul level... and in this session, the fires of passion and compassion will set your heart ablaze. Rest assured, there’s sacred grounding to be found in your heart awareness.

As you embrace the yoga practice of heartfulness, the quality of your relationships and your entire life will improve. This outpouring of love serves as the foundation for devotion in motion (bhakti yoga), and you’ll feel any sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction slip away.

The heartfire you learn to cultivate will leave you feeling deeply expansive and engaged as you witness the transformational and soulful engagement you feel with others.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Transform feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction into a zest and passion for life filling yourself up with an abundance of compassion and love
  • Ground your being in the sacred with heartfulness and heart-brain entrainment practices
  • Ignite the fire of love within your soul by gradually opening your heart center through a progressive backbending yoga sequence
  • Experience the life-affirming power and grace of devotion in motion

Module 6: Your Fire of Vision & Expression

In this session, you’ll integrate the fire of expression with your vision and connection with a greater source. You’ll cultivate practices for listening, communion, and embodied praying to tend the fire of your vision.

Chanting and mantra have been scientifically proven to help us attune to and enter deeper states of flow. You’ll integrate the yogic art of syncopating alongside the natural cycles of the sun and moon to balance your life rhythm.

Shiva will also guide you through elemental practices using mantra, vocalization, and expression to activate and move the soul-fire within, to live your soul’s ultimate truth.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Gaze and sync with the sun and moon to hone your ability to listen and receive visions of transformational possibility
  • Discover the benefits of mantra, chanting, and japa mala (working with meditation beads) for cultivating greater connection with the sacred, the inner wisdom, and the flow in your life
  • Develop your capacities for listening, sacred communion, and embodied prayer
  • Attune yourself to a deep state of flow that allows for greater self-expression and clearer inner vision
  • Align your life rhythm with the sunrise, sunset, and moon cycles, revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit

Module 7: A Personal Soulful Wellness Retreat

In this closing class, Shiva will bring together all the previous sessions’ teachings as she guides you in integrating your own practice of personal retreat into your weekly, monthly, and seasonal life whether in your home or out in the sanctuary of nature.

As you have developed the qualities of a bhakti yogi, you’ll learn how to offer your seva to be in loving, selfless service to your community and beyond.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The benefits of an energy sabbath to unplug and restore vital energy personally and in the collective using movement meditation to create spiritual communion
  • How to apply sacred space rituals to care for your home sanctuary
  • Inspirational music to incorporate into your practice with guest musical artist Daphne Tse

The Inner Fire Keeper Bonus Collection

In addition to Shiva’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Roots Prana Vinyasa (Solar Earth)
Video Flow-Movement Meditation From Shiva Rea

Shiva Rea’s 30 years of global pilgrimage and teaching experience is woven into the soundscape of your movement meditation journey that’s fertilizing your sacred ground to emerge this spring. This Solar Prana Flow session integrates classical and prana flow namaskars (movement meditations) with somatic intelligence and accessible sequencing for kindling and balancing your inner fire. Create a rhythm for your vital energy that can have a positive ripple effect on every aspect of your life as you draw upon the power of meditation integrated into live motion.

Prana Flow Pranams: Prostrations for Peace
Video Meditation From Shiva Rea

Filmed in the undulating waves of the Costa Rican coastline, this video guides you through a rejuvenating Lunar Prana Flow. Beginning with rhythmic syncopation of breath, movement, and awareness, this practice integrates a classical Chandra Namaskar for balancing your inner fire. Experience regeneration through inner and outer stability and fluidity, and end the session in deep, complete relaxation.

Drops of Nectar: Yoga Nidra
Guided Audio Meditation From Shiva Rea With Music by Jai Uttal

Enjoy music by Jai Uttal and Ben Leinbach in this Yoga Nidra relaxation meditation guided by Shiva Rea, from her Drops of Nectar album. This soothing practice cultivates relaxed awareness, nervous system rejuvenation, and inner wisdom. Experience alignment of your samkalpa (inner dedication) with your spanda (innermost vibration). Listen to this meditation daily, at night or anytime you need a dose of relaxation in your everyday life.

