With Intuitive Healer and Trainer
Wendy De Rosa
A 7-module On-demand Video Training

Discover how to stop taking on other people’s energy, create and maintain your energetic boundaries, and reset your emotional center.

Connect with your empathic power by ‘detoxifying’ your chakras and your entire energy system.

Build a foundation for your intuitive healing gifts and expand your ability to embody your Divine light.


Do you “feel” other people’s energy?

Do you sense when those around you are stressed, upset, or in need... and even find you take on their energy?

You might also “merge” with others out of love or in seeking intimacy...

As an overly empathic person, you may also feel pulled by the tremendous shifts happening on the planet and take in these energies as well.

Some of the physical and emotional symptoms of taking on other people’s energy are stress, agitation, overwhelm, or depletion even depression, digestive issues, or physical illness can manifest.

In the past, you may have felt you were “too sensitive” maybe you heard this from others as well? but the fact is you simply haven’t learned to maintain your energetic boundaries and clear the blocks in your energy body to be able to manage the energy coming at you, so you tend to absorb it.

In fact, as an empath, you may take on other people’s energy as a way to help them or calm them down, not realizing the damage it is doing by allowing them to ground through you.

Yet, clearing your chakras or reinforcing your auric field is not enough to shift this life-long pattern. You have to detoxify...

... resetting your entire energy body from within, and turning your attention to deep nurturing of your own energy system.

This is the most profound experience of self-love.

And, these are the essential building blocks for establishing a formidable, energetic grounding that allows you to stay connected to yourself while moving through your day and interacting with others.

Setting Energetic Boundaries & Grounding Into Your Power

Most likely you were raised in a time when parents did not know how to raise intuitive children. And now you have an opportunity to “reparent” your energy system and reprogram your mind so that you’re empowered rather than overwhelmed by your sensitivity.

It’s also likely you were raised in an environment where it wasn’t OK for you to be YOU... and there isn’t enough life force at the base of your spine to give your body a proper energetic foundation to be in the world as an empath.

If you’re overly empathetic, it can show up in different ways in your energy system.


Once you begin to detoxify your chakras and replenish your energy stores, many of these physical symptoms begin to resolve and your sense of YOU returns...

Clearing out old wounds and blocks, your system can finally receive the life-force energy it needs for you to thrive as an empowered,empathic human being.

Plus, when you can ground and connect to Self and the Divine, boundaries become clear and almost effortless. You’re no longer leaking your power or flailing in your sense of Self.

You are able to fully inhabit your energy body.

In this new training with leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, you’ll learn all of this and much more!

Transform Your Empathic Nature Into Powerful, Intuitive Healing Guidance


Your sensitivity is actually a gift.

However, when you’re living with the consequences of not maintaining energetic boundaries and taking on other people’s energy in your chakras, it may not feel like a “gift.”

Yet, as an empath, your ability to sense other people’s energy, can empower you as an intuitive guide healing yourself and others.

When you are anchored in your energy body, you have an innate ability to transmute negative energy into light when others walk into a room, without losing yourself. You can connect intimately and deeply with others, without absorbing their energy.

Tapping into (and trusting) this gift requires clear direction, proven practices, and a safe container, from a skilled mentor attuned to the unique challenges and energy systems of empathic and intuitive, people.

As an overly empathic person, you may have worked with your chakras and done clearings. Yet, healing works in layers, bringing into consciousness new awareness that trigger a new layer to clear.

This new training with Wendy De Rosa, will be a deep, energetic “restructuring,” in which you’ll clear blocks and reparent your younger consciousness (especially ages 0-7). This layer of your being is where your empathic intuition has been wounded or shut down and yearns for nurturing and expression.


