Course Starts Monday, November 26, 2012

Back By Popular Demand: Discover How You Can Make the Sacred Shift from Ego to Your Essential Self to Co-Create a Life and World Aligned with Your Spiritual Purpose

Never before in this pivotal moment in history where we face societal breakdowns and breakthroughs on a grand scale has it been more important to elevate our consciousness and develop a co-creative partnership with our Essential Self.


According to Barbara Marx Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg, the Essential Self is the highest part of you that emanates the divine qualities of love, wisdom, wholeness and freedom. It’s your unique personal expression, freed from fear and limitation, a sacred offering to the whole of creation.

When you learn to shift your identity from that of the egoic “local self” to the magnificence of your “non-local” Essential Self and then beyond to your Universal Self, the highest frequency of your being, you become fully available to BE the change and become an activation point and catalyst for conscious evolution.

Through the 8-week Emergence Process, you will learn to live from your true essence, release the drama of life’s daily struggles and liberate your gifts of healing and transformation at a time when the world needs YOUR full participation.

This powerful step-by-step course, led by two of the world’s most inspired evolutionary teachers, will give you the tools and teachings you need to successfully navigate this time of global transformation and consciously participate in the healing and awakening of our world.

This course is especially timely as we approach the global celebration of “Birth 2012 and Beyond” on December 22, and together nurture the emergence of a new era.

Through the expert guidance of Patricia Ellsberg, world-renowned social change activist, transformational teacher, one of the foremost teachers of the Emergence Process AND Barbara Marx Hubbard’s sister, plus Barbara’s inspired teachings, you will learn to access your divine essence and live with grace, confidence, creativity, purpose and joy.

When you experience The Emergence Process, you can expect your life to look very different at the end of the 8 weeks as the many Emergence Process practitioners have shared with us. Here’s what you may experience:

  • You go about your day with greater ease and lightness, instead of feeling stressed or overwhelmed even if your life is VERY full.
  • You feel centered and have more energy for doing the things you love to do.
  • You’re able to nourish others and yourself the ultimate "self-care."
  • You find easy solutions to situations that previously confounded you.
  • The "mask" drops; you relate to the world and those around you from your heart, instead of your head.
  • You develop a new identity and experience the bliss of the union between the human and the divine.
  • You recognize that you are the guide who has been guiding, the inner voice you have been hearing, the Beloved you have been seeking.
  • You integrate all levels of your being, emerging as your full potential self.
  • You’re able more fully to give your gifts to the world and be supported by an evolving cocreative community.

This transformative training will empower you to BECOME your Essential Self the wise, loving, compassionate, powerful and radiant part of you.

You will move from fear into love and creative action, and be prepared to help catalyze this wave of planetary change.

Due to the extremely positive response to the Emergence Process and its relevance at this historic turning point, we are delighted to offer this course again as this process is a vital core teaching for anyone who wants to make their highest contribution to the Planetary Birth.

Patricia and Barbara have devoted their lives to personal evolution in service to societal transformation through Conscious Evolution. Their shared wisdom and history together growing up in the same family, as well as their deep love for one another, make this course a truly one-of-a-kind offering.

We invite you to sign up for this life-changing 8-week course by registering here.

