With Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Doctor of
Osteopathic Medicine and Naturopathy & RSME
Brian Siddhartha Ingle
and Co-Founder of Living Somatics, Hanna
Somatic Educator, RSME & BScEd
Gayatri Schriefer

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Explore somatic movement, awakening your chakras and cultivating processes you can return to time and again… to regulate your own health and wellbeing, and bring yourself into a state of rest, repair, and rejuvenation in any circumstance.  


To remain safe over the last 18 months, many of us have isolated ourselves from our loved ones, friends, and colleagues, and disconnected from most of the usual activities that were part of our daily experience.

Anxiety, fear, and insecurity have left many of us in a continuous state of fight, flight, or freeze… disconnected from our own bodies both physical and energetic and we’ve forgotten who we authentically are and how we fit into the world. 

Embodied motion holds an unparalleled power to reopen you and reinvigorate your wellbeing. Are you ready to reclaim your sense of vitality, and wholeness?

Join Gayatri Schriefer and Brian Siddhartha Ingle, founders of Living Somatics, as they guide you through the core strategies and principles of somatic movement

… and share with you how conscious movement, focusing on your internal experience, can help you draw on your body’s innate self-healing ability to balance your energy system, regulate your nervous system, improve your immunity, and achieve inner peace and optimal health.

In Siddhartha and Gayatri’s unique method of Living Somatics, the primary focus is on finding ease and quality within movement the form of the movement is secondary. Their simple yet potent practices will help you recognize and release holding patterns and chronic pain resulting from injury, stress, repetitive strain, and habituated posture.

This transformational course includes both experiential and cognitive wisdom, and will focus on the seven major energy centers (the chakras) along the central axis... dedicating one session to each chakra throughout the seven modules of the program. Each  energy center holds qualities that you’ll learn to enhance and activate in your body and your life.

Combining Somatic Movement & Vedic Astrology for Powerful, Sustained Personal Transformation

In addition to working with the chakras, Gayatri and Siddhartha will bring in aspects of Jyotish (or Vedic astrology) through the use of lunar constellations, sensations, visualizations, and seed mantras.

Each chakra is associated with a planet, two astrological signs, and nakshatras, known as lunar constellations. Your nakshatra, which describes your personality and innate tendencies, is determined by the position of the moon the day you were born.

In each of the course modules, you’ll invoke one of the chakras, and the nakshatras and planet it governs, by embodying the qualities of these heavenly bodies through somatic exploration.

Combining these two approaches allows powerful healing to occur helping you come back to your emotional intelligence and offering you a way to hear the internal feedback in your body more clearly and act accordingly.

You’ll learn to cultivate healthy boundaries, accept and strengthen your sense of self, and accept others as they are.

Through the practices Siddhartha and Gayatri will guide, you’ll find quietude in your body and in your environment, so that stillness is always available to you. You’ll also discover how to balance your energy system, improve your immunity, and regulate your nervous system.

And, because of your increased level of embodiment, you’ll be able to perceive yourself with greater accuracy and clarity, so you can actualize your potential to a higher degree.


In this powerful somatic-movement journey, you’ll discover:

  • The core strategies and principles of somatic movement and how focusing inward can calm and balance your energy and nervous systems
  • How to ignite all 7 energy centers with movement and awareness for a profound personal transformation
  • Ways to embody and understand your ability to self-heal and self-correct, empowering you to regulate your own health and wellbeing
  • How to connect the 7 energy centers to your own felt experience
  • A return to your somatic intelligence  your inner knowing and guide
  • How to listen to the cues in your bodily systems, and use the internal feedback in your everyday life
  • A movement practice for overall health, using the energy center that runs through your spinal cord
  • Ways to create healthy boundaries... to say Yes to what’s good for you, and No to what’s unhealthy
  • How to find the stillness and quietude that resides in both your body and the external world
  • How to perceive yourself with greater accuracy and clarity, so you can better nourish yourself
  • Strategies to heal stored grief so you can find balance and restore emotional freedom and peace
  • How to actualize your potential to a greater degree
  • And much more...

