An Online Course
With Relationship Expert and Author of The Queen’s Code
Alison Armstrong
An 8-module On-demand Audio Training

Access the secret code to understand men and receive the respect, devotion and honor you desire.

Discover simple, powerful approaches for MUTUALLY fulfilling relationships with men that will enliven and empower YOU.


Are your relationships still challenging, in spite of all the work you’ve done on yourself?

Or does it feel as though that special someone to share your life with just isn’t out there?

If you’re like most women who want to live life more consciously, you’ve gotten stronger, wiser and more liberated over the years. You may have an exciting career, a deep inner life, and a community of women friends you love.

You may also be wondering if there are AVAILABLE, conscious men in the world...

Even when you find a “good one,” things can go sour...

Over time, he’s less generous, communicative and loving. He “tunes you out” more often and maybe has bursts of anger or frustration.

Slowly but surely the relationship withers, no matter how hard you try to make it work.

So you cast a wider net more dates, a better online profile, more hope that around the next corner you’ll find The One.

You may have a detailed list of what you’re looking for in your soul mate and visualize this person every day. You may do everything you can to make yourself attractive for that prospective soulmate. The goal becomes simply to “find him.”

However, that approach misses a crucial part of the equation, which is the subtle signals and ways of relating that may be pushing away your potential Beloved or even slowly turning him into a frog, rather than a Prince, once you’ve found him.

In Living The Queen’s Code with Alison Armstrong, relationship expert and author of The Queen’s Code, you can have a real breakthrough in your relationships with men opening you to the kind of partnership you’ve dreamed of.

Alison Armstrong playfully refers to the signals that lead things to go awry as “Frog Farming.” These are the times you unwittingly engage with men in ways that bring out their worst, causing them to become guarded, less availableand less loving.


While it may seem that this is occurring because you’re merely with the wrong guy, the words you use, the tone of your voice and other subtle signals would probably affect the “right guy” similarly. Rather than open up to you, he, too, would build a wall.

In fact, because men’s brains are wired differently than women’s the very things that might bond women together such as excitedly talking and laughing together can trigger defensiveness and a shutdown in men.

The same is true of specific word choices. As you’ll discover in Living the Queen’s Code, there is what Alison calls the “Language of Heroes,” words that instinctively call forth the gallant, noble and generous parts of a man. All it takes is knowing the cues and you can open whole new possibilities.

Another area women are challenged is in how we interpret male behavior. Too often, we assume men think and feel and therefore should behave the way we do!

When a man comes up short whether it’s lack of cleanliness, consideration or emotional availability we start turning him into a “fixer-upper” project, grooming him to be “better” in the ways that are in alignment with what we would do. The problem is we then run against a man’s natural patterns. And this leads to resistance and defensiveness.

As we learn the actual biology and psychology that make men different than women, we see them through new eyes. We understand that by calling forth a man’s natural strengths he will become kinder, more generous and more available.

This applies not only to romantic partners but to all men. When you understand their operating system, they naturally give you what you are wanting from them in a spirit of generosity.

You can finally relax into being YOU... and feel seen and appreciated.


As you apply The Queen’s Code, men start to let down their guard and protect, support and honor you because they’re no longer protecting themselves.

Living the Queen’s Code is all about understanding what makes men tick and knowing how to engage and elicit the latent nobility in a man. It’s about doing the subtle but important things that grow Princes (and Kings), while you stand in your own power.

It’s a whole new paradigm of relating that’s mutually empowering. The real secret of The Queen’s Code is you stand FULLY in your power as a modern, conscious, amazing woman AND elicit the best in men.

As you do, you become more radiant, relaxed and loving. You experience the benefits of men wanting to truly make you happy. Men have a natural reverence for women and an instinct to honor us, IF we can understand and help to create the dynamic in which that natural instinct is encouraged to arise.

Learning The Queen’s Code involves shifting your mindset, language and behaviors in subtle but important ways. When you finally unlock the code, the door opens wide to a fulfilling relationship with a man that adores you and that you equally adore.

