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Learn to tap into a more joyful, intelligent and
connected state of awareness that will make you more
magnetic, effective and impactful... with less work!

It’s the “secret sauce” to high performance in virtually
any domain from teaching to healing to business.

Are you tired of the “push, push, push” model of becoming successful?

Underneath this heroic striving is a belief that YOU alone are the one who is making things happen. And it often results in burnout and fatigue because everything just seems to be far more difficult when it’s all on your shoulders.


A whole different reality is possible, though, if you learn to expand your consciousness to include the larger intelligence of the “field” which is the gateway to greater insight, deeper attunement and information that goes beyond your personal mind.

This expansion is at the root of what athletes call “the zone,” a state in which mental chatter melts away, time seems to slow, and there’s a deep sense of connection (and even reverence) for the world around us.

Unlike a purely mystical state of awareness though, this “state of flow” is also one in which you can perform at a very high level, whether you are giving a speech, facilitating a group, doing healing work or leading a meeting.

It’s a marriage of being AND doing, awareness AND action, spirituality AND practicality. It is the most satisfying way to step into giving your greatest gifts, because you expand your ability to know exactly how to show up in response to the needs of the moment.

When in flow, you more accurately sense who people are, what they really need and exactly how to act in a way that truly serves them sometimes in surprising ways.

The Secret to Mastery

The flow state allows you to access valuable information that lets you engage with whatever task is in front of you in a truly masterful way.


It’s particularly valuable for people who work with groups, as it allows you to become a truly compelling, insightful and powerful facilitator or speaker for anything from personal growth workshops to business meetings.

When you learn to enter this state at will, you become an instrument for a larger field. Thus, instead of pre-conceived agendas, you’re creating the space for whatever wants to happen. This can result in wondrous and even miraculous things occurring that no one expects.

Learning to operate in a state of flow can give you the experience of shedding your personality and becoming one with a larger space allowing things to resolve and transform themselves on their own, without needing to “fix” situations.

The end result is that you show up in a much more natural, loving and connected way that people are drawn to. You can then relax and enjoy what you are doing, trusting the beautiful design of the universe.

Real-World Benefits

Developing your ability to succeed while in a state of flow is not just gratifying, it also has powerful practical implications for your life. People will pay you more for your coaching, teaching and consulting work. You’ll feel more energized and alive at the end of each day. You’ll write and speak with more eloquence. You’ll move with more grace. You’ll grow spiritually and materially at the same time.

In a state of flow, you will:

  • Enjoy your work at a deeper level as you become more fully present
  • Naturally receive more intuitive information that helps you navigate your day
  • Become a more powerful speaker and leader that people trust
  • Expand your ability to sense what a situation requires
  • Attract more success in business and relationships
  • Reduce anxiety created by having to think things through in
    order to act
  • Experience more joy in the course of your work and your day
  • Enhance your creative genius and output

The Power of a Master Teacher

The secrets to entering the state of flow are something that can actually be learned, if you have a master teacher.


Gabriel Nossovitch is one of the world’s greatest teachers of this skill, which marries spiritual depth with real-world results. He can show you how to create extraordinary outcomes not from trying to follow action plans but from nurturing a receptive state of being that naturally allows amazing results to emerge.

It’s at the core of what led him to become the top human potential workshop trainer in Latin America, with more than 100,000 graduates of his programs. Gabriel has helped transform the lives of people, from therapists to politicians to gang members, with his work partially because he consciously works as an instrument for a larger intelligence.

He facilitates healings and openings, not through his personal will, but by surrendering to a larger field which then helps people to develop their own capacities. That means you emerge from Gabriel’s trainings not dependent on him, but rather, more connected to your own higher potentials.

People from coaches to business leaders to teachers have been deeply transformed by learning these skills from Gabriel. When you join the Success in a State of Flow course, you can experience this too which will allow you to bring more of your soul into your work and live in alignment with your heart.

You’ll be empowered to live a more enlightened, awakened life while fully in the world.

Be a Pioneer in the Flow Revolution


The state of flow is just beginning to be studied scientifically and become popularized by authors and researchers. Many of the most successful people in the world, whether in business, spirituality or sports, are already consciously engaged in this way of living and are reaping the amazing benefits. In the coming decade, flow states will become more understood, discussed and accessible to the general public.

