Crystal Alchemy Sound Healer, Inspirational Speaker & Musician
Jeralyn Glass
Delve deeper into an authentic expression of who you truly are with the healing sounds of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ — and cultivate a grounded sense of inner stability, no matter what’s going on around you.

Much of the information and experiences that have bombarded us this year have been firmly rooted in fear...
And while hope is certainly on the horizon for 2021 and beyond, it’s left so many of us feeling wobbly, off-kilter, and craving stability.
How can you anchor yourself, now and in the times that lay ahead? How can you move smoothly between contraction and expansion in a state of flow, so you won’t wobble, no matter what life throws at you?
The truth is that life can’t promise us a state of stability, grounding, and anchoring — but thankfully, you can cultivate it from within.
One of the most powerful sonic tools to experience grounding transformation is the profound resonance of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls...
They vibrate at highly potent frequencies to support balance and healing in your body’s energy field. As they create crystalline cadences in your cells, you can release stuck energy and awaken new cellular patterns of vibration...
The pure, pristine sounds of the bowls are easily absorbed by the body. They have the power to reset your physiological systems — including balancing your hormones and nervous system, and increasing your immunity.
Join us for a 9-part video course with Jeralyn Glass, internationally acclaimed singer, musician, and crystal alchemy sound healer — and let go of fear and negativity so you can ground into your own inner stability...
With Jeralyn’s guidance, you’ll welcome in an unshakeable sense of inner peace and compassion... a heightened capacity to tap into the power of YOUR higher self... and the potential to awaken and come home to the authentic self you’re meant to embody.
In 2015, Jeralyn lost her only child, her son Dylan, who was 19 years old. Music and sacred sound became her way through the darkness — and her compass in navigating grief.

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls have been a definitive grounding force for her, holding the connection of heaven and earth through their vibrational frequency and the radiant light of healing they emanate...
Now, Jeralyn will guide you to use her signature sound bowl healings to look more deeply at your own lived experience, prompting you to ask yourself what it truly means to be your authentic self.
The healing bowls can also benefit your mind and spirit — helping you release heavy energies as you reduce stress, anxiety, fear, anger, and more...
Come to each session prepared to raise your vibration as Jeralyn helps you integrate the healing benefits of sound — all through the sublime experience of healing sound bowls.
Each module features an extensive, premium-quality, pre-recorded audio and video sound bath — it’s yours to keep and return to whenever you need a deeper sense of grounding and inner peace.
You only need to be present and receive.
In Jeralyn’s 9-part highly experiential sound-healing course, you’ll:
- Experience a sense of renewal, grounding, balance, and harmony as you release 2020 and move into the new year
- Receive deep, extended high-quality pre-recorded healing sound baths in every session
- Experience two 75-minute pre-recorded full-immersion sessions
- Allow the musical structure of octaves to help you invite light and sound into your body, anchoring and nourishing you
- Experience advanced grounding as you open to higher realms
- Integrate crystal alchemy bowl practices more deeply into your daily life
- Delve deeper into sound healing’s profound connection to your higher self and authentic purpose
- Discover how sound alchemy can connect you to a state of 5D consciousness
- Become more deeply grounded and energized
- Discover the uplifting impact of your newfound vibrations of self-love, self-esteem, and wholeness
- Experience how the Citrine sound bowl activates your personal power and guides you to loosen your hold on everything that doesn’t serve you, lighten your load, and evolve to your true state of higher consciousness
- Step into your true radiance as you release ancestral patterns and past traumas
- Experience the vibrancy and propel yourself into your next mission...
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Modules
In this 9-step transformational intensive, Jeralyn will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to activate the healing sounds of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls — and cultivate a grounded sense of inner stability, no matter what’s going on around you.
This course will feature teachings, pre-recorded sound baths, and student questions answered by Jeralyn. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience a sense of renewal, grounding, balance, and harmony.
Module 1: Returning to Wholeness — The Sacred Frequencies of Alchemy Singing Bowls (January 28)

