Featuring Shamanic Teacher
Sandra Ingerman
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Establish and deepen reciprocal, healing relationships with nature’s beings and the unseen forces that guide them and us to help heal all of the web of life.

See Nature through the eyes of a shaman, and move into your ‘spirit self’ to talk with different species, learn from them, and enable them to learn from us.


Imagine a world where human beings and nature’s beings consult with each other and share their unique wisdom about how to live in harmony... where we become allies for beings in nature and they become allies for us.

And, imagine learning from both our ancestors and descendants how to perform ceremonies for healing ourselves and the planet...

What a beautiful and powerful connection with all of life we would have one that brings us into the role of co-creator, and out of our illusion of dominance over other living things.

If we learn to look at the Earth a.k.a. "Middle World" through the eyes of a shaman, we can start to make these imaginings a reality...

We can begin to sense the unseen forces that help the Earth and its animals, trees, plants, and insects adapt and survive capabilities from which we can learn to do the same.

We also discover that a true, healing relationship with Nature is one of reciprocity.

This takes time and reflection...The ancient shaman would journey, or move into his “spirit self,” to talk with different species, to learn from them AND to enable them to learn from us.

You can communicate with nature as well by learning how to speak to the trees in the park, the mountains on the horizon, and the stars in the night sky.

Yet, this connection is far more profound than simply establishing mutual respect, expressing affection, and sharing wisdom. It requires us to listen deeply... so deeply that we can sense the natural world’s compassion for us, for where we are in our evolution a “young” species in the unfolding drama of life on earth.


With newfound humility and empathy, we can then establish reciprocal relationships with nature’s beings in a way that allows us to find the forgiveness inside of ourselves for how we’ve treated the environment and other life forms...

In the process, we shift our overall relationship with the Earth, heightening our awareness of nature’s cycles and unique knowledge, and fostering a more sustainable future designed using the wisdom of all life forms for us and the planet.

In this brand-new video training with renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman, you’ll have the opportunity to discover and practice the skills you need to build a strong, ongoing, reciprocal relationship with nature...

... one that will not only expand and enrich your life, but will also help rejuvenate the power of shamanic work, strengthening it for our own healing and that of the environment.

You’ll also learn about the importance of gratitude a foundational element of reciprocity, and one of the most powerful practices taught by shamanic cultures around the world.

By embodying gratitude, we can stay grounded, centered, and focused no matter how challenging life becomes.

During this powerful new 7-part program with Sandra, you’ll:

  • Journey to a nature being you believe to be highly intelligent such as Octopus, Whale, Dolphin, Bee, Snake, Ant, Raven, or Eagle to learn from its wisdom
  • Explore the ethics of using animal parts (such as feathers) for making sacred objects, including how to gain permission to do so and how to do this from a place of honor and respect
  • Explore new ways of telepathic communication
  • Discover how you can make lifestyle changes that support all of life
  • Be shown how to ask permission to eat another life form and how animals respond when asked in a sacred way
  • Learn how to work with crystals and gems in ethical ways
  • Explore plants’ healing blueprints and how can we learn from their gifts of strength, protection, and medicine
  • Discover how to prepare plants to benefit from the healing we need
  • Learn how to grow food with more consciousness, and how to care take of our local areas of native plants and trees
  • Discover how to honor the plants and trees that care for us through the power of ceremony
  • Experience the power of absorbing the energy of the sun, wind, water, and earth in both your inner and outer world
  • Discover how to create a relationship with life forms that are now extinct, yet can share much-needed wisdom regarding the changes we must make in our own lives to protect our survival
  • Visit a new species in a future generation and ask for guidance on how to create a more sustainable future
  • And much more...

Sandra has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods for over 30 years. She’s recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture that address the needs of our times.

Discover Shamanic Practices & Ceremonies for Learning About and Honoring Nature

In Shamanic Journeying With the Spirits of Nature, you’ll discover practices and ceremonies that will help you to learn and honor the language of Nature a language that teaches us how to survive.

You’ll discover that by communicating with multiple species, you can gain wisdom to help you adapt to the changes in your life and to make the lifestyle shifts needed. You’ll learn to honor and respect every being in nature, as well as how to design ceremonies to be performed in service to the Earth.