A deep well of self-care, self-love, and natural self-expression awaits you in this golden opportunity to awaken your innate self-correcting mechanism a force that develops in each of us in utero, and heals us throughout our lives.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Siddhartha and Gayatri will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to cultivate somatic-movement practices you can return to time and again... to regulate your own health and wellbeing and live as your most actualized self.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Siddhartha and Gayatri. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to regulate your own health and wellbeing.

Module 1: Open Your First Energy Center for Support, Groundedness & Safety


The base of the root chakra is like a pilot light that fuels the other chakras. It represents our past and how it’s influenced who we are today.

You’ll begin this opening module by connecting with your base chakra. You’ll channel the primordial energy of the Earth to support you... and discover how to embody the qualities of groundedness.

In this somatic-movement lesson, you’ll focus on your feet, lower body, and pelvic floor, exploring the principles of both internal and external support for comfort and natural alignment.

In this session, Siddhartha and Gayatri will guide you to:

  • Ignite your pilot light (root chakra) and perineum through movement
  • Internalize support and grounding from the Earth
  • Own your skeleton and how it functions
  • Balance your base energy center to promote a healthy relationship to material gains
  • Build your sense of independence, stability, and integrity
  • Lean into the wisdom of your ancestors
  • Explore the role of Vedic astrology:
    • With Saturn as the planet for this lesson representing stability, responsibility, and hard work you’ll begin to release what no longer serves you so you can focus on what’s most important
    • With the sign Capricorn which is focused, hard working, and has direction you’ll begin cultivating a solid foundation to build upon
    • The nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada, whose forceful power is awakening within you like an unstoppable electric current

Module 2: Discover Presence & Emotional Intelligence Through the Body


The somatic principle explored in this lesson is about attuning to sensations.

You’ll practice movements that have flowing, innocent, and childlike qualities. As Gayatri and Siddhartha guide you in sacral, hip, and pelvic movements, you’ll be encouraged to welcome and invite the playful, creative parts of yourself... and establish a relationship with them by listening to their voices and needs.

In this session, you’ll discover how to:

  • Move from your pelvis and hips
  • Be sensual and playful while moving
  • Find your somatic center and recognize it as home
  • Welcome and hold space as different parts of yourself emerge
  • Identify your desires and discern what you need to achieve them
  • Strengthen your capacity to express deep emotions
  • Ignite your zest for life and the art of living
  • Understand the role of Vedic astrology:
    • With expansive Jupiter as the planet for this lesson you’ll dive deeply into spirituality, philosophy, expansion, and truth by opening your sacral chakra
    • With the sign Pisces, you’ll focus on peace, comfort, and what it feels like to have all your desires fulfilled
    • The nakshatra is Purva Ashada, where the qualities of receiving, compassion, and connection to the world reside

Module 3: Embody the Fire Element Through the Power Center


The quality of the third energy center is power and autonomy. It’s related to the first house of Vedic astrology… which determines who you are, why you’ve come into the world, and how you want to be seen.

In this session, you’ll practice movements that initiate in your solar plexus to discover the power in your belly, so you can learn how to set boundaries. You’ll tap into your core needs to cultivate an awareness of what you do and don’t want, and when you have an authentic Yes or No.

The somatic principle explored in this lesson is about respecting your natural boundaries in movement moving with integrity and executing the movement with optimal self-organization.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Experience Pratikraman, a forgiveness practice from the Jain religion, to atone for past actions
  • Use movement to connect to your innate nature and why you’re here on this planet
  • Find your power center, learn to set boundaries, and say No when needed
  • Explore the role of Vedic astrology:
    • With the help of Mars as the planet for this lesson representing the qualities of action, willpower, clarity, and courage (the exact qualities of the third chakra) you’ll be inspired to make a change in your life
    • You’ll also be working with the power of the Sun, which provides confidence, self-esteem, ambition, goals, and aspirations, all of which reside in your solar plexus
    • With the sign Aries, you’ll enhance your enthusiasm, industriousness, courage, dynamism, ambition, inspiration, leadership, action-orientation, and pioneering spirit
    • The nakshatra is Mula (or Shakti), which holds the power to ruin, destroy, and break things apart… AND opens you to your shadow side the things you don’t want to see confronting you with the truth about yourself

Module 4: Awaken Your Heart for Love, Peace & Wholeness


In this module, you’ll explore the area of your heart center predominately the energetic heart, but the physical heart, as well. You’ll use movement, touch, sound, and visualization to ignite the heart center.

