By Alison Marks, Director of Summits
I just celebrated my birthday. Well, my HALF-birthday... 49-and-a-half, to be exact. Which means, yes, I’m deeply in the process of pondering what it means to be moving into my 50s... what it means to really no longer be “young” anymore.
And you know what? I’m full-on excited!
This is in no small part due to the fact that last year I got to produce the first ever Thriving in Your Third Act summit, when we brought together 30 amazing women holding the door open for — as our tagline says — “finding fire and fulfillment after 50.”
We’re doing it again a week from now, beginning on August 20 — and this 5-day party has room for you!
Sabrina Chaw, host of Thriving In Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50, has meticulously curated a program that touches on aspects of life that are important to women in this phase. From finance to spirituality to grief to sexuality to health to sexual identity to emotional and ancestral healing to love to activating your intuition to building a support system — you’ll be hearing her interviews with experts who are talking YOUR talk, whether you’re in your 50s, 60s, 70s, or beyond (or maybe even just 49-½ ;-) ).
Please join us to receive gifts of insight from speakers like Jean Shinoda Bolen, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Annie Kay, Anodea Judith, Yeye Luisah Teish, Grandmother Flordemayo, Cynthia James, Katie Hendricks, Rev. Deborah Johnson, and so many others who will help you expand your wisdom and boost your moxie level!
I hope you’ll register (it’s free!). When you listen in, a clear path may open for you, with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with tools, tips, and practices that will help you manifest your highest potential… and fulfill your wildest dreams!
And we’d love to hear your answer to the question, What are the gifts of being the age you are? To share your thoughts in our Facebook Page community, click here.
And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows! — Audrey Hepburn
The Summer of Peace Letter is a free weekly email through September 20 that features inspiring leaders in the important fields of spirituality, neuroscience, peacebuilding, compassion, and peace education. The letter will provide insights and skills to help you find common ground even in challenging situations — in your family, friendships, business partnerships, and polarized social issues. (In some cases, it may help you gain a better understanding of the obstacles to finding common ground). Contributing partners include, Search for Common Ground, LiveAMoment.com, US Youth Rising, Alliance for Peacebuilding, Metta Center for Nonviolence, Nonviolent Communication Academy, and many more! To find out more and register to receive these weekly peace update, click here.
My White Shadow
By Mirabai Starr
Look who thinks she can waltz in with her white privilege and dispense her spiritual goodies to the poor burnt-out activists. Within 24 hours, a couple of things became blazingly clear to me: a, I know very little about what it is to be marginalized; and b, no one there was particularly interested in anything I had to say and some of them were openly hostile. Why hostile, you might ask? Mirabai Starr is a gentle being, a passionate proponent of the interconnected wisdom at the heart of all the world’s spiritual traditions, a person whose heart has been broken open by the pain of the world. Whatever. I am also a privileged white person who has borrowed the wisdom of multiple cultures without asking permission.
To read more, click here.
“Wise, Selfish & Real” Facebook Live Q&A
Would you like to break out of outdated spiritual practices and discover more nourishing feminine practices for loving (and listening to) every aspect of your being — so you can create the next phase of your life from your deepest authenticity, fullest passion, and clearest truth? Transformational teacher Sarah Marshank will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on how to cultivate your centered core AND your unbridled creative energy on Wednesday, August 15, at 5:00pm Pacific. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
“Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Soul Sanctuary” Facebook Live Q&A
Would you like to embark on a journey to discover the love language of your Soul and reclaim your feminine mystical path? Interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr will be leading a special Facebook Live Q&A call on how the great female mystics of history can offer a profoundly relevant path for realization on Wednesday, August 22, at 5:00pm Pacific. Click here to get a Facebook Messenger reminder when the event goes live.
Your Voice
We want to know: What are the gifts of being the age you are? To share your thoughts in our Facebook Page community, click here.
Hiding in Plain Sight
By Barbara Winter (a featured speaker in the Thriving in Your Third Act summit)
That was the last job I ever had. I decided my next boss would be me.
It was the best decision I ever made. However, having those previous experiences in employment gave me valuable skills and insights that led me to where I am now. Looking back, I can see that each of those jobs gave me a piece of my own puzzle.
To read more, click here.
Third Eye Open
By Rev Deborah L. Johnson (a featured speaker in the Thriving in Your Third Act summit)
Those of us proclaiming to believe in Oneness, in non-duality, often have little evidence of such in the daily trafficking of our lives, especially in matters of interpersonal relationships. In fact, in honest self-reflection, we may see more contradiction of Oneness than congruence. As human beings we have the extraordinary capacity to think, speak, feel, behave, and believe in ways that contradict one another. This capacity for incongruence puts us at cross-purposes in ways that ultimately result in unrequited goals, dis-ease, and inharmonious relationships.
To read more, click here.
Accessing Your Essence to Thrive In the Physical World
By Tomasa Macapinlac (a featured speaker in the Thriving in Your Third Act summit)
In 1996, as a mother of two, I was experiencing extreme fatigue with a compromised immune system while working in a high-stress corporate sales environment. I started exploring the Asian Healing Arts to help myself with a slew of chronic ailments. I started to improve. This led me to delve deeper into how this type of healing worked. It quickly became a part of my daily regimen, and I became a practitioner of these healing arts.
To read more, click here.
It’s Never Too Late to Be Yourself
By Davina Kotulski, PhD (a featured speaker in the Thriving in Your Third Act summit)
I took her arm as we climbed the steps of the Rialto Bridge. She was still getting used to her high heels. It was a beautiful spring evening in Venice, Italy. We sat at a table alongside the Grand Canal, watching the gondoliers beckon tourists to glide across the mirrored water in their shiny black gondolas. She was dressed fashionably in a white blouse, black skirt, tights, and a shimmering pink Venetian scarf.
It was the first time in her life that Patricia had appeared openly as a woman.
To read more, click here.
Matters of the Heart
By Jenny Ruby
My wonderful father passed away in August 2017. The last words he communicated to me, whilst he was still able to whisper from behind his oxygen mask, were, "Do you know what, Jenny? Love is the only reality." This is, of course, a profound Truth and made me feel immensely proud and privileged to have had him as my father.
Dad came from a very impoverished and poverty-stricken area in the North East of the UK. He taught himself to read and paid for his own further education. What he was not taught, but inherently knew, was that Love is who we are, not what we do. The spark of the Divine is in all of us and in all living things, and we would do well to remember this in these dramatically turbulent times. The importance of impeccable integrity and living life from the heart center is vital to all our futures.
To read more, click here.
Inviting Mary Magdalene into the Altar of Your Heart: Insights into a Woman Prophet + Guided Visualization with Mirabai Starr
Why does Mary Magdalene stir such strong reactions in us? Captivating so many hearts and minds thousands of years after she lived...
Throughout history, Mary Magdalene has been called many things: Sinful woman, repentant prostitute, the lover and wife of Jesus. However, many of these are distorted or revised truths.
As Mirabai Starr shares in this 10-minute video, Mary Magdalene is “a luminous wisdom being and a kind of ‘heart center’ for Jesus as well as his teaching equal.”
To read more and watch MIrabai’s video, click here.
Click here for details about Mirabai Starr’s new 6-month live video training, Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Soul Sanctuary: A Refuge for Sacred Feminine Teachings, Community & Intimacy With the Beloved, which begins August 29. |
Why You Need to Be ‘Wisely Selfish’ (The Keys to Creating a Truly Fulfilling Next Phase of Your Life)
All of your experiences have made you the woman you are today: You’re ready to create a fulfilling next phase of your life that embraces ALL of who you are...
Yet, you may sense that what worked for you in your 20’s, 30’s and 40s — as a daughter, wife, mother, friend and career woman — won’t bring you the clarity and sense of fulfillment you’re seeking in your 50s, 60s and beyond.
In this 6-minute video, Sarah Marshank shares how you can create the next phase of your life, by building a relationship with your “many selves….”
To read more and watch Sarah’s video, click here.
Click here for details about Sarah Mashank’s new 7-week live video training, Wise, Selfish & Real: A Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women, which begins August 29.
Radio Interview with Stephen Dinan
Shift Network founder and CEO Stephen Dinan was the featured guest on the August 7 episode of Steve Bhaerman’s radio show, Wiki Politicki. In the interview, “From Scared to Sacred: How We 'Shift' Our Karma Into Higher Gear,” Stephen suggests that a miraculous spontaneous remission for our species is possible, provided we undertake a "spontaneous re-missioning," as we shift our mission from "everyone in it for themselves" to "we're all in it together.” Click here to listen to the interview.
Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator
By Tim Urban
Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.
As a bonus, click here to find out the link between procrastination and perfectionism… and click here to discover the desire that lies at the heart of perfectionism.
The World Peace Flame
The World Peace Flame is a symbol of peace, unity, freedom, and celebration. We believe in the essential freedom of the human spirit to create peace at any time under any circumstances — a view endorsed by the millions of people who have lit The World Peace Flame as a symbol of this dream.
The World Peace Flame is dedicated to achieving peace through a process of education and the practical support of grassroots peace initiatives. We aim to inspire people everywhere that the individual plays a crucial role in creating peace at every level. Our dream is as simple as it is ambitious: to light an eternally burning World Peace Flame in every major city or decision-making centre in the world. It is a dream we’ve cherished since 1999 when we created our first Flames of Peace on five continents around the world.
On September 21, the International Day of Peace, the World Peace Flame will be lit in the Thalden Pavilion, Sustainability Center on the Southern Oregon University (SOU) campus. A delegation from the World Peace Flame Foundation will come to Ashland for the lighting ceremony, together with our State and City dignitaries. For more information on the Ashland event, click here.
Ekam World Peace Festival
The Ekam World Peace Festival is our contribution towards creating a beautiful and harmonious world. It is a momentous time when hundreds and thousands of people across the planet would meditate together to bring about a massive shift in human consciousness. The World Peace Festival is happening August 9-19 in the sacred precincts of Ekam, India.
On Aug 19, people from across the world will be gathering in PEACE POWER POINTS in massive numbers and connecting to the phenomenon of Ekam. Ekam will amplify the immense peace energies generated by the meditation of these multitudes of people and bring about an immense transformation in human collective consciousness. This would manifest as greater kindness, greater harmony and greater order in our world. Click here to find out how you can participate in the Ekam World Peace Festival.
The Heart of the Shaman
By Alberto Villoldo
The Heart of the Shaman takes readers on an enriching, soulful experience through stories, dreams, and ancient rites and ceremonies. Author Alberto Villoldo sets his focus on what the shamans of Peru call the sacred dream — a powerful revelation that has the potential to guide us to our purpose and show us our place in the universe. Villoldo explains how to recognize and awaken from the nightmare circumstances of our lives, find our sacred dream, and embark on a journey of transformation and healing. By discovering the light within and around us, we too become luminous warriors. Click here to order your copy.
Nurturing Peacebuilders to Grow Safe and Resilient Communities
The River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding's “Residential Community Peacebuilder Immersion” Part I and/or Part II will be held during the week of October 20–28 in Gainesville, Florida. Our solutionary based comprehensive peacebuilding model will include Peace from the Inside Out, Peacebuilding 101, Trauma (ACEs) & Resilience Building, Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice Training, Police/Youth Dialogues and Conflict Resolution, and Community Dialogues. For in-depth information, click here.
Journey to the Heart
By Eliza Anne McDaniel
Journey to the Heart is Book Two in Eliza Anne McDaniel’s “The Awakening Series” and follows the author as she heals from child sexual abuse. Now a grown woman with children of her own, Faith faces the fallout of divorce, betrayal, and faulty judgments. With the “veil” still over her eyes, she must pick up the pieces of her life and become reborn — awakened — to a healed mindset.
Click here for more information.