Living the Queen’s Code also makes you more magnetic to all the things you want to create in your life because you’re more naturally embodying your feminine Self. Your relationships with men on the job, in your community and in your extended family also improve, often dramatically.

The Queen’s Code represents a new wave of feminism that allows you to be delightfully feminine as well as totally empowered.


When you join Alison’s special online program, you’ll have a chance to journey through the amazing story of The Queen’s Code which istold as a riveting tale of transformation with the author herself, guiding you through each chapter and revealing the backstory and taking you deeper into the core insights.

During the program, we will create a real sisterhood (and welcome in some men as well!) laughing, speaking our truths, sharing our sagas, and embarking on a whole new way of relating.

Alison is SO looking forward to this journey, a chance to share the many dimensions of The Queen’s Code that didn’t make it into the book, while also offering you a chance to deepen into practices in the book that apply to you.

During the 8 modules of the program, you’ll learn:

  • To embrace what it means to be a feelings-based organism and learn how to use those feelings powerfully
  • How to understand the male “operating system ” and what makes it different from the way women operate.
  • Why curiosity about men will get you further than making assumptions
  • How to start asking for what you need in a way that inspires
  • How your expectations of other people can damage your self-esteem
  • Why the protector and provider archetypes are so important to men (and how to work with them rather than against them)
  • How emasculation and objectification trigger each other
  • Why even subtle complaints can turn a man who would naturally protect you into someone who is defended and remote
  • How simple shifts in word choices to the “Language of Heroes” can call forth the best in men

Alison Armstrong has become one of the most globally renowned relationship experts for a reason she’s brilliant, delightful and she’s done her research. The insights from The Queen’s Code have been proven to work for thousands of women who are now far happier in their relationships with men (and many have the partnerships of their dreams!).

During the course, you’ll have many “ah-ha’s” about the often subtle reasons WHY things may have been challenging for you with men and how you can turn them around.

You’ll emerge with a real shift in your understanding of men, relationship, empowerment, and how to attract (and grow) the relationship of your dreams.

Note that while the content of this course is geared to women, adventurous and curious men are welcome to participate as well!

What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules

In this 8-part training, Alison will guide you through The Queen’s Code, which reveals the secret code to understanding men, and offers a sacred code of honor for women. It shows women how to get what they need from men while also respecting themselves and men. It transforms the way women relate to men and teaches them to enhance their relationships and their results by using “The Language of Heroes” with a powerful, inspiring attitude.

Alison Armstrong is a storyteller, and believes in the extraordinary educational, transformational and healing moments available through fiction. Participants will be taken behind the scenes, deeper into the engaging characters and lessons of The Queen’s Code, which is included in your registration. Each session includes an hour of clarification and additional material from Alison, followed by a half-hour Q&A, when she’ll act as your encyclopedia of men and women.

Ideally, participants will read the corresponding chapter of The Queen’s Code ebook before each session. While geared toward women, men seeking to understand the 21st century woman and what she’s struggling with are more than welcome!

Module 1: Revelations (Recorded October 18)


What if there’s a single source underlying your struggles and heartache with men? Through eight diverse and surprising characters, reveal your own beliefs about men and relationships. Discover what you are willing to risk to understand men and women.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Find out the mysterious process by which this story revealed itself to the author
  • Learn how to use the eight characters of The Queen’s Code to see your blind spots about yourself and the opposite sex
  • Be provoked and inspired to engage in your own self-reflection: to articulate what you need in relationships; what you can’t live without; and how your own strategies and dreams conflict
  • Begin questioning what you believe about men, trust and communication
  • Decide if you’re going be the kind of woman who turns Frogs into Princes, or keeps turning Princes into Frogs

Module 2: The Journey Begins (Recorded October 25)


As Karen and Kimberlee (in The Queen’s Code ebook) embark on their journey to understand men, they find out what’s at the source of their frustration, anger, hurt and disappointment with men. And yet, like real women, it’s hard to let go... yet, it seems we have no better alternative.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the effects of your inherited point-of-view in every interaction and relationship in your life
  • Find out how your expectations of other people damage your self-esteem
  • See how female instincts compel us to contort, suppress and conceal the essence of who we are, while driving us to exhaustion
  • Begin to confront the fundamentals of being a Frog Farmer: a woman who brings out the worst in men

Module 3: Hatpins, Stilettos & Swords (Recorded November 1)


Without consciously choosing to do so, every woman learns to emasculate men. It seems like the ultimate way to regulate, train and motivate them, while protecting ourselves from unchecked testosterone. Our culture condones, even promotes, emasculation. But what if it’s causing men to respond to women in the exact opposite way we really want and need?

