With World-Renowned Author, Soul Healer,
Shamanic Practitioner, Psychotherapist & Spiritual Teacher
Dr. Steven Farmer
A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Connect with ancestors beyond your bloodline, including animal and nature spirits, to heal, evolve, and live a more fulfilling life.

Explore the 4 channels of spiritual perception, discover your strongest, and hone them to explore the 5 ancestral realms.


Your ancestors are waiting to guide you… 

And not just the ancestors from your bloodline…

Your ancestral guides include those in your lineage… along with ancestral Spirit Animals, spirit allies in the sky, trees, and plants, and in the elements of the earth...

You also have access to archetypal ancestors ancestors in and out of your direct bloodline who hold particular skills and energies you can draw from. 

When you seek and receive healing and guidance from your ancestors of any form your lineage also receives gifts, including opportunities for healing, forgiveness, and closure with those who’ve crossed the veil. 

In this powerful new program with soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and psychotherapist Dr. Steven Farmer, you’ll dive deep into the ancestral realm expanding your perception of what it is, and discover how to connect with all these types of ancestors for guidance, healing, and personal evolution.

You’ll discover which ancestors to call on when working with a particular life issue or intention...

... AND, you’ll “visit” these helping spirits through guided meditations in which you'll journey to invisible realms to make healing connections.

You’ll become especially aware of your Spirit Animal ancestors and how they serve as wise guides in many forms…

Spirit Animals can be useful allies by appearing in your life at just the right moment to show you how to navigate a current challenge and bring you a meaningful message.

Or, a visit from an animal may actually be a visitation from a blood ancestor an event often confirmed by full-body goosebumps.


During this profound 7-part program with Steven, you’ll:

  • Discover the 5 types of ancestors and how they can help you navigate this lifetime
  • Recognize the presence of your biological ancestors and how you can receive guidance, healing, and wisdom from them and assist them in the afterlife
  • Explore epigenetics and how you inherit much more than your physical characteristics
  • Learn to heal intergenerational emotional, psychological, and physical conditions with the help of your ancestors
  • Explore the 4 channels of spiritual perception... and identify your strongest
  • Readily receive messages and guidance from ancestral animals and plants to help guide you on your life’s path
  • Find out how Spirit Animals, in particular, can be essential guides in your life’s journey
  • Connect with your primary Spirit Animal guide to communicate with your ancestors for healing and guidance
  • Initiate a relationship with your archetypal ancestors whether biologically or spiritually related with the assistance of your Spirit Animal
  • Explore your fears about death and dying to help overcome them so you can live more fully
  • Experience what it’s like to transition into the afterlife without actually doing so!
  • And much more...

Expanding your ancestral connections to include the realms beyond your bloodline opens you to a strong lineage that includes all of life on this plane, and in the spirit world.

And you can work with these ancestors to face death with more ease… 

You can receive validation from them that the soul lives on in the afterlife, and that your connections with your deceased loved ones and other helping spirits are always there to help guide you in your soul’s evolution.

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way.
Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.
Be still, they say.
Watch and listen.
You are the result of the love of thousands.
Linda Hogan, Native American author

One of the most profound teachings Steven will share during this brand-new 7-step journey is how to recognize the presence of your biological ancestors in your everyday life, and the many ways (and forms) their guidance, healing, and wisdom can come to you.

You’ll also have the opportunity to explore the four channels of spiritual perception, discover which are your strongest, and hone them to explore the five ancestral realms.

Steven is a highly skilled shamanic practitioner, spiritual psychotherapist, and soul healer. He’s authored the recently released Healing Ancestral Karma and other bestsellers, including Earth Magic®, Earth Magic® Oracle Cards, Animal Spirit Guides, and Sacred Ceremony.

In The 5 Ancestral Realms, you’ll develop ways in which you perceive and receive from the ancestors… opening gateways to healing and guidance you may have never thought possible. And you’ll come to see the afterlife as a new adventure for your soul… where your ancestral allies await you..


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules


In this transformational program, Dr. Steven will guide you to become more connected with all of your ancestors human, spiritual, plant, and animal in order to heal your past wounds and move forward honoring your true life’s purpose.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Dr. Steven. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous one, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access messages from all types of ancestors from your bloodline and beyond.


