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An In-depth Virtual Program
With Bestselling Author & Dream Shaman
Robert Moss
New Live Training Starts
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Immerse yourself in advanced practices for awakening in your dreamtime and daily life.

Learn to apply cutting-edge principles of dreamwork to healing, transformation and spiritual exploration.

Open to higher wisdom, a magical flow of synchronicities and an ever-expanding experience of life.


For centuries around the world, shamans have practiced a powerful, valuable and fascinating approach to dreaming seeing it as a time for transformation, healing and receiving guidance from the multilevels of reality.

These wise healers view dreaming as a way to access your authentic “heart wisdom,” your innate knowing about exactly what needs attention, nurturance, love and healing in your life.

Shamans also see dreaming as a time for profound learning, when you can travel beyond your personal self to dimensions that transcend time and space to access wisdom from the ancestors and beyond.

The healing, transformative powers of shamanic dream practices apply beyond nighttime sleep they can also be harnessed to expand your consciousness during the day and create a fuller, richer life.

The truth is that right now, you are living at the center of a multi-dimensional universe you can explore in amazing ways that give you guidance, healing and wisdom for your life.

When you truly recognize this and wake up to this power and wisdom within you, your life will open to exciting new possibilities. You’ll find yourself on a path of real magic, which includes the ability to bring gifts from other worlds into this one.

Remembering Your Bigger Story

More and more people, from all walks of life, are looking for the bigger story of their lives what their soul is calling them to do and how they can create this more expansive life.

You have a vast reservoir of wisdom that resides in your soul, IF you can access it. All true knowledge or anamnesis, which means "remembering," in a special sense the knowledge that belonged to us on the level of soul and spirit, before we came into this world. .

During Active Dreaming: The Essential Training with bestselling author and world-renowned dream shaman Robert Moss, you have the opportunity to discover new tools for soul remembering and soul healing.

You’ll learn to use your nighttime dreams as portals for shamanic journeying into the multiverse and discover the dreamlike play of signs and symbols in the waking world around you.

You’ll become a conscious time traveler who enters other realms and periods to access wisdom for guidance and healing and an active co-creator of your own reality.

Fuse Shamanism and Dreamwork into an Exciting New Adventure


Active Dreaming offers a synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and ancient shamanic methods of journeying that allow you to be fully of this world while maintaining constant contact with “the world-behind-the-world,” where the deeper logic and purpose of your life is found.

Active Dreaming is thus a way of remembering and embodying what the soul knows about essential things: who you are, where you come from and your sacred purpose in this life and beyond.

On this exciting, life-expanding 12-week adventure, you’ll learn practical techniques to bring energy, guidance and healing from a deeper reality into your everyday life. You’ll discover how to project consciousness safely beyond the body to open gates between the worlds and how to close them when necessary.

You’ll learn how to travel, wide awake and while dreaming, to cities of the imagination, and other places of instruction, adventure and healing in non-ordinary reality, and how to read the signs of everyday life as a set of dream symbols.

You’ll also be invited to meet your counterparts in other realities, and rise to the knowledge of the Higher Self at the hub of the many aspects of your multidimensional self.

In short, this program is an invitation to become a full citizen of the multidimensional universe.

What’s more, the extraordinary becomes easy within the supportive energy of an intentional family of active dreamers. You’ll play wonderful new games that draw you closer to your true Self and you’ll experience sheer delight as you witness spontaneous dreams and visions come alive through art, story and other forms of creative expression.

You’ll find strength to weather the roughest days and confirmation of things you may have sensed or glimpsed in half-forgotten dreams, including:

  • You are here in this world on a mission.
  • You had a life before you were conceived, and you’ll have a life after death.
  • You belong to a spiritual as well as a biological, family. You have counterparts in other times and in alternate realities, aspects of your larger multidimensional self.
  • Dreaming is traveling.