You’ll learn how the Earth’s elements, animals, insects, plants, and trees perceive the changes we're going through and what they can teach us about adaptation and compassion.

They have so much to share with us about how to live a good life and what we need to do to help heal the planet. They are in touch with how to use the internal senses, which are our true guides in life.

A deeper connection with the natural world can help you open up to your natural powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, as you slow down, focus, and allow yourself to connect with its powerful unseen energies.

By reflecting upon and journeying to nature beings such as the dragonfly, which has adapted and survived for ages, and the Earth’s grounding stones and crystals you’ll also learn to make lifestyle changes that can bring positive changes for all beings in the web of life.

AND, you’ll expand your limited perceptions, learn to let go of judgement, raise your consciousness, and, at the same time, experience the joy inherent in a deep and precious relationship with the beautiful and wise natural world.

You’ll also learn how to become a vessel for carrying new teaching stories for a better future, which can emerge from your connection with other species and life forms and how to include children in this important work.

This is one of the most basic courses Sandra has taught in several decades yet, it's vitally important work for both the seasoned shamanism practitioner and the novice. While the material may be foundational, Sandra explains that it's also one of the most complex courses she’s ever taught, as our relationship with the Earth can be fraught with our shame and fear around how we have treated the environment and its inhabitants.

Shamanic Journeying With the Spirits of Nature will be a powerful healing journey for those who have the willingness and courage to walk through the many emotions that are part of healing ourselves and the Earth...

The path of shamanism is all about deepening relationships. It teaches us that we must deepen our relationship with ourselves and take time for reflection.

With Sandra’s expert guidance, you’ll learn through shamanic practices, ceremony, and spending time in nature, how to deepen your relationship with the unseen forces that guide us, including our ancestors. You’ll learn the language of Nature, and how you can help in the healing of the planet and ourselves.

So much of our suffering comes from our separation from Source, each other, and the natural world. By discovering and establishing lasting, reciprocal relationships with the nature spirits of the Middle World, we can start to find the healing we seek.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Sandra will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully establish and deepen reciprocal, healing relationships with nature’s beings and the unseen forces that guide them and us to help heal all of the web of life.

This course will feature teachings, experiential guided journeys, and ceremonies with Sandra. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to see Nature through the eyes of a shaman, and move into your “spirit self,” to talk with different species, learn from them, and enable them to learn from us.

Module 1: Honorable Closure
Creating Ceremony for Beings Who Have Passed (March 5)


It can break our heart to watch the beings we love pass away, and working with ceremony can provide a powerful way to honor both humans and nature beings that have transitioned.

You’ll learn burial ceremonies for people and nature beings to send life forms home to Source in joyful and beautiful ways. This will include ceremonies you can do to honor those who have died through illness and environmental catastrophes. You’ll also discover the importance of cultivating an honorable closure with people it is no longer healthy to remain connected to.

You’ll also learn how to fill yourself up with the beauty of life... when you open your eyes to the beauty in the world around you, you can bring it into your inner life.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The importance of honorable closure and what this means in shamanic cultures
  • How to perform ceremonies to honor the deceased
  • An understanding of how to move on after loss
  • How to honor the process of grief
  • A simple drawing exercise that can help you to draw from the beautiful images, colors, tastes, textures, sounds, and fragrances of the outer world to fill your inner world

Module 2: The Intelligence of Nature
Establish Reciprocal Relationships With Nature Beings (March 12)


Many of us have forgotten that we’re interconnected and interdependent, yet this is constantly being reflected back to us by our environment...

Life forms that have been around for thousands, even millions, of years are adapting to the changes in the environment. Science captures these animals to do testing, but shamans move into their “spirit self” to talk with different species to learn from them and have them learn from us revealing that we do not need to capture species and run experiments to learn about their amazing powers of regeneration and adaptation.

