Calling all evolutionaries who want to help humanity make the Shift in time!

You CAN learn to become a powerful catalyst of conscious evolution and play a role in one of the most exciting events ever envisioned: a planetary Birth Day on December 22, 2012. This day will help us shift beyond fearful separation toward a global sense of oneness, symbolically marking the start of a new era in human development.

In the mainstream media, our times are seen as precarious and grim. We teeter on the edge of environmental collapse and global disaster, buffeted by war and strife.

This intense and often emotional drama has one powerful solution: our conscious evolution as a species. We have within us extraordinary creative potentials that have yet to be unleashed on a large scale, leading to wide-scale cooperation, innovation, sustainability and peace.


The solutions are available; it is only the human software that needs an upgrade.

Which brings us to YOU: are you one of those here to upgrade the software? Reboot planet earth with a more holistic, compassionate, and sacred vision? Connect to and empower what IS truly working within yourself and within the world, rather than lament what no longer works?

If so, we want you to join us for an unprecedented 12-week training with one of today’s greatest and most empowering pioneers: Barbara Marx Hubbard, the woman who Deepak Chopra calls “the voice for conscious evolution in our times.”

The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) training will offer you an in-depth understanding of key “mother memes” for the new worldview, designed for a new era (and an evolving you).

It will train you in the skills necessary to catalyze transformation within yourself and others. It will prepare you to play your perfect role in the Birth 2012 events next year. And it will connect you with a global community of change leaders who are here to light the way forward.

The ACE Training is designed to awaken your full creative potential, empower you in your “vocation of destiny,” give you a template for joyful co-creation, and provide a path for manifesting your heart’s desires.

And it will help you find your authentic leadership in the collective shift now underway.

There is a profound birthing process underway on our planet, and the crises we face can be seen as contractions -- and evolutionary drivers. These catalytic events are accelerating, which is really good news because it means the birth is near.

Many prophecies concur that the time for a planetary shift has arrived. Only it won’t happen by magic; it will happen only if those of us with the “codes” step forward and give our greatest gifts to the emergence of a new co-creative human society. If we do that, we can collectively ignite a new way of being that endures for decades to come.

This truly is the hour for which we were born. And the ACE training will help you make the best use of this hour AND hone your gifts as an evolutionary leader.

Join us to begin the evolutionary adventure of a lifetime! Watch this special 3-minute message from Barbara sharing more about this exciting opportunity.

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How You Will Benefit from the ACE Training

By completing the Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) Training, you will:

  • Become a communicator of the new world view of conscious evolution by embodying it within yourself.
  • Hone your gifts and fully realize your authentic leadership in the collective shift underway.
  • Gain the skills needed to catalyze transformation within yourself, your family and others in your sphere leading to evolutionary vision and action.
  • Learn to create resonance with two or more people in order to lead and facilitate evolutionary and transformative processes.
  • Gain mastery in affecting your own reality and everything around you, joyfully co-creating our emerging new world.
  • Connect and synergize with a global community of change leaders and discover how your calling fits within a larger whole.
  • Become an evolutionary mystic and learn to shift from ego to essence.
  • Identify and prepare for your perfect role in the Birth 2012 events next year.
From the Desk of Barbara Marx Hubbard

Dear Agents of Conscious Evolution throughout the world,

This is the most extraordinary invitation I have ever been able to offer.

It is to participate as Agents for Conscious Evolution in your own self and social development, while cocreating a global team building towards a planetary Birth Day Celebration on December 22, 2012.

Ever since Stephen Dinan and The Shift Network agreed to produce this event and began to design a new social architecture for countless people to participate in its cocreation, I realized that this initiative is an evolutionary signal. And if you are attracted to this vision, YOU are also an evolutionary signal of planetary change.

This is not merely a class. It is a call to the deepest level of cocreation. The results of our work together will be unpredictable and emergent. No one has guided a culture from an over-populating, polluting, warring phase to a sustainable and ever-evolving phase. That’s our job - to help midwife this transition by offering a new worldview, breakthrough innovations, and new patterns of social synergy. That’s us!