In this session, you’ll:

  • Find out which Queen’s Code character you most resemble in your approach to emasculation are you stealthy or nuclear? Cancerous or hit-and-run?
  • See the short- and long-term effects of emasculation in your relationships
  • Discover how you emasculate more than men including other women and yourself
  • Learn how emasculation and objectification trigger each other
  • Explore the four layers of protection against criticism
  • Find out if you’re ready to lay down the sword and take on being in partnership with men, women and your best self

Module 4: Liberation & Illumination (Recorded November 8)


If criticism and complaining never motivate men, what does? In The Queen’s Code ebook, as Claudia teaches Kimberlee and Karen the first word in “The Language of Heroes,” you’ll begin challenging your ability to receive from men. You’ll also find out what’s at the heart of every man.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Embrace what it means to be a feelings-based organism and learn how to use those feelings powerfully
  • Learn to focus on the result instead of the process and end up with more of what you need
  • Find out what you should be taking personally, and never do
  • Start asking others for what you need in a way that inspires and appreciates
  • Zero in on how men are already taking care of you in ways that you may have never noticed

Module 5: Pumpkin Hours to Desserts (Recorded November 15)


From the very beginning of The Queen’s Code story, Kimberlee is terrified of talking to Claudia about sex. In this module, you’ll sympathize with her squirming while Mike and Karen articulate what sex provides in a long-term relationship, as they learn about Delicious Sexual Partnerships. And then you’ll share in Kimberlee’s healing as Claudia reveals what she’s always known.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Examine your own attachment to wanting sex in order to have it
  • Begin to articulate what sex provides for you, in every context
  • Learn the variety of “Jump Starts” we’ve discovered in men and women
  • Explore your own Pumpkin Hours, whether they be daily, seasonal or circumstantial
  • Validate what you need to be happy to receive and provide sexual attention

Module 6: The Breaking Point (Recorded November 29)


All of the information and attitude adjustments revealed in The Queen’s Code thus far lead Karen and Kimberlee up to this point. Finally, they learn how men relate to their needs as well how men relate to their own needs. This knowledge gives them the key to receiving their Heart’s Desire, without having to deserve it first.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the easiest ways to translate your needs into clear and compelling requests
  • Find out the top 3 things that will prevent a man from providing for you
  • Begin making deals that transform your daily life into a source of joy and empowerment
  • Confront the most important question you can ask yourself and your partner

Module 7: Beyond the Damsel in Distress (Recorded December 6)


Our friends can break our hearts, too. In this chapter of The Queen’s Code, as Kimberlee and Karen learn two more words in “The Language of Heroes,” Kimberlee discovers how far she has come from being a very successful Frog Farmer. Transformed to her core, the chasm between her and her best friend comes to a dramatic conclusion.

In this session, you’ll:

  • See where you set people up to lose by not asking for help soon enough
  • Come to terms with a predictable lecture that you likely give to men
  • Begin recognizing who in your life is “Yes, what?” to your needs
  • Learn where “Accountability” is sucking the life out of you
  • Examine your own relationship to men being emasculated

Module 8: The Soul of a Man (Recorded December 13)


In this final session, see if you can recognize the soul of a man. Are you willing to honor who they want to be for you? Claim your own growth and accomplishments as Queen’s Code characters Claudia, Karen and Kimberlee step into the next adventures of their lives.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn how to sort your accountabilities so you feel energized and empowered
  • Confront your own challenges with the sixth word in “The Language of Heroes”
  • Notice the heroes in your life in events big and small.
  • Acknowledge how you have transformed your life and relationships with men
  • Share your victories with Alison
  • Take on what’s next for you in living the Queen’s Code of Honor

