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With Renowned Enneagram Teacher
Jessica Dibb
New Live 11-week Training Starts
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Free yourself from your deepest limitations and embody the true gifts of your soul with powerful practices based on the world’s most influential psychological and spiritual personality typing system.


All of us want a life of meaning, value and love.

We each want to be fulfilled and live as an expression of our true nature knowing that we’re savoring every experience and making our biggest contribution to the world.

To do that requires showing up with ALL of ourselves.

But too often, parts of us get in the way of bringing our full presence to each moment. Most of us are NOT here now; we’re living predominantly from our thoughts rather than our whole bodies, and in the future or past rather than the present.

While it’s true that we need to show up completely in the present to give our invaluable gifts, what’s not as obvious is how to deal with the specific ways we avoid doing so through patterns of fear, resistance or avoidance.

In fact, there are universal psycho-spiritual patterns (nine to be precise) that are described by the Enneagram, and every single type has different patterns for avoiding presence and withdrawing from full embodiment.

This powerful system reveals the drives, motivations and ideals that make us who we are as well as the ways that we sabotage our fulfillment.

This means that the way we evolve can be very different.

That’s why knowing the unique ways that each type grows and transforms is essential for us to become the fully expressed beings we can become.

And then, once we understand our unique patterns, it takes specific, embodied practices to REALLY free ourselves from old limitations.

Going Deeper Than Concepts

If you’re eager to go further on your path of self-actualization, the Enneagram system can be used to develop full-spectrum practices that help you awaken, heal and transform in a profound way.


And it all comes down to experiences . When you only understand something conceptually, it doesn’t transform the heart of your existence.

In the Experiential Enneagram 11-week program, you have the opportunity to build upon recognitions that come from the Enneagram and turn them into embodied truth, love and grace in your life.

This program is an experiential dive into making a deeper level of healing and liberation REAL in your life.

As you explore your unique capacities and talents, you also encounter the inherent presence of universal, essential qualities... such as power, peace, sacredness, love, radiance, depth, clarity, inner guidance and joy.

The intersection between your distinct, individual human experiences and the Enneagram provides one of the most important turning points in establishing yourself on a path of authentic, embodied and integrated realization.

Done with the right intention, you can catalyze cognitive, emotional and physiological shifts to ensure that moments of expanded awareness and personal transformation lead to lasting change.

For this to occur, specific experiential practices bring your attention to all three major centers body, heart and head.

In doing so, you dissolve your usual preferences for engaging inner work (either from emotional, mental or physical orientations), and open yourself to untapped possibilities for depth, joy and action.

Making Changes That Last

“A whole person is one who has walked with God and wrestled with the devil.” Jung

Many seekers, therapists and spiritual teachers acknowledge frustration about people having realizations, followed by seemingly uncontrollable unconscious ego fixations and patterns co-opting the breakthroughs.


Additionally, many people feel unable to sustain true presence and deep, relaxed creative flow in very difficult life situations or when relating or working with others.

These challenges can be transformed by using the Enneagram to create multidimensional depth practices. These experiential processes support your capacity for sustained presence and innovative collaboration.

In The Experiential Enneagram, you’ll receive practices that support lasting changes.

You’ll unmask shadows, reveal nuances of seemingly intractable patterns, and open yourself to the full spectrum of of qualities associated with being “awake.”

You’ll discover that each center without the others is still an egoic version. You’ll learn to listen to, understand and work with all points of view from a place of compassion, presence and curiosity. This will not only lead to greater personal wholeness; it will expand your skills as a healer or leader of positive change.

The real key to change, respected consciousness teacher, breathwork trainer and Enneagram expert Jessica Dibb teaches, is working with the wisdom of the Enneagram including the “3 Centers” of body, heart and head via experiential practices.

That’s when you start to really access and integrate the wisdom, energy and love you’ve been seeking into your being.

About the Enneagram

If you’re less familiar with the Enneagram, it’s a personality typing system rooted in multiple wisdom traditions and cultures (including the Greeks, Desert Fathers and Egyptians) and currently taught in prestigious universities around the world.