Considered the home of integration, love, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness, the lower and the higher energy centers meet in the heart region. You’ll learn how to access love the governing force of the universe, and an infinite source of goodness, peace, and wholeness to fuel every area of your life.

Through an embodied-awareness and somatic-movement practice, Siddhartha and Gayatri will guide you to transform anxiety, fear, lack of confidence, and heartlessness into trust and the ability to love yourself and others. You’ll harmonize the cycle of giving and receiving and learn to trust your heart so you can have meaningful and enriched relationships.

The somatic principle explored in this lesson is about honoring your natural limits, learning to stay within a range of comfort and ease, and growing your capacity for self-love and self-honoring.

In this session, you’ll discover how to:

  • Free the chest and release tension in your shoulders and upper back through a somatic-movement practice
  • Experience a loving-kindness meditation, known as Metta
  • Listen to your soma (body-mind) and respect your boundaries through a sustainable movement practice
  • Increase your capacity to meet life from an open, trusting place
  • Heal stored grief so you can find balance and restore emotional freedom and peace
  • Find acceptance, trust, unconditional love, peace, and freedom
  • Embody nonviolence (ahimsa) with yourself, others, and nature
  • Access the power of vulnerability to enhance authentic, lasting connections in your life
  • Experience empathic connection and divine presence
  • Understand the role of Vedic astrology:
    • With Venus as the planet for this lesson representing love, relationships, and relating to others you’ll cultivate a healthy heart chakra and increase your ability to love, communicate, and choose with wisdom the people you want to attract
    • With the sign Libra which represents beauty, the arts, and sensuality you’ll discover how to find peace and maintain harmony with others
    • The nakshatra is Pushya (“nourishing”) and will help you love others unconditionally with an open heart, always wanting to nourish and give

Module 5: Voice Your Divine Expression


In this module, you’ll use somatic movement to release the area of the neck, throat, and jaw… enabling the expression of your divine voice. If this area is blocked, you may lose your communicative power. Speaking up becomes difficult... or you might stop talking altogether.

Liberating the energy center in the area of the throat can reduce soreness in the throat, thyroid problems, hearing issues, and stuttering.

In this module, you’ll start to embody the noble truth of correct speech. To achieve purification at the level of communication, you need to become more aware of your true feelings, thoughts, and intentions… and develop a voice that reflects them. As you learn to calibrate this energy center, you’ll nourish a gentle and elevated way of communicating.

The somatic principle explored in this lesson is about finding your natural expression through movement... honoring your needs and acting in accordance with your sensory feedback.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Experience a vocalizing practice with natural spontaneous movement
  • Identify your authentic inner voice to express your emotions, values, and ideas
  • Learn to guide yourself to higher levels of consciousness
  • Find balance between listening and speaking, silence and expression
  • Explore the role of Vedic astrology:
    • Everything that pertains to the throat chakra relates to the planet Mercury, which represents communication, speaking, writing, and self-expression. With Mercury’s help, we become organized and more structured
    • With the sign Gemini representing the love of learning and sharing what you learn with others, the focus is on your intellect... which helps you debate more effectively with others about your beliefs
    • The nakshatra is Ashwini, which embodies freedom and the vitality of the breath. As you cultivate these qualities, you’ll develop the power to heal and see your life challenges (and their quick solutions) with fresh eyes and humor

Module 6: Ignite Your Intuition Through the Third Eye


In this session, you’ll activate the sixth chakra by freeing the area of the eyes, face, forehead, skull, and neck. This energy center is associated with self-knowledge, intuition, clairvoyance, insight, and devotion.

The third eye represents the spiritual awakening of wisdom and hidden inner powers. By activating the pineal gland (the third eye), you stimulate open-mindedness, clarity, and certainty about your place in the world.