When you join Wendy De Rosa for this 7-part program, you’ll:

Create the internal energetic conditions so you no longer absorb other people’s energy Detoxify your energy system of old wounds and blocks Learn the difference between being empathic and overly empathic Recognize upside of emotional and energetic triggers (everything is designed for your healing and transformation) Find a new capacity to speak your truth, which will shift your relationship with others and expand your connection with Source Set vocal boundaries, which is imperative for you as an empath Reparent and love yourself at the most profound level your own energy system Receive guided clearings and de-cord from negative energy Clear your lower chakras, a key to grounding in your energy body, trusting your intuition and expressing your empathic nature Learn to be in the world as a grounded, sensitive, radiant being Attune more and more to your energy body and become a container of Divine Light Create a solid foundation for healing others using your gift of empathy and intuition

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Wendy will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully discover how to stop taking on other people’s energy, create and maintain your energetic boundaries, and reset your emotional center.

The course sessions will each feature a teaching component, a deep guided healing for clearing and diving into your energetic body, and Q&A with Wendy to ask questions or share your experience. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain your heart to access your spiritual gifts.


Module 1: Being an Empath
Your Greatest Challenge & Most Powerful Gift (July 11)


Being an empath is a gift, yet if you’re overly empathic it can feel like a curse. And there are good reasons your energy body absorbs other people’s energy. In this first class with Wendy, you’ll find out why this happens so automatically and what’s occurring in your system as a result of taking on energy from others. You’ll receive practical tools to ground and reset your energetic body plus a guided healing to clear out the energy.

You’ll discover:

  • The difference between being empathic and overly empathic
  • The upside of emotional and energetic triggers (everything is designed for your healing and transformation)
  • The structure and importance of your energetic anatomy
  • The vital role of energy clearing in your lower chakras, in trusting and developing your healthy, empathic intuition
  • A guided practice to clear other people’s energy from your energy body

Module 2: The Root of Your Empathic Nature
Grounding in Your 1st Chakra (July 18)


In this class, you’ll go deeper into your energy system to unravel energy and re-parent parts of you that formed energetically as overly sensitive. Your capacity to heal and develop your empathic intuition rests in grounding in your lower body, where the most vital power resides, influencing the ways you operate in the world.

Ungroundedness is common and often chronic, in overly empathic people who’ve been conditioned to believe “it’s not ok for me to be me” or “it’s not ok for me to be sensitive.” To heal chronic ungrounding, a subconscious “holding” needs to release whatever is blocking trust, safety and fully being in your body.

You’ll discover:

  • An empowered way to be in your body with your sensitivity
  • How grounding and your root system define your energetic anatomy
  • What energy forms in your 1st chakra that shapes you, and affects your very foundation
  • How oversensitivity is a conditioning of early onset of fear and boundary crossing
  • Fear and beliefs you’ve internalized as a result of your empathic nature
  • How to locate your grounding cord and primary connection to the earth

Module 3: Rediscover & Reset Your Emotional Center (July 25)


As an empath, you probably learned it was not acceptable for you to have your feelings and instead, you needed to take care of everyone else. In order to survive family dynamics, the second chakra, your emotional center became conditioned to the energy you absorbed from your caregivers and other people in your life. You either learned to leave your body or your second chakra shut down.

In order to find your emotional center again, you will need to clear out old, unwanted energy held here. In this module you’ll experience deep healing in the second chakra to reset your energetic and emotional center.

You’ll discover:

  • How your emotional boundaries relates to the 2nd chakra
  • How to clear other people’s energies in this area of the body to strengthens your ability to center
  • The role of guilt and shame in over-responsibility and having emotional boundaries
  • A guided practice to change the way you hold yourself in the world and around the energy of others
  • A definition of healthy, empathic intuition

Module 4: Cutting Cords & ‘Detoxing’ Your Solar Plexus (August 1)


Your third chakra is the energy power center that “digests” the world. When grounding is compromised and the second chakra is overly absorbant, the third chakra blows open to feel everything in the room in order to help you navigate your surroundings.

The result, is that your solar plexus area takes in way too much energy, which can be debilitating or at minimum, overwhelming. Your third chakra center needs consistent tending to and clearing. This class will focus on specific ways to release energy, cut negative cords, and strengthen your sense of self and empowerment in this part of your energy system.