The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) training will lead you to becoming a vital part of the global team to help catalyze the Birth 2012 experience and beyond. It will offer you the opportunity and skills to take the next step to embody, apply and realize your potential for conscious evolution.

I will offer you the latest insights, experiences and transmissions in my life’s work, providing a map to cross the gap from Here breakdowns in a devolving world to There breakthroughs in an evolving world. The map is the whole story of our birth, from the origin of creation, through billions of years of crises, applying the lessons of evolution to guide us toward a future equal to our full potential.

In the first hour of each class, which will be live video-streamed, I will provide an in-depth transmission of each of the key themes of conscious evolution, combined with an experiential spiritual practice related to that theme that has inspired and guided me over fifty years of evolutionary revelation. During the next portion, you’ll learn practices and skills to further your work as an agent communication and facilitation skills, evolutionary meditations and social synergy practices. And then you’ll work in cocreative circles to embody and apply what you learn.

This training is the most potent synthesis of my lifework and study of the greatest thinkers and innovators of our day. And it’s all in service to not just learning but making a planetary impact far greater than any of us could achieve alone.

I invite you no, I wholeheartedly urge you to join me and other co-evolutionaries on this exciting journey!


What Respected Leaders Say about Barbara Marx Hubbard

“Barbara Marx Hubbard has become the voice for conscious evolution in our times.”
- Deepak Chopra


“There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Marx Hubbard who helped introduce the concept of futurism to society is the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced.”
- Buckminster Fuller


“Barbara Marx Hubbard is one of America’s brightest lights. She makes this very complicated moment in history seem like a glorious opportunity. She gives guidance, and she gives hope.”
- Marianne Williamson


“Barbara Marx Hubbard is one of the truly great visionaries of our time. Breathtaking in scope and stunning in insight, Barbara is providing a blueprint for the reconstruction of human reality so bold and yet so completely right, as to ignite the deepest sense within us that we can, and we must, join in this co-creation now.”
- Neale Donald Walsch

From the Desk of Stephen Dinan, founder of The Shift Network

Dear Allies in the Shift,

I know, deep in my heart, that we are all coming together for something truly unprecedented. If you are reading this letter, you know it.

We are here to participate in the Great Turning from one era into another. Our planetary crises AND our unbridled creativity are together pushing for this larger Shift, and it’s happening right now. It merely needs to be accelerated, activated, and made participatory and visible to the whole of humanity.

That’s why our intention is to create a planetary Birth Day event on Dec. 22, 2012 that aims to invite as many people, groups, cultures, traditions as possible to evoke together the greatest experience of planetary coherence we’ve ever experienced a resonance of hearts, minds, and souls in a shared intention to birth a new era of human development.

This day will involve a global broadcast, a State of the Planet address, a 100-year vision for humanity, synchronized meditation and sounds, and a global children’s choir. And it will lead into local synergy circles, activation of collaborations, and creative parties around the world.

Imagine what’s possible if tens of millions of us choose to unify for that day and express our highest consciousness and creativity. Imagine connecting what is innovative and creative at a planetary scale. Imagine what can be unleashed.

For the ACE Training, we will give you everything we can to prepare for this day and beyond the evolutionary codes, the key memes, the transformational skills, the connections, the collaborations, and the support. We want you to learn, transform and open to your highest gifts. And we want you to become part of our team to create something truly magnificent.

That is our invitation and if your soul rings with knowing when you hear this, please do join us. It’s show time!

In spirit,

The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) Curriculum Overview

The ACE Training blends three elements:

  1. A comprehensive understanding of the core concepts of conscious evolution, with built-in opportunities to practice communicating these themes to others.
  2. Practices to apply conscious evolution to your own life so you can truly embody the principles yourself, including: seeing your role in the Universal story, deepening your connection to Source, shifting from ego to essence, and following your evolutionary impulse.
  3. Skills in facilitating and leading transformative processes, both for Birth 2012 activities and in your daily life, including processes for creating group coherence and stimulating social synergy.