For several years, The Shift Network has hosted Indigenous leaders from around the world and invited them to share their sacred knowledge, rituals, and practices to guide us in a way of living that is sustainable, healthy, and just. We’re thus delighted that the Global Indigenous Wisdom Library makes this “virtual council” of leaders and their wisdom available for everyone, everywhere for free. The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a collection of audio and video interviews featuring Indigenous leaders from around the world sharing prayers, sacred songs, prophecies, spiritual teachings, and pathways to healing, as well as concrete examples for birthing a new era — one in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion, and justice. This sacred wisdom is important medicine for us all.
The production of The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a gift from The Shift Network, designed to inspire, inform, and involve you by highlighting the voices and important messages of Indigenous leaders from around the world. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. (“Brother Phil”) for his partnership in helping create this Indigenous Wisdom collection. And we thank all the speakers who have contributed to this body of knowledge. To discover more, click here.
World Peace Library. Designed for the layperson and professional peacebuilder alike, the World Peace Library has over 425 audio and video interviews with some of the most remarkable, inspiring peacebuilders in the world available to you at NO COST. You’ll find hundreds of hours of inspirational, peacebuilding, compassion-spreading talks and trainings at your fingertips with this FREE global resource. There’s no way you can’t come away from the World Peace Library deeply inspired, transformed — and part of the solution. Click here to find out how to take peace to the next level — and help co-create a global culture of peace that leaves a legacy of good for our children, our children’s children and all of humanity and life on earth.