You’ll discover:

  • How and why you may be losing yourself around people or “big energy”
  • A way to energetically detox this power center of fear, confusion, and other people’s emotions
  • The key to cutting negative cords with others
  • Your true Self and energetic center, allowing you to operate from clear boundaries
  • A deep, guided healing in your third chakra to detox and reset your personal power

Module 5: Energetic Overwhelm as a Symptom of Spiritual Awakening (August 8)


Anxiety or panic can be a symptom of energetic overwhelm often felt in the chest or Heart Chakra area. However, the heart responds to what’s going on deeper in the body. For this reason, the previous modules address the programming in the lower body that can be precursors for anxiety and sometimes depression.

Yet sometimes, anxiety is a symptom of spiritual awakening. As the heart expands and you are feeling called to something new, it can crack the structure of conditioning around the heart, giving a feeling of anxiety. Yet, there is a deeper part of you that wants to emerge. In this module, you will receive healing to support your soul’s expansion and a release of old conditioning around the heart.

You’ll discover:

  • What underlies racing in the heart, heart callings and panic from a spiritual perspective for empathic people
  • The hidden gifts of taking on the energy of others
  • How to stay “sourced” so you can be a healthy empath in the world
  • The role of your heart in empathic intuition

Module 6: Speaking Your Truth & Setting Vocal Boundaries (August 15)


If a clearing is needed in the second chakra around boundaries, emotions and empathic intuition, your fifth chakra (throat chakra) also needs clearing. The throat chakra is a portal to energy blocks held in your heart and pelvis and lower body. And if you learned it wasn’t okay to feel your feelings, your second chakra holds the suppression of the Self. The throat then holds these unexpressed feelings leaving a congestion of unprocessed fear and emotions from this lifetime and even past lives.

In this module, you’ll experience a powerful energy clearing to unblock your throat chakra and deepen your capacity to speak your truth and set boundaries enhancing your healing and growth as an empath.

You’ll discover:

  • The relationship between the energy blockages in your pelvic area and second chakra and your throat and 5th chakra
  • A guided energy clearing in the throat chakra that empowers you to speak your truth and set clear boundaries to live more in your truth
  • A new capacity to speak your truth, which will shift your relationship with others and expand your connection with Source
  • How vocal boundaries and clearing the air is imperative for you as an empath

Module 7: Stop Making Assumptions & Make Space for Ascension (August 22)


Part of being a healthy empath in the world is to not assume, guess, judge, or even intuit what is going on around you for you to feel safe.

This served to protect the empathic child in you and now the empathic adult needs to heal this pattern in order to stop absorbing the energy of others in your lower body.

You’re being called to a higher awareness of your intuitive gifts and your connection to the Divine. When you de-cord from others and find power in the central channel of your body, consciousness can open in your upper chakras.

This Divine opening is an ascension of the soul and this final class will be an “attunement” to lift any limitations and support you in embodying of your light and healthy empathic intuition.

You’ll discover:

  • A new level of spiritual growth, as a result of lifting the limitations in your mind and your 6th and 7th chakras
  • A shift from stagnant cording patterns in the lower body into an opening to dynamic, vertical, Divine Alignment
  • A deep release of negative thoughts in the upper crown and third eye area
  • You’re no longer living out of old wounds but in alignment with your true gifts and fully occupying your powerful, healthy, intuitive Self

The Energy Training for Empaths Bonus Collection

In addition to Wendy’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Guided Healing on Connecting to Your Inner Child
Audio Recording From Wendy De Rosa


Your inner child is a form of your intuition, and yet, there are blocks that prevent your inner child to be felt and heard. Why is this important? Because the struggles you may have in acting out, doubting yourself, allowing yourself to have or not have, etc, have to do with unmet needs of the inner child. Clearing what may be blocking the inner child’s needs or connecting to those needs can be powerfully shifting. Inner child clearing can be very healing if you are struggling with:

  • Deprivation of love and self-love
  • Negative self talk
  • Lack mentality
  • Low self worth
  • Fears of being vulnerable
  • Insecurity or uncertainty
  • Chaos or confusion
  • ... Just to name a few

Inner child clearing can also help you with your clarity of SELF and your intuition. This guided healing will take you on a deep journey into energy clearing around connecting to your inner child.