The Conscious Evolutionary Worldview:
Genes create bodies. Memes create cultures. And it’s time for a new planetary culture, which means a new set of memes based on conscious evolution.

In this training, you will become a global pioneer ready to co-create our next stage for humanity. One of the key foundations for that pioneering is learning to embody, communicate and apply a conscious evolutionary worldview. As this is the “pilot” training for this program, you will also have the opportunity to help shape the future curriculum and core teachings as we prepare to bring it to wider and wider audiences (with your help).

The way we see the world creates much of our reality. Understanding the worldview of conscious evolution and its deeper dynamics can help catalyze a global paradigm shift as well as rapidly change your own life, evoking your vocation of destiny. During the training, you will be guided to use a “head-heart-hands” approach: as you explore new ideas, you’ll open to a heart and spirit connection, and learn to apply these high frequency thought-forms in your daily life and work.

Note that the following curriculum may still have some changes in the sequence and core teachings as we experiment with what works best and the vision for Birth 2012 evolves.

Week 1 (April 19): Communicating the Sacred Story of Conscious Evolution


With the threat of global environmental and social collapse, our culture has lost its compelling meta-narrative. However, when we place ourselves in the universe’s story the 13.7 billion year sacred story of conscious evolution from crisis and transformation we see that we are actually facing consciously what nature has learned to do for billions of years. During this week, you will:

  • Understand the unfolding of the universe’s story through history and the spiral as a developmental framework.
  • Recognize that you are an expression of the universe’s story, unfolding in an evolutionary mode, as the universe becoming conscious of itself.
  • Reflect on the power of story to change yourself and the world, and see how this story applies to your experience
  • Conduct a self-assessment of your current level of development, set goals for your growth and design a supportive pathway for reaching these goals.

Week 2 (April 26): Choosing to Evolve

Conscious evolution is about moving from unconscious chance to one of conscious choice. It marks a phase-change in evolution itself, leading to the vast empowerment of humanity in an ever-evolving universe. As Agents, we are co-founders of the evolutionary movement, now being born in every field and function. In this week, you will:

  • Become causal in your life by identifying situations in which you can evolve by choice, not chance.
  • Reflect on your life story through an evolutionary lens, finding the evolutionary gift within your past and present challenges.
  • See that your choice for more life, more expression, more love is natural and supported by the whole process of creation within you and beyond you.
  • Realize that you can choose the story you tell yourself about life experiences and thereby affect your own reality and everything around you.

Week 3 (May 3): Practicing Evolutionary Spirituality


Evolutionary spirituality is about incarnating the Impulse of Evolution as our own motivation to evolve. The intelligence that is creating the universe is becoming conscious of itself within us. In essence, we are “bringing God home as our own evolutionary potential.” As Agents, you are invited to enter a new inner sacred space, The Evolutionary Monastery. During this week, you will:

  • Experience the resonant field at the Core of the Spiral, the “Evolutionary Monastery,” your sacred space at the Still Center of the turning Spiral where you can access the Impulse of Evolution.
  • Experience Evolutionary Communion and understand how to incarnate the Whole Story of Creation.
  • Learn a wide range of practices to connect to Source. Choose the best practice for you and gain support for maintaining it and deepening it throughout the course.
  • Connect to your own Evolutionary Monastery throughout the day, as a source for continuous inspiration and guidance.