What Respected Leaders Say About Patricia Ellsberg and Barbara Marx Hubbard

“There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Marx Hubbard who helped introduce the concept of futurism to society is the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced.”
Buckminster Fuller
“Barbara Marx Hubbard has become the voice for conscious evolution in our times.”
Deepak Chopra
“Barbara Marx Hubbard is one of America’s brightest lights. She makes this very complicated moment in history seem like a glorious opportunity. She gives guidance, and she gives hope.”
Marianne Williamson
“Barbara Marx Hubbard is one of the truly great visionaries of our time. Breathtaking in scope and stunning in insight, Barbara is providing a blueprint for the reconstruction of human reality so bold and yet so completely right, as to ignite the deepest sense within us that we can, and we must, join in this co-creation now.”
Neale Donald Walsch
“Patricia Ellsberg is an inspiration to students in my Awakening Joy class in which she has led profoundly evocative guided meditations for many years. She truly lives as her essence and is one of my favorite joy buddies.”
James Baraz, co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, author of Awakening Joy: 10 Steps that will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness
“Patricia Ellsberg is an inspiring teacher and leader. I’ve shared programs with her many times and enjoyed myself as a participant just as often. She never fails to bring me to deep internal peace, a new insight into myself, and feelings of complete pleasure and wellbeing. I jump at the opportunity to be in her presence.”
Rick Foster, co-author, How We Choose to Be Happy and Happiness & Health
"In the Emergence Course, Patricia Ellsberg’s loving presence came straight through my mobile phone into my heart week after week. Her caring, brilliant articulation of years of practice, along with her skillful mediation guidance, radically deepened my own ability to contact, coax, seduce and embrace my own beloved Essence. A rare gifted teacher who channels both head and heart, Patricia is a gem not to be missed."
Karen Everett, documentary filmmaker
“Patricia Ellsberg is a wise woman and an inspired teacher, who emanates love, peace and joy with every breath. To be in her Presence is to touch the highest and most Divine aspects of Self. I wholeheartedly recommend her class to anyone who is committed to a path of deep transformation.”
Carolyn Anderson, co-author of The Co-Creator’s Handbook

What You Will Discover: Course Lessons

The Emergence Process is described in Barbara’s inspiring book, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, which is recommended reading for anyone taking this course. We will also be including practices from Barbara’s book, 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution.

Classes are held on Mondays at 5 p.m. Pacific / 8 p.m. Eastern, November 26 January 28, 2013.

Week 1: Entering the Inner Sanctuary and Contemplating the Glory of Your Essential Self (Nov. 26)


In Week 1, you will:

  • Begin to leave behind the concerns and pressures of daily life and create an inner sanctuary
  • Discover the deep connection you have with your Essential Self
  • Strengthen your relationship with your own Inner Guide by asking questions of and receiving answers from your Essential Self
  • Identify and integrate the specific qualities of your essence that you most love: joy, peace, security, love, wholeness, wisdom
  • Experience the divine within, the Beloved, the inner voice and guide by taking charge of your attention, which is vital to your emergence

Week 2: Inviting the Beloved to Incarnate and Take Dominion (Dec. 3)


In Week 2, you will:

  • Declare your heart’s desire for union with the Beloved
  • Feel as if the Essential Self is incarnating, entering your body/mind and transforming it
  • Lift the local self into a higher frequency vibration
  • Feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure and compulsions
  • Invite the Beloved to take dominion and learn how to “put this purpose first”
  • Lift the local selves into a higher frequency vibration by loving your own local selves and dissolving the sense of separation between ego and essence
  • Feel a new freedom from anxiety, pressure and compulsions

Week 3: The Bliss of Union with the Human and the Divine (Dec. 10)


In Week 3, you will:

  • Heal the wounded parts of your personality, or local self, as your ego becomes the guide to essence
  • Form a deeper chamber within your inner sanctuary, the "rose chamber of union of the human and divine"
  • Experience the Essential Self as a radiant presence, glowing and emanating light
  • Invite the local selves into the rose chamber, where they can merge with the light
  • Experience your local selves becoming facets of your Essential Self rather than fragmented negative aspects of your personality
  • Be guided by your Compass of Joy
  • Gain resonance with others, affirming the highest in one another
  • Transmit bliss and fall in love with others at the essence level

Week 4: Shifting Your Identity (Dec. 17)


In Week 4, you will:

  • Shift your identity to embody your Essential Self
  • Recognize you are the guide who’s been guiding; the voice you’ve been hearing; the Beloved you have loved
  • Begin to speak and write as the voice of your Essential Self
  • Experience an "inner smile" and practice "initiatory love"
  • Practice powerful affirmations, such as I AM love; I AM wisdom; I AM power; I AM the Beloved and feel your presence substantiating as them
  • Move from witness consciousness to causal consciousness and cultivate greater receptivity to the larger design

Week 5: Transferring Authority (Jan. 7)


In Week 5, you will:

  • Examine your attitude toward authority in your life and develop your own authentic power
  • Transfer authority and responsibility to your Essential Self
  • Deepen your capacity to speak with and heal the wounds of your local selves
  • Re-parent yourself by evolving and maturing your internalized mother and father and strengthen the inner masculine and feminine aspects of your being
  • Become a loving parent to yourself and forgive your own unskillful behavior as you do that of a child

Week 6: Educating Your Local Selves (Jan. 14)


In Week 6, you will:

  • Create an expanded Inner Sanctuary and enter a "Sunlit Garden of Co-Creation"
  • Develop the practice of creating "heaven within” yourself
  • Go more deeply into the Almaas process through which the ego becomes the guide to essence; trust in the guidance of your new fused identity as ego/essence
  • Stop trying to figure out or solve anything and experience the problems of your local self being dissolved, not solved
  • Move from local, linear time to non-local, non-linear time, the pure awareness of the present
  • Experience self-evolution through self-elevation

Week 7: The Repatterning of Life and Creating the New (Jan. 21)


In Week 7, you will:

  • Take a moral inventory, asking, "What do I not want to have happening in my life any more?"
  • Allow your life to repattern
  • Experience ease of effort replacing overwhelm and discover greater flow in your work and life, seamlessly blending being and doing
  • Realize you are fully “response-able.” You can respond to every need that arises as your Essential Self
  • Presence your own Essence as your true nature

Week 8: Fulfilling the Promise (Jan. 28)


In Week 8, you will:

  • Nurture your “vocational arousal” as the expression of the unique impulse of evolution within you
  • Attune and become cocreative with others by fostering resonance with those you love and work with
  • Align with the deeper patterns that are creating all of existence and yourself
  • Move toward becoming a Universal Human evolving as an expression of the magnificent, organizing universal intelligence; realize that the "force of creation" is with you as you

Bonus #1: LIVE Training with Gary Zukav & Linda Francis "Authentic Power for Conscious Evolutionaries"


We are evolving from a species that pursues power based upon the perceptions of the five senses external power into a species that pursues authentic power power that comes when our personality is aligned with our soul. When we learn to live in this way, our authentic power creates a life of purpose and joy. At it’s essence, this shift is simply about moving from fear to Love, though the actual living of this is not always easy.

In this session, Gary Zukav, Linda Francis, and Barbara Marx Hubbard will discuss the power of love and how to come into your own soul’s alignment as you learn how to cultivate and embody "authentic power for conscious evolutionaries."

Gary Zukav is a world-renowned spiritual teacher and author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers. Beginning in 1998, he appeared more than 30 times on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss transformation in human consciousness concepts presented in The Seat of the Soul. His books have sold millions of copies and are published in twenty-four languages. He is a graduate of Harvard University and a former U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) officer with Vietnam service. He lives in Oregon with his spiritual partner, Linda Francis.

Bonus #2: “Opening to the Deeper Revelations of Your Own Emergence” Audio With Guest Faculty: Dr. Michael Beckwith


Dr. Michael Beckwith says, "Vision without action is fantasy. Action without vision is chaos."

In this powerful bonus training, you’ll hear Michael Beckwith share with Barbara Marx Hubbard how you can move the inner revelations of your vision into outward action, as well as how you move from personal emergence into societal emergence.

Dr. Michael Beckwith’s life is a living testament to building spiritual community. Gifted with a vision of a trans-denominational spiritual community based in the new thought-ancient wisdom traditions, in 1986 he founded the Agape International Spiritual Center where thousands gather weekly to receive inspiration from Dr. Beckwith in Culver City, California.

Dr. Beckwith participates on international panels with other peacemakers and spiritual leaders. He is co-founder of the Association for Global Thought, an organization dedicated to planetary healing and transformation; has received numerous humanitarian awards; and has written several books including: Inspirations of the Heart, Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, and A Manifesto of Peace. He is one of the most prominent spiritual leaders in America, inspiring transformation in millions of people.

Bonus #3: “How to Create a WorldShift in Time” Audio
With Guest Faculty: Ervin Laszlo


If Barbara is seen by many as the Mother figure for Birth 2012, scientific philosopher Ervin Laszlo is a kind of Father figure. For decades, he has been warning of the crescendo of crises and the imperative for us to make an evolutionary Shift in time.