Access Hidden Orders of Reality


The events and situations you encounter in physical reality have their genesis in a deeper order of reality that indigenous peoples call the Dreamtime, and you can learn to go there consciously.

You can visit the Other Side, have timely and helpful communication with the departed in their current living environments and make death your ally instead of your fear. You are never confined to the body or the laws of Newtonian physics, except through a failure of imagination.

Through the practice of shamanic lucid dreaming, you will discover direct access to the hidden orders of reality that have been the sought-after destination of shamans and mystics across the ages, and are now the target of leading-edge science.

Our most current science tells us that there are worlds upon worlds beyond the surface of things. Active Dreamers can go there, and bring back data that may be quite central to a new science one that has reached the same conclusion that dream travelers reached millennia ago: Whatever reality we inhabit is the product of mind, and consciousness is the heart of matter, as well as what matters.

During our 12 weeks together, you’ll reclaim ancestral wisdom, call on the power of the animal spirits and embark on shamanic journeys to places of healing and transformation in the world-behind-the-world.

You’ll learn that dreaming is medicine. Your dreams show you what is going on inside your body and what you need to stay well. And when you do become ill, your dreams give you fresh and powerful imagery for self-healing. By working with your personal imagery and changing it in positive ways you can actually create a new blueprint for the body.

Discover New Paths to Healing and
Soul Recovery

When you learn to go back inside your dreams and dream them onward, you open paths of healing for others and yourself.

You’ll discover that Active Dreaming is central to soul recovery reclaiming vital energy you lost through pain or heartbreak, guilt or addiction.

In this adventure in healing and transformation, we’ll help each other to open the dreamgates, become shamanic healers for our own family of selves, and welcome the energy and magic of soul back into our bodies and our daily lives. We’ll learn how to grow a dream for someone who does not have a dream.

Open to the Magic of Synchronicity photo_synchronicity.jpg

Dreaming and synchronicity are the warp and woof of your experience of a deeper reality. In dreaming, you go there. Through synchronicity, the forces of that deeper world leave their mark on your surface world and give you a spur to live a juicier, more magical life.

Synchronicity is when the universe gets personal. You will learn how to monitor the play of coincidence and the symbolic resonance of incidents in everyday life in order to tap into the deeper logic of events, receive extraordinary counsel, and have wonderful fun.

You will be invited to become a kairomancer, a word Robert coined to describe someone who is poised to catch the messages in special moments when synchronicity is in play, and to take action to seize the opportunities those moments present.

The Power of Practicing Together

Together, we will practice powerful Active Dreaming techniques including Lightning Dreamwork, dream reentry and journeying, shared dreaming, timefolding, dream transfer, dream theatre and navigating by synchronicity.

We’ll learn how to enter each other’s dreamspace (with permission) to facilitate soul recovery and recall our sacred contracts. We’ll grow the sacred space and compassionate circle energy that make the extraordinary easy.

We’ll honor our healing journeys through spontaneous ritual, art, storytelling and performance and play wonderful games to delight our homecoming children and our juicy, creative, star-remembering selves and develop strategies to keep them happily engaged in our everyday lives.

The Value of an Expert Guide


So how do you create this new relationship to your dream life and open to the great potential held within? The secrets of unlocking these potentials can be learned if you have a master guide.

Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts, who has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

Like a wise shamanic elder, Robert can show you how to utilize time-tested principles and practices from dreamwork to create an entirely new experience of your nighttime life that also leads to a deeper, more soulful daytime life.

Robert was initiated early into the life of a modern-day shaman, having three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. Some of his own capacities also come from his Australian upbringing and early learnings from native aborigines. This led into a lifetime committed to mastering the Dreamtime (which includes both nighttime and “waking” reality) and sharing what he has learned.

He has since traveled the world sharing his teachings, acting as an independent scholar. His dozen books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination have been heralded as essential reading for those on this path.