Week 4 (May 10): Making the Shift from Ego to Essence

The planetary shift is occurring as many more of us are personally moving from ego to essence. We are shifting from fear into creativity and love. And this is a critical aspect in our developmental path as co-creators in self-evolution. As you incarnate your true nature and identity, you discover the feelings of involution where the higher frequencies of your being fuse with your ego. The ego falls in love with its own essence! During this week, you will:

  • Learn the distinction between ego and essence and the implications of shifting towards essence for you and our world.
  • Identify when you’re in ego and when you’re in essence and gain tools to help you anchor reliably in your essential nature at least once a day.
  • Learn key practices of the sacred way of conscious evolution, beginning with bringing your brain and heart into “coherence” through techniques pioneered by Heartmath.
  • Discover the process of Emergence which can help you bring in and stabilize the experience of the higher self; and intend and imagine this personal shift as a vital part of the planetary Shift.

Week 5 (May 17): Becoming a Catalyst for Social Evolution by Following Your Compass of Joy


As we make the shift from ego to essence, a greater impulse of life purpose is awakened. Vocational destiny guides us toward the people and work we need to fulfill our life’s purpose. In evolutionary conversations with others, you will cultivate the Impulse of Evolution as you bring forth your unique calling and creativity. During this week, you will:

  • Learn to boldly follow and act from your “compass of joy” as it guides you to right action moment to moment.
  • Experience the potential for group coherence to generate a sense of "vocational arousal."
  • Recognize vocation as the set of activities and archetypes that bring you consistent joy.
  • Engage the 7 S’s vital to social evolution: Synergy, Synchronicity, Syntony, Syntropy, Spontaneity, Suprasexuality and Self-Creation.

Week 6 (May 24): Forming a Resonant Field with Pioneering Souls

Wherever two or more Agents of Conscious Evolution are joined heart with heart, the process of creation is activated. As an Agent, you will cultivate a resonant field of Oneness, opening your heart and deepening your universal consciousness. You will join with each other to discover what is truly emerging in each of us. This week you will:

  • Feel the power of group coherence and what’s possible when two or more are gathered in communion.
  • Learn to establish group coherence and how to sense when a group is NOT coherent.
  • Develop sacred practices to support your communion, locally with two or more, or globally in the field.
  • Cultivate communion in resonant practices with other Agents, as well as other evolutionary souls in your community.

Week 7 (May 31): Discovering the Patterns of a Co-Creative Society


As you continually follow your compass of joy, you will begin to find the “organ” of the social body within which you are naturally attracted to co-create. These are represented by sectors of the Wheel of Co-Creation. You will begin to self-assemble and self-organize what we call evolution by attraction, in which each person is free to give his or her best. In this week, you will:

  • Become a cultural co-creator, in which you intuit the greater pattern of evolution and discover that your role is integral and vital to the larger design.
  • Learn to feel your part in the greater whole, and allow that inspiration and aspiration to empower and align you with the Impulse of Evolution.
  • Begin to align your own calling with others within and across sectors of the wheel for activities related to Birth 2012 and beyond.
  • Explore the pattern of “12 around 1” as an organizing principle for wholeness.

Week 8 (June 7): Pioneering Synergistic Democracy

Nature is a hierarchy of synergies, creating vast synergistic organisms for billions of years. The difference is that now we are ready to create synergy consciously in order to survive and thrive. This is the wake-up call that can mature our species. The recent mass uprising of people in the Middle East, along with the conflict and polarization resulting from corporate dominance in many democratic structures, serve as evolutionary drivers toward a synergistic democracy. In this week, you will:

  • Model The Planetary Peace Room where you learn to scan for, map, connect, and communicate what is working within key sectors of the Wheel of Co-Creation, identifying the genius of major global co-creators.
  • Learn about synergistic democracy through the example of the SYNCON a process where key individuals from each sector of society come together in the spirit of collaboration and identify breakthrough ideas and potential links.
  • Identify what’s needed for you to give your deepest gifts into our society and the ways you can contribute to the inspired efforts of others.
  • Identify sophisticated networking tools that can help you find soul allies who want to partner on co-creative projects.