Crystalline sound strengthens your immunity, stabilizes your health, and builds your energy...
In this opening class, you’ll deepen your experience of the powerful effects that high vibrational, crystal alchemy sounds can have on the body — and discover how they help support and stabilize your endocrine system.
You’ll also experience a powerful sound bath for tuning and harmonizing your endocrine system...
The set will support rooting, alignment, and calming your adrenal glands — empowering your thymus gland and your immunity, strengthening our thyroid and body metabolism, and activating your pineal and pituitary glands...
The alchemies of this set feature precious gemstones — including the very rare and rich ruby stone, located at your root chakra.
In this first session, you’ll discover:
- The magnificent stone of nobility, a powerful instrument of loving guardianship with an empowering vibration — radiating universal wisdom, wholeness of health, quantum and atomic transformation, and abundance of wealth
- How the elegant voice of the Ruby clear sound bowl expresses a lavish red spectrum — that “lights” interior planes of Self, carrying an enduring brilliant frequency we crave in our relationships
- How the Ruby is paired with pure white light gold for illuminating the brain
- The 6-alchemy Divine Sister bowl, nourishing and nurturing, a most exquisite and potent way to begin this advanced journey with Jeralyn
Module 2: Binaural Beats & Your Brain — The Consciousness of Harmony (February 4)

During this class, you’ll discover how binaural beats — one of Jeralyn’s students’ most talked about sessions — brings balance to the left and right brain hemispheres...
Jeralyn will play the binaural beats as a subtle and “shimmering” sound that eases stress. The binaural beat will be made to vibrate at the level of the heart and solar plexus to expand your capacity to open your fourth chakra, anchor self-confidence and courage, and elevate your consciousness.
She’ll use her musical prowess in different combinations of sacred intervals to create a safe container for you to feel and heal...
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a profound sense of relaxation
- Sense your thoughts becoming clearer and more focused
- Find fewer active trigger points in your life
- Discover how to become less upset over daily stressors as their hold on you diminishes
- Step into a bigger understanding of your own life story
Module 3: Embodied Love & True Presence — Infuse Your Life With Vibrations of Thankfulness to Activate Your Inner Light (February 11)

What does it mean to be truly grounded and connected to your heart? How does that look, feel, and sound in your body?
During this session, Jeralyn will guide you to embody your deeper life purpose.
You’ll also experience a unique set of harmonized Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls in the tuning of 528Hz, the frequency of love, DNA repair, and regeneration.
In this module, you’ll:
- Be guided by Jeralyn through a 10-tone chakra healing meditation
- Work with the alchemies of St. Germain and Palladium, Apophyllite, Frankincense, and more
- Create a rooted experience of gratitude in your body
- Experience the deep resonance of the supergrade bowls, the highest quality of singing bowl on the planet
- Discover, explore, and tone with the unique nature of 528Hz
Module 4: Sound Bath Immersion #1: Energize Vitality & Life Force (February 18)

This session will primarily be a sound immersion experience you’ll want to return to again and again — all based on a stunning, grounded Citrine bowl in the key of E, tuned to 528Hz.
Citrine guides you to embody your true self, loosen your hold on everything that doesn’t serve you — as you lighten your load and evolve to your true state of higher consciousness.
In this unique, highly immersive module, you’ll:
- Align yourself with the joy that’s rooted in the body
- Allow this experience to aid in your mental acuity and optimism — your positive view on life
- Shine a light where there has been darkness, and bring in joy
- Connect with the expansive energy of courage emanating from the solar plexus
Module 5: The Healing Power of Letting Go — Release Ancestral Patterns & Past Traumas to Step Into Your True Radiance (February 25)

This session’s work will resonate with you if you’ve ever had situations in your life where you feel you need to let go, but just can’t...
As Jeralyn says, if we can’t let go, we’re going to be dragged.
You’ll explore how sound can be a catalyst to help you feel safe enough to let go and move into the unknown.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How the ancient Egyptian Hathor bowl, infused with both turquoise and platinum, ignites love — and helps removes any ancestral patterns that are no longer serving you
- A powerful balancer of the emotional body and the divine feminine — platinum is the alchemy to help relieve anxiety and stress
- How the alchemy crystal sound and the loving vibrations Jeralyn so masterfully infuses in her teaching and playing can help guide you to heal emotions and balance the auric body
- Ways to let go of heavy energies and release blocks to clear communication
- How to use the sacred sonic ratio intervals discovered by Pythagoras to help you stabilize and sustain the release of old patterns
Module 6: Accepting & Receiving Your Greatness in This Life and Land in Serenity, Inner Peace & Bliss (March 4)