Grounding Meditation
Audio Meditation From Wendy De Rosa


Wendy De Rosa presents a guided meditation, giving you hands-on practices that will help you create a solid foundation for energetic clearing. Wendy walks you gently through a complete clearing of the chakra system and the energetic body. Through your relaxation and your breath, you can release stuck energy or emotional congestion you may be holding from the day. It’s beneficial to do in the morning to prepare you for your day or in the evening to help you unwind.


Are You an Empath? How to Stop Taking on the Energy of Others
Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa


Are you an empath? Do you take on the energy of others or struggle in holding your energetic boundaries? In this video, you’ll discover why this oversensitivity forms, what’s happening in your energetic body, and how to transform blockages so that you can live more empowered in your body.


What Graduates Are Saying About Wendy De Rosa...

“I’m much more centered in my own energy”

Loved this course! Wendy DeRosa is a gifted healer. This course left me feeling expanded and strengthened spiritually. I find I’m much more centered in my own energy and am able to trust my intuition again. This course was a great way to build up a personal practice and I really enjoyed and looked forward to the weekly live calls and guided meditations.
Tricia, Massachusetts

“The course is one of the best things I have participated in...”

I have without question benefitted from taking Wendy’s course through The Shift Network. I’m just turning 35 and have done extensive work in my life to heal in various areas. I could write in detail here but to stay straightforward and be extremely sincere, the course is one of the best things I have participated in and been part of in my life. It has been invaluable and as timing is fitting, I will be continuing studies further with Wendy. Immense gratitude and love.
Rebecca Schanna, Dana Point, California

“Offers unique information I have never encountered anywhere before”

Wendy is the most knowledgeable and experienced intuitive I’ve ever met, and I’ve known dozens. And she offers unique information I have never encountered anywhere before. I was able to relax with her and get the full benefit of the course because I didn’t have any doubts about her expertise.
Veleka Gray, New Orleans, Louisiana

“There has been a great deal of resolution...”

Every module addressed areas that have been problematic and I feel there has been a great deal of resolution in each. Can’t be better than that. I really enjoyed this course and thank you for offering it.
Evelyn, Boca Raton, Florida

“I no longer feel like an alien living on planet Earth”

The easiest way to sum up the benefit I received from this course is I no longer feel like an alien living on planet Earth. I can now identify with this body I’m wearing.
Karen, South Windsor, Connecticut

“The inner changes are already powerful...”

I feel very grateful to have come across this course (by chance?), to Wendy for her so special and generous knowledge, and to The Shift Network to make it (me) possible. The inner changes are already powerful and, better than that, they came to stay.

“You’ll experience peace and a deep feeling of belonging”

This course makes you understand and feel at the same time, from a wider perspective, who you really are... As you progress in healing and in cleansing each energy center, you will feel waves of pure, new energy connecting you with all there is. You’ll experience peace and a deep feeling of belonging. You’ll be home in your heart again and you’ll understand why, a long time ago, you had accepted to forget who you were. God bless you, Wendy.
Simona Dragan, Timisoara, Romania

“I’m looking forward to big changes...”

I totally recommend Wendy’s course as it has benefited me so much and even only through the replays. The healings are most powerful. I felt them very strongly and as I can go back to them whenever it suits me, I’m looking forward to big changes which I feel strongly will happen as I continue to relisten.

“Thank you, Wendy and Shift Network for a great life changing course!”

I’ve been on the spiritual path since my childhood and always felt like I needed to break through some barrier. Wendy’s course gave me the actual tools to do this and the reasons why I had these blocks. She’s a gifted teacher and I will take any course again with The Shift Network that she teaches. If you seriously do the work, you’ll get the reward. Thank you, Wendy and Shift Network for a great life changing course!

“This course explained the answers I’ve been searching for!”

This course explained the answers I’ve been searching for! I am very grateful for this life-changing course.
Trishana, Kilauea, Hawaii


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven recorded 90-minute Class Sessions With Wendy De Rosa

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with intuitive healer and trainer Wendy De Rosa from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video option and guides you to discover the specific skills and abilities to awaken your healing potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning.