When you join Robert for his Active Dreaming: The Essential Training, you’ll learn the advanced practices of his renowned system of Active Dreaming an original synthesis of dreamwork, imagination and shamanism that thousands have used to access the inherent powers of their consciousness.

The principles and practices of Active Dreaming have been integrated in a unique way for this program, so that you can enter into a profound spiritual journey through the depths and heights of your being.

It’s a journey of wholeness and reclamation, and by the end, you’ll have a powerful toolkit of practices that you can apply for a lifetime.

Where We Will Go

During our journey, you will come to know that the events and situations you encounter in physical reality have their genesis in a deeper order of reality that indigenous peoples call the Dreamtime, and that you can learn to go there consciously.

You will discover that you can visit the Other Side, have timely and helpful communication with the departed in their current living environments and make death your ally instead of your fear.

In the course of the 12 weeks, you’ll:

  • Learn how dreaming is medicine, showing you what is going on inside your body and what you need to stay well.
  • Work with personal imagery to change it in positive ways so you are actually creating a new blueprint for the body
  • Go back inside your dreams and dream them onward, opening paths of healing for others and yourself.
  • Discover that Active Dreaming is central to soul recovery and reclaiming vital energy you’ve lost through pain or heartbreak, guilt or addiction.
  • Use dreams and life memories as clues to where vital energy and identity that have gone missing can be found.
  • Help one another become shamanic healers for our own family of selves, and welcome the energy and magic of soul back into our bodies.
  • Learn how to grow a dream for someone who does not have a dream.
  • Gain an enhanced ability to navigate “negative” emotions.
  • Discover how to access higher guidance by re-entering dreams and your inner temple.
  • Harvest healing images and “gift” them to others who are in need of them.
  • Open your inner landscape to receive helpful guidance through intentional journeys.

The highly experiential format is designed for Active Dreamers like you to activate every level of your body, mind and soul. You will receive a profound initiation that will help you awaken to a life rich with healing and transformation one that is filled with joy, understanding and synchronicity.

Active Dreaming: The Essential Training is not a course just on theory, although it will be fascinating, provocative and eye-opening. It is most of all an opportunity for developing ongoing enlightening practices that you can engage for a lifetime, such as creative journaling and the Lightning Method for sharing dreams and stories in community.

During the twelve weeks, you will be encouraged to make a date, preferably seven days a week, with the most important book you will ever own: your personal journal. Writing in your journal is like taking a walk in the bush. The longer you write, the further you get away from safe places and much-traveled roads. You’re now in the wild. And you’re in that state of alert relaxation that is going to encourage something large and powerful that lives in the wild to leap out and claim you.

That’s how you get your big story, the story that wants to be told and lived through you. You go where it can catch you!

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks

During the 12-week program, Robert will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills and practices that you’ll need to use your dreams as portals for shamanic journeys into the multiverse and to become co-creator of the reality you inhabit.

Each weekly, LIVE teaching session will build upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles of Active Dreaming for direct access to the hidden orders of reality and the remembering of your soul’s wisdom and the bigger story for your life.

Course sessions are on Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

Module 1: Wake Up & Dream (December 10)


The essence of the shaman’s power to travel and heal is the ability to dream strong. In our everyday, modern lives, we stand at the edge of such power when we dream and remember to do something with our dreams. In this first module, Robert will explain how real shamans are first and foremost dreamers who can step in and out of other dimensions.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a sacred space and set intentions for your dreams of the night and your dreams of life.
  • Improve your dream recall and break a dream drought.
  • Sing for soul and the spirits.
  • Use words of power.
  • Grow a Tree of Vision, a place to which you can return again and again and use as a portal for adventures across time and in other worlds.
  • Keep a dream journal.

Module 2: Become a Shaman of the Breakfast Table (December 17)


We’ll discover that each of us can play guide for others, and that by sharing in the right way we claim our voice, grow our power as storytellers and communicators, build stronger friendships and lay foundations for a new kind of community. We’ll also explore fun ways of talking and walking our dreams, for bringing energy and guidance from the dreamworld into everyday life. Above all, we’ll learn to take action to embody this energy and guidance for incorporation into our lives.