During this class, you’ll clear emotional blocks and stuck energies, freeing you to connect with your essence, your authentic expression, and your unique personal alchemy.
Jeralyn will guide you to embody your bigness and claim your worth and experience serenity, inner peace, and bliss in the process.
How does true peace of mind feel in the body? What are the components when we feel inner peace and calm? How do we nurture and encourage that to be our go-to in all situations?
This pivotal module will illuminate the answers to all these questions and more as you free yourself from ego and connect to Oneness...
In this session, you’ll experience:
- How to find complete surrender in combination with high-frequency Alchemies such as Moldavite
- The alchemy of phenacite, one of the most powerful stones on the planet, creates a resonance of conscious expansion and helps you embrace your inner light and true magnificence
- The flow of energy from your root to your crown, connecting heaven and earth, embodying the “I am presence” using the beloved alchemy of Azeztulite
- This set, featuring an Apophyllite bowl known as the Reiki master stone — to embrace the frequencies of liquid light that will give you an illuminated quantum field
- How to work with an Andara bowl that transmutes anything not based in loving presence— as you’ll discover, this green volcanic stone is powerfully rooting, clearing, and expansive
Module 7: Hormone Balancing & Stabilizing Your Nervous System (March 11)

Do you have days where you feel off-balance and can’t seem to find a sense of grounding?
Jeralyn will guide you to give your system a break with session's sound bowl set.
In this class, you’ll be immersed in the earth-connecting sounds, with a potent endocrine set.
And you’ll discover how it feels to experience a sense of harmony and stability as you balance your endocrine and hormonal systems...
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to cultivate a smooth and harmonious nervous system
- Set yourself free from agitation through the alchemies, tuning to earth, and sound
- Bring your body into balance with “Big Rosie,” the mother of this set — a rose quartz bowl that grounds you in collective love, and her orchestral friends
- Allow crystalline sound and alchemy to bring your body chemistry into homeostasis
- Bring your estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone hormones into balance
Module 8: Sound Immersion #2 — Relax Into the Infinite (March 18)

During this class, you’ll discover 5D consciousness and experience how sound alchemy can connect you to that state of being.
Jeralyn’s great joy is to create a huge vibrational hug, that holds you in grounded tenderness for you to feel stability and a sense of adventure to explore unlimited possibilities.
As you’re bathed in tones, you’ll learn how sound can connect you to your body that's shared with all of life and the cosmos.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The Lemurian Seed Crystal bowl that connects with other dimensions and wisdom beyond our limited human experience
- How the Lemurian Seed alchemy supports the receiving and integration of divine downloads
- Ways to use this sound bath as a regular nighttime meditation — to bring you deeper, more regenerative sleep
- How to anchor and ground yourself at the same time as you float into the beyond
- How to receive your intuition and allow it to influence your sleep and state — and explore its ability to help you connect to other realms of consciousness
Module 9: Anchoring & Integrating Self-Love, Self-Esteem & Wholeness Through High-Vibrational Sound (March 25)

You’ll end this journey on a blissful and positive high note.
Join Jeralyn and your fellow participants to celebrate the evolution that’s unfolded over the last 10 classes.
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Take stock of where you started and where you are now
- Notice how you’re more deeply grounded and energized
- Discover the uplifting impact of your newfound vibrations of self-love, self-esteem, and wholeness
- Experience the vibrancy and strength that inspires you and propels you into your next mission...
The Release & Ground Bonus Collection
In addition to Jeralyn’s transformative 9-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
A Crystal Alchemy Sound Session for Hope & Renewal
14-minute Video Demonstration From Jeralyn Glass

Follow along as Jeralyn invites you to relax and receive the soothing tones of her singing bowls at the cellular level. You’ll take deep, cleansing breaths as you soak up the renewing, regenerating alchemy sounds — allowing them to hold you and create safety, so you can feel more deeply and heal.
Soul Soothing Sounds: The Healing Power of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls
Video Dialogue With Professor Jeralyn Glass and Alec Sims

Join Jeralyn Glass, as she shares with you the magical synergy that led her to the healing power of the bowls, miracles of transformation and the beautiful path of sharing this with others around the globe. During this engaging session, you’ll discover crystal singing bowls and why they matter, how to choose your first crystal bowl, and the benefits of crystal bowls for physical and emotional healing and wellbeing.
Bowls & Bass Jazz Meditation
Exclusive Audio Recording With Jeralyn Glass Featuring Victor Wooten