BOOK BY STEPHEN DINAN: Sacred America, Sacred World. Infused with visionary power, Sacred America, Sacred World is a manifesto for our country’s evolution that is both political and deeply spiritual. It offers profound hope that America can grow beyond our current challenges and manifest our noblest destiny, which the book shows is rooted in sacred principles that transcend left or right political views. To order your copy, click here.
If you would like to submit something to The Catalyst, please see the submission guidelines: click here.
Connect with someone in another stage of life than you are in and discuss what it's like being the ages you are in today's world. What are the gifts? What are the challenges? What do you each want the other generation to know?
Discover Medicinal Herbs for Better Brain Health: How to Enhance Your Mood, Memory, and Reduce the Effects of Stress & Aging — A Free Video Event With Herbalist, Naturopathic Physician & Director of Medical Education at Gaia Herbs Mary Bove. Discover herbal brain boosters for improving your memory, slowing down the effects of aging, mitigating stress, and supporting your mood and mental clarity. Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:30pm Pacific
Liberating Practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self: Discover Expressive, Subtle & Embodied Meditations for Women — A Free Video Event With Women’s Spiritual Empowerment Teacher, Author, and Speaker Camille Maurine. Experience movement meditation to lovingly nourish yourself and sync up with the healthy balance and flow of your body. Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 10:00am Pacific
Your Luminous Self: Discover Ancient Shamanic Practices to Activate Your Light Body for Healing, Vitality & Spiritual Awakening — A Free Video Event With Peruvian Curandero, Psychologist, and Author don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Tap into the sacred relationship between the Sun and Moon to more powerfully reflect the light of your own soul into the world. Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 5:30pm Pacific
Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries — A Free Video Event With Author, Trainer & Intuitive Healer Wendy De Rosa. Understand the specific blocks empaths deal with (including karmic wounds and trauma) — and how to clear them. Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 10:00am Pacific
Quantum Dreaming: Shamanic Dreaming, New Science & Ancient Keys to Healing & Thriving in the Multidimensional Universe — A 6-month Adventure With Dream Shaman & Bestselling Author Robert Moss. Access your own natural psychic abilities for higher wisdom and an ever-expanding awakening in your dreamtime and daily life. New Audio Training Starts Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The Dance of Shiva & Shakti: Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life — With Filmmaker, Speaker, and Spiritual Teacher Raja Choudhury. Take your meditation off the cushion and into your everyday life and Activate your senses as portals to catalyze your moment-by-moment awakening. New 12-week Live Video Training Starts Thursday, August 16, 2018
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Sarah Marshank 7-week course
• Mirabai Starr 6-month course
• Camille Maurine 7-week course
• Mary Bove 5-week course
• don Oscar Miro-Quesada 12-week course
• Wendy De Rosa 4-month course
• Sera Beak 7-week course
• Qigong Global Summit
• Sabrina Chaw 7-week course
• Desda Zuckerman 7-week course
• Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit
• Chloe Goodchild 7-week course
• Daniel Foor 7-week course
• Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit

The Taos Healing and Reconciliation Project
Taos, New Mexico is a special historical mix of cultural confluence and conflict, in the heart of the United States. The community has survived not one, but three conquests and a revolution. Three cultures live in open apartheid, each in their own universe, while racial tensions and unresolved grievances fester below the surface. Taos has some of the worst poverty, addiction, violence, and unemployment statistics in the nation.
The Taos Healing and Reconciliation Project uses evidence-based reconciliation tools to help heal these racial divides. A significant part of the project is focused on offering trauma-informed healing services to the community, and, specifically for Taos, New Mexico, a Mesoamerican healing technique called Curanderismo.
Watch brief explanatory videos here, here, and here. Make a donation here.

Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. We celebrate and support people looking to create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.
Women around the world have much less access to fair and affordable credit for their businesses or basic needs. While 46% of men around the world report having access to formal financial services, the figure is only 27% for women. Support women starting businesses, going to school, leading their communities and building strong families.
By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy, or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a lifelong ambition.
Click here to visit the website. Click here to provide loans to women around the world.

Center for Timeless Earth Wisdom
Center for Timeless Earth Wisdom exists to share, apply, and evolve a body of earth wisdom teachings known as The Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge,
applying them to individual lives as well as to the issues facing us all in this time on Earth. By offering ceremonies, both OnEarth and OnLine, we seek to deepen our relationship with our selves, with one another, and to re-kindle our ancient relationship with the Wisdom of Earth. Along the way, we seek out, engage and link together people and projects that are consciously and firmly in service to all of Life. For more information, click here. To make a donation, click here.

United Religions Initiative
United Religions Initiative is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world.
Click here for more information. Click here to make a donation.

Fia, a Swedish singer-songwriter with a unique crystal-clear voice, offers exquisitely beautiful melodies and “Wow, this is about me and my life” lyrics, which inspire and empower us to live from our hearts. Speaking straight to the soul, she reminds us of who and what we are beyond our limiting beliefs, wounds, and stories. Her powerful songs guides us back home to ourselves and each other.
With two full length albums, Made of Stars (2016) and Legacy of Light (2017), Fia is touring all over the world playing festivals and concerts. She is a leader in the new music industry, where connection with the audience is everything. Both her albums were successfully crowdfunded with the help of her supportive and ever-growing number of listeners.
She has a one-of-a-kind way to connect deeply with her audience. Her concerts have people feeling inspired and uplifted, leaving feeling empowered and wanting more. This woman and her soul stirring music is unlike anything you’ve heard before.
Visit Fia’s website here. Listen to samples of her music here.