The third eye is also associated with space-time benders, travel into the past and future, telepathy, precognition, and the ability to tune into subtle energies.

The somatic principle explored in this module is about timing.

Siddhartha and Gayatri will help you:

  • Free the muscles of your eyes, neck, and jaw through movement
  • Learn the practice of intuition by working with the third eye
  • Increase your visual thinking process, planning, and abstract thinking
  • Activate your psychic perception and use your imagination to create
  • Understand the role of Vedic astrology:
    • The guiding forces for this lesson are the Sun, which is connected to your soul and the Moon, which represents the mind and the intuition that’s connected to your soul… and can help deepen your capacity to nourish your soma the nectar of life
    • The nakshatra is Revati, where the qualities of endurance, forgiveness, and calm reside you’ll learn to trust your path and your inner guide, and bring your intentions to completion

Module 7: Access Your Higher Self Through the Crown Chakra


In this closing module, you’ll connect all the energy centers you’ve addressed throughout the course and open the seventh center of universal consciousness.

This center has an ethereal, otherworldly feel to it. It enables you to know and feel that you’re connected to all living beings… and that you all come from the same source the unified field.

This center is connected to jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge. In Vedic astrology, it’s related to the 12th house, representing emancipation and renunciation the part of yourself that wants to retreat from the world to be an ascetic, give up the relative existence, come home to your true self, and be secure around physical death and the eventual loss of your body.

The somatic principle explored in this module is about wholeness.

As this course comes to completion, you’ll:

  • Experience a movement practice for overall health, using the energy center that runs through your spinal cord
  • Begin to see Self in others
  • Connect to your true blissful nature
  • Feel how the physical body connects to the energy body
  • Be guided in a meditation on the bioelectric field and the fluid body
  • Connect with Divine Intelligence

The Boost Your Health With Gentle Somatic Practices Bonus Collection

In addition to Siddhartha and Gayatri’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Somatic Movement Summit Panel Series
Selected Audio Dialogues From the 2021 Summit

Dive into more wisdom about the body with these five audio panel discussions hosted by Siddhartha and Gayatri. You’ll gain supplemental insight into how to cultivate your body’s innate intelligence to move with more freedom and ease the secret to youth and vitality.

You’ll receive:

  • How Somatic Practices Enhance Our Lives with Emory M. Moore Jr., Kaila June, and Suresha Hill
  • Looking at Yoga Asana, Meditation & Pranayama From a Somatic Embodied First-Person Viewpoint with Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Orit Sen-Gupta, and Simon Borg-Oliver
  • Embodied Manifestation Power with Jahanavi Schriefer and Marisa Morin
  • The Art of Correcting Scrambled Movement Reflexes (Why We Keep Feeling Stiffness & Pain) with Servaas Mes and Edward Barrera
  • Living the Embodied Life with Linda Evans Delman and Russell Delman

Daily Somatic-Movement Practice: The Cat Stretch
Video Teaching From Gayatri Schriefer and Brian Siddhartha Ingle

In this gorgeous 30-minute video, Gayatri and Siddhartha guide you through a comprehensive somatic-movement practice that addresses your whole body and helps you unwind from stress and tension. You’ll feel yourself transform in the moment as you experience a sequence of simple and easy-to-do movements that will make you feel light and refreshed.


Somatic Yoga Flow
Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle

In this video teaching, Siddhartha shares a practice that’s especially helpful for the yoga student who wants to work with the power of awareness. Combining somatic movements and classical yoga postures, this intelligent movement practice will shift your yoga practice to something additionally authentic and organic. The practice embodies Patanjali's sutra “Sthira Sukham Asanam.” Sthira means steadiness or groundedness, and sukam means ease and comfort all qualities that so many of us yearn for in these challenging times.


What People Are Saying About Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer…


Stephanie Nightingale: “It’s Powerful Work, It’s Beautiful Work, It Feels Good To Do”

Karusia Wroblewski: “Gayatri & Siddhartha Teach Practices That Bring Us Back to the Wholeness That We Are”

Lucia Rodríguez: “Magic Things Happened! I Am Back Running Now Without Pain.”