Excerpt From Tending the Heart Fire
PDF Selection From the Book by Shiva Rea

Receive a special introduction to the practical and soulful aspects of tending your inner fire with readings from Tending the Heart Fire: Living in Rhythm with the Pulse of Life. This forms the basis for your explorations into tejas, ojas, and prana. You’ll also learn your doshas through the Ayruvedic self-test in preparation for your journey. Also included is a universal Prana Flow Movement Meditation based on the power of prostrations integrated with Prana Flow for connecting to the Earth and rising with humility, empowerment, and inner strength to kindle your inner fire.

What People Are Saying About Shiva Rea...

Bestselling Author Andrew Harvey: “I Don't Know Anybody Who Communicates Joy More Intensely in Her Teaching Than Shiva Rea”

Bestselling Author Anodea Judith: “Shiva Rea Brings a Deep Sense of the Sacred to Everything She Does”

“The practices are so powerful and fun and transformative it’s amazing.”

This week I gained an understanding of new ways of relating to the practice of yoga and how to transfer that wisdom into my personal life... I LOVE being in lectures with Shiva. She’s hilarious and at the same time transmits such profound and intelligent information. I was really excited to come back to teacher training and reconnect with her and my friends in the Prana Vinyasa community. The practices are so powerful and fun and transformative it’s amazing. I appreciate all the details that Shiva attends to in order to create such a potent experience for everyone.
Ashley Campbell

“I am empowered and confident in my life and know how to positively handle obstacles that arise.”

I’m stunned by how much I’ve learned and transformed in this program alone. My yoga practice is SO much deeper now and more connected. I am empowered and confident in my life and know how to positively handle obstacles that arise. I’m learning lessons for life! I learn so much in these trainings and connect more deeply to my practice and myself in every module. I feel like I’ve found my tribe. Prana Vinyasa is AWESOME!! And it’s not just for girls! Shiva’s such a fabulous teacher. She’s fun, super intelligent, and spiritual all at the same time. It’s the best of all worlds of yoga. And creativity is encouraged, which I love. We had a great time. Thanks, Shiva!
David Missingham

“Shiva has opened my heart to the missing piece, the inner essence of yoga.”

I wanted to learn and study from a teacher who has cracked the code to living in alignment with the Divine. Prana Vinyasa has helped me discover the missing piece embodiment and mystical connection with the Source. Shiva has opened my heart to the missing piece, the inner essence of yoga. I’ve always been attracted to her because of her level of embodiment and the way she seems to move effortlessly. I’ve been on a spiritual path and practiced yoga for most of my life, but had been missing something. I love this practice. I love the community. I’m grateful for the online living sadhana and look forward to the courses to guide me along in my life. Thank you, Shiva Rea.
Halima Willett

“Shiva enables us to let go and feel the power of the Divine within our hearts...”

If you are ready to go beyond, to connect with your innate wisdom, the fire in your heart and the dance in your soul, then join Shiva on this journey into sensual health for women. With her wealth of insight into the ancient sacred texts, Ayurveda, and Prana Vinyasa movement meditation, she skillfully immerses you in the healing power of movement meditation, creating space for open-hearted wisdom sharing, mantras, pranayama, and pranams. She wakes the Divine Feminine within us all, supporting us whatever the season of our body or our life, always feeling into the rhythms of nature and the cosmos whilst co-creating divine sound vibrations. Shiva enables us to let go and feel the power of the Divine within our hearts, to feel the support of the collective feminine, and she enables all to feel heard, held, and seen without judgment. She empowers us to embody Shakti, the Divine Feminine within each of us and RISE! We love you, Shiva!!!
Vicx Morton, United Kingdom

“My journey through Shiva’s guided Shakti sadhana has and continues to be incredibly transformational.”