The 9-point Enneagram symbol represents nine unique temperaments, or energies each with specific traits, behavioral patterns and tendencies AND gifts.

Each of us has a dominant type, yet all nine exist within our souls and psyches according to major schools of thought.


The Enneagram illuminates...

  • Nine life-enhancing qualities of people and reality
  • Nine capacities or gifts that humans have
  • Nine ways we forget who we really are
  • Nine ways we operate unconsciously and defensively
  • Nine doorways to BEING love, wisdom and presence

In The Experiential Enneagram, Jessica Dibb invites you to combine the wisdom of the Enneagram with experiential practices including breath, meditation, writing, shadow work, movement and inner inquiry and journeying.

This can help you effectively liberate yourself from the “box” of your personality type and fears, become more full-spectrum by integrating patterns from other types, and ultimately embody your realizations and breakthroughs.

Each type is primarily associated with one of the 3 Centers (body, heart and head). However, according to Jessica, the most accurate and powerful wisdom and inner guidance you can receive is sourced by working with ALL three centers and their respective experiences.

Body center experiences connect with sensations that light up our neural pathways, informing, energizing and nourishing our life capacities. They lead to a felt sense of essential goodness and sacredness in each moment and connect us with somatic intelligence.

Heart center experiences lead us to greater intimacy with life and a field of relatedness with all things. They connect us to people, places and life. They result in empathy, compassion and valuing the inherent beauty of each moment and situation.

They lead us to contact emotional intelligence.

Head center experiences give us the capacity to see, perceive, and recognize what’s actually arising clearly, rather than through delusion. They awaken our curiosity and the capacity to open up to new experiences and lead us to develop cognitive intelligence and awareness through our open "true mind” and inner guidance.

Alone, each of the 3 Centers can give us access to deep wisdom, love and presence. Combined, the guidance available for navigating life is far more powerful!

In The Experiential Enneagram, we will also be using the nuanced multidimensional map of the Enneagram to point us more directly to nine ways we leave presence, nine ways we forget who we really are, nine ways we can remember who we are, and nine qualities of our true and essential nature.

You’ll be guided by Jessica Dibb, a master Enneagram teacher and multidimensional guide into experiential transformation. She works closely with some of the largest and most respected schools for Enneagram studies and application in the world and has taught this work at a high level.

The renowned Russ Hudson of the Enneagram Institute says about Jessica:


Jessica brings a profound knowledge of the Enneagram types, but beyond this, she is a superb guide and support for people’s inner processes, as well as a brilliant designer of experiential exercises and practices. This course represents a rare opportunity to both learn a truly developmental approach to the Enneagram types, but also to experience the cutting edge of experiential teaching through this amazing technology. Jessica will take you on an extraordinary journey of soul restoration, real emotional breakthroughs, and profound self-discovery.

Who This Course Is For

If you are interested in doing deep experiential work that expands your capacity, this course is for you. You are not required to know something about the Enneagram. We’ll be doing deep personal growth that is both multidimensional and embodied working from biological structure, to your inner child, to your shadows, to psychodynamic alignment, to essence, to direct contact with Source.

Participants will include:

  • Enneagram enthusiasts who want to deepen their personal transformation in an embodied and enduring with deep experiential practices
  • Enneagram teachers or therapists, coaches, spiritual directors, psychologists, etc. who want to be exposed to ways of experientially dissolving the inner blocks of each type, and experientially opening the essential capacities of each type
  • Human potential seekers (from beginners to those on the path for decades) who want to experience a deeply personal journey about the fundamental nature of who you are, with nuanced experience of states of being, and capacities within themselves

If you participate, you will:

  • Access deep wisdom beyond temperament, fear, attachments
  • Cultivate the capacity to work with obstacles and shadows, supporting and giving birth to new potentials
  • Experience the joys of a learning community doing deep inner work together
  • Develop practices that promote a healthier body and breathing, as well as access to more life force
  • Infuse new creative pathways into your most intimate relationships
  • Develop a more reliable inner guidance system
  • Receive support for more expanded spiritual experiences
  • Increase your capacity to be fully present to all parts of yourself even parts that seem frightening or have previously been unseen
  • Expand your sense of the possibilities in each moment for experiencing reality free of apparent paradoxes
  • Increase your capacity to see the beauty of other people without judgment, envy or diminishment
  • Commune with the Divine in a much more intimate way not through the lens of our temperament or constructed ideas

Together, we will experience a powerful, dynamic, loving intelligent and highly creative container for people to embody a larger and more expanded contact with more dimensions of reality, themselves and the Divine.