You’ll learn:

  • Robert’s Lightning Dreamwork game, a fun, fast way to share dreams and life stories, receive helpful feedback and encourage each other to move towards creative and healing action.
  • How dreams can be both literal and symbolic and experiences of another reality.
  • Why we need to take dreams more literally and the incidents of waking life more symbolically.
  • Why dreams, even nightmares, are not on our case, but on our side.

Module 3: Follow the Royal Road to
Lucid Dreaming
(January 7)


We’ll explore shamanic lucid dreaming by learning to use a dream as a doorway into a deeper space, where lost souls can be found and reclaimed.

The easiest way to become a conscious or lucid dreamer is to start out conscious and stay that way as the action unfolds. A remembered dream or personal image is the ideal portal for a lucid dream adventure.

A dream is a journey; it is also a place. You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life, and because you have been to that place, you can find your way there again.

Yet, we don’t have to travel alone on the roads of dreaming. By learning the skills of the dream tracker, we can accompany friends on their journeys to reclaim souls and move beyond fear and regret as true soul companions.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journey.
  • Re-enter a dream to confront and resolve a nightmare terror, solve a mystery, and claim a power.
  • Dialogue with a dream character.
  • Embark on wide-awake dream travels with a partner or a whole group and bring back gifts for each other, including mutual verification of the objective reality of other dimensions.

Module 4: Become a Kairomancer (January 14)


Robert invented the word kairomancy because he wanted a new word to define the art of living by synchronicity. He decided that the key element is to recognize and act in those special moments when the universe gets personal and you feel something coming through from a deeper reality.

Kairomancy literally means “divination by special moments.” For the ancient Greeks, the special moment is a god. His name is Kairos. He is the antithesis of the old god Chronos, who represents linear time. Kairos is now time, jump time, opportunity time.

To become a kairomancer, you need to learn to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, to recognize in your gut and your skin that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness.

You will learn to:

  • Play wonderful fresh games of coincidence, in which you will receive direct messages on your life issues from the oracle of the universe.
  • Use some of the life rules of the kairomancer:
  1. Whatever you think or feel, the universe says, "Yes."
  2. You live in the Speaking Land.
  3. The passions of the soul work magic.
  4. You are not alone in the universe. Look for the unseen hand.
  5. Coincidence multiplies when you are in motion.
  6. You are walking in Many Worlds.
  7. You need to take care of your poetic health, reading what rhymes in a day, or a season.

Module 5: Become a Time Traveler
(January 21)


Our dreams are constantly coaching us for challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on the roads of life. It’s possible that we rehearse everything that will take place in the future in our dreams, though we forget most of it until later events catch up with a dream, and we experience that sense of déjà vu.

When we see things in our dreams that later happen; this is called precognition. We also see things that may or may not happen, depending on whether we do something with the information.

In this module, we’ll embark on wide-awake visionary journeys to scout out the possible future, for ourselves, our families and our world. If we don’t know where we are going, we are likely to end up where we are headed. The future we can see is often a future we can reshape for the better.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Clarify information in dreams of the future.
  • Discern personal markers that indicate when a dream contains a literal advisory about a coming event.
  • Take appropriate action to avoid an unwanted future event or manifest a desirable one.
  • Call on shamanic allies to help you see clearly across time and space.
  • Embark on conscious journeys into the future to gather life-supporting information for yourself or a partner.

Module 6: Reclaim Your Animal Spirits (January 28)


When shamans go dreaming, characteristically they operate under the protection and guidance of animal guardians. Forging a close relationship with one or more “power animals” is central to developing the arts of shamanic dream travel and tracking. It is invaluable in maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space.

A conscious connection with the animal guardians shows us how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body.