Victor, an extraordinary 5-time Grammy award winning bassist, record producer, and educator, wrote the novel The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music. This first-time collaboration between Victor and Jeralyn features an unlikely combination of a virtuoso bass player — one of the greatest of our time — and the power of Jeralyn playing her Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.
Another Way of Being: How to Vibrate Higher Each Day
Video Dialogue With Jeralyn Glass and Lalah Delia

Your vibration is nothing less than who you are — and the bridge of communication that connects all living things. In this Sacred Science of Sound interview, Jeralyn talks with spiritual writer and self-help pioneer Lalah Delia, who’s helped people all over the world find strength, peace, and calm in their lives. This far-reaching conversation explores how to live with intuition, empowerment, purpose, confidence, grace — and a higher vibration.
What Graduates of Jeralyn’s Courses Are Saying...

— Susie Sands: “Working With Jeralyn Has Helped Me to Connect to My Heart Again”
— Sole Carbone: “I Find Jeralyn Very Valuable as a Teacher and as a Healer”
— Carolina Santos: “Jeralyn Is a Beautiful Human Being, and an Amazing and Incredible Teacher”
“... vibrational frequencies of love, light, and peace beyond words.”
The love and joy radiating from Jeralyn was shared through her beautiful voice, crystal bowl healings and knowledge about sound healing. I found her course both personally transformational as well as professionally educational. Throughout the course I felt the vibrational frequencies of love, light, and peace beyond words.
— Vanessa, California
“... I felt the feeling of JOY for the first time ever.”
I had a very traumatic childhood... [During this course] I felt the feeling of JOY for the first time ever. I am 71 years young. Deepest gratitude.
— Anonymous
“... really activated my whole being”
I absolutely loved taking this course with Jeralyn. The resonance of her sound bowls really activated my whole being. I am a sound healer as well and I wanted to get more experience from this beautiful soul. She is an amazing light being! You will not regret it!
— Chazelle Owens, Trinidad, California
“... the deepest peace and joy I’ve ever felt.”
This course brought the deepest peace and joy I’ve ever felt. I was aware of the shifts happening in my body and soul. Such cellular transformation is the gift we all need to transform the world with love! Thank you Shift and thank you Jeralyn.
— Lori Hoffman, Nova Scotia, Canada
“... deep healing of my traumas, grief... and an uplift in my general being.”
This course has been truly wonderful! I was slightly unsure about joining initially but I am 100% happy that I did. Jeralyn's weekly sound-healing sessions have helped me immensely and I’m sure the recordings will continue to do so. It’s difficult to put into words the effects of her sessions but I truly believe I have received deep healing of my traumas, grief, etc, and an uplift in my general being. The power of sound is magnificent... Jeralyn’s sound, for me, transcends this. I will be in the queue for any future sound-healing courses that she provides. Thank you so much to all involved.
— Steff, United Kingdom
“... teachings... straight from the angelic realms.”
Jeralyn is like a beam of light, her teachings come straight from the angelic realms. With the sound of her magical crystal bowls she is channeling the sound of light.
— Elysoun, Grahamstown, South Africa
“I’m so grateful to say Jeralyn is part of my healing path.”
After the very first lesson I felt so much lighter. The weight on my shoulders lifted. Each class was wonderful, so freeing. I loved how positive this course was. I loved Jeralyn’s compassion and understanding of how difficult life can be. I loved how she put things in context and shared the remarkable things that have been brought into her life because she was open to allowing the wonder of it all to enter through love. The bowls are so healing and beautiful. This was an incredible course!!! I’m so grateful to say Jeralyn is part of my healing path. I would recommend this course to anyone.
— Monique, Maynard, Massachusetts
“... a blessing beyond words.”
I found that Jeralyn’s choice of bowls spoke to my soul which was wonderful, nourishing, emotional. Beautiful delightful experience that I consider a blessing beyond words.
— Terry Ludwig, Columbia, Missouri
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Nine 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Jeralyn Glass
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from internationally acclaimed singer, crystal alchemy sound healer, inspirational speaker, and musician Jeralyn Glass — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a teaching, a pre-recorded sound bath, and student questions guiding you to discover specific skills and abilities to cultivate a grounded sense of inner stability, no matter what’s going on around you.

