Starts Thursday, June 28 Includes Daily HeartStart Calls!

Now you too can discover the science and practice of your heart’s intelligence along with a community of like-minded others to create vibrant health, satisfying work & relationships, less stress
and a deeper sense of purpose in the world

You’re driving to an important meeting, and you’ve just left your home with plenty of time to arrive.

Ahead, you spot a guy wearing an orange vest and waving a “Lane Closed” sign. The traffic in front of you is at a dead stop. Street work, today of all days.

You’re going to be late possibly very late.


But even before you had this harried thought, you felt emotion: frustration, anger, fear, or anxiety, which registered in your heart.

Your heart responded by quickening, signaling your brain, which then had the thought: “I’m going to be late and my client will be upset with me,” etc.

Hello, stress.

It’s often the small daily stresses that impact you the most. And this cumulative effect begins to take its toll on your body, mind and spirit.

Even if you have a regular meditation practice, exercise regularly, do yoga and practice positive affirmations, life keeps moving faster and getting more complex. Stress mounts, and you do your best to manage it.

But what if you could nip your emotional response to “negative” situations in the bud and actively reduce stress in the moment which frees you to use your energy for creating the life you truly desire?

You can do this not by changing your thoughts, but through HeartMath’s proven and easy-to-master methods for emotional mastery used by tens of thousands of people, which you’ll learn in these 7 interactive online sessions.

HeartMath is the world’s most influential scientific organization focused on activating the powers of the heart for greater joy and less stressful living.


Through decades of research, they have developed the fundamental steps to heart “coherence,” a scientifically validated state in which your heart and brain are energetically aligned and cooperating with one another.

Coherence is associated with inner calm and other positive emotions such as love, joy and appreciation that decrease stress and improve your wellbeing, mental clarity, cognitive functioning and performance.

Through this groundbreaking course, Activating Your Heart’s Intelligence, you will gain the skills and tools to:

  • Decrease emotional upsets and increase positive feelings so that you can make empowering and life-affirming choices for yourself and loved ones and our world
  • Loosen the hold of stress, worry and anxiety by actively choosing joy, compassion, appreciation and love instead
  • Improve your mental focus and clarity regardless of what’s happening “out there”
  • Create an optimal inner terrain for healing and for easing the stress of chronic pain and illness, by consciously accessing your heart’s wisdom
  • Build an inner reserve of energy that helps you to thrive in these complex and chaotic times
  • Activate your heart’s intelligence to bring your work and life into greater alignment with your deeper purpose
  • Create more authentic and harmonious relationships
  • Achieve your goals more quickly and easily

“...One of the most tangible, practical and accessible teachings that perfectly marries the world of science and spirituality and provides tools that all of us can use to make the world into a better place.”

That’s what one participant said about her experience in the Activating Your Heart’s Intelligence Course.

This course draws from more than two decades of HeartMath’s pioneering work in heart-based living and scientific research that shows that the heart is far more than an organ that pumps blood.

Your heart possesses a powerful intelligence with the capacity to heal and energize your body, mind and spirit if you had the right tools and methods to harness this power.

During this course which we offered last year to rave reviews you’ll master the easy, proven techniques that enable you to do just this, opening the door to a more physically, emotionally and spiritually fulfilling life.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have learned how to activate their heart’s intelligence, and many people who use HeartMath’s methods report that others perceive now them as a more positive, healing presence and often feel drawn to work with them.

Now, you too will have an opportunity to learn and apply these heart-based methods to improve your baseline health, increase the positive experiences in your life, and access your deepest wisdom on how you are called to be and serve in the world.

An Important Message from Our HeartMath Leaders


Dear friends,

We are excited to share with you the fruits of decades of research into the higher potentials of the human heart and help you open to your heart’s vast intelligence.

Mystics, social change agents, great leaders and healers have long known that the heart is an important gateway to wisdom, health and enhanced wellbeing.

However, they didn’t have the rigorous scientific understanding on how to unlock these higher potentials and make them available in a systematic way to everyday people leading busy lives.

Over the years, we’ve honed powerful practices that take just a few minutes each day.

These practices help you navigate stress, emotional turbulence and discordance in your life and find a more harmonious, coherent and positive way of being that simultaneously makes you more desirable to be around and more effective in the world.

We’ve tested these techniques within healthcare and business, as well as through our large network of customers and supporters.

The result? A time-tested system of personal transformation that can have truly remarkable effects on the quality of your life, as well as a powerful impact in your work and contribution in the world.

We believe this information is vital for humanity at this time as we navigate a time of great uncertainty, imbalance and challenge.