In this bonus training, he draws from the latest frontier science and philosophy to illuminate exactly what needs to shift in our understandings and our civilization to make a larger Shift.

Bonus #4: “A Powerful Ritual on Becoming Your Essential Self, Living as Essence and Contributing to Global Resonance” Audio
With Guest Faculty: Oscar Miro-Quesada


In this session you will be guided in a powerful shamanistic ritual that will lead you towards an embodied experience of the sacred union of the Human and Divine and your birth as your Universal Self.

Don Oscar Miro-Quesada is a respected Peruvian kamasqa curandero, UN Observer to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology, originator of Pachakuti Mesa cross-cultural shamanism, and founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation.

Oscar has dedicated his life to the revitalization of ethno-spiritual wisdom traditions as a way to restore sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. A popular international teacher and master ceremonialist, his work has been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E and the Discovery Channel.

Bonus #5: “How to Put Essence Into Action” Audio
With Guest Faculty: Karen Buckley, Executive Coach


In this session you will learn how to ground your Essence in action and maintain the higher frequencies of your Essential Self while engaging and taking action in the world.

Karen Wilhelm Buckley has developed wise evolutionary leaders and organizations for over 20 years. As Director of The Wisdom Connection, Karen works primarily with women leaders. She is an executive coach and consultant bringing experience and expertise to the field of organization development. Her clients develop skills and strategies to effectively guide evolutionary change and build engaged performance. Karen is a fellow of the World Business Academy and a founding Board member of the Spirit in Business Global Institute.

What Students Say About The Emergence Process

“Participating in the Emergence Process with Barbara and Patricia has been one of the most meaningful and powerful processes I have ever done. I use one of their recorded meditations every morning. Their profound depth of wisdom and love are carrying me ever more deeply into my Universal Heart.”
Cynthia Volpi, Oakland, CA, United States
“Being part of the Emergence Process with Barbara and Patricia, provided me with an unique opportunity to expand my consciousness through the concepts and models that they provided and the regular contact that I had through the Ning site with fellow travelers.”
Thomas Harris, Johannesburg, South Africa
“The Emergence course with Barbara and Patricia was truly the guiding force to the shift within me. I was deeply able to fully feel and experience the loving presence to my inner wounded child. The beautiful meditations led by Patricia and the sharing of Barbara’s experiences in this course is profoundly guiding my emergence process. I am forever deeply in gratitude.”
Carolyn Temes, United States
“Each morning when I write from my egoic self, I often feel concerned and annoyed. Yet when I read I write back as Essence, I am struck by the calmness of the words and compassion of the tone.”
Harvey Austin, Pompano Beach, FL, United States
“For me the course grounded and stabilized my inner work I have done before. I have learned many new aspects and perspectives by the teachings of Barbara and Patricia and the other members of the course whom I met through the course via the internet.”
Sibylle Hajostek, Stockholm, Sweden
“I am so glad that I signed up for the Emergence Course. Barbara’s clear, urgent, inspiring message blended so very beautifully with Patricia’s clear, gentle, enriching process. These two dynamo voices kindled the fire in my heart to move forward. They affirmed that NOW is the time!”
Heather C. Williams, Vista, CA, United States
“I found the Emergence Course truly uplifting, warm, loving and very gentle. Barbara and Patricia are both very strong but motherly insightful women whose vision for a blessed future for our beloved planet and the entire Human Race is so comforting and reassuring for our onward journey.”
Esther McGaw, Wirral, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Eight 90-Minute LIVE Class Sessions with Patricia Ellsberg and the Inspired Teachings of Barbara Marx Hubbard

Experience a rare opportunity to mentor and be guided by two of the world’s leading transformational teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each live class helps you create the specific skills and abilities to fully step into your Essential Self and includes an original meditation led by Patricia Ellsberg.


Eight Audio Recordings of Each Class Session

After each live class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car, at your convenience.


Eight PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you’ve discovered.