Animal dreams may be the doorway to developing strong working relations with the animal guardians. These dreams may hold up a mirror to our health or habits. They may show us how we need to feed and attend to our bodies. They may reveal a potential we have not yet developed. They may tell a story about our lives or relationships like one of Aesop’s fables. They may be the place of encounter between our dream self and a spiritual ally or guardian.

You’ll learn how:

  • Animal spirits may be seeking you in dreams.
  • Animals that have shared your life can become shamanic allies.
  • You can journey to places of power to connect or reconnect with animal guardians.
  • You can gain wisdom from the natural habits of your animal spirits, and the folklore and shamanic traditions surrounding them.
  • You can feed and embody your animal spirits in everyday life.

Module 7: Dreaming with Spiritual Guides (February 4)


Our authentic spiritual allies and teachers come looking for us in dreams. They put on masks or costumes adapted to our level of understanding. There is an old Greek saying that “the gods love to travel in disguise.” The sacred guide may appear in a form that has been shaped by our religious upbringing or in a form that is wildly shocking to conventional beliefs. Genuine teachers often love to shock us awake.

The encounter with the guide may challenge us to brave up, to move decisively beyond the fear and clinging of the little everyday mind, in order to claim our connection with deeper sources of wisdom and true power. And it may be that the most important spiritual teacher we can know is no stranger, but the Higher Self. The liminal state of consciousness between sleep and waking is an especially propitious time for conversation with this guide.

You’ll learn to:

  • Recognize the many forms of the dream guide.
  • Dialogue with spiritual guides who introduce themselves in dreams.
  • Use spiritual dreams as doorways to realms of initiation and healing.
  • Communicate with inner and transpersonal guides in “the place between sleep and awake.”
  • Practice discernment in dealing with the spirits, and test and verify communications.

Module 8: Healing Through Dreams
(February 11)


Our dreams show us what is going on inside our bodies and what we need to stay well. When we do become ill, our dreams give us fresh and powerful imagery for self-healing. By working with personal imagery and changing the images in positive ways we can actually create a new blueprint for the body.

When we learn to go back inside our dreams and dream them onward, we open paths of healing for others and ourselves. Active Dreaming is central to soul recovery reclaiming vital energy we lost through pain or heartbreak, guilt or addiction.

You’ll learn how:

  • Dreams can show you what is going on inside the body and what you need to do to stay well or get well.
  • You can work with your dream doctor, including the “animal doctors” that shamans consult.
  • You can harvest imagery for self-healing from your dreams and life memories.
  • You can go to a personal House of Healing in the Imaginal Realm where help is always available.
  • Any image that belongs to you, even the most terrifying, can offer a doorway to healing and wholeness if you are willing to work with it.

Module 9: Soul Recovery Through
Shamanic Dreaming
(February 18)


Soul-loss, in shamanic understanding, is a primary source of illness, depression and mental confusion. We lose vital soul energy through pain and trauma and heartbreak, through wrenching life choices, and by giving up on our big dreams and ceasing to live the soul’s purpose.

When we lose the energy of soul, the magic goes out of life. We are often fatigued for no apparent reason, we can’t experience joy or love, and there is a gaping hole in us that we try to fill with addictive behaviors. Soul-loss can put us in the procession of the walking dead, playing the roles that other people cast us for, no longer knowing who we are or why we are in this world.

The Iroquois say that if we have lost our dreams, we have lost our souls. But when we reopen to our dreams, they can show us where our soul energy has gone, and how to bring it home.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Recognize the symptoms of soul loss.
  • Use dreams and life memories as clues to where vital energy and identity that have gone missing can be found.
  • Travel to a place where you can reclaim soul energy and reconnect with younger selves, including the “child of wonder” who may have left your life because the world seemed too cruel.
  • Entertain your spirits your child self, your teen self, your Goddess self, your animal spirits in your body and your life.