It’s those of us who learn to live from the heart with wisdom, clarity and positive emotions who can best serve the needs of our day and enjoy the journey!

Over the course of 7 weeks, we’ll share with you some of the best of what HeartMath has discovered over the last decades and help you apply it fully to your life.

You’ll also be able to engage in daily practice sessions and receive the support of a private online community learning the same skills along with you, thus ensuring that this Course goes beyond information, to true transformation.

We look forward to having you join us!

Heartfully yours,

Howard, Deborah and Sheva

What You’ll Learn: Course Overview

Week 1: Increasing Your Emotional Resilience (June 28)


Resilience is not just about your ability to “bounce back.” It’s also the powerful reservoir of energy inside you for managing dynamic change and stress with grace and ease.

Through the power of the heart you can learn how to increase and apply resilience in your daily life.

In Week 1, you’ll discover:

  • HeartMath’s foundational techniques such as Quick Coherence® and Heart Lock-In® to increase heart coherence at the beginning of your day and whenever you become stressed.
  • Easy methods to clear negative emotions and unhappy life experiences so you have more time and more energy for what matters most to you.
  • A greater state of appreciation and gratitude, which helps to harmonize situations, deepen relationships and improve your productivity.

Week 2: The Science of Your Heart (July 5)


Your physical heart is more than a blood pump. It’s also an information processing system that sends powerful healing commands to your brain and the rest of your body. You’ll learn about the research behind understanding how the heart sends and receives essential information for living a healthy fulfilling life.

In Week 2, you’ll discover:

  • The science behind your heart’s intelligence and thus how to better access its full power.
  • How your heart sends and receives essential information and techniques you can use to improve your overall health and wellbeing

Week 3: The Intelligence of Your Heart (July 12)


There’s a central intelligence within you that can lift you beyond your problems even in the midst of chaos and confusion.

It’s been talked about for thousands of years, and it’s what we call Heart Intelligence. You’ll learn more about what’s meant by this and the ways you can benefit by activating this force within you.

In Week 3, you’ll discover:

  • How to activate your heart’s intelligence in relationships, learning to forgive and heal old patterns, which opens you to greater love and appreciation.
  • Tools to cultivate intuition and knowledge that come from your heart’s awareness of people and situations.
  • How to make more effective decisions that unfold your optimal potential involving your heart as your guide.
  • The relationship between your heart and your brain, and how to access the “more” of your brain most people never tap into!

Week 4: Building a Heart-based Life for Yourself (July 19)


Taking the intelligence of your heart from a philosophical concept into practice is the key to your full participation in this important era of global change.

In Week 4, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to calm and center others, from your children to co-workers, through heart-based communication practices that have a global impact.
  • How to access your heart’s intelligence to bring your work and life into greater alignment with your deeper purpose, as well as create more fulfilling relationships.

Week 5: Harnessing the Power of Your Positive Emotions (July 26)


Learning how to better regulate your emotions represents perhaps the next frontier in human evolution.

Emotions long associated with your “heart” don’t just feel good; they have a regenerative quality in your body, intimately connecting you with others and to your environment.

In Week 5, you’ll discover:

  • The steps to shifting to a baseline of positive emotions such as compassion and appreciation that activate a coherent heart/brain interaction.
  • How you can “turn on” positive emotions to turn around a discordant situation.
  • Easy methods to clear negative emotions and unhappy life experiences so you have more time and energy for what matters most to you.

Week 6: Activating the Global Heart (August 2)


New research suggests that you live in a field of energy that reflects what you feel in your heart. Connecting through these fields to create positive change is part of the new understanding coming into our world. The earth itself is a living system affecting you energetically.

In Week 6, you’ll learn:

  • Fascinating research that measures the effects of human emotion on the planet.
  • How you create a collective field with others that affects the health of your community.
  • The benefits of connecting with the Global Heart and how to extend your own heart-coherent field.

Week 7: Fulfilling Your Heart’s Purpose (August 9)


Aligning with your “divine blueprint” so that you can claim your fulfillment in life and serve your highest best purpose is something you likely long for. This requires developing a heart-connected approach to developing the intuitive discernment you need to see what needs to be done and the commitment to see it through.

In Week 7, you’ll discover:

  • How to align with your heart’s purpose and begin to manifest your deeper desires.
  • A heart-centered method of intuitive discernment that will help you see your commitments through.

BONUS #1: 7 Weeks of Daily HeartStart Calls ($169 value)
With Sheva Carr and Eileen Gold


What if you started every day knowing you would...