The Living the Queen’s Code Bonus Collection

In addition to Alison’s transformative 8-part virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Queen’s Code
Ebook by Alison Armstrong With Videos


Learn the words. Shift your perception. Transform the way you see yourself and men. It’s fun. It’s fascinating. And it will change your life. Imagine learning the words that speak to the heart of a man and move him to act on your behalf... Imagine that a simple shift in your perception of men can cause a dramatic increase in their love and admiration for you. Whether you got here out of fear or frustration, hope or encouragement, The Queen’s Code journey will be rewarding for you. Enjoy cracking the code on men!

The Appreciation Equation
2.5 Hour Audio Course From Alison Armstrong


Do you have anyone in your life that appears stubborn? Resistant? Hard to work with? Or are you the one that’s lost your passion and energy for your work or relationship? In this recording of a live teleclass, Alison will teach you the predictable outcomes of the Appreciation Equation and how to use that knowledge to cause more joy, satisfaction, cooperation and productivity.

Healing Your Heart, Restoring Your Honor
2.5 Hour Audio Course From Alison Armstrong


When a woman’s feelings are hurt and never healed, she withdraws from life, love (and usually sex) bit by bit. When the masculine, in a woman or man, is dishonored it creates a compelling need to prove something that is never satisfied. Both injuries to the masculine and feminine can create insatiable needs for approval, attention, love, sex, even food. These insatiable needs can “hijack” your life. Noble Healing has the ability to fill in those places in our hearts and souls, and completely heal the wounds we carry. The result: an open space to be yourself, free from proving and self-protection. Your life can return to being a natural, unfolding expression of your essence, your beauty and your genius.

What Graduates ofLiving the Queen’s Code Are Saying...

This class was awesome! Great material that no one else teaches... I am using the material and what I’ve learned at work, and practicing it with all men. I see a difference in how my boss is responding to me already, and I am giving better "green light" messages to men I am interested in dating. The best investment!
Bette, New York, New York

I’m happier than I have ever been in my life and my relationship feels new and young. I’m 62 years old and have been married 22 years. I feel like we are newlyweds only better. This course helped me to partner more powerfully with my husband, and thereby have two empowered people in an extraordinary partnership.
Bettymae, Dallas, Texas

This course took me to a whole new level... My partner and I have found yet more and deeper levels of understanding than either of us expected. I strongly recommend this course to anyone who wants to look at Alison’s material in a new light.
Lisa Marie Gaudreau, Alberta, Canada

This course brings understanding and hope for a better future in relationships between men and women. It brings what this world was hoping for in order to put an end to the gender war that has been going on for so long. In that sense, I would suggest Alison Armstrong’s name for the Nobel Prize of Peace.
Sylvie Dubuc, Montreal, Canada

Allison’s work inspires us to take all of our relationships to the next level... From adversarial and human animal survival focused to human spirit and partnership focused. I highly recommend her work to all women and men who are seeking a new possibility in all of their human relations.
Ingrid, Los Angeles, California

Alison Armstrong’sThe Queen’s Code and her comprehensive work on understanding men and women is the very best resource I have encountered for healing our planet through healing our relationships. So wish I’d known and benefitted years ago.
Anonymous, Orange County, California

If you’re a man, this course is an unprecedented opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of women. you’ll leave with a deeper insight and understanding of our differences. It opens the door to partnership.
Chuck, Novato, California

The benefit of participating inLiving the Queen’s Code for me is a complete shift in my perception... This, in turn, has given me the freedom to honor and love myself as never before. I’m in love with life, and with possibility.
Julie, Alpena, Michigan

It’s completely changed my relationships with men... I feel this information could transform the world because it helps us understand one another and provide a space for deeper appreciation. It makes me want to celebrate men and always look for the good in each one of them. So much gratitude for this wisdom! Thank you Alison!
Kristie, Phoenix, Arizona

The information and experience has been provocative and transforming for me personally and a wonderful resource in my counseling practice.
Judith Roark, West Friendship, Maryland

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Eight 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Alison Armstrong

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from transformational relationship expert Alison Armstrong from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to crack the code with understanding men.