Cristina Nakano: “I Found a Pathway to Self-Love, Self-Healing, and Joy”

Caroline Orr: “Siddhartha and Gayatri Create Such a Caring and Encouraging Space for Us to Learn”

Bharat Gupta: “The Teachings Have Helped Me to Settle Down and Become More Stable”

“They are able to catalyze a transformation in a person by their example, their presence, and their energy.”

I thank Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer as my teachers, not only in somatic practice, but also in life. They carry a depth of somatic knowledge, somatic living, and experience, and they generously share with all who are willing to join. They share all this with delicacy, with the right word in the moment, with support that is always felt. They are able to catalyze a transformation in a person by their example, their presence, and their energy. They are excellent guides into the world of somatics. I am happy that I was lucky to meet them and have them as my guides.
Helen Schechkova, Clinical Living Somatic Educator, equine practitioner, St.Petersburg, Russia

“Through the practice of Living Somatics, I truly connect to the wholeness of myself and often experience a profound sense of peace.”

What began as a practice to eliminate chronic pain has evolved into a practice that enables me to meet and know myself more deeply. The slow, gentle movements of Living Somatics have led me into hidden corners and abandoned spaces within my body and soul, and brought lightness, movement, and playfulness to them. Through the practice of Living Somatics, I truly connect to the wholeness of myself and often experience a profound sense of peace. I’ve become softer and more open to life’s changing nature and the possibilities that arise in my life. I’ve also grown stronger and more centered, increased my capacity for compassion and loving-kindness toward myself and others, and learned to flow with what is present. Always curious and often surprised by the wonders and truths that reveal themselves in my explorations, I am grateful for the healing and transformative power of this practice and the ability to share it with others.
Kathleen Anderson de Miranda, yoga teacher, Living Somatics Movement Teacher, English communications consultant, Uppsala, Sweden

“They opened the doors to the whole inner, as well as outer, universe for me.”

Living Somatics is the pathway to better self-sensing, wellbeing, and conscious living. When I met the teachers of Living Somatics, little did I know how much my life would change. Not only did it give me relief from pains and previous traumas, but it also gave me a new meaning in life and a strong desire to dedicate myself to sharing it with other people so they discover the same benefits for themselves. Many of my personal clients who felt the results of the somatics became my colleagues later on. I cannot describe my gratitude to Siddhartha, Gayatri, and Jahanavi for their tireless work and the safe, loving space that allowed me to be accepted the way I am, to see my own body and movements from a totally new perspective. There is more to my life and my reason now than I could have ever dared to imagine. They opened the doors to the whole inner, as well as outer, universe for me. Deep bow to my beloved teachers!
Aliona Baspalenko, Clinical Living Somatic Educator, physiotherapist and rehabilitation specialist, singer, musician, songwriter, and voice coach, Kiev, Ukraine

“I was highly impressed with how easy and joyful movement can be…”

For me, the work of Living Somatics was a great discovery, and it is the best addition to my daily yoga practice and for teaching it. When I attended my first class with Brian Siddhartha Ingle, I was highly impressed by how easy and joyful movement can be: no end-gaining, no pushing into a pose, just being in the movement and in the moment. What a revelation, with a much greater outcome, and that by hardly doing anything! I found that Brian and Gayatri are wonderful and upbeat teachers in conveying the somatic principles. I’m so happy that after taking some weekend classes in somatics yoga with Brian, I could do the Living Somatic Teacher Training, which was an amazing transformational experience.
Ulrike, yoga and meditation teacher, music and arts teacher, Waldorf kindergarten teacher, Ayurveda consultant, Living Somatics Movement Teacher, Germany

“I feel so grateful that the path to somatics has opened to me, and am thankful to my guides and teachers, Siddhartha and Gayatri...”

I feel so grateful that the path to somatics has opened to me, and am thankful to my guides and teachers, Siddhartha and Gayatri, and all their assistants, who have helped me feel and become aware of myself and the world around me, and me in this world. To learn to live from self, my own life, to allow myself to rely on my own experience, and take responsibility for my own life. To get rid of tensions and pains, not only physical, but also psychological. To learn to see other people in a different way, to be compassionate and able to help them. This is what somatics has taught me. And this is the path that has no end. Namaste!
Natalja Aleksejeva, massage therapist, aromatherapy consultant, wellness bath specialist, Clinical Living Somatic Educator-in-training, Riga, Latvia

“Gayatri and Brian are the queen and king of somatics.”