Module 1: Discover the 5 Types of Ancestors & How to Connect With Them for Healing, Guidance & Wisdom (October 29)


In Western culture we don’t often think of our deceased loved ones as ancestors…

… yet not only are these relatives ancestors, but there are four other types of ancestors that also help define our heritage as human beings and can help you appreciate the profound depths of your own origins. .

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover the 5 types of ancestors and how they can help you navigate this lifetime more effectively
  • Recognize the presence of your biological ancestors, and how you can receive guidance, healing, and wisdom from them and assist  them in their afterlife journey
  • Discover the ancestors beyond your lineage, how you are intimately related to them, and how to consciously connect with them
  • Receive guidance from Spirit Animals and Nature Spirits to connect with your bloodline ancestors
  • Explore how DNA is the original ancestor, followed by Primordial (the natural elements), Prehistoric (trees, plants, and animals), and Archetypal Ancestors
  • Appreciate the depth of your ancestral relationships and experience how deeply embedded you are in the Web of Life

Module 2: Connect With the Ancestors of Your Lineage For Healing & Guidance (November 5)


You’re strongly and biologically connected to your most immediate ancestors. In this module, you’ll discover how to work with them

When you do this healing work you'll help repair undesirable traits and enhance positive ones. Your ancestors benefit as well, in their spiritual evolution in the afterlife.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore epigenetics and how you inherit much more than your physical characteristics
  • Learn to heal intergenerational emotional, psychological, and physical conditions with the help of the ancestors
  • Familiarize yourself with the 4 channels of spiritual perception, and identify your strongest
  • Communicate with your biological ancestors with the help of animal spirit guides and nature spirits
  • Participate in a powerful healing exercise that will benefit you, your ancestors, and your descendants clearing a condition passed through the generations

Module 3: Seeking Guidance & Healing From Our Prehistoric Ancestors Spirit Animals & Nature Spirits (November 12)


You’ll discover how you’re intimately related to plants and animals as both physical and ancestral beings... 

You’ll also get to know who YOUR power animal is (your primary animal spirit guide) and how they can help you communicate with your ancestors.

Long before human beings began to populate the earth about 200,000 years ago, there were single-celled organisms that formed collectives we now call plants. 

Through the physical evolution of this collaboration between DNA and the environment  over millions of years, animals emerged, followed by human beings...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how the plants and animals that directly preceded our species our Prehistoric Ancestors exist in a real sense as integral aspects of our physical bodies
  • Hear about the many Indigenous cultures that accept plants and animals as ancestors
  • Uncover how you can readily receive messages and guidance from ancestral animals and plants to help guide you on your life’s path
  • Find out how Spirit Animals, in particular, can be essential guides
  • Discover how visitations from an animal may actually be a visit from a blood ancestor

Module 4: Connect With Archetypal Ancestors as Mentors & Coaches (November 19)


How are your ancestors beings whose accomplishments on the physical plane carried over into the afterlife available to help guide you in your interests and passions? You’ll find out... 

Some examples are Healer, Warrior, Musician, and Artist Ancestors. They may not be biologically related to you, but are sought for their expertise in a particular area. 

In this module, you’ll:

  • Identify 2 or 3 talents that you wish to develop further
  • Call on and initiate a relationship with two or three Archetypal Ancestors with the assistance of your Spirit Animal
  • Find and align with those Archetypal Ancestors who support your specific purpose and mission
  • Connect with an Archetypal Ancestor who can guide you to live your soul’s purpose
  • Discover which animal spirit guide associated with a particular archetypal ancestor will become one of your spirit allies for enhancing your talents

Module 5: Discover DNA as the ‘Master Ancestor’ for All Living Organisms (December 3)


In this class, you’ll hear the fascinating “soul myth” describing how DNA (the original ancestor) was first perceived by our human ancestors. 