Eight PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Living the Queen’s Code Bonus Collection

  • The Queen’s Code
    Ebook by Alison Armstrong With Videos
  • The Appreciation Equation
    2.5 Hour Audio Course From Alison Armstrong
  • Healing Your Heart, Restoring Your Honor
    2.5 Hour Audio Course From Alison Armstrong

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Living the Queen’s Code Virtual Training

We feel honored that Alison Armstrong has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a relationship educator and advocate whose powerful insights and pioneering work helps us heal and empower ourselves, our relationships and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Alison’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about transforming your relationships so you can stand in your power, while also inspiring men to be their most noble and loving selves, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Queen’s Code or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Alison Armstrong...


We are not born knowing the secrets to a long, happy relationship. Fortunately, Alison Armstrong has dedicated her life to this! In always humorous and easy to understand ways, she reveals how men and women can understand each other, resulting in relationships filled with love, satisfaction and contentment. (And who doesn’t want that!) Quit trying to figure this out on your own run, don’t walk to her next workshop. I promise you will be glad you did.
Arielle Ford, Author of The Soulmate Secret and Wabi Sabi Love


Alison Armstrong has created the most original life-changing content on the planet, it literally saved my life. Who knew that understanding men and women in the process could be the catalyst for peace and a sense of safety in my life I had been yearning for. If you want to create a life of possibility for you, and the whole planet, seek out Alison’s material, there is literally nothing better out there.
Jennifer McLean, Author Speaker, Healer, Host of Healing With The Masters


Alison’s deep understanding and love of men moved me to a whole other level of clarity and peace about a gender that has confounded me for a long time. I feel like the wool has been pulled from my eyes and I can see men in a new and more loving way.
Alanis Morissette, Singer-songwriter


Alison Armstrong is the real deal. I don’t know anyone else who understands men and women the way that Alison does. She has directly impacted my life and helped me take my relationship from awesome to OUTSTANDING! I love her so much!
Mastin Kipp, CEO and Founder of The Daily Love


Every woman, young or not, married or not, in a romantic relationship or not should have this information. There is no chance for relationships with men if we do not change our paradigm. This is the most powerful paradigm shifter I have ever found on this regard.
Monica G.
I have been doing "inner work" for many many years. How to have the grandest of loves was something I still struggled with. Alison’s understanding of both men and women is astounding... I feel so grateful to have found her and feel like I am on my way to the greatest love of all!
Alice B.
Being a graduate of all of Alison Armstrong’s core curriculum, I loved how The Queen’s Code book brings pieces of each workshop back into mind and knits all of the information together so beautifully in a story that wraps you up so much you don’t want to put it down! It is a great introduction to being a Queen and truly changing your life and your relationships!
Sabrina Barella

My husband had been telling me for years how best to communicate with him. It was not until I readThe Queen’s Code that I fully understood what he had been telling me. My husband and I have had many conversations since I began reading this book. We are about to celebrate 21 years of marriage, and I am glad this book has opened all my senses to truly appreciate the hero my husband truly is. Thank you with deepest gratitude. My life has really changed as a result of The Queen’s Code.
Ande M.

When I meet people having trouble in relationships, I talk about The Queen’s Code book. The Queen’s Code helps women see their preconceptions of men and how that has been working... They learn men are not misbehaving and truly want to provide everything a woman wants.
Scott Gurnee

About Alison Armstrong


Alison Armstrong, author, educator and creator of the widely acclaimed Queen’s Code workshop series and book that ask the question: "What if no one is misbehaving including you?" She explores the good reasons behind the behavior of men and women, such as fundamental differences in the ways we think, act and communicate. She offers simple, partnership-based solutions to improve our communication and intimacy by honoring ourselves and others. Alison is known for her insight, sense of humor and ability to articulate the human experience and predicament of gender.

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A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we'll be happy to help!

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