Gayatri and Brian are the queen and king of somatics. They are super knowledgeable in their field and their online trainings are high quality with a very reasonable and manageable pace. Their approach is authentic, sensitive, and most professional.
Christina Breen, yoga teacher, Living Somatic Movement Teacher, wedding and funeral celebrant, Dublin, Ireland

“I am thankful to Gayatri and Siddhartha for their teaching talent, learning with them is always an inspiration.”

Somatics changes the quality of life. Its framework becomes a foundation for growth and development of oneself and all surroundings! I am thankful to Gayatri and Siddhartha for their teaching talent, learning with them is always an inspiration. The depth and the light of their knowledge invigorates and leads to embodiment of the better version of self. What you are doing is very important and good. The Living Somatic assistants are also excellent: they are excellent in teaching and explaining! I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in something as great and beautiful as the work of Living Somatics, and to be in the hands of such amazing masters as Gayatri and Siddhartha.
Alesia Bondar, doctor, Clinical Living Somatic Educator-in-training, Belarus

“I can’t recommend them highly enough, you won’t believe how fantastic it is until you have experienced it.”

When I was introduced to Living Somatics during the training with Gayatri and Siddhartha, it truly changed me. The way they guided us through the process of connecting within and with our soma brought me to another level of connecting with life, movement, myself, and all. Gayatri and Siddhartha are incredible guides through the learning and sensing process, skilled holders of the space they create for transformative experiences. I can’t recommend them highly enough, you won’t believe how fantastic it is until you have experienced it.
Lenka V., Living Somatic Movement Teacher, yoga teacher, Czech Republic


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the founders of Living Somatics from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to cultivate somatic-movement practices you can return to time and again... to regulate your own health and wellbeing and live as your most actualized self.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Boost Your Health With Gentle Somatic Practices Bonus Collection
  • Somatic Movement Summit Panel Series
    Selected Audio Dialogues From the 2021 Summit
  • Daily Somatic Movement Practice: The Cat Stretch
    Video Teaching From Gayatri Schriefer and Brian Siddhartha Ingle
  • Somatic Yoga Flow
    Video Teaching From Brian Siddhartha Ingle

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Boost Your Health & Wellbeing With Gentle Somatic Practices & the Powers of Your 7 Energy Centers to Unleash Your Greatest Potential Online Training


We feel honored that Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founders of Living Somatics whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about cultivating the capacity to regulate your own health and wellbeing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Boost Your Health & Wellbeing With Gentle Somatic Practices & the Powers of Your 7 Energy Centers to Unleash Your Greatest Potential or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer…

“The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of their work is both palpable and healing.”

If you are looking for an uplifting course to savour more of the power, serenity, and beauty of your inner world, and let that ripple out into your life more, this is the course for you. Siddhartha and Gayatri are both very talented somatic practitioners in their own right. They hold space beautifully and give an empowering, nonjudgmental presence that is in itself transformative. The depth, sincerity, and authenticity of their work is both palpable and healing. Siddhartha’s upbeat and uplifting approach to this work is deeply grounded in his osteopathic training and is complemented by Gayatri’s (Somatic Graduate of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research) deeply nurturing, all-embracing, and intuitive presence. They are both a real gift to this world, and this course will no doubt be a gift to you in your life. Enjoy it.
Emer, holistic therapist and teacher, Ireland

“... you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness...”