Module 10: Heal & Reclaim Ancestral Soul (February 25)


We may not want to think about our ancestors, but our ancestors are thinking about us. We are connected, like it or not, to the ancestors of our biological families, and their templates may control our habits and behaviors unless we recognize and break the mold.

We are also connected to the ancestors of the land where we live. We want to open and cherish soul connections to wise ancestors and departed loved ones, but for these relations to prosper we must start by clearing unhealthy legacies and energy attachments.

You’ll learn:

  • The three reasons why contact with the deceased is not weird or unusual, especially in dreams.
  • How to enter into timely and helpful communication with the departed and learn first-hand about conditions on the Other Side.
  • How to cleanse and release ancestral karma.
  • How to call on the wisdom of the great ones in your ancestral lineage who have stayed close to the Earth to guide and protect.

Module 11: Become a Conscious Traveler in the Many Worlds (March 3)


You are ready to claim the power of an open secret. The only time is Now. All other times past, present and parallel can be accessed in this moment of Now, and may be changed for the better. You stand at the center of all times. The dramas of lives being lived in other times and in parallel realities may be intensely relevant to understanding and navigating your current relationships and life issues.

Part of the secret logic of our lives may be that our paths constantly interweave with those of numberless parallel selves, sometimes converging or even merging, sometimes diverging ever farther. The gifts and failings of these alternate selves may influence us when our paths converge, in ways that we generally fail to recognize.

You’ll learn how:

  • You can travel into the life experiences of personalities in other time periods with whom you are connected in our multidimensional family of selves.
  • Direct knowledge of how past-life experiences can affect your current life experience and relationships.
  • You can experience mental communication with personalities in other times for mutual benefit.
  • You can receive counsel from an older and wiser self.
  • By traveling across time you can play mentor and protector for a younger self who may desperately need help in his or her own time.

Module 12: Become a Dreamgiver & Dream Ambassador (March 10)


We dream for our communities and our world, as well as for ourselves and those near to us. We can learn to do this as a conscious practice in the service of peace and healing. By bringing dreams into the lives of people around us, we can heal and revitalize all our relations, our workplace, our schools, our health care, and our communities.

You’ll learn how:

  • Being an Active Dreamer makes you a Speaker for the Earth, as you rise to full awareness of the truth of the indigenous wisdom that we must be mindful of the consequences of our actions down to the seventh generation beyond ourselves.
  • Active dream groups offer a model of intentional community, and foster a new mode of leadership devoted to empowering each member to claim her voice and play guide to others as they learn to speak and embody their own truth.
  • You can harvest the core techniques and discoveries you have made in this course, make them everyday practice, and play dream-bringer and dream ambassador for others.

The Active Dreaming: The Essential Training Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s transformative 12-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to a deeper level.

Dreaming with the Goddess
Audio Recording from Robert Moss


Robert takes us back in time to the first documented dream, recorded by a high priestess in ancient Sumer this is where literature begins and is worth remembering. This fascinating journey continues on through history introducing us to the Goddesses who are patrons of our dreams and more.

Real Shamans Are Dreamers
Audio Recording from Robert Moss


The Kawahiva people of Brazil have said, “Everyone who dreams is a little bit shaman.” In this audio program, Robert explains how the most interesting and strongest shamans are initiated through their dreaming, and how they can enter the dreamworld at will. Dreaming to a shaman is all about soul and the relocation of soul. In Robert’s Active Dreaming practice, dreaming meets shamanism in the realm of the soul and offers us techniques for recovering the lost parts of our souls and our vital energy the antidote to immune system burnout, depression and our tendency to push away what could actually heal us.

Creative Journaling
Audio Recording from Robert Moss


The most important book you will ever read is your personal journal, though you may not become fully aware of what a treasury this will be until you have kept one for several years. This is the secret book of your soul, the place where you can write your way through difficult life passages, as well as your private encyclopedia of symbols. Here you can monitor and track how you dream the future and of past and parallel lives. In this powerful recording, Robert offers you fun games to play with your journal entries, from formulating your daily one-liner to reading signs and symbols from the world around you to turning your daily reports into poems, stories and scripts.

