A Free Video Event
With Renowned Enneagram Teachers
Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb


Discover or rediscover how the timeless wisdom of the Enneagram provides a personalized map towards greater wholeness and joy with today’s leading edge Enneagram teachers


You’ve probably noticed how popular the Enneagram is becoming.

Why is that?

George Gurdjieff, who was the first to bring the original Enneagram teachings into the modern world, said that the work of the Enneagram will come into prominence at the time when it’s most needed.

During complex and disorientating times, many of us look for tools and practices that help us to ground and do the deep inner work of discovering who we really are, and why we do what we do.

More and more, the Enneagram has been seen as a system to know and understand yourself.

Perhaps you have a pretty good grasp on the nine personality types.

However, the Enneagram is so much more than a typing system. Knowing your type is just the beginning of your investigation and inner journey.

The Enneagram is a powerful tool to dig below the surface of behaviors that shape your perceived identity and how you move through the world.

The timeless wisdom of the Enneagram helps you to identify your true motivations, fixations, avoidances and the defense mechanisms that keep you stuck.

And this is why esteemed Enneagram experts Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb have created an in-depth 9-module Foundations of the Enneagram course. The secret to success in any course of study or endeavor is to have the right orientation, and a firm understanding of the fundamentals.

Russ Hudson, author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram, is recognized as one of the foremost Enneagram teachers in the world, and Jessica Dibb, an Integrative Breathwork trainer is one of the great innovators in the Enneagram field.

Whether you’ve just recently developed a strong curiosity about the Enneagram... 

…have some general experience with the Enneagram…

… or perhaps you’ve even been on a long, in-depth journey using the Enneagram for your own inner work or for your work with others in your healing profession but want to revisit, or take a deeper dive into the wisdom of the Enneagram and learn from the preeminent teachers on the topic…

…Russ and Jessica’s new in-depth Foundations of The Enneagram course is designed to help you gain complete clarity on the true meaning and purposes of the Enneagram in order to confidently embark on a journey of deeper and deeper inner work and awakening.

As you gently shift and blossom into higher consciousness, you begin to contribute to a larger movement toward creating a more loving, kind, compassionate, just, and joyful reality for all. 

It’s a delight to invite you to attend a free one-hour event, where Russ and Jessica will introduce you to the most important elements of living an Enneagram-informed life. They’ll be sharing how integrating the three centers of intelligence can radically transform you and your relationships with those around you, in ways that may astound you!

Why Is the Enneagram Such a Potent Path for Growth?

The Enneagram’s ancient wisdom gives us a map for human purpose and possibility... and lays out a modern-day, personalized path to wholeness for each of us.

This tool for transformation illuminates our gifts and provides a framework for our personal and spiritual evolution. It also reveals how we’re often held back by the shadow side of our personality our own deeply rooted, unconscious patterns that are hard for us to see.

The Enneagram helps us dig deep into understanding our own type, and the emotional patterns that have structured (and often restricted) our lives for so long.

The wisdom of the Enneagram is universally applicable to any endeavor… to whatever profession or work you choose to do in the world.

To truly benefit from the Enneagram in the deepest possible way, it’s important to move beyond just the characteristics of your type… and understand that it’s about interrelationship and development… and the connection between our ego (or personality) and what we are at true essence.

The Immediacy of Living an Enneagram-Informed Life

George Gurdjieff, who was the first to bring the original Enneagram teachings into the modern world, said that the work of the Enneagram will come into prominence at the time when it’s most needed.

This. Is. That. Time.

It’s clear that the world is in need of a collective leap in consciousness. And it’s clear that many of the “solutions” we’re using to solve personal, national, and global problems aren’t working. .

To create significant and sustainable change to help us get through our collective traumas we have to move into the cave of our own wounds and do the necessary repair work.

When you walk away from this inspirational hour with Russ and Jessica, you’ll have a whole new willingness and desire to look more deeply and then deeper still into the depths of your being.


During this 60-minute free online event, Awakening Into Higher Conscious By Living an Enneagram-Informed Life you’ll:

  • Be guided through an opening presence practice
  • Discover what it means to live an Enneagram-informed life
  • Be presented with the true wisdom, purpose, and depth of the Enneagram
  • Explore the three centers of intelligence and the path to awakening
  • Hear the call for a commitment to change and evolve through the extensive excavation work of the Enneagram

Special Registration Gift

The Origins of the Enneagram

Audio Teaching from Russ Hudson

We are so excited to have you attend this event and really soak up all of the wisdom that Russ and Jessica are going to provide during this valuable, information-packed hour that we are offering a special pre-event gift to everyone who registers today!

During this audio session Russ will focus on the pivotal work of George Gurdjieff, and later of Oscar Ichazo, as well as the rich traditions that they were drawing upon. He’ll share the actual meaning of the symbol, the sources of the typology and trace the work back through the Hermetic doctrines to Classical Greece and Egypt.