Week 9 (June 14): Tracking, Connecting & Communicating What’s Working

To facilitate the Shift in time, we are now ready to discover and connect what is working in every field and function. As an Agent, you will identify global co-creators, masterful innovators in every field and function who are already successful pioneers. This will help us create the greatest convergence and coherence of what is working in human history. And in 2012, you will help facilitate and co-create synergistically with one another the planetary shift in microcosm as a contribution toward the Birth 2012 event on Dec. 22, 2012. In this week, you will:

  • Map and track what is already working within key sectors of the Wheel of Co-Creation, identifying the genius of major global co-creators.
  • Learn to identify social innovations like microcredit loans, new healthcare advances, conscious business, technological revolutions and educational breakthroughs that can help create a planetary civilization for the first time.
  • Understand the role of “disruptive” technologies like nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, and space sciences that are leading to a quantum breakthrough toward the evolution of our species.
  • Recognize the widespread evidence of a co-creative society. Practice using digital media to communicate this “good news” to your community.

Week 10 (June 21): Participating in Birth 2012


Here we allow ourselves to imagine and pre-experience the actuality of our “birth,” and connect deeply to one another and what is emergent and working in the world. As a certified Agent of Conscious Evolution, you will be qualified to facilitate groups that are preparing for a real-time experience of global coherence during this convergence on Dec. 22, 2012. In this week you will:

  • Learn about current plans for the activities of Birth 2012 and ways that you can actively participate in the formal events.
  • Share other creative ways you might participate and attract others to weave their genius into the Birth Day celebration.
  • Share ideas for spreading the excitement and engaging other networks of allies.
  • Further the process of self-assembling and self-organizing into a more coherent and sustainable community.

Week 11 (June 28): Beyond 2012: Becoming a Universal Human and Setting the Evolutionary Agenda

The ACE Training is preparing you to become a planetary midwife. The new norm for you includes incarnating the impulse of evolution, deepening your mystical peak experiences, and becoming a conscious co-creator with the creative process itself. This week you will:

  • Translate mystical visions of life beyond death, to life beyond this phase of life.
  • Enter the “imaginal realm” as a storyteller and visionary.
  • Open your imagination deeply to the vision of a new, flourishing humanity.
  • Explore a 100-year collective vision for a universal humanity.
  • Open the vistas of your imagination to co-create the evolutionary agenda together globally and locally.

Week 12 (July 5): Celebrating the Journey

Through the journey of this course, we’ve learned about the evolutionary worldview and our place in what’s emerging. You will have learned many practices to help you re-create your own story and shift from ego to essence. You will have mapped specific ways you want to participate in the activities surrounding Birth 2012 and beyond. And now it’s time to reflect on the ways that you’ve grown and identify the next steps of your own journey from here. In our final week you will:

  • Review what you have learned in the course and assess where you are now strong and what areas you want to continue to focus on in your development as an Agent of Conscious Evolution.
  • Receive reflections from team-members who have witnessed your growth and transformation through the process.
  • Set up ways to continue receiving support from others in your ongoing growth and transformation.
  • Participate in a graduation ceremony and celebrate the journey, and receive your ACE certificate (for those choosing to be certified).

Throughout the Training, you will be supported by the gifted facilitation of Devaa Haley Mitchell, The Shift Network’s Chief Transformation Officer and the leader of our women’s programs. Devaa has taught Barbara’s work herself and will be helping you throughout the course to embody the core understandings in your life through experiential exercises, transformational practices, and concrete skills. You will also practice speaking some of the core themes of conscious evolution and getting feedback from your team about how to communicate in the most powerful way.

Additional featured guest leaders will teach other short segments to help you develop complementary skills, including:

  • Deborah Rozman Ph. D. Cofounder, President and Co-CEO of Heartmath Inc (also knows and QuantumIntech). She has has twenty years of experience as a psychologist, educator, author, editor and business executive. At HeartMath, she has been overseeing operations and strategic implementation to achieve business goals.
  • Claudia Welss board member of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, founder of evomimicry with a focus on social synergy.
  • William Welch founder of the Virtual Co-creative Society, which is developing templates for synergistic convergences.