You’ll also explore how the creative and communal nature of DNA worked with the continually evolving characteristics of the planet to form beings that adapt to environmental circumstances in a continual dance of life and death.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how DNA is the Master Ancestor for all living organisms
  • Explore how DNA collaborated with the Primordial Ancestors to birth the multitude of life forms over Earth’s 4.5 billion years of existence
  • Learn the intriguing story of how Snake Spirit and DNA are related
  • Receive guidance and blessings from your deepest ancestral connection by listening to your DNA
  • Activate your DNA to promote epigenetic changes that are more in alignment with your soul’s purpose

Module 6: Explore the Wisdom of the Ancestors to Better Accept Death & Understand the Afterlife (December 10)


Embracing death is an important aspect of living fully. When you die, you become an ancestor yet you may still have some clearing and healing work to do in the afterlife.

You’ll come to understand how near-death experiences can support the reality that a part of “you” lives beyond your last breath...

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discuss how death and the afterlife are perceived by different traditions
  • Learn about one version of the afterlife
  • With the assistance of your power animal spirit guide, help a deceased loved one cross over fully into the afterlife
  • Explore fears and anxieties about death and dying, how to overcome them, and how to embrace death so that you can live more fully
  • Experience what it might be like to transition into the afterlife without actually doing so!

Module 7: Discover the Fire in Your Belly The Primordial Ancestors Which Exist Within All of Us (December 17)


In this session, you’ll meet your Primordial Ancestors also known as Elemental Ancestors Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. 

These Primordial Ancestors, along with DNA, are the foundations of life and exist within you. They’re also available to help guide you along your life’s path.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how Primordial Ancestors exist in your body and soul
  • Deepen your appreciation for the depth of your ancestral connections
  • Identify more closely with one or two of these ancestors and discern which are best suited to help you in the future
  • Learn how to enhance your relationship with Primordial Ancestors to live a more balanced life, and how to call on these ancestors in times of need
  • Discover practices for maintaining communication with all of your ancestors

The 5 Ancestral Realms Bonus Collection


In addition to Dr. Steven’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


4x4 Breathing Meditation
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. Steven Farmer

This  guided meditation has a simple structure of counting one through four with each breath and repeating this sequence, picturing the numbers rolling through your awareness as you do. This focus will lessen distractions and encourage a deeper state of relaxation. Once you practice it a few times you can continue doing this on your own.


Drumming for Self-Directed Journeying
Drumming Track From Dr. Steven Farmer

This is a simple 15-minute drumming track for doing a shamanic journey or a meditation journey. After a few minutes, the four-to-seven beats per second has been shown to synchronize your brain waves to a Theta state, which is four-to-seven cycles per second, inducing a trance state that is useful for a shamanic journey or a meditation journey.


Four Channels of Spiritual Perception
Audio Teaching From Dr. Steven Farmer

Those of us who are not visual often compare ourselves to those who are. In this audio teaching, you'll discover the four channels of spiritual perception and identify the ones that are the strongest enabling you to fine-tune how you perceive messages from the various ancestral spirit guides.


Healing Our Relationship With the Natural World
Video Teaching From Dr. Steven Farmer

It’s not about saving the planet Earth as she has been doing just fine for over 4½ billion years. Instead, it’s about revising our relationship with the planet and all beings in the natural world. Find out how you can access that deepest memory of who you are in the grand scheme of things.


Receiving a Message From an Animal Spirit Guide
Guided Meditation Journey From Dr. Steven Farmer

With the background of drumming and a didgeridoo that helps induce the altered state of consciousness useful for this exercise, you’ll be guided to non-ordinary reality and there meet a Spirit Animal to receive an important message. This can be repeated as many times as you like.


What Is a Power Animal?
Short Article From Dr. Steven Farmer

Dr. Farmer provides a concise description of what a power animal actually is and how it varies from a Spirit Animal or totem animal.


What People Are Saying About Dr. Steven Farmer...

“I found... new knowledge of what shamanism has to offer.”

I have been engaged in shamanic practices over the years but [the Path of the Shaman] is the first formal course I’ve taken. I found affirmation in things I’ve done myself and with others, resonance in what Steven had to teach, and new knowledge of what shamanism has to offer. This course serves as an excellent overview of shamanism and, at the same time, contains material of considerable depth. It’s evident that Steven knows what he’s talking about and has “walked the walk,” as well. Highly recommended!
Richard Schneider

“I am still surprised and amazed that my fear of the darkness has ended.”