Ultimately, you will be able to allow more power, magic and majesty to come into the world.

What You’ll Discover in These 11 Weeks

Course sessions are on Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

In this 11-week transformational program, Jessica will lay the fundamental groundwork, practices and competencies that you’ll need to access your fullest potential, and she’ll guide you through deep process work including somatic, emotional, cognitive and spiritual experiential exercises.

Through this experiential approach to inner work (such as inner inquiry, breath practices, meditations, shadow work, movement, writing, self-expression, poetry, journaling, dream work and more), we’ll use the Enneagram as a tool for addressing and transcending the central challenges on your path of personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Each weekly, LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to embody and sustain your transformations.

Module 1: A Path Towards Embodied Wholeness Begins (October 20)


“A whole person is one who has walked with God and
wrestled with the devil.”
~ Jung

This module will establish the terrain, guidance and wisdom teachings that will make it possible for you to fully engage every moment of your individual exploration and journey during the course. We’ll also look at the way we’ll relate to the nine domains of the Enneagram for expanded and nuanced embodied transformation. Additionally, we’ll explore an introduction to the experiential techniques we’ll be using, as well as recommendations for getting the most out of the 11 weeks.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Receive key concepts and wisdom teachings from the Enneagram and other human evolution principles
  • Come to understand some of the essential experiential techniques and change-promoting processes that will guide and define each module
  • Learn about the spectrum of inner experiences, including healing and addressing developmental needs and actualizing love, wisdom and presence
  • Discover the potential for personal transformation that the Enneagram may bring to your life and how to integrate the learning into your daily life
  • Learn how to set up the physical space to do your inner work in a way that optimizes your journey
  • Consider the relationships of outer support, including friends, family members, therapists, teachers and guides
  • See how the Enneagram works with the body, heart and mind centers to cultivate three-centered presence
  • Understand the nine doorways from shadow to presence in each of us
  • Gain insight into how your particular Enneagram type will impact the work
  • Find out why the Enneagram creates an extraordinary platform of compassion for ourselves and others

Module 2: A Life Fully Experienced
Embodying the Dynamism & Power That Create & Sustain (October 27)


“The miracle is not to walk on the water, but to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Eight:

Every particle, atom and molecule in existence is empowered by the fundamental frequency of existence, by an infinite primordial force chi, ki, shakti, the quantum field, the FORCE. This includes each of us. When embodied, we experience and are moved by power and aliveness that is irrepressible and “can move mountains.” However, because of our temperament, our childhood, our life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from power... or misuse or distort power out of fear or unmet needs.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent life force, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about empowerment. There is a true empowerment that naturally arises when we relax completely into presence into being “here.”

In this session, we’ll:

  • Experience immediacy and aliveness without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of powerlessness
  • Regain the potency of our sensations and sensuality
  • Release fear and resistance to others’ power, and experience ways to invite them to show up fully
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block aliveness, empowerment and presence
  • Examine thoughts that promote helplessness and powerlessness
  • Precisely Illuminate the power and vitality in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in full vibrancy
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Boundless Power and Life Force

Module 3: A Life of Communion With All That Is
Embodying the Peace & Pure Being That Allows Fundamental Harmony (November 3)


“There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street and BEING the noise.”
~ Rumi

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Nine:

Every particle, atom and molecule arises from the same substance, everything is the Big Bang. The sense that we’re “All One” is a phenomenological reality. This includes each of us. When embodied, we abide in the “peace that surpasseth all understanding,” and therefore we can live and make choices that reflect the fundamental unity of even seemingly contrasting values or situations. Paradigm shifts can occur effortlessly. Yet, often we are too afraid to live out the implications of this, out of a false sense that peacefulness is maintained by not making waves. Because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences, or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from true inner peace and inherent connectedness or oneness with each moment and situation.