Sit back and enjoy as Russ immerses you into the dazzling depths and roots of this timeless system for doing the deep inner work of self knowledge and love.


Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb and learn more about their new in-depth 9-module Foundations of The Enneagram course.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Russ Hudson...

“... uplifting and healing at the same time.”

Russ Hudson is the best Enneagram teacher I know. His knowledge, presence, warm humor, and genuine caring is uplifting and healing at the same time. One learns so much new about the Enneagram in every module, and at the same time you also have this amazing feeling about getting this deeper understanding about yourself and others. Thank you, Russ!
Sari Heiskanen, Finland

“My spiritual life is shifting away from ‘dogma’ into a clearer understanding of how marvelous and amazing creation is...”

Working with the Enneagram has been life-altering, and Russ Hudson’s courses have opened up new avenues of thinking for me. My spiritual life is shifting away from “dogma” into a clearer understanding of how marvelous and amazing creation is and how our diverse views are all part of that. I look forward to continuing to work with the insights that these Enneagram teachings have brought me.
Harriette Heibel, Martinez, California

“... helped me beyond imagination, to truly embrace the inherent traits of my type...”

Russ’ course coincided with the tragic breakup of my relationship due to my own lifelong defensive patterns of behaviors. Following this course has helped me beyond imagination, to truly embrace the inherent traits of my type (4) as biased by the instinctual drives. I would go so far as to say this course was life-changing, and I cannot thank Russ enough.
Mark Drax, London, England

“In his presence, something pure inside gets awakened.”

Russ is a master, in the Enneagram and in heartfelt understanding, respect, and kindness to fellow beings... In his presence, something pure inside gets awakened.
Sajili, Mumbai, India

“... patience, humor, and wisdom...”

Russ is an extremely gifted teacher. With patience, humor, and wisdom, he is able to guide us to places that are normally too defended to see or admit. This course definitely had that effect on me... I’m grateful to you, Russ, and to The Shift Network, who have made it their mission to create opportunities such as these for as many as possible.
Scott, Madison, Wisconsin


What People Are Saying About Jessica Dibb...

“... an extraordinary journey of soul restoration...”

Jessica is a great master of experiential teaching. She’s a superb guide and support for people’s inner processes, as well as a brilliant designer of experiential exercises and practices. Jessica does not do anything half-heartedly, and I’m certain she’ll take you on an extraordinary journey of soul restoration, real emotional breakthroughs, and profound self-discovery.
Russ Hudson, co-founder of the Enneagram Institute

“I have woken up in a way I did not expect to have happened in an online class.”

I have a more loving relationship with my essential self. I have the desire to embrace life in a more open and willing way. I can say with full honesty that I have woken up in a way I did not expect to have happened in an online class. I will hold appreciation for these teachings and our beloved teacher for a long time going forward. She assisted me in loving myself and LIFE more fully. That is amazing for not even being able to be live in the class, but it was through experiencing her presence in the teachings and her LOVE that came through so strong.
Eva, Ireland

“... the biggest help in understanding the journey of my life, the dark places, the personality, and the soul essence...”

This has been the biggest help in understanding the journey of my life, the dark places, the personality, and the soul essence... Jessica was so at ease as she led us to experience each ego point, and I feel my own wholeness in embodying these energy patterns but I also feel like I also understand many friends and family so much better. Incredible tool and fantastic teacher!
Jackie, Fremont, California


About Russ Hudson

Russ Hudson has established himself over the last three decades as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram personality typology in the world today. Actively involved in the Enneagram community, Russ is the co-founder of the Enneagram Institute and President Emeritus as well as a Founding Director and former Vice-President of the International Enneagram Association, a global organization advancing knowledge of the subject. He has been writing and teaching full time with The Enneagram Institute as well as on his own since 1991. 

He's co-authored with Don Richard Riso five bestselling books on the subject, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. These books are widely considered to be not only groundbreaking contributions in the field of Enneagram studies, but also important contributions to the literature of psychological type. The pair developed a scientifically validated test instrument, the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI), now considered a standard test in the Enneagram field. The RHETI has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Russ has a solid background in science as well as in studies of philosophy and religion and has approached his work with the Enneagram holding both perspectives. He originally encountered the Enneagram through the Gurdjieff Work and sees it as a map for personal development and awareness more than as merely a system for categorizing people. He has emphasized the importance of cultivating presence and mindfulness as a foundation for authentic work with the Enneagram, and has worked to align the study of the Enneagram and spiritual practice and bring their mutual benefit into greater public awareness. 

He has appeared on Good Morning America, and The CBS Morning Show, as well as on several dozen radio and television shows as an expert on personality type. He has become a popular speaker at conferences