Eight 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

Following each class session there will be a live 30-minute interactive group practice session, where the class will break into small groups on the conference line to interact, share and do additional practices the help further integrate the Emergence Process weekly lessons. Here you can also build connections with your fellow course-mates from around the world.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each weekly lesson, you will also have the option to do related exercises and questions in order to deepen your understanding of the key Emergence insights and practices.


Custom “Emergence” Online Community

Our exclusive, custom-built online community is the perfect place for you to continue your learning after each class. Here you can ask additional questions; interact with your fellow participants, senior Emergence Process students and Emergence facilitators; and get access to additional resources to take your learning experience to an even deeper level.

Emergence Bonus Collection (Total Value $297)

  • Audio Training with Dr. Michael Beckwith: “Opening to the Deeper Revelations of Your Own Emergence”
  • Audio Training with Ervin Laszlo: “How to Create a WorldShift in Time”
  • Audio Training with Oscar Miro-Quesada: “A Powerful Ritual on Becoming Your Essential Self, Living as Essence and Contributing to Global Resonance”
  • Audio Training with Executive Coach Karen Buckley: “How to Put Essence Into Action”

Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed.

If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Emergence Process Course led by Patricia Ellsberg and Barbara Marx Hubbard and feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 14 days after the course start date and we’ll happily issue you a refund. And just for trying it out we’ll insist that you keep the Emergence Audio Training Bonus Collection as our gift to you.

What More Students Say...

“Working with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg’s class Ego to Essence is one of the most important pieces of personal work that I have done in recent years. To be given the tools to recognize ego and then move it, through love, to the sacredness of essence is the deepest, holiest, most spiritual work one can do. Transformative work is always challenging, and Barbara Marx Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg guide you gently and with deep love.”
Donna Powers, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
“Barbara and Patricia offer a clear and powerful process for entering into a deep communion with our Higher Self. Their love and wisdom, and their joy in working together, create a nourishing and healing container for all of us who are called to do this critical inner work.”
Deborah Aikens, Eugene, Oregon, U.S.
"One of my favorite Barbara Marx Hubbard expressions is ’crisis preceeds transformation.’ The ’Ego to Essence’ program showed me not only how to deal with these crises but to embrace them and Thrive... highly recommended for those who need practical tools you can apply to your everyday life."
Tony Cotton, West Chester, Pennsylvania, U.S.
"In my over three decades of seeking self and spiritual growth I have not experienced anything more profoundly transformative than the Ego to Essence teleclass by Patricia Ellsberg and Barbara Marx Hubbard. I have never felt such joy, safety, comfort, compassion and gratitude as when I am in the space of full surrender to my Universal Self, and I would still continue to struggle to find that state without the guidance of Patricia and Barbara."
Kathryn Brewer, Arroyo Grande, California, U.S.
“It was such a privilege to be taught by two eminent souls with such love, grace and true humility. The goal of all spiritual striving, shifting from ego to essence is to manifest love in it’s purest form, which infuses us, all we come into contact with, and the greater collective field. For this offer to come into your life tells me you are a beautiful soul, don’t miss this chance to contact the bliss that you already are. Just Do It!”
Lynda Joy Somerville, Plymouth, United Kingdom
“Patricia Ellsberg embodies the whole course in her voice. To me, she seems to live in her Essence with no hint of ego. The relationship between Patricia and Barbara exemplifies the beauty of expressing and listening from Essence. The meditations and the teachings based on Barbara’s wonderful book, Emergence, are nothing less than profound.”
Karen Miner, Chesterland, Ohio, U.S.
“I found that with each passing week I was able to move deeper into my essence and to truly experience the depth and breadth of the magnificence that I am. The icing on the cake to put it so casually was that I had the opportunity to re-direct and re-image my past which enabled me to experience a more genuine and safe ‘present.’ Thank you All for this incredible journey of becoming!”
Alice Peabody, Benson, Arizona, U.S.
“The Ego to Essence classes open one’s heart to His/Her Beloved Self. Essence frees us from the imposed fear from the Ego and we evolve into the pure vibration of the Light of Creator. A must course for all to evolve. Words are hard to describe the impact of that course. It opened me up to so many dimensions.”
Evelyn Fisher, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada
“The Advanced Emergence class has been quite profound for me. Connecting with other conscious evolutionaries in virtual reality, sharing a mutual experience of cosmic consciousness is literally mind-boggling! It is taking my meditations to a place of embodiment, I only hoped was possible. I plan to take this course again. It is beyond description.”
Bonnie Monchik, Woodstock, NY
“As a long time student and facilitator of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Conscious Evolution program I started again with the Emergence course in September. What a blessing it was! In a critical phase this gave me the inspiration and support to integrate deeper patterns that where holding me back. In this time of the Shift on planet Earth, I highly recommend it and share this wisdom with friends, clients and colleagues.”
Thierry de Wijn, The Art of Cocreation Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
“Before I experienced the expansiveness of this course, so awesomely run by Patrica, Barbara and the infinite angels that assist, I experienced many moments of resonance with what I call HOME. Though, only moments.
From the deepest heartfelt place within my expansive infinite being:
• Thank you, for now I know I can BE resonance 24/7.
• Thank you, for now I know I am ONE with all things.
• Thank you, for now I know I never separated from HOME, I am enveloped by it always.
• Thank me, for choosing to be ALL of me, and....
• Thank you for creating a platform I can remember and BE that.
Life changing. I LOVE YOU! I AM complete.”
Serenity Raven-Wolf, Editor of ONE magazine, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“What an awesome gift to the shift to be in the Emergence course which needs to be required curriculum for everyone on the planet! Love, love, love being in this heart resonant community which is like the most wonderful homecoming ever. Infinite love and gratitude to everyone for this experience of being in a field of miracles which is truly transformative...”
Jo Beall, Portland, OR, USA
“The Advanced Emergence Process Course has provided me an amazing and gentle direction for continuing my spiritual journey. Barbara’s wisdom regarding the journey and Patricia’s ability to guide each of us to our own inner being through her attunements and guided meditations has been one of the major gifts of my life.”
Kay Selzer, Palm Springs, CA USA
“The Emergence Process has become a living, breathing part of my life. Each time I go through it, the process itself becomes more profound, and the beautiful community becomes deeper and richer. I’m continually grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this what Barbara calls: a life-long process.”
Pat Koutouzos, Trinidad, CA