  • Transform overwhelm, anxiety, depression and despair
  • Strengthen your immune system against the collective stress virus
  • Ease through the challenges of the day
  • Accomplish what is most important for you
  • Listen to and follow your heart’s directives
  • Live your purpose without procrastination or doubt?

And if that weren’t enough, how about knowing you would:

  • Feel more connected to people you love and to a broader community of support
  • Be delightfully surprised by fun and fulfillment in your interactions with other people
  • Feel empowered to truly make a difference in your own life, your relationships and the world?

Welcome to starting your day with the heart!

During these 30-minute daily calls (M-F, 8:309:00 a.m. US Pacific), you will clear mental and emotional clutter to create more ease, intuitive guidance and true creativity for each day, leading you to greater and greater levels of daily fulfillment and adventure.
You will also receive playback numbers in case you miss any of the live calls.

Eileen Gold, M.A., UCLA, is a HeartMath qualified instructor, a certified mediator and the owner/administrator of Paraclete Eldercare Planning, Training, Consultation and Management Services. Eileen is also a consultant to private and public sector in consensus building, team management, and paradigm shifts into the 21st Century. She has 35 years experience in administration, program development, case management, community organization and advocacy, and is a frequent guest speaker at forums addressing the issues impacting the lives of older adults.

Bonus #2: “Navigate Your Life with a State of Ease” Webinar
With Deborah Rozman and Jeffrey Goelitz


In this bonus webinar, Deborah and Jeffrey will talk about the challenges people face on a daily basis during these increasingly stressful and fast-moving times. There is a "state of ease" that each of us can access to help release emotional turbulence and help maintain coherent alignment between our heart, mind and emotions.

Learning to access this "inner-ease" can be done with minimum practice each day. When operating in an ease-mode, you’ll be able to more easily choose less stressful perceptions and attitudes and integrate more "flow" in your daily routine. You will also be able to create deeper connections and more caring interactions with those around you.

In this bonus session, you will learn:

  • Why the "flow" is often hard to access and how to create it within yourself.
  • Inner-Ease™ a technique to reduce and prevent stress that you can use at any time.
  • How to "prep" before engaging in potentially stressful situations, projects, communications and complex decisions.
  • How the "state of ease" facilitates deeper discernment when making choices that decide the quality and direction of your life.
  • Why the "ease-mode" helps you keep the mind and emotions in alignment with your heart in your day-to-day interactions.
  • The relationship between coherence and resilience.
Bonus #3: "Opening to Big Heart: A Zen Experience of Compassion" Audio Session
With Diane Musho Hamilton

In this bonus call, integral spirituality and Zen teacher Diane Musho Hamilton will offer a hands-on opening to Big Heart. Through her warmth, humor and clarity, you will experience firsthand how the doorway of meditation leads straight to an experience of compassionately embracing your whole life. You will discover:

  • The role compassion plays at the heart of all your spiritual work.
  • How fearlessness is a direct result of a meditation practice.
  • How your human development naturally expands to wider and wider circles of care.

Diane Musho Hamilton is a uniquely gifted, playful and awake group facilitator and teacher of Integral Spirituality and Zen. She is a lineage holder in the Soto Zen tradition and has studied and practiced Buddhadharma for over 25 years, beginning at Naropa Institute in 1984 with the teachings of Choygam Trungpa Rinpoche. She was ordained as a Zen priest in 2003 and received dharma transmission from Genpo Roshi in 2006. She is a facilitator of Big Mind Big Heart, a process developed by Roshi to bring the insights of Zen to Western audiences.

What Students Say About Activating Your Heart’s Intelligence:

“All I can say is after seven weeks of listening to every call and engaging in the practices my understanding of how I can live my life is radically different. I am stepping into the future full of joy and love and appreciation for myself and the world.”
“I am a tribal member of one of hundreds of Indigenous tribes in North America. I have spent my adult life addressing the impact of colonization and genocide of Native people on this continent, personally and professionally. In my opinion no other approach that I know of gets to the heart of the matter: our recovery, more efficiently and effectively or comprehensively than the tools developed by HeartMath.
“HeartMath holds a promise for us: that we can do this; we can reclaim our original selves in great numbers on common ground (our heart center) in a timely manner. I only hope to be an instrument in guiding more Native People to your door!”
-Kathleen D. Westcott, Ahnishnabe, Turtle Clan, enrolled at White Earth Reservation, Mississippi Band Minnesota
“Activating Your Heart’s Intelligence with HeartMath was enlightening, transforming, and life changing. My relationship with my heart will never be the same again.”
-Alison Miller, Life Coach
“I whole-heartedly (pun intended) recommend the HeartMath online introductory course. It is one of the most tangible, practical and accessible teachings that perfectly marries the world of science and spirituality and provides tools that all of us can use to make the world into a better place. Finally, there is an answer to ‘but I’m just one person, how can I affect change in the world.’ Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“The HeartMath tools are truly transformative in their ability to stay heart focused even during stressful periods. What is truly amazing is how quick and easy the applications are for the amount of positive impact they offer. A must in today’s world!”
“These tools and this knowledge are essential as we are all flourishing to live the best life ever! They say the longest journey is from the head to the heart. We now have the cliff notes! Thank you for helping me open my heart even more to love and be loved!”
“The high level of interactivity between participants and leaders during q/a times was really breaking new ground. The dyad work stretched me to be present and practice what we were just learning.”
“Ancient wisdom in modern American clothes you present these techniques in the most user-friendly manner for this culture, which helps makes them so powerful. Thank you.”
“Thank you for a lovely course, with a lot of interesting research! Also, I really feel you are walking your talk. Your hearts were always present.”
-Eva Noren
“An inspiring course filled with science, practical application & experiences using useable & easily teachable techniques. Great shifting! Thanks Shift Network for making it so easy to connect!”
“This was one of the most well organized, valuable courses I have ever taken. It delivered, as promised, practical tools that seem to be making a lasting positive impact on my life. The HeartMath instructors were knowledgeable, credible, and living examples of the material being taught. This experience has left me with a longing to deepen the practice of a heart-focused life.”
“The faculty at HeartMath was professional, yet highly personal as well the best-possible combination. The way they worked together was seamless and made for a smooth, coherent, rich experience for the participants.”

What Respected Leaders Say About HeartMath...

“Nearly every disease or illness I’ve seen or treated in two decades of medical practice could have been improved or even cured had my patients or I known how to access the physical power of our heart’s intelligence. HeartMath is the owner’s manual we’ve been waiting for to help us recognize and use our heart’s energy to help heal our bodies and our lives.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D. author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“The HeartMath Solution is a celebration of the intelligence of the heart and a practical guide to living it.”
Gary Zukav, author of The Seat of the Soul
"I noticed an immediate improvement at work when I started using HeartMath. I feel much more relaxed, and I have more energy. I feel that I can give even better care to my patients."
Shiella DelaCruz, RN, Neonatal Intensive Care, Methodist Health System

What You Will Receive:

  • 1 Seven 90-minute class sessions with our HeartMath faculty, including live, interactive calls, plus question and answer time. Classes on Thursday nights.
  • 2 Bonus #1 Daily HeartStart Calls with Sheva Carr and Eileen Gold
  • 3 Bonus #2 Navigate Your Life with a State of Ease Webinar with Deborah Rozman and Jeffrey Goelitz
  • 4 Eight 30-minute small group practice sessions following the teachings session
  • 5 Weekly practices that help you shift to heart-based living
  • 6 Unlimited access to recordings of all class sessions (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player)
  • 7 PDF transcripts for each class session
  • 8 Participation in a private online community with other course members
Classes on Thursdays at 5 p.m. US Pacific, June 28 August 9, 2012.

Choose Your Payment Option

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1 payment of $297
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! See below for our refund policy.

About the HeartMath Faculty:


Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., has thirty years of experience as a business executive, serial entrepreneur, psychologist, author and educator. Since 1990, she was founding executive director of the non-profit Institute of HeartMath, executive vice president of HeartMath LLC, then founding director and President and co-CEO with Doc Childre of Quantum Intech (parent company of HeartMath LLC).


Howard Martin brings more than 30 years of experience in business and personal development to the position of Executive Vice President, Strategic Development. Howard’s responsibilities include global alliances, marketing and program and product development. Howard has been instrumental in assisting Doc Childre in the development and teaching of HeartMath’s programs since its inception. He speaks internationally on the HeartMath approach to advancing human performance that is based on compelling scientific research linking heart function with health, emotional well-being and intelligence.


Sheva Carr, a licensed doctor of Oriental Medicine and HeartMath trainer, speaks to people all over the world on how to access heart intelligence, and on how to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on consciousness, health, performance and creativity. She is the founding CEO of Fyera! and HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, and is also the Executive Director of the Fyera Foundation and Sunflower SunPower Kids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California, and your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference, and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers, and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants on our Shift Movement that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request to so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is before the start of the 3rd class on July 12. Submit refund requests at with the subject "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