There is no need to wait years before these ideas become more popular, though. You have the opportunity to sit at the crest of this rising wave and begin living in flow NOW. With Gabriel’s guidance, you can transform your way of moving through life and enjoy increases in ease, success, happiness and creativity that some of the world’s top creators, achievers and performers already know well.

Experience Joy AS You Engage Life

Tapping into the evolutionary intelligence of the moment becomes truly joyful because you see and align your desires with what is coming through from the larger field.

Most teachings teach you to do something to get what you want. Gabriel’s practices are about who you are BEING to get what you want. They are based on a model of “Be-Do-Have,” in which your state of being leads to your doing which then results in you receiving what you truly want.


Developing more clarity around who you truly are will allow you to produce spectacular results, because the being part of the equation is completely clear.

The Success in a State of Flow course is designed for people like you, who are committed to peeling back the layers of who you are and manifesting from your depths in partnership with the larger intelligence around you.

This means you can be very spiritual and very practical at the same time.

And, simultaneously, you’ll begin to see other people in a more expansive way and relate to them in a way that liberates more of THEIR potential.

How You Will Benefit from this Course:

Gabriel will reveal how certain specific shifts of awareness and consciousness allow us to shift from our individual identity to become a conduit for a larger field of intelligence.

These shifts allow you to do much more (and in a more impactful way), even while appearing to do less. It allows you to succeed with more ease and grace.

You’ll emerge with:

  • A deeper sense of your life purpose
  • Enhanced ability to hold space for others and relate to them as pure possibility
  • Greater effectiveness as a facilitator
  • A deepened sense of intimacy with others
  • The ability to “course correct” when not in flow
  • Skills for creating amazing results without getting caught
    in “doing”
  • The capacity to shift your consciousness from your individual identity to the larger field
  • An understanding of how to nurture the field by letting go of normal human drama
  • A capacity to communicate your moment-to-moment experience in a way that brings more awareness of the moment
  • Ability to take responsibility, without blame, in a way that allows you to increase your positive impact and be in full integrity
  • The ability to open a space into the unknown that allows guidance to come in
  • The insights to transcend your story, to access a bigger/wider/more powerful version of yourself in the moment

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Sessions

Each teaching, activation and training session will build upon the next, so that you’ll have the tools to tap into the intelligence of the moment and learn to completely surrender and access a state of flow.

Module 1: Connecting with The Field (Recorded May 20)


This module opens the door for some key inquiries into the nature of our existence. We will contemplate: Are you just a “skin-encapsulated” ego? Could you relate to yourself as the source of an extremely powerful field of life energy? Is it possible to have a taste of this field and experience yourself as the Field itself?

In this session you will:

  • Learn how to hold powerful space for individuals and groups that nurtures transformation and understanding
  • Develop the ability to create a field of “unknowing,” which will allow inspired energy and creativity to blossom and foster awareness of all that you don’t even know that you don’t know
  • Become aware of the filters that interfere with your ability to manifest in alignment with life itself
  • Enhance your awareness of the filters others are using to make sense of reality and learn to navigate them more effectively
  • Understand how to navigate in the world of form AND be in touch with radical emptiness, so that you can “do” in a whole new way

Module 2: Shifting Your Context (Recorded May 27)


This module will consist of inquiries into questions like: What is the difference between the context and the content of your life? Is it possible to shift the context that shapes your life experience? Can you let go of the drama in your life? What does it take to become more spacious? In this session you will:

  • Learn how to attune and work with both the ‘content’ of the moment and the more significant “context” to align with greater flow
  • Develop the ability to nurture an experience while also remaining apart and free
  • Let go of the drama of life and enhance your ability to be spacious
  • Complete experiences that have been negatively shaping your life

Module 3: Communicating Your
Moment-to-Moment Experience
(Recorded June 3)


In this session you will explore questions like: What are the elements of an experience? Who is experiencing my experiences? You will:

  • Understand the various elements of experience and how to relate to them in a transformational way
  • Experience the freedom of living beyond your body, emotions and fabricated stories
  • Develop the ability to communicate in a way that moves yourself and others beyond stories
  • Learn how to get beyond fabricating stories to create space for a vision to emerge
  • Learn to honor your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations as guiding posts
  • Move past areas where you may feel stuck, by communicating your experience moment to moment