The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories
Audio Recording from Robert Moss


The Lightning Dreamwork Game, invented by Robert, is a fun, fast way to share dreams and life stories, receive helpful feedback and guidance and to discover how you might take action to embody the healing and creative energy that comes in the dreamtime. Robert outlines the four key steps so that just about anyone, anywhere, can use this process in just a few minutes. The Lightning Game is also lightening it helps you to lighten up and brings through enlightenment. It can give a lift to any day, deepen relationships and help you grow your intuition, imagination and word power.

What People Are Saying About Robert Moss...


Robert Moss demonstrates how to explore the universal language of the imagination and the soul, which together bridge the inner world of spirit and the outer world of action. Deeply healing and useful!
Angeles Arrien, PhD, Cultural Anthropologist and Author of The Four-Fold Way


Transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.
Stanley Krippner, PhD, Co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them


Robert Moss reveals a powerful map of how to recover our soul through shamanic dreaming.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, Author of Soul Retrieval


Robert Moss is one of our wisest guides to dreams and dreaming... [He] is dragging us, kicking and screaming, into a new vision of consciousness, space, and time.
Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The Power of Premonitions

Robert Moss ignites the runway for the returning soul’s touchdown with both power and grace.
Caitlín Matthews, Author of Singing the Soul Back Home and Celtic Visions

If you have any interest in your dream life, you will be enthralled and forever changed by this work.
Jennifer Louden, Author of The Life Organizer and The Woman’s Comfort Book

Robert Moss is the consummate guide to this grand multiverse in which we live.
Bonnie Horrigan, Author of Red Moon Passage

Robert Moss is a weaver of worlds... He shows us how conscious dreaming can lead us into the non-space-time regions of the inner universe, where all things are connected from whatever time, place, or reality.
Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier

Robert Moss teaches us all to be citizens of a larger and inexhaustibly mysterious universe. In his work we discern the phosphorescent trail of the shaman, yet all can learn from it. He leaves no scholarly or experiential stones unturned in his quest for knowledge of the soul from within.
Stephen Larsen, PhD, Author of The Mythic Imagination and Co-author of A Fire in the Mind: The Authorized Biography of Joseph Campbell

What Robert Moss does again and again and with such clarity and greatness of heart is remind us that magic is a breath away and that everyone has the capacity to tap into the heritage that is truly ours.
Manda Scott, Bestselling Author of the Boudica novels

Robert Moss opens ancient and modern pathways into the realms of the soul, giving us insights into our deep humanity and into our American heritage. As a spiritual teacher he is world class.
David Spangler, Author of Everyday Miracles: The Inner Art of Manifestation

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions with
Robert Moss

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with author and dream shaman Robert Moss from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to empower your dreaming and your life.


Twelve Audio Recordings of
Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car, and at your convenience.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Twelve 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

Following each class session there will be a live 30-minute interactive practice session, where you will be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.


Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your learning after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students and get access to additional resources to take your learning experience to an even deeper level.

The Active Dreaming: The Essential Training Bonus Collection

  • Dreaming with the Goddess
    Audio Recording from Robert Moss
  • Real Shamans Are Dreamers
    Audio Recording from Robert Moss
  • Creative Journaling
    Audio Recording from Robert Moss
  • The Lightning Process for Sharing Dreams & Life Stories
    Audio Recording from Robert Moss

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join Active Dreaming: The Essential Training

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that master dreamworker Robert Moss has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive, LIVE online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from an internationally-renowned dream shaman whose powerful insights and transformational work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Robert’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home, at your own pace!

If you’re serious about learning to access your capacities for soul remembering and soul healing and becoming fully alive to the dreamlike play of signs and symbols in the world around you, then you owe it to yourself and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

What Graduates of Robert’s courses at The Shift Network are Saying...