You’ll journey to an animal that you’d like to establish a reciprocal relationship with to learn its ways of adaptation during times of change and to start to learn its language, including insights into its ability to communicate telepathically and how you have this capability as well.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Journey to a nature being you believe to be highly intelligent such as Octopus, Whale, Dolphin, Bee, Snake, Ant, Raven, or Eagle to learn from its wisdom
  • Explore how to use animal parts (such as feathers) for making sacred objects, including how to gain permission to do so and how to do this from a place of honor and respect
  • Learn new ways of telepathic communication
  • Learn how you can make lifestyle changes that support all of life
  • Learn how to ask permission to eat another life form and how animals respond when asked in a sacred way
  • Discover how to perform ceremonies to honor all the beings we share this Earth with and those we take in for nourishment

Module 3: How Plants & Trees Teach, Inspire & Heal Us (March 19)


Plants and trees are important teachers for us, programmed with powerful medicine to heal and nurture us. And in many shamanic cultures, it’s widely understood that by sitting with a tree for long periods of time, the tree will teach you all you need to learn about the practice of shamanism.

We have to learn the language of the plants to learn their “programs,” yet, in our way of doing things, we program the food and substances we use before learning about their program and what they have to share.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore plants’ healing blueprints and how can we learn from their gifts of strength, protection, and medicine
  • Discover how to prepare plants to benefit from the healing we need
  • How to grow food with more consciousness, and how to care take of our local areas of native plants and trees
  • How to honor the plants and trees that care for us through the power of ceremony
  • Explore how spending time with plants and trees enlivens our ordinary and unseen senses
  • Merge with an herb or mushroom to absorb its healing
  • Journey to the spirit of the foods you eat

Module 4: Wisdom & Power From the Earth
Simple Methods for Working With Crystals & Stones (March 26)


Crystals and stones have been used by shamans for divination and healing for millennia. Yet, for us to use precious materials from the Earth for these purposes, we must first learn their essential properties and teaching gifts. For example, rocks and stones, which are strong, still, and silent, can teach us ways of living a life focused on the present.

Crystals are being mined in ways that disrespect the Earth and their sacredness. Through journeying, you will learn how we can use them in ethical ways, how we can learn from a favorite gem or crystal, how they contribute to the web of life, and how we can use them for healing.

You’ll also learn simple methods for working with crystals, including how to use them to incubate dreams, stop nightmares, perform a cleansing on another’s energetic field, send healing energies long distance, and gain divining information.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to care for our sacred tools, such as our drums and rattles, used in shamanic work
  • The wisdom rocks can teach us
  • How to work with crystals and gems in ethical ways
  • How to use crystals for healing and for incubating dreams and manifesting intentions
  • Simple healing methods of working with crystals

Module 5: Enter Into the Flow of Life
Experiencing Middle World Spirits (April 2) (Pre-Recorded)


Humans are a relatively new species, yet, we often feel dominant over life. In reality, however, we’re all woven together in deep relationship with other life forms.

And, whether we’re aware of it or not, nature is always in a reciprocal relationship with us. We may experience ourselves talking to the beings in nature, but rarely do we experience them communicating with us in their own vibrational language. When we can imagine this new reality this telepathic connection we step into a truly mutual and cooperative relationship.

You’ll discover how working with the elements teaches you how to enter into the flow of life... and how they can teach you about cleansing, death, and rebirth. You’ll journey to the ancient beings in the Middle World Earth, which is 4.6 billion years old; Air, the first living being to inhabit the planet; the Water of the ancient seas, and our younger Fire beings, including the sun, the moon, the stars, and galaxies.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to be a blessing to life instead of blessing life
  • Experience the power of absorbing the energy of the sun, wind, water, and earth in both your inner and outer world
  • Discover how to perceive everything you take in and absorb as pure, loving, beautiful light-filled and joy-filled energy
  • Meet a species of living beings in a journey and take in their energetic transmissions by reflecting on the energy of their message, teaching, or healing to absorb it
  • Learn about the power of the stars and visit new galaxies to learn about the life forms there
  • Know gratitude as reciprocity no matter how challenging life gets you can stay grounded, centered, and focused through gratitude practices

Module 6: Ancestral & Future Connections
Creating Relationships With Nature Beings for Future Harmony (April 9) (Pre-Recorded)


There is powerful wisdom in communicating with a species that has been here since the beginning of time. They hold a wealth of advice for us on how to move our lives to a place of health and balance.