Module 4: Taking 100% Total Responsibility (Recorded June 10)


In this module, you’ll explore questions like: What does it mean to be responsible for everything? What is radical responsibility? How do I distinguish responsibility from blame or credit? How do I move away from experiencing responsibility as burden, duty, and obligation? You will:

  • Learn what it truly means to take responsibility to the Nth degree and be responsible for everything in a way that doesn’t produce guilt or burden
  • Discover how to release blame, taking credit, doing out of duty and other flow-blocking behaviors
  • Explore how your life will transform as you take 100% responsibility
  • Discover how to create responsibility as your most profound way to connect to the source of life and existence

Module 5: Transcending Your Stories (Recorded June 17)


During this session, you’ll inquire into the depths of who you are. Who are you without the stories, the drama and all the stuff in your life? Is it possible to know who you are? Can you get a glimpse of who you are without making yourself into an object of your knowing? Can stories be dismantled such that you relate to others and to reality more intimately and effectively? You will:

  • Shed your stories about who you are to discover the truth of your being
  • Discover and release stories you’ve created about others that limit their potential and what can unfold in their presence
  • Connect to your transcendent nature and that of others
  • Explore the great depths of intimacy with yourself and those around you
  • Learn how to produce results by undoing characterizations

Module 6: Surrendering to
Your Current Reality
(Recorded June 24)


In this session, you will explore one of the key facets of accessing flow: surrender. Gabriel will take you into the heart of this oft-misunderstood capacity and you will:

  • Learn how to move beyond linear ways of being that limit possibility
  • Discover the secrets of surrender and its connection to creation
  • Explore how to manifestation by leaning into what is
  • Experience a powerful purpose process to connect more deeply to truth

Module 7: Engaging Life as a Game in Alignment with Your Purpose (Recorded July 1)


In this final session, you will learn how to use all you have learned to engage with life in a whole new way. Using the nature of games to illuminate essential principles of your reality, Gabriel will show you how to:

  • Transform your reality through games
  • Cultivate your ability to be in time and be timeless
  • Learn the secrets to true success that marry the practical and spiritual

Success in a State of Flow Bonus Collection

In addition to Gabriel Nossovitch’s transformative 7-module course, you’ll also receive these powerful bonuses that complement the core teachings and practices in the training. These bonus sessions will help you take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Entering the State of Flow:
4 Different Perspectives from 4 Master Teachers
Audio dialogues with Gabriel and his special guests

Join Gabriel and his guests in these special and unique sessions where they discuss the state of flow how to determine what that field is and how to tap into it more in everyday life. You’ll receive sessions with:

Session #1: Alison Armstrong


Alison will provide an understanding about entering the state of flow as a nationally known educator and expert of understanding men.

Alison Armstrong is the CEO and co-founder of PAX Programs Incorporated. She is the designer of the widely acclaimed Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women® (CMSW) workshop, as well as other exceptional programs for CMSW graduates. Her research and experience is also the basis of the Amazing Development of Men™ and InSync with the Opposite Sex CD series. Alison is also the author of Making Sense of Men A Woman’s Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men.

Session #2: Don Miguel Ruiz


Don Miguel will share how his lineage of Toltec wisdom relates to entering the state of flow and guides an individual to personal freedom.

Don Miguel Ruiz has combined old wisdom with modern insights and created a new message for all mankind, based in truth and common sense. He has dedicated his life to sharing this new message through practical concepts that promote transformation. His message is simple and when implemented, even incrementally, changes lives. He is the author of The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, and The Four Agreements Companion Book.

Session #3: Janet Attwood


As an expert on finding passion and purpose, Janet will discuss how entering the state of flow can lead people to know and live their personal greatness.

Janet Attwood is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, visionary and transformational leader. Janet is the co-author of The Passion Test The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose. Along with her co-author and business partner, Chris Attwood she has trained over 1,000 Passion Test Facilitators in 40+ countries. Janet is the founder of The Passion Test Certification Program, The Passion Test for Business, The Passion Test for Kids & Teens, The Passion Test for Coaches, The Passion Test for Kids in Lockdown, and The Passion Test Reclaim Your Power Program for the homeless.