I am still surprised and amazed that my fear of the darkness has ended. I test myself with little things, like walking between two parts of my cottage (you have to go outside) in the dark and I no longer have the fear I’ve had my entire life. I was able to stand outside on my deck and watch the stars by myself, which I haven’t been able to do until now. I am even more at ease during the day which I didn’t even know I could be. I am most grateful to you and the healing gifts you have been called to do.
Sharon B.

“... I am grateful for the experience and the way it has moved me along on my own path.”

Our group quickly became a tribe under Steven’s generous, sincere guidance. I felt safe and at home. Steven taught the practices with such grace. He continually guided us to find OUR own unique way, “Journey on it,” he would respond if we felt unsure about this or that. He was able to step out of the way so we could find our path. As a teacher, he modeled everything he taught so important to a student... No ego Steven is a heart centered, gifted facilitator, and I am grateful for the experience and the way it has moved me along on my own path.
Tami Hetherington-Schwartz

“You have a beautiful, loving, healing soul and I am blessed to have met you.”

You have a beautiful, loving, healing soul and I am blessed to have met you. You have a true gift of compassion, healing and communication. You spoke to my soul song.
Tina Green

“... you learn to heal yourself thus helping others heal themselves.”

Dr. Farmer is an amazing teacher and shaman and is an expert in the shamanic world. I recently called him to thank him for being such an amazing man role model for me and for helping me to regain trust in the masculine world. He carries both the qualities of feminine and masculine which allowed me to feel safe and protected in the EMP environment. I would highly recommend this program if you are being called to shamanism. It’s not an easy walk but it is rewarding because you learn to heal yourself thus helping others heal themselves. Thank you Steven for all you are doing in this beautiful 3D world.
Kelly McDermott

“... Spirit has already set you on your journey with Dr. Farmer...”

What impressed me the most was that [Steven Farmer] doesn’t call himself a shaman as so many others do in the world, and that is the sign of a real Shaman. He covers all aspects of shamanism and you will grow as a person because of his mentoring... I am proud to be an Earth Magic® Practitioner and use everything that he taught me in my business. If you are reading my review of the class, Spirit has already set you on your journey with Dr. Farmer... Spirit will always guide you to where you need to be in life...
Linda Hicks

“I walked away from that weekend more open and humble than I have ever felt before.”

I want to thank you for the tremendous gift you gave me. ...thank you for listening to Raven and the others and following this course in your life that brings your considerable gifts to people like me for healing and satori and grace. I thank God for the gifts he gave you, but I also thank you for accepting them and bringing them to others. I walked away from that weekend more open and humble than I have ever felt before. It was that profound. I am now aware of at least where I need to focus my attention. It is a fine start.
Christopher Murray

“My experience with Steven gave me the self-assurance I needed for personal and professional success.”

After several years in business as a holistic life coach, I felt there was still something missing in my practice... Steven’s program provided the missing piece of the puzzle and gave me the confidence to claim my gifts as a shamanic practitioner. Not only do I incorporate the tools from the program to assist in healing/empowering my clients, but I continue to use them to navigate my own life. Steven’s compassionate approach and deep wisdom provided a comfortable and safe environment for my expansion and spiritual growth. My experience with Steven gave me the self-assurance I needed for personal and professional success. Thank you, Steven!
Kathleen McGinley, Lewes, Delaware

“... an amazing tool for the seeker who wants to bring light onto what is hidden in their shadow.”

Your Earth Magic Oracle Deck is an amazing tool for the seeker who wants to bring light onto what is hidden in their shadow. The energy of these cards does not just confirm what you already know, but rather reveals what you have not yet seen in yourself.
Dave Waldas, Golden, Colorado

“I... could have had a more severe injury had I not heeded caution given by Dr. Farmer.”