Nine PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Release & Ground Bonus Collection
- A Crystal Alchemy Sound Session for Hope & Renewal
14-minute Video Demonstration From Jeralyn Glass - Soul Soothing Sounds: The Healing Power of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls
Video Dialogue With Professor Jeralyn Glass and Alec Sims - Bowls & Bass Jazz Meditation
Exclusive Audio Recording With Jeralyn Glass Featuring Victor Wooten - Another Way of Being: How to Vibrate Higher Each Day
Video Dialogue With Jeralyn Glass and Lalah Delia
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Release & Ground With the Healing Sounds of Crystal Bowls Online Training
We feel honored that Jeralyn Glass has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to earln from an internationally acclaimed singer, crystal alchemy sound healer, inspirational speaker, and musician whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Release & Ground With the Healing Sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
More Praise for Jeralyn Glass...

“... uplifting the energy and casting an enchanting spell over all participants.”
Jeralyn Glass brings sacred sound into an event, uplifting the energy and casting an enchanting spell over all participants.
— Marianne Williamson, 4-time New York Times#1 bestselling author,
spiritual leader, politician, and activist

“Jeralyn’s music opens the heart and lets the soul reveal...”
Our highest experience in life is to know our true, great, vibrant essence. Jeralyn Glass enfolds us in this possibility with her great gift of Vibrance. We know in an instant when we are in the presence of the Divine. Jeralyn’s music opens the heart and lets the soul reveal, infusing our divinity into our humanity.
— Dr. Sue Morter, international speaker and bioenergetics pioneer of bridging science and spirituality

“... uplifting, heavenly, and truly transformational.”
Jeralyn’s music is beyond anything I have ever experienced... uplifting, heavenly, and truly transformational.
— Dr. John Gray, New York Times bestselling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

“Jeralyn is the epitome of love, grace, and compassion.”
Healing, serene, and restorative vibrations emanate from the hypnotic sounds of the crystal bowls as Jeralyn’s extraordinary voice encapsulates your soul and takes you to a sacred realm. Exquisite, transformative, and truly inspirational, Jeralyn is the epitome of love, grace, and compassion.
— Anita Moorjani, New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me

“... an exquisite messenger bringing light, love, joy, and healing...”
Jeralyn Glass is an exquisite messenger bringing light, love, joy, and healing through music and sacred sound. She combines her beautiful voice with the singing bowls to raise people’s vibrational frequency and create deep, cellular transformation.
— Marci Shimoff , professional speaker, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
About Jeralyn Glass

Jeralyn Glass, an internationally known singer, professor, sound-healing practitioner, and crystal singing bowl master alchemist. She has performed on Broadway, in opera, and on concert stages around the world. She has a unique presence with her personal alchemy of classical music, meditation, and high vibrational sound. She sang the national anthem for over 18,000 people in her hometown of Los Angeles, has written and sung tributes to Kareem Abdul-Jabarr and the late Kobe Bryant, as well as for German and French presidents.
The course of her life shifted dramatically five years ago with the loss of her only child. Sound became the path for her own healing and inspired her active participation with the Cancer Support Community and Maria Shriver’s Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement. Passionate about music and sound as tools of self-discovery and healing, Jeralyn founded Crystal Cadence, home of the Los Angeles Crystal Tones Singing Bowl Temple, where she also offers Sacred Science of Sound crystal alchemy sound-healing trainings, mentorships, and transformational voice. She was the keynote presenter at the National Convention of “The Compassionate Friends,” and has performed her high vibrational music for New Thought heavyweights Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani, Lee Harris, Marci Shimoff, and Dr. Sue Morter.
Jeralyn opened the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo with the late Barbara Marx Hubbard and presented her concert “Forever Love” at the Science and Spirituality Conference in Canada. She presented her new album, Vibrance, at the sold-out Scientists, Mystics & Sages Conference alongside Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and Joe Dispenza. Jeralyn works regularly as a musician and sound-healing practitioner at Kamalaya, the Condé Nast Gold Wellness Sanctuary in Thailand.
Her popular online series, The Sacred Science of Sound, featured interviews with well-loved musicians and leading experts in sound and energy medicine. The series became a critically acclaimed live event in Los Angeles in November 2019, featuring a sound-healing performance with Jhené Aiko and leading-edge information on vibrational medicine, bioenergetics, and the healing power of music. The 2020 online series was held in June with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, India Arie, Jonathan Goldman, Dr. Daniel Levitin, Eileen McKusick, and Dr. Sue Morter, among others.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.