In this module, you’ll journey back in time to a species of creature now extinct, and to an ancient creature still alive today. For example, dragonflies are known to be one of the oldest living beings on Earth, but they still live today, unchanged. Looking to these types of species, we can discover how we live in them, and what we need to know for our future.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to create a relationship with life forms that are now extinct and can share wisdom about the changes we must make in our own lives to protect our survival
  • Learn from ancient creatures to glean wisdom, love, compassion, and insights
  • Discover ways you can help protect the future health of our planet
  • Learn how, through the practice of shamanism, we can keep up our relationships with all of nature and its intelligence
  • Work outside of time, journeying to creatures in the future to learn healthy ways we can adapt our lives to protect the future of our descendants

Module 7: Death & Rebirth
Gain Guidance From Future Species & Work With the Vibration of Light (April 16)


The process of death and rebirth is sometimes hard for us to embrace... We cling to the familiar and grieve the beautiful beings that pass and we have shared this Earth with. Yet, with death, there are new energies to be born that can manifest into amazing new species of animals, plants, trees, insects, and microorganisms.

You’ll learn more healing with spiritual light connecting the light of the galaxies, stars, moon, and planets. And, you’ll learn about nature’s cycles, and how we can be more of a light in the world. We’ll also explore how to transform the toxins in our medications, food, water, air, and everything else we take in, as we learn to work with liquid light.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about more about the cycles of death and rebirth and how they lead to the evolution of new species
  • Continue to look at lifestyle changes that can keep life on the planet sustainable
  • Learn healing methods from the future that include working with light and sound
  • Discover how to infuse all we take in using light-filled energies
  • Ask for guidance on healing methods that include working with sound and light
  • Visit a new species in a future generation and ask for guidance on how to create a more sustainable future

The Spirits of Nature Bonus Collection

In addition to Sandra’s transformative virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
Audio Teaching From Sandra Ingerman


This foundational recording was created to give full instructions into shamanic journeying to talk a little bit about the practice and to help you find your own doorway into the invisible realms, give you suggestions that can deepen your work, and talk about some of the finer points of journeying that might help you fine-tune your own practice. You’ll also receive a Drumming Track for Journeying to assist you with your practice of journeying.

NOTE: Please listen to this bonus teaching before attending the first course session so you can just dive right into the journeying work and really make the best use of your time in class with Sandra.

Dreamers, Shamans & Soul Recovery
Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Robert Moss


The greatest contribution of the ancient shamans to our medicine and healing today is the understanding that in the course of any life we are liable to suffer soul loss the loss of parts of our vital energy and identity and that in order to be whole and well, we must find the means of soul recovery. Shamans journey to find lost soul parts and bring them where they belong. Dreams can show us where soul has gone, and offer paths by which it can be reached and encouraged to come home.

In this important dialogue between Sandra and Robert Moss, we’ll learn why “anyone who dreams is a little bit shaman” and how we can help each other to become the shamans of our own souls and the healers of our own lives.

Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he’s a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar. He’s written a dozen books on dreaming, shamanism, and imagination and has presented several popular Shift Network courses.

Shamanism in Ordinary Landscapes
Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Cecile Carson


Cecile Carson will speak with Sandra about her research of how people today are bridging shamanism into the work they do. For example some of the people Cecile has written about and highlighted are a high school cook, a mall Santa Claus, a theater director, and a neurobiology grad student working in an animal lab. They’ll talk about how shamanism can emerge in everyday circumstances.

Cecile Carson, MD, has been doing a series of interviews for a forthcoming book that looks at shamanic practitioners who integrate shamanism into Western culture in interesting and unusual ways ways that open our hearts and minds to what’s possible for spirits’ healing in our troubled world. She’s an internist also trained in psychiatry, who for 30 years focused much of her work on helping people deal with life-threatening illness such as HIV and cancer. Recognizing that illness often requires soul-level work, she expanded her focus to spiritual coaching and healing. She’s been practicing and teaching shamanism for the past 25 years, both nationally and internationally. She’s also a founding board member of the Society of Shamanic Practice and editor of the anthology Spirited Medicine: Shamanism in Contemporary Healthcare.