In this module, we will explore the separations from pure Being, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about harmony and unity. We’ll see that true harmony and unity naturally arises when we relax into fully showing up and participating.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience being, peace and unity without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of feeling invisible or unimportant
  • Release fear and resistance to connection with others, even those with distressing disguises, and experience ways to invite them to “just be”
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block flow, blending and relaxing into belonging
  • Examine thoughts that promote the sense that we, others or situations don’t matter
  • Precisely illuminate the wholeness and holiness in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we’re installed in inner peace
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Boundless Being and the Unified Field

Module 4: A Life of Right Action
Embodying the Alignment & Willingness That Forge Sacred Pathways (November 10)


“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I will meet you there.”
~ Rumi

Actualizing the Gifts of Type One:

Every particle, atom and molecule in existence arises from the One, is therefore inherently sacred, and thus deserves goodness and blessing in each moment. There is an urge to wholeness as Abraham Maslow put it, and it animates us to move towards the light, the goodness that is in all things. This includes each of us. When embodied we become utterly aligned with action that will support the sacredness in each moment or situation. We become utterly willing with every cell of our body, feeling of our heart, thought of our mind, and atom of our spirit. And we, and everything around us, is blessed by this. However, because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and even desecrate the sense of basic goodness that can be felt in each moment when we are present, and replace it with a compliance or defiance of things that are “right” or “wrong.”

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent willingness to align ourselves with this goodness, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about surrender. You’ll see that Surrender and Right Action naturally arises when we relax completely into presence into receiving the blessings and blessedness that flow to and through us in each moment.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience willingness and responsibility without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of judgement, harm and feeling bad or wrong
  • Regain the sensitivity of reverence and dedication
  • Release fear and resistance to others’ beliefs, actions and missions, and experience ways to invite them to listen to their own alignment with the sacred
  • Discover our somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block action and responsibility
  • Examine thoughts that promote rigidity, judgement, and our inner critic
  • Precisely Illuminate our inherent purity within our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in basic goodness
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Boundless Blessing and Perfection

Module 5: A Life of Deep Relatedness
Embodying the Nectar of Attunement & Responsiveness That Cultivate Real Love (December 1)


“Who knows what miracles love has in store for us if only we will have the courage to become one with it.”
~ Iqbal

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Two:

Every particle, atom and molecule in existence is held by a boundless creation that is endowed with everything that would ever be needed, and a fierce energy to nourish and deliver itself and all. This includes each of us. This can be realized and lived from it’s at the heart of every life-giving teaching, and has been spoken about in some form from every awakened being. Love is who and what everything is.

When embodied we discover that we have not ever, nor ever could be, abandoned by the rich boundless tapestry of nutrients, impressions, teachings and opportunity to experience our open hearts and how they can join the dance of giving and receiving every moment. Yet, in the field of human fear we have been hurt, abandoned, neglected, unseen.... and we become afraid that to live out the implications of contacting our unconditional love we will never get our needs met. Because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust kindness and care, or only be willing to receive it in a certain form.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from Love, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about giving and needs. You’ll see that the ultimate sweetness of life and incomparable unshakable love naturally arise when we relax into fully receiving what we are being given each moment, and allow the buoyancy of existence to hold us.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience love of self, love of other, and compassion, without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of feeling unlovable and rejected
  • Regain the abiding in receptivity and affirmation of our inherent worthiness
  • Release fear and resistance to opening to pain and the natural need for nourishment in others, and experience new ways to invite others to share their authentic need
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block nourishment, worthiness and thriving, and our ability to respond kindly to ourselves and others
  • Examine thoughts that promote unworthiness and perceiving rejection
  • Precisely Illuminate the liberation and will to love in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in Receiving and Being Love
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Boundless Love and Holding

Module 6: A Life Fully Flowered
Embodying the Priceless Radiance & Boundless Energy That Manifest All Good Things (December 8)


“Make me into your Light.”
~ Islamic prayer

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Three:

Every particle, atom and molecule is literally some form of light, and it functions optimally and manifests its greatest capacities when it is nourished it shines. This includes each of us. When embodied we can not “hide our light under a bushel.” In fact we discover it is not “our” light to hide. The light belongs to, and is, all of us. Light, energy and eternity are limitless, and thus, we experience that when we are the most authentic, the most what we truly are, the most acknowledging and receiving of the truth of our value and gifts, we remember and contact the inherent stream of creative life force that flows through everything effortlessly, and is generative. Yet, often we are too afraid to live out the implications of this, and try to function the way we think we need to to get approval or to be liked, or not rejected. Because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences, or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from our true value, heart’s desire and gifts, and we then become inauthentic, and it becomes tiring to function with these masks.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our true wishes and capacities, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about value and being radiant. The true nobility and glory of our unique personhood naturally arises when we allow the true desires of hearts to flow unimpeded and form the basis for our actions and choices.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience value, capacity and radiance without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of feeling irrelevant or worthless
  • Regain the ability to flow with effortless functioning
  • Release fear and resistance to ours and other others’ potency and focus and and experience ways to play and work with others
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block personal growth and evolution, and manifesting our inherent dreams and logos
  • Examine thoughts that promote unworthiness and not feeling good enough, and unnecessary efforting
  • Precisely Illuminate the personal gold in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in authentic being
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as The Glory of Boundless Creative Flow and Manifestation

Module 7: A Life of Infinite Depth
Embodying the Beauty & Intimacy That Reveals the True Identity of Self, Other & Reality (December 15)


“Spirit is so mixed with the visible world that giver, gift and beneficiary are one thing. You are the grace raining down, the grace is you.”
~ Rumi

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Four:

Every particle, atom and molecule of infinity is unique and itself infinite, thus an endless mystery filled with ever arising qualities. The beauty of this boundless depth is that each moment is both new, and yet deeply home. This is an intimacy we all long for in ourselves, our relationships, in the life we lead. This includes each of us. When embodied we are gifted with the visceral experience of a beauty so vast that we feel the very nature of life is utterly transformed from agony to ecstasy... an ecstasy that transcends and includes all experiences... the seemingly good... the seemingly bad... all of it... Yet, often we are too afraid to live out the implications of this, out of a false sense that if we experience the elixir of beauty in everything our unique story will be lost. Because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from the capacity to be affected by the unbearable lightness of being of each moment and situation.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our original nature as this beauty, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about suffering, depth and intimacy. The yearning of our hearts to remember and experience ourselves as one with what is beloved... one with the Beloved, even as Beloved ourselves, naturally arises when we dissolve the false sense of tension between individuation and falling into Love.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience shameless yearning, being and becoming, without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of feeling invalidated, invaded or abandoned
  • Regain the contact with the ephemeral and real beauty of you, others and reality
  • Release our fear and resistance to others unconsciousness or unique ways of being, experience ways to be intimate with what shows up
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block real depth, surrender and being fulfilled
  • Examine thoughts that promote depression, shame, internalized and projected rage and meaningless
  • Precisely Illuminate the Beloved in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in contact with the earth
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Holy Origin and Endless Mystery

Module 8: A Life of Endless Discovery
Embodying Curiosity, Spaciousness & the Diamond-like Clarity That Illuminates the Truth (January 5)


“For that ground of Conscious Nothing where the Rose Ever Blooms.” ~ Hafiz

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Five:

Every particle, atom and molecule in existence is inherently endowed with a logos of its “suchness,” its capacities, and its definition within existence. Jung said that the way something is constellated will forever define its ability to expand, and its limits. Thus everything has a differentiated and yet interconnected truth. This includes each of us. When embodied, we have appreciation and respect for the capacity to experience quiet awe as we observe the “suchness” of form and formlessness, being and non-being, complexity and simplicity of life... and out of this stillness and singularity of seeing we can feel the stimulation and joy of seeing more clearly what is actually here and real, and what is not real. However, because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, “grade” or disconnect from our natural intelligence... or we may trust facts and knowledge, rather than our own direct knowing.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent clarity, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about awareness. You’ll see there is a true brilliance that naturally arises when we relax into ever-widening rings of curiosity and living into the questions, when we cultivate our capacity to listen, to be receptive to the spaciousness within and without.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience direct knowing and truth without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of feeling stupid, confused or terrified of not knowing
  • Regain the natural delight of discovery
  • Release fear and resistance to others’ intelligence, knowing and inventiveness and experience new ways to invite their contributions
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block silence, stillness and genuine inquiry
  • Examine thoughts that promote confusion, misunderstanding and unconsciousness
  • Precisely Illuminate the brilliance and inventiveness in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in full awareness
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Gnosis Infinite Intelligence and Awareness