My journey through Shiva’s guided Shakti sadhana has and continues to be incredibly transformational. The Prana Vinyasa methodology and science itself enriches such a deep, somatic, kinaesthetic experience that it is literally cracking me open. It came into my life at exactly the time I needed it to. I didn’t quite know that consciously then, but looking back hell yes! The realization is profound. I was ready to receive the transmission of Shiva’s wisdom, teachings, guidance, friendship, and sisterly love. Connecting on a soul level, Shiva opened a channel that she saw in me that I didn’t see in myself. She enables “me” to “see myself” through a lens that is the whole embodiment of Shakti, because Shiva is that embodiment of Shakti herself. The Navdurga of Navratri, yet in absolute union with Maha Shiva on Maha Shivaratri. My deepest and humble gratitude to my teacher, sister, and mittra.
Sonal Thakrar

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Shiva Rea

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Shiva Rea, leading innovator in the evolution of Prana Vinyasa Yoga, from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to experience guided vinyasa flows to tend your inner fire, cultivate inner balance, and live your soul’s highest purpose.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Inner Fire Keeper Bonus Collection
  • Roots Prana Vinyasa (Solar Earth)
    Video Flow-Movement Meditation From Shiva Rea
  • Prana Flow Pranams: Prostrations for Peace
    Video Meditation From Shiva Rea
  • Drops of Nectar: Yoga Nidra
    Guided Audio Meditation From Shiva Rea With Music by Jai Uttal
  • Excerpt From Tending the Heart Fire
    PDF Selection From the Book by Shiva Rea

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Become Your Own Inner Fire Keeper With a Vinyasa Yoga Practice Online Training

We feel honored that Shiva Rea has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a global adventurer, and leading innovator in the evolution of Prana Vinyasa yoga whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about connecting to your life force through movement and breath and accessing the deeper intelligence of flow states, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Vinyasa Fire Keeper Journey or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Shiva Rea...

“One of contemporary yoga's deepest and most fiery visionaries.”

Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope and Heart Yoga: The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism

“Shiva Rea integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern paradigms and evokes a complete picture of yoga, fire, and awareness...”

Shiva Rea integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern paradigms and evokes a complete picture of yoga, fire, and awareness in the heart of the reader.
Dr. Vasant Lad, author of Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing

“Shiva Rea guides people to see the world and life through the lens of the heart.”

Shiva Rea guides people to see the world and life through the lens of the heart and through her words, practices, images, mantras, and movements.
Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, teacher at Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and author of Energy Healing

“Deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of India, Shiva’s innovative approach to yoga has revolutionized the Western yoga world.”

Shiva Rea ignites the yoga world and beyond with her powerful teachings of radical self-transformation. Deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of India, Shiva’s innovative approach to yoga has revolutionized the Western yoga world.
MC Yogi, musician

About Shiva Rea

Shiva Rea, MA, is a global Prana Vinyasa Yoga teacher, activist, and innovator in the evolution of vinyasa yoga around the world, from large-scale festivals and conferences to unplugged retreats. She has taught thousands of students, teachers, and movers and shakers how to integrate yoga as a way of life.

As founder of Prana Vinyasa Yoga and the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, she integrates the roots of vinyasa, yoga, Ayurveda, and tantra in online courses, workshops, retreats, and trainings. Her studies in the Krishnamacharya lineage, the martial art of kalaripayattu, world dance, yogic arts, and somatic movement infuse her approach to living yoga and embodying the flow.

She is a pioneer in reviving the art of namaskar, or salutation. She developed “wave-sequencing,” also known as mandala circular wave-sequencing. She also developed the 3-part vinyasa and rasa prana vinyasa, as well as teaching alignment in the energetic flow. Shiva is an expert in integrating the creative, spontaneous movement known as “sahaja” in post-modern yoga.

Since 2000, Shiva has created and offered over 25 award-winning DVD-CDs for home practice. She was the catalyst for Yoga Energy Activism and the Global Mala Project, which has raised awareness and funds for local and global climate change.

She is a contributor to such publications as Origin, MantraYoga JournalL.A. Times, Vanity Fair, and Self. Her latest book, Tending the Heart Fire: Living in Flow with the Pulse of Life, is about living vinyasa as a lifestyle. She has led free-form movement at Bhakti Fest, Bali Spirit Festival, and Burning Man. Shiva has collaborated with DJs, artists, and musicians to bring the art and healing power of music into the flow of yoga and create moving meditations accessible to anyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