The Energy Training for Empaths Bonus Collection

  • Guided Healing on Connecting to Your Inner Child
    Audio Recording From Wendy De Rosa
  • Grounding Meditation
    Meditation From Wendy De Rosa
  • Are You an Empath? How to Stop Taking on the Energy of Others
    Audio Teaching From Wendy De Rosa

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Energy Training for Empaths Virtual Training

We feel honored Wendy De Rosa has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned intuitive healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Wendy’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about building a foundation for your intuitive healing gifts and expanding your ability to embody your Divine light, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Energy Training for Empaths with Wendy De Rosa or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Wendy De Rosa...

“I’m coming home to myself”

I have found [Wendy’s] work extremely helpful. I have periods of releasing anger, frustration as well as sadness and joy. The grounding work continues to be invaluable. For the first time in a long time, I’m coming home to myself. I appreciate that Wendy acknowledges the process is not all fairies and light. I’ve learned to value the hurt and anger I carry, as clues about my own barriers to my authentic self and to guide me to areas where I’m carrying judgment and resisting growth. Thank you!
Lor Atk

“The worry and fear I used to carry around with me is gone”

[Wendy’s] training helped me get back on center again. Being able to repeatedly focus on our personal energy and clear out anything that wasn’t serving us and strengthening our grounding cords is just what I needed! I have more balance in life, more confidence, and much of the worry and fear I used to carry around with me is gone. Thank you! Thank you!
Patricia D’auria

“Taken me beautifully through the next level of clearing”

I’ve taken both of Wendy’s courses through The Shift Network, and I want to thank her... Her courses have taken me beautifully through the next level of clearing. I’ve learned so much, seen so much, let go of so much. My spiritual life is much deeper and clearer and I live with more clarity and joy. Thank you, thank you, for her part in this beautiful dance.
Maureen Bush

“The insights have been pouring into me...”

I’ve felt a shift in myself, especially in relation to my inner child. I’m writing a memoir and the insights have been pouring into me, which is due to what I’ve learned from Wendy.

“Profoundly life-changing”

I can only say that what Wendy does is a miracle. The healing work that she has done with me has been profoundly life-changing to say the least. I would recommend Wendy to anyone who is open to making long-lasting changes in his or her life.
A.H., San Francisco, California

“Get to the heart of one’s issues”

In the 10 years since I began doing personal healing work, I have never met anyone with more skill, talent, or integrity than Wendy De Rosa. Wendy is one of the exceedingly rare individuals who is supremely gifted in both the nuts and bolts of creating safe and grounded sessions, as well as in using energy, divine guidance, and psychic abilities to get to the heart of one’s issues.
Jenny C., Brooklyn, New York

“Live a soulful, joyful, and fun life in all areas”

Wendy has helped me remember my spirit and what truly fuels me, which is unshakable by the shakiness and unpredictability of life. She assisted me in allowing the deepest longing for spirit and my heart to live a soulful, joyful, and fun life in all areas and in a variety of ways.

“I have gotten to know my body energetically”

From taking [Wendy’s program], I see the importance of connecting to divine source throughout the day... I have much gratitude for my gifts, commitment to my intuitive knowledge, and noticing how listening and yielding to higher wisdom is deeply fulfilling. I have gotten to know my body energetically and have a deeper appreciation for the support I can feel and sense in the universe.
B.D., Connecticut

“I am so grateful for the guidance”

I am so grateful for the guidance Wendy has given me and would encourage anyone to give themselves the gift of participating in [Wendy’s work], whatever your goal.
Joanne, New York


About Wendy De Rosa


Wendy De Rosa is an internationally respected intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, and author. For the past two decades, she has offered private sessions, education, and training programs for spiritual and personal growth for those wanting to develop their intuition, clear their blocks, and experience personal transformation.

She is the founder of the School of Intuitive Studies and the Intuitive Healer Training Program. Wendy has filmed two programs for’s spiritual growth channel, Soulvana. She is a author whose book, Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing, is an Amazon bestseller.

Wendy is also a contributing author to the bestselling book, Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times, with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and other leaders in personal growth. Her most recent book is Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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