Module 9: A Life of Courageous Purpose
Embodying the Connectivity & Inner Guidance That Supports Individual & Collective Wisdom (January 12)


“By the age of 70 I could follow the dictates of my own heart, because what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.” ~ Confucious

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Six:

Every particle, atom, and molecule in existence is impacted by the being, movements and expressions of every other thing, and under optimal conditions naturally searches to move in ways that optimize survival, thriving, and cooperating in something that becomes larger than itself. This includes each of us. When embodied we experience a sense of belonging, ground and inner guidance, that stewards our development, choices and becoming, both for our own wellbeing and flowering and the wellbeing and flowering of the collective. Rudolf Steiner called this capacity moral intuition. However, because of our temperament our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from inner knowing and our essential interdependence with all life, and we may unconsciously capitulate to, or reject, authority that seems to “know” or others guidance in general.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent inner guidance, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about choices and purpose. We’ll see that our lives have an inherent and natural evolution, through which we are grown, when we relax completely into being, serenely awake to each moment of self, other and reality, and participate with all of it.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience interconnectivity and inner guidance without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of worthlessness, inadequacy, anxiety, harm from outer guidance, and being unsupported by a lack of outer guidance
  • Regain receptivity to seeing “the way,” and excitement about purpose
  • Release fear and resistance to others’ journeys, and experience new ways to invite them to trust their path
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block trust, faith and participation
  • Examine thoughts that promote anxiety and ungroundedness
  • Precisely Illuminate the devotion and courage in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in grounded presence
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Companionship, Trust and Guidance

Module 10: A Life of Infinite Gratitude & Fulfillment
Embodying the Delight & Causeless Joy That Actualizes Potential (January 19)


“There’s a bankruptcy that is pure gain. The moon stays bright when it does not avoid the night. A rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorn.” ~ Rumi

“There are treasures, and there are imitations of treasures. If you have lost your true gold, at least turn away from the glitter.” ~ Jennifer Welwood

Actualizing the Gifts of Type Seven:

Every particle, atom and molecule in existence is part of infinity, and probably has an infinity of possible ways it could continue in the next moment. There is an inherent freedom and hope nothing is static. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says that everything is in dynamic motion every moment that the stillness is the moment. Confucius said that if we want to be constantly happy we must become the friend of change, because change is the only constant there is. Thus we are never really stuck. This includes each of us. When embodied, we experience sheer delight in the inherent joy that has no reason, and needs no reason. We feel the fullness of being complete gratitude for getting to experience whatever we experience. Our cups runneth over. However, because of our temperament, our childhood and life experiences or our cultural environment we may have learned to mistrust, avoid and disconnect from this happiness and joy that is causeless, and starved of its life-giving elixir we may seek pleasure or stimulation outside of ourselves in ways that can never restore us to the real delight and freedom.

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent joy and celebration of possibility, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about hopefulness and positivity. We’ll experience there is a natural creativity for each moment that arises when we relax into profound gratitude and treasure the blessings of each moment.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience joy and hope without fear
  • Heal childhood experiences of hopelessness and despair
  • Regain trust in our capacity to open to new possibilities
  • Release fear and resistance to others’ happiness, rejoicing and ingenuity, and experience new ways to partner with them
  • Discover somatic, emotional and cognitive patterns that block emergence and fruition
  • Examine thoughts that promote being scattered, grasping and escaping
  • Precisely Illuminate the abundance in our shadows
  • Discern new pathways of relating to others when we are installed in causeless joy
  • Contact Reality and The Divine as Boundless Creativity and Fulfillment

Module 11: The Awakened Life & the Authentic Embodiment of Our True Nature
Love, Wisdom & Presence in Action Every Moment (February 9)


By the final module, we’ll have engaged deeply and consistently with three-centered awareness and practices that unmask our blind spots, open up multidimensional awareness and differentiations and nuances of growth, and support transformation and awakening. We will have created more possibility that our internal structures and inner terrain are more available to embodying love, wisdom and presence in every moment. Living with the implications of this is a journey of profound change. We come together in this culminating module to open more fully to integration.