Robert provides you with the tools and support to become more confident with Active Dreaming. This course has opened me to the awareness that we are able to access different dimensions and guides from many traditions, and to pay attention to the signs and symbols that we encounter during our waking and dream states.
Rachel T. Heller, Nashville, TN

This course was a wonderful way to not only learn about active and deep dreaming but also to incorporate other cultural practices on dreaming. I love learning about all the many faiths, beliefs and practices of other cultures to add to my own beliefs and practices. Thank you Robert Moss and The Shift Network for giving me this opportunity.
Cheryl, Amelia Island, FL

I have always had a very active and sometimes exhaustive dream life with the same old themes re-playing again and again. This course gave me strategies to utilize my dream time, expand my self-awareness, explore my dreams with a more open mind and use them to promote both physical and emotional healing.
Eloise Hill, Alameda, CA

As a result of Robert Moss Dreaming the Soul Back Home course, my life is presently more open, brighter, and more confident. I am also feeling more connection and wholeness, not only within, but also with all about me. I truly recommend this course with Robert Moss, as his amazing lightness of being, along with his thorough, and well educated interest in life can avail great openings in any quest. I feel so grateful to have crossed paths with this intriguing individual!
Cecelie, Costa Rica

As someone who has done quite a bit of shamanic work as well as lucid dreaming, hypnotic regression, Akashic Records and study of Carl Jung, etc., what I can say is that this course not only adds new and insightful information, but also puts all of these together in the most beautiful way. We are led along the journey into the inner realm to reach the soul’s deepest and most ancient wisdom and learn to bring that to everyday living in accordance with our highest self. How great is that!!?
Mary, New Mexico

What a journey we have made together! I feel so privileged to be part of this community and am so grateful to have had access to Robert’s great teachings. I especially appreciated the importance given to imagination, and the nontraditional ways, fun ways, to explore the dream realm, like the cinema, the post office and the library. I have found that using only traditional myths and techniques is for me sometimes limiting because I tend to hold on to the story, and hold back my imagination. Lastly, the community page is invaluable and I am so thrilled that we can go on sharing! So THANK YOU ROBERT and ALL of you fellow dreamers for this wonderful and ongoing journey!
C.L. Quebec, Canada

Dreaming into the Dreamtime gave me a wider and deeper lense to view and be witness to the messages given through my dream time. For anyone wanting the experience of conscious dreaming or to have the tools to write your dream story this course is a must. I am a dreamer and so are you! Great course; thank you The Shift Network and Robert Moss.
Jody Breton, Freeport, ME

This course has been such a solid learning space. The Dream Lightning process has proved such a valuable tool for me. What once was a sea of symbols has become, thanks to Robert’s good guidance, a navigating joy! Thanks, All, for sharing the Dream!
Margo Bird, Grand Rapids, MI

Thank you for one of the best classes I have ever taken. I am truly inspired!
Durelle Freeman, Glenwood, NM

Dreaming our souls back home and then, once here, dreaming them into Life. Dear Robert, you, these two companion courses you led for the journey back... and this beautiful communion of intentional dreamers walking together on this path have indeed done this. I am filled with awe and gratitude... and excitement for the Way ahead. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Soul Caller and Dream Teacher, One and All.
Stephanie Pietkiewicz, New Zealand

So many games and tools you have shared with us... I have a cornucopia of fun at my fingertips. You have brought so much joy into my life. Thank you!!! Your spirit is a delight. I have so enjoyed this class. I have learned and shared so much. Hoping to join you again in later classes. This has indeed been the nourishment for which my soul has yearned.
Annette Kohn-Lau, Northbrook, IL

About Robert Moss


Robert Moss is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a bestselling novelist, poet, journalist and independent scholar. His dozen books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming and Dreaming the Soul Back Home. His latest book is Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
I have never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford

A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California, and your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference, and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers, and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is January 7, 2016. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we'll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we'll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