About Patricia Ellsberg and Barbara Marx Hubbard


Patricia Ellsberg is a social change activist, meditation and transformational teacher, certified Dream Coach and public speaker. Recently she has taught The Emergence Process four times with her sister, Barbara Marx Hubbard on the Shift Network.

In 1971, she helped her husband, Daniel Ellsberg, release to the press the Pentagon Papers, a top secret history of US involvement in Vietnam, which helped end the Vietnam War. The Oscar nominated documentary, "The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers," tells the riveting story of this era and Daniel and Patricia’s role in changing history.

A central theme of her life has been bridging spiritual experience with societal transformation. Working closely with her sister, Barbara Marx Hubbard, in furthering social transformation through Conscious Evolution, Patricia guides people to make a shift from ego to essence, so they live with greater joy, purpose and meaning.

Patricia’s special gift as a coach is transmitting and helping people access a profound sense of joy and wellbeing through the artful use of heart-centered guided meditation. In addition to teaching the Emergence Process, she coaches individuals as a certified Dream Coach and leads groups and teleseminars on the theme of “Finding Mother-Love Within.”


Barbara Marx Hubbard is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. An evolutionary educator, speaker and social innovator, she is the author of six books communicating the new worldview of conscious evolution.

As a co-founder of The Evolutionary Leaders Council she is co-chairing with Andrew Cohen a global dialogue on The Meaning of Conscious Evolution. Barbara is also the subject of a recent biography by Neale Donald Walsch entitled: The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of You.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a "Peace Room" as sophisticated as our war room, to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world.

As a citizen diplomat in the former Soviet Union during the 1980’s she co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new form of conferencing called SYNCON to foster synergistic convergence. This model brings opposing groups and functions together to seek common goals and match needs and resources including the growing edge of human capacities, spiritual, social and scientific/technological of the whole system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.
Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California, and your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference, and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers, and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request to so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full week so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is before the start of the 3rd class on December 10th. Submit refund requests at with the subject "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