We will explore, practice and dialogue together about:

  • Themes of integration
  • Challenges of integration
  • Ongoing practices
  • Personal stories of change and challenges
  • Self-care
  • Service
  • Surrender
  • The meeting of the vertical axis and horizontal axis in daily life
  • The mystery...

The Experiential Enneagram Bonus Collection

In addition to Jessica’s transformative 11-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

In Their Own Voices: The Types Speak
Audio Recording From Jessica Dibb and Voices of the Enneagram


This original audio recording has been created in honor of this course. Three people of each Enneagram type share what has been the the most powerful transformational impact for their lives because of working with the Enneagram. Listening to the voices of that type, using their own language to describe significant change, brings us a visceral sense of the journey of that type.

The Enneagram, Gurdjieff & the Diamond Approach: Differentiations & Essential Logos
Audio Session With Renowned Enneagram Expert Russ Hudson


Russ Hudson’s brilliance as a scholar and teacher of the Enneagram and Consciousness is recognized all over the world. Among many other sources of study and practice, Russ has done extensive study with the Gurdjieff Work, the Enneagram and the Diamond Approach with his teacher Hameed Ali. In this original and unique conversation, he will share some of the lineage and trajectories of his own path, his ongoing study and learning, and how it has contributed to his personal development and his teaching. As we hear about the differentiations of these different courses of study, the linkages and complementary pathways, and the essential thread of truth that runs through them, we can be informed about new ways to approach our own study, practice and growth. This is a fascinating conversation about “The Path,” and dedication, discernment and development.

Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He is also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He has been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is also co-author of The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, Personality Types, Understanding the Enneagram, Discovering Your Personality Type and The Power Of The Enneagram. Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.

"Depth" Awakening Through the Enneagram: A Transformational Journey of Dissolving Ego Through the Triad of Essence, Relationships & the Great Work Which Goes Against One’s Nature
Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Russ Hudson


Discover the infinite map of the Enneagram toward real possibilities of awakening, enlightenment, collective creativity and emergence in the 21st century during this profound session with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb.

When you are fully present, especially at a birth or death, you realize what matters most in life... experiencing love, liberation from inner blocks and the embodiment of your unique gifts. The Enneagram shows you beautifully and precisely how to work with the interwoven pathways of essence, relationships and the deepest shadow of your inner structure.

During this profound session with Jessica, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to work with these three powerful pathways together
  • How to redirect the energy of our egoic/defensive structures toward awakening
  • How to live each moment fully expressing your true nature, sharing your gifts and loving completely
  • The surge of “collective creativity and functioning” that is so needed at this time in our evolution

3 Centers Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb


Your orientation to life and each moment is profoundly impacted by your ability to be present in each of the three centers body, heart and head. In this special session, you will be guided through a potent meditation that cultivates awareness and consciousness in each center and its various gifts and capacities. As you learn to do this and to increase the communication and integration of the centers, the strengths of your types can function more radiantly unimpeded by unconscious habits and reactions. Your gifts are then infused with greater vibrancy, enabling them to more ongoingly participate in, and contribute to, Reality.

What People Are Saying About Jessica Dibb...