Replays - To accommodate ACE participants from countries with time zones that don’t work with the live Tuesday session, we’ll do a rebroadcast each Thursday at 10 am Pacific/ 5 pm GMT, 7 pm CEST and participants will be able to connect in live groups at that time as well.

Exclusive Bonuses
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Bonus Workshop: Ervin Laszlo: Creating a WorldShift in Time (Saturday, June 4, 10-11:30 am Pacific) (full bio)

If Barbara is seen by many as the Mother figure for Birth 2012, scientific philosopher Ervin Laszlo is a kind of Father figure. For decades, he has been warning of the crescendo of crises and the imperative for us to make an evolutionary Shift in time. He draws from the latest frontier science and philosophy to illuminate exactly what needs to shift in our understandings and our civilization to make a larger Shift.

The Evolutionary Communion and Evolutionary Chakra Meditation (downloadable meditations and booklet)
This audio download featuring Barbara offers a spiritual process for two or more in which we remember and embody the Sacred Story of Creation as our own birth narrative. Through it, we incarnate universal intelligence as the Impulse of Evolution within us. Listening to the Evolutionary Communion combined with The Evolutionary Chakra Meditation will deepen your journey throughout the ACE Training.

What Students Say about Barbara Marx Hubbard

“Barbara Marx Hubbard is an inspirational teacher of clarity, wisdom and passion. Her enthusiasm for living consciously is contagious. I see her as a superb role model for women and men of all ages.” - Rev. Lyn

“I leave with a transformed heart and spirit and sense of purpose. It was as if I had been waiting to put all the inchoate pieces of my own journey into this gorgeous and inspiring frame.” - Lynda

“An amazing course where one felt loved and accepted for who they are as they are; we embodied as the new Universal Human.” - Teresa

“Barbara Marx Hubbard’s "Evolutionary Metamorphosis" course far exceeded my expectations. It has been fascinating to experience the formation of resonant core groups. The open sharing of what some consider mystical and secret enabled so many of us in the course to speak plainly and connect deeply.” - Becca A.

“Barbara ignites the core of our human essence, at the heart level of who we are.” - Diane B.

"It was beyond amazing--absolutely life-changing!!" - Josephine

“If you feel a deep yearning in your heart and are ready to evolve to the next level of consciousness, this is for you. Barbara Marx Hubbard’s incomparable power in guiding people into essential self, combined with the structure created by The Shift Network, has given birth to a curriculum, lifting individual and collective consciousness forever.” - Anne K.

What It Means to Be a Certified Agent of Conscious Evolution

For those people who commit to completing the course work and demonstrate mastery in some of the basic skills taught, you will qualify for an Agent of Conscious Evolution Certificate from The Shift Network. Not only will this be something you can add to your transformational resume, it will qualify you for positions (some paid) during the events we are envisioning. Certified Agents will play leadership roles in the local events connected to the planetary birth and help to create the small group synergy and coherence that can lead to heightened experiences for participants and longer-term collaborations.

In short, certified Agents become part of the long-term team and can qualify to take higher-level trainings for increased leadership in the future as well. Our goal is to make it truly synergistic so that you are able to earn back what you have invested in your transformational skills in 2012 and beyond.

About Barbara Marx Hubbard

She is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. An evolutionary educator, speaker and social innovator, she is the author of six books communicating the new world view of conscious evolution.

In 1945, when she was 15 years old, the first atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. This terrible act prompted Barbara to ask the fundamental question: “What is the meaning of our new power that can be used for the good? And “What are positive images of the future equal to these new powers?” This defining moment propelled her on her life’s quest to find answers to these questions. The insights she has gained has led to her definitive message of hope that “our crisis is a birth” of a more universal human and universal humanity.

She is currently working with The Shift Network as a global voice for the Planetary Birth Celebration as well as a guide and teacher for conscious evolution.