New Year’s Show on the IAM Winter Solstice Summit
Video Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau


In this special video dialogue with Sandra and Renee from the IAM Winter Solstice Symposium, Sandra guides you into a journey to meet a helping spirit who will volunteer to join you for the coming year. In this guided journey, you’ll ask a helping spirit the questions: What kind of power do you carry? May I carry your power? How do I carry your power? The Winter Solstice Celebration is an opportunity to embrace renowned Wisdom Keepers in an up-close and personal fashion.

Renee Baribeau is The Practical Shaman, a Wind Whistler, and Hay House Author. Renee is the “go-to” Soul Coach for innovative change-makers and dynamic spiritual keynote speaker. She injects humor and practical wisdom into her dynamic, inspirational Wind Work® workshops. Renee helps individuals at a point of transformation in their lives. She helps them find their enlightened way of life and guides them towards their true purpose through the wind’s knowledge.

What Graduates of Sandra’s Previous Courses Are Saying...

“Redirected my life completely towards my true purpose”

Sandra is truly gifted to facilitate an online course. Shamanism was made completely available to me with this course, not only did online access make it possible, but her method and knowledge showed me that shamanism is truly for every person. Not just for the so called chosen, nor are drugs and hallucinations required at all! Thank you Sandra, it’s redirected my life completely towards my true purpose.
Shar-la, New South Wales, Australia

“Layers of my life were finally acknowledged and let go”

I would highly recommend this class.. Sandra is a Blessing. Through all the different journeys, layers of my life were finally acknowledged and let go. Truly life changing.
Leslie Styhl, Diamondhead, Mississippi

“I cherish this learning”

I dance, move, chant, and sing during journeys and this was the first time I felt actively supported in doing so. I didn’t feel like an outlier or worse. I discovered from Sandra’s singing that what I thought was gibberish trying to be words is actually my song I cherish this learning.
Bethana Sullivan, Nova Scotia, Canada

“I feel confident in journeying on my own...”

I feel confident in journeying on my own and will do so often in ceremony alone and with close friends. I love my alters and am so pleased to meet the hidden realms and folk. Thank you dearly.
Tina Lindeken, Redway, California

“It feels so good to get on the path again”

Sandra Ingerman is a great teacher. I had decided I needed to get back on my spiritual path this year and to find this virtual class with Sandra was unbelievably perfect. I wasn’t sure it would work again for me, especially in this venue, but I had really good experiences here. My awesome spirit helpers were right there for me. It feels so good to get on the path again. This works for me. It feels right. It’s a comfort. Thank you for making this virtual class available. I’m looking forward to the next one.
Joyce, Oakhurst, California

“I learned the dimension of intuition and trust”

I recommend this course because it’s so beautiful. I could have access to a magical world of spirits, nature, power, and healing. I love the journeys with Sandra. I learned the dimension of intuition and trust. I learned ways to enter in Upper, Middle and Lower World, to listen to the messages from my Spirit Guides. I have created my secret garden, my sanctuary and my altars. I am grateful for all gifts, insights, and beauty of shamanism.
Daniela, Luxembourg

“Clear and filled with contagious passion”

I really loved the course. Sandra is such a great teacher, her lessons are clear and filled with contagious passion. She created a beautiful loving sacred space for our community to share experiences and grow together... I feel very blessed for the opportunity to have participated in this course.
Anna, Italy

“I was skeptical at first and was completely won over”

Deeply humble, compassionate, and wise instructor who functions far beyond the trite and facile of too much of the New Age.. I was skeptical at first and was completely won over.
Sandra, Canada

“Rediscover your own deep connection to Source and Truth...”