There are many ways of teaching and transmitting spiritual and psychological wisdom, and I feel Jessica is a great master of experiential teaching. Jessica... is a superb guide and support for people’s inner processes, as well as a brilliant designer of experiential exercises and practices. Jessica does not do anything half-heartedly, and I am certain she will take you on an extraordinary journey of soul restoration, real emotional breakthroughs, and profound self-discovery.
Russ Hudson, Co-founder of the Enneagram Institute

Jessica Dibb brings to the work of personal development a compassionate, warm hearted, and steady stance that makes it possible for her to benefit us with her deep knowledge and moving and life enhancing experiential exercises. Her insight and awareness also foster her outstanding work. You can count on Jessica to contribute significantly to your life and well-being. I recommend her without reservation.
David Daniels, MD, Co-Founder of The Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT)

[Jessica is] a passionate and knowledgeable teacher of the many benefits that the Enneagram can have in our daily lives. I came away more aware of how knowing my type can help me live a better life, but more importantly, how knowledge of all the types can lead to deep personal fulfilment.
Sally, England

[Jessica] shared from the fullness of her being with a generosity of spirit, and we are all uplifted and expanded, not only from the specific teachings, but from the way in which they are delivered...
Linda Lubin, Redding, Connecticut

The course showed me aspects of the Enneagram that I hadn’t yet seen, and I’ve been familiar with the Enneagram for years.
Aita, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wonderful, talented speakers who open the pathways for much more compassion with all the different types as well as integrating behaviors of other types in ourselves! Wonderful tools for inner growth work.
Bettina, Denmark

The course allowed me to see my own patterns at a deeper level. That noticing generated motivation to relate to others from my essence, instead of from my patterns. It also allowed me to help my clients do the same.
Alejandra Siroka, San Francisco, California

Whereas many Enneagram teachers seem to polarize the aspects of a particular type into "good" or "bad" traits, this course was different. This course helped to get a broad picture of everything. All was included, all was accepted, which was the Truth of who we really are. By seeing that there is nothing to "fix," things naturally evolve on their own. Thank you for this beautiful course.
Barbara, Asheville, North Carolina

Join the Global Community


The Experiential Enneagram not only offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you learn to open your mind and expand your paradigm of reality.

This international community is at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Eleven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Jessica Dibb

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with renowned Enneagram teacher Jessica Dibb from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential. Course sessions are on Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific.


Eleven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on any connected device and at your convenience.


Eleven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Eleven 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Online Community group allows you to connect with each other to find alternative times to interact.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.


Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students and get access to additional resources to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Experiential Enneagram Bonus Collection

  • In Their Own Voices: The Types Speak
    Audio Recording From Jessica Dibb and Voices of the Enneagram
  • The Enneagram, Gurdjieff & the Diamond Approach: Differentiations & Essential Logos
    Audio Session With Renowned Enneagram Expert Russ Hudson
  • "Depth" Awakening Through the Enneagram: A Transformational Journey of Dissolving Ego Through the Triad of Essence, Relationships & the Great Work Which Goes Against One’s Nature
    Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Russ Hudson
  • 3 Centers Meditation
    Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Experiential Enneagram Virtual Training

We feel honored that Jessica Dibb has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with respected consciousness teacher, breathwork trainer and Enneagram teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering practices are helping us heal and awaken ourselves, our partners and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Jessica’s incredible teachings and experiential exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about freeing yourself from your deepest limitations and embodying the truest gifts of your soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

About Jessica Dibb


Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director and principal teacher of the Inspiration Community School, an integral consciousness school dedicated to promoting personal, relational and planetary wellness. Over the past two decades, she has designed and facilitated unique workshops, classes and ongoing experiential trainings which are grounded in a highly integrated model of psycho-spiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.

Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward. Using Integrative Breathwork, psychodynamic principles, the Enneagram and established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment, using methods which combine attunement, psychodynamic principles, intuition and physical sensation. She teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching Integrative Breathwork and the Enneagram at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for several years. Jessica also is the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) and current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee. She is a founding member of the board of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for challenging social issues of our time. She was one of the co-hosts for The Shift Network’s Breathwork Summit in 2012, as well as the host of their Enneagram Global Summit from 2014-2016. Jessica is the weaver and visionary behind Omega’s annual conference: Breath Immersion: From Science to Samadhi (at the Omega Institute).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers. You can also use Skype to connect to MaestroConference at no charge, and we offer a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

I have never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, MA

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is November 3, 2016. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we'll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we'll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