Session #4: Barbara Marx Hubbard


Barbara is a futurist whose life is a testimony to her belief that humanity has the power to cause its own evolution consciously. Barbara will share how entering the state of flow supports her work in the world.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called "the voice for conscious evolution of our time" by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s new book The Mother of Invention. A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

What People Are Saying About Gabriel Nossovitch...

Gabriel Nossovitch provided me a golden opportunity to make way for the manifestation of my true self. Through his Master’s course, I was able to reflect on my existence and set an action plan in motion to support my continued expansion and oneness with everything around me. Thank you for being the space of unlimited transformation.
Alvaro Enriquez Galvan

Gabriel’s insight and understanding of the human mind, combined with his powerful approach in guiding individuals through a deeply spiritual transformational process, made my experience in his training one I will never forget. His “self” awareness and commitment to the expansion of all individuals, created a space wherein I could dive deeply into unimagined possibilities and discover the true nature of who I am.
Carolyn Norman

Gabriel Nossovitch is a gift in my life. He showed me how to wake up after living half asleep. I am now able to distinguish the indistinguishable. Thank you Gabriel for showing me that from nowhere I can create a space of limitless possibilities!
Luis Humberto Arellano

Gabriel is a profound spiritual master who gave me the opportunity to live at another level of consciousness; being responsible for everything in my space.
Veladez Fernando Avila

I attended Gabriel Nossovitch’s Master’s Course. During the course I had the chance to discover my power and true essence. It was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever experienced. Take it ...go for it... and find the source of who you really are.
Arnold Villa

If you want to experience a huge shift in your life, attend one of the many courses taught by master transformational trainer Gabriel Nossovitch. His wisdom and presence has allowed me to create a life free of stories and filled with love, trust and honesty. I have found my true purpose in life; supporting pediatrics in my home country of Mexico. Thank you Gabriel for being a beacon of light in this world.
Dr. Jorge Perez Linan Alan

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions with Gabriel Nossovitch

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by, and learn from, one of the world’s leading top human potential trainers Gabriel Nossovitch from the comfort of your own home. Each class session will help you create the specific skills and abilities to tap into the larger intelligence around you.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Success in a State of Flow BONUS Collection

  • Entering the State of Flow:
    4 Different Perspectives from 4 Master Teachers
    Audio dialogues with Gabriel and his special guests

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Access Flow

We, at The Shift Network, feel deeply honored that Gabriel Nossovitch has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a transformative teacher who has developed profound ways to communicate with moment-to-moment experiences in a way that produces results, fulfillment and success in life.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Gabriel’s incredible work from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about finding out which life principles resonate the most with who you are and if you seek a deeper sense of purpose and awareness then you owe it to yourself and those around you to join Gabriel.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your inspiring journey, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

About Gabriel Nossovitch


Gabriel Nossovitch is the co-founder of several personal transformation companies throughout Latin America: ArgentinaWorks SA, in Buenos Aires, and ChileWorks SA, in Santiago. He is the co-founder of WorldWorks Inc. in the United States.

He is currently the Chairman of the Board and the Director of Training for both Worldworks México and ChileWorks. These organizations offer personal growth and transformational seminars and sponsor large scale community service projects aimed at raising awareness in underprivileged populations in the Americas.

Gabriel studied political science and international relations at the Universidad Catolica de Cordoba, and Economics at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, both in Argentina. In 1984, he won a scholarship to study Comparative Politics at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, where he spent one year studying and working as a cross-cultural trainer. He holds a BSBA degree from Georgetown University and an MBA from INSEAD, the leading European business school located in Fontainebleau, France. He has triple citizenship (Argentinian, French and US) and is fluent in Spanish, English and French.

His life-long interest in ontology, coupled with his study of consciousness and transformational technologies come together to create a unique blend of knowledge and experience. Gabriel is a founding member of the International Coaching Consulting and Training Group (ICCTG) an association that provides coaching certifications to ensure appropriate knowledge and conduct as well as high quality coaching skills of international coaches and transformational seminar leaders. Gabriel is also a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of world renown thought leaders of personal and organizational transformation who support each other in their contributions to the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center at, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase. If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a support request with the subject "Refund request."

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
