Yoga Day Summit 2018 Registration Bonuses

The Truth Waits

With Ram Dass

In this recording, Ram Dass tells stories about the idea of non-attachment, which intersects many different traditions — from Native Americans to Samurai warriors.

He explains that, until you can allow your ideas of who you think you are to dissolve, there will be further destruction. The minute you say, “I’m the creator of my reality and I want to make it a certain way,” you’re still stuck.

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Ram Dass

Author of "Be Here Now" and Founder of Love Serve Remember Foundation

Be Here Now, Ram Dass’ monumentally influential and seminal work, still stands as the highly readable centerpiece of Western articulation of Eastern philosophy. It explains how to live joyously 100 percent of the time in the present, whether your outer circumstances are luminous or mundane. He founded the Love Serve Remember Foundation, whose mission is to preserve and continue the teachings of Ram Dass' guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

On February 19, 1997, Ram Dass suffered a near-fatal stroke, which left him paralyzed on the right side of his body, with expressive aphasia limiting his ability to speak, along with other challenging ailments. Although the aftereffects of the stroke vastly altered his day-to-day life, he resumed teaching.

Before he passed away in December 2019, Ram Dass resided on Maui, where he shared satsang and, kirtan, and where he could amplify the healing process in the air and waters of Hawaii. His final projects included a documentary entitled Becoming Nobody and a musical collaboration with East Forest.