As a co-founder of The Evolutionary Leaders Council she is co-chairing with Andrew Cohen a global dialogue on The Meaning of Conscious Evolution.

She is the subject of a biography by Neale Donald Walsch entitled: The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of You, published by Hay House, January 2011.

She is a Fellow of The Club of Budapest, and has received an honorary PhD in Conscious Evolution from the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University. She has established a Chair in Conscious Evolution at Wisdom University and is a co-founder of many progressive organizations, including Global New Thought (AGNT), as well as The World Future Society.

She is currently the producer and narrator of an award-winning, on-going DVD series entitled “Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together.” Part One: Our Story, translated into seven languages, has been selected for the prestigious Spiritual Cinema Circle. Part Two: Visions of a Universal Humanity, now brings together cutting-edge scientific, social and spiritual visionaries to create a positive vision of our future equal to our new capacities.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a “Peace Room” as sophisticated as our war room, to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world.

As a citizen diplomat in the former Soviet Union during the 1980’s she co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new form of conferencing called SYNCON to foster synergistic convergence. This model brings opposing groups and functions together to seek common goals and match needs and resources including the growing edge of human capacities, spiritual, social and scientific/technological of the whole system.

Barbara’s books include: The Hunger of Eve: One Woman’s Odyssey toward the Future; The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future; Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth An Evolutionary Interpretation of the New Testament; Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of our Social Potential and Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence; 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution.

What You Will Receive
  • Twelve 90-minute class sessions featuring Barbara for at least one hour of live, video-streamed teaching and Q&A time plus up to 30 minutes of practices, skills, and facilitation by Barbara, Devaa Haley Mitchell and guest teachers. Classes on Tuesday evenings 5-6:30 pm Pacific time.
  • Twelve 30-minute small group sessions with other Agents
  • Bonus Workshop with Ervin Laszlo
  • Weekly exercises and practices for “head-heart-hand” learning
  • Vibrant and highly interactive online community with Barbara and other Agents
  • Unlimited access to videos recordings of the broadcast portion of each class session (watch online)
  • Unlimited access to audio recordings of all class sessions (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player)
  • PDF transcripts of each class session
  • An Agent of Conscious Evolution certificate, signed by Barbara, upon completion
  • Evolutionary Communion and Evolutionary Chakra Meditation (downloadable CD and booklet)

Title: The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) Training

Price: $173/month for 3 months
a single payment of $497 (save $22)

Some scholarship opportunities available. See below for details

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home. All the classes are available by dialing a phone conference line or you can watch the video portion via your computer. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes. We also have transcripts and recordings that you can download and keep.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to watch the video portion?
A: No, if you can watch videos on YouTube, you can watch the video portion of the class. However, if you do not have broadband access to the Internet, you will experience interruptions and slow down, in which case we recommend you just listen on the phone to that portion. If you do not watch the video, you can still get the full value of the Training.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial and full scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, contact

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! They are all recorded and archived, as well as transcribed, so you don’t need to worry about missing live calls or teaching session. You can get all the teachings and engage the full community and leaders via our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Community Site?
A: We will have a private community for all the participants in this Course, which will support you in making connections between each other, sharing insights, engaging discussions, and exchanging information about events and other activities. You’ll have the ability to blog about your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the Course.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you feel that the Course does not meet your expectations, you may request that your payment be refunded in full. This would need to happen before the fourth class on May 10th. Send refund requests to

Q: How can I reach Customer Support? or (415) 439-0003.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the Course. If you bring five friends into the Course, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.

Q: Can I use Skype to dial in to the sessions?
A: Yes, you can use SkypeOut from anywhere in the world to dial in to the MaestroConference line we will use. You’ll need to use the Skype keypad to enter your PIN and to respond to questions posed that require raising your hand. Just go to . We’ll provide more detailed instructions for those in the course. We will also have a webcast for the course.