Living Somatics offers an exceptional education in somatic movement. Gayatri and Siddhartha are highly professional and create a safe space for learning and exploring where everyone feels heard and seen. Whether you are doing the education to work in this field or if you are doing it for your own personal development, you will get access to valuable tools and principles that will improve your somatic awareness and your quality of life for years to come. Studying with them is the best decision I have made, and I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Annika Pahlen, physiotherapist, Stockholm, Sweden

“I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief…”

I have suffered from lower back pain for most of my life, and as a result, I have studied fitness, yoga, and Pilates to alleviate the condition. While each of these has played a role in minimising discomfort, none have had the profound effect of Living Somatics. I love that if my body is in pain, I no longer have to go to a practitioner for relief (although that does feel good). I can instead explore the Living Somatics movement lessons. The work has had a profound impact on my life, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to explore the subtlety of movement within their own body. Unlike many other modalities, this work is accessible to all bodies. I hope you enjoy your journey.
Rachel Falconer, Living Somatic Movement teacher, yoga and Pilates instructor, Sydney, Australia

“They opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness…”

I am very happy to be a part of the Living Somatics family since 2016. And even more happy that Gayatri and Siddhartha were my first guides in this world of freedom, self-exploration, and deep body knowledge. They opened doors of embodied wisdom, honesty, and gentleness, and they support and share their knowledge in a way that includes respect, trust, and loving kindness. For me their ability to accept, share, and improve is an example of the wisest way in a somatic field.
Alina Litvinova, Clinical Living Somatic Educator, freediving instructor, fitness coach, and apnea yoga teacher, Moscow, Russia

“Siddhartha and Gayatri’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension.”

I am so thankful that I found Living Somatics trainings! As a yoga therapist I was looking for a somatic training as a complementary “tool” to help my clients to leverage the body-mind connection and to assist them in moving towards wellbeing. By serendipity I discovered, through a free workshop, the teaching of Siddhartha and Gayatri, which led me to what I was looking for: “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Now that I’ve enrolled with the online Living Somatics Movement Teacher Training (LSMTT), I can deeply recommend the program. It’s intense and very practical. We are a group of students from different countries learning within a very positive and open-minded group spirit. In addition, Siddhartha and Gayatri’s deliveries are sensitive and touching in a way that is beyond intellectual comprehension. I am so grateful!
Pénélope Caux, yoga therapist, Living Somatic Movement teacher in training, Paris, France


About Brian Siddhartha Ingle

Brian Siddhartha Ingle is a licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and a naturopath. He is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator, a Somatic Yoga teacher, a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, and an aqua bodyworker. He is a co-founder of Living Somatics, and the founder and educational director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education.

Siddhartha is also a co-host of the online Shift Network Somatic Movement Summit. He’s a graduate of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. For more than 30 years, Siddhartha has been inquiring into authentic systems of self-healing, movement, and personal development. He has a background in Ayurvedic Medicine and Vedic Astrology, and has been based in India since 1995.

Siddhartha’s work takes him traveling extensively, sharing his passion for somatic movement as a vehicle to greater freedom. He teaches workshops and professional trainings all over the world, including India, Europe, and Russian-speaking countries with his team.

About Gayatri Schriefer

Gayatri Schriefer is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator. She is a graduate of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training in California, USA. Gayatri holds a bachelor’s degree in Education with a focus on health promotion. She is a co-founder of Living Somatics, which offers professional training programs in the clinical hands-on work and movement lessons of Living Somatics.

Gayatri is passionate about making somatic disciplines available to the world, and to connect and grow the global somatic community. Gayatri is a co-host of the yearly virtual Somatic Movement Summit, a collaboration between The Shift Network and Living Somatics. She now lives in Sweden, consults clients internationally, and teaches trainings and workshops in-house and online. Additionally, Gayatri has been facilitating women’s circles for 20 years and co-facilitates women’s leadership programs. She has travelled the world studying and teaching somatic disciplines.

Over the course of her adult life, Gayatri has studied somatic movement and spiritual modalities, including Hanna Somatics, Equine Somatics, the Feldenkrais Method®, Watsu®, Body-Mind Centering®, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, Qigong, tracking, several styles of yoga, and dance. She has spent many years living in India during her studies of various spiritual traditions.

Gayatri’s mission is to offer pathways to greater self-connection, transformation, and elevation in the somatic lived experience. She is a firm believer that each person is self-responsible, self-regulating, and self-healing. Through her facilitations, Gayatri creates a field of wholeness for aligning oneself to live in resonance with the great mystery of life.


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