During a private session with Dr. Farmer he asked me about my left hip. It was slightly sore from running, but had not become an issue. He told me to take care of it. Dr. Farmer did not have any knowledge that I was a runner. I did not exercise for a few days and decided to take a rest, but noticed it was still painful a few days later. When I went to my physician, he informed me that I had torn ligaments in my left hip area. I would not have known the extent of damage and could have had a more severe injury had I not heeded caution given by Dr. Farmer.
Danielle Mason


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Dr. Steven Farmer

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from world-renowned author, soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher Dr. Steven Farmer from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to connect with ancestors beyond your bloodline, including animal and nature spirits, to heal, evolve, and live a more fulfilling life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The 5 Ancestral Realms Bonus Collection
  • 4x4 Breathing Meditation
    Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. Steven Farmer
  • Drumming for Self-Directed Journeying
    Drumming Track From Dr. Steven Farmer
  • Four Channels of Spiritual Perception
    Audio Teaching From Dr. Steven Farmer
  • Healing Our Relationship With the Natural World
    Video Teaching From Dr. Steven Farmer
  • Receiving a Message From an Animal Spirit Guide
    Guided Meditation Journey From Dr. Steven Farmer
  • What Is a Power Animal?
    Short Article From Dr. Steven Farmer

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The 5 Ancestral Realms Virtual Training


We feel honored that Dr. Steven Farmer has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a world-renowned author, soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Dr. Steven’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about discovering your strongest channels of spiritual perception, and honing them to explore the five ancestral realms, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The 5 Ancestral Realms with Steven Farmer or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Steven Farmer...

“... powerful practices to deepen our connection to the ancestral world and thereby enrich our lives.”

Dr. Steven Farmer’s new book is a gift of many blessings for people who yearn to understand our relationship with ancestors, seek their support, or hope to heal our karmic inheritance. Here are sensible, powerful practices to deepen our connection to the ancestral world and thereby enrich our lives.
Tom Cowan, Author of Fire in the Head and Yearning for the Wind

“With deep insight... helping us connect with the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.”

With deep insight, Dr. Steven Farmer journeys with us into the heart of the spirit world, helping us connect with the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. It is here, in this awakened space, that we are able to heal beyond time.
Sara Wiseman, Author of Writing the Divine and Living a Life of Gratitude

“... new and exciting information that links our own healing with that of our ancestors’.”

Healing Ancestral Karma is a fascinating journey which answers the question “Can consciousness survive bodily death?” Dr. Steven Farmer offers new and exciting information that links our own healing with that of our ancestors’. The idea that our ancestors are us and we are our ancestors validates a truth I have long known, but never remembered.
Sunny Dawn Johnston, Author of The Love Never Ends and Invoking the Archangels

“... amazing experiences in healing and ceremony...”

[Steven has] been a great inspiration to me over the years... from the first shamanic experience at a Hay House event, to sharing time with him in Sedona on my retreat where he gave the participants some amazing experiences in healing and ceremony, his books which I have loved, and to our event Earth Magic a few years ago on Sunshine Coast.
Raelene Byrne, energy medicine healer, speaker, and writer

“… the concepts and advice given are so pertinent...”

Dr. Steven Farmer’s Children’s Spirit Animal cards are the perfect solution for a child on the path of spiritual awareness. They relate to the concept of animal spirit guides and love to ask for help. They also are open to the messages... The illustrations are beautiful, displaying a world of childlike innocence with spiritual magic, while the concepts and advice given are so pertinent they truly do make a child feel guided and taken care of. I love how each card gives a meaning and a gentle focus activity, which reminds children that their happiness and focus is truly within their grasp. The advice given is often through simple tips, such as checking your HAT (hunger, angry or tired) when you get stressed. I will be recommending these cards to both my clients and friends as I truly find them a wonderful addition to any spiritually aware family.
Christina Fletcher, parenting coach and author


About Dr. Steven Farmer


Dr. Steven Farmer is a psychotherapist, shamanic healer, and the author of several best-selling books and oracle cards, including Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic, Earth Magic Oracle Cards, and the Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, Healing Ancestral Karma, and the recently released Shaman’s Path Cards and Spirit Animals as Teachers, Guides, and Healers. He offers Core Healing sessions in person or remotely and serves on the board of the Society for Shamanic Practice. 

As a lifelong healer and teacher, he’s extensively studied and explored spiritual transformation, trauma recovery, shamanism, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and energy psychology. He brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and healing work, offering clients and course participants a unique and powerful synthesis of hard-earned experience and wisdom that produces quick, effective, and long-lasting results.

Steven’s education includes a BA in psychology from the University of California, an MA in counseling psychology from Chapman University, and a PhD from Madison University. In addition to being a licensed psychotherapist, he is also an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