Anyone who’s looking for a lamp in the dark, a trustworthy guide to hold the space for the great work to happen, a heart to see while you rediscover your own deep connection to Source and Truth... this course is for you.
Jill Moody, Victoria, Australia

“I’m filled with joy, deep gratitude, and creating my own destiny inspired by Sandra”

Sandra has a level of mastery in her knowledge of shamanism, journeying, and teaching. She guided all of us with such love, passion, and support and tailored the teachings so everyone whether new or more experienced could learn this practice. She’s an extraordinary woman who fully lives and expresses her destiny which is to teach others these profoundly deep and life-changing practices... I cannot truly express the experiences I’ve had other than I’m filled with joy, deep gratitude, and creating my own destiny inspired by Sandra, her teachings, and my own desire to deepen my footprints on the Medicine Path.
Natara Landrau, Placitas, New Mexico

“This was just like being there with her”

This webcast exceeded my expectations. I didn’t think I could have such a rich and deep experience while listening on the computer. That speaks to the great guidance from Sandra. I learned a lot from the Facebook community, all the wonderful sharing and support expressed by the group. I have taken a couple workshops with Sandra in the past, and this was just like being there with her.
Susan Hnatiw, Colorado Springs, Colorado

“I now have so many things I can ponder and work on...”

This workshop was wonderful! No need to have read any of Sandra’s books, you’ll enjoy the wisdom and experience she brings to the material she presents. Sandra is so generous with information and insights, I now have so many things I can ponder and work on by myself after this course. And I am very grateful for the very concrete “invisible” community we have woven through this course, its support and goodwill is priceless.
Nadia Fortin, Québec, Canada

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Sandra Ingerman

Experience a rare opportunity to be learn from shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to lead you safely into the practices of shamanic journeying.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Spirits of Nature Bonus Collection

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
    Audio Teaching From Sandra Ingerman
  • Dreamers, Shamans & Soul Recovery
    Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Robert Moss
  • Shamanism in Ordinary Landscapes
    Audio Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Cecile Carson
  • New Year’s Show on the IAM Winter Solstice Summit
    Video Dialogue With Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Shamanic Journeying With the Spirits of Nature Virtual Training

We feel honored Sandra Ingerman has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a respected shamanic teacher who will help you live an empowered life through shamanic practices.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Sandra’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about living a life that’s deeply connected to the Earth, cosmos, and the hearts all around you, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Shamanic Journeying With the Spirits of Nature with Sandra Ingerman or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Sandra Ingerman...

“She’s a rare jewel of a being and teacher.”

Sandra Ingerman is a profound and wise teacher. She’s a rare jewel of a being and teacher. Don’t wait a minute more. Learn from her!
Judith Orloff, MD, Author of Second Sight

“Sandra Ingerman teaches from the heart.”

A shaman sees with the heart. Sandra Ingerman teaches from the heart. Sandra is a devoted teacher; deeply committed to teaching shamanism as a way to positively impact our lives and the future of our planet. Connected to the Spirit that lives in all things, Sandra holds a deep belief that if we can change ourselves, we can dream forward a new vision of our world.
Damini Celebre, Author of Painting the Landscape of Your Soul

“[Sandra] grabs you by the heart and makes you want to be a better person.”

Ingerman is one of those great teachers who grabs you by the heart and makes you want to be a better person. Luckily, she also teaches you the methodology in which to engage in doing so and models that methodology powerfully by her own life and work.
Cecile Carson, MD, Editor of Spirited Medicine: Shamanism in Contemporary Healthcare

“Her clarity and integrity have given me the courage...”

The gifts of Sandra Ingerman’s teaching and writing have inspired me to continue my own journey of becoming a shamanic healing companion. Her clarity and integrity have given me the courage to bring this healing to my hospitalized patients.
Alan M. Davis, MD, PhD, President of the Society for Shamanic Practice

About Sandra Ingerman


Sandra Ingerman, MA, is an award-winning author of 11 books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self... Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins... Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life... Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth (co-authored with Llyn Roberts)... and her most recent release, The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life.

She is the presenter of several audio programs produced by Sounds True, and the creator of the Transmutation App. Sandra, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, has been teaching for more than 30 years. She’s taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture to address the needs of our times.

Sandra is devoted to teaching people how we can work together as a global community to bring about positive change for the planet. She is passionate about helping people reconnect with nature.

Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist and professional mental health counselor. She’s also a board-certified expert on traumatic stress. She was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine, and was chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality & Health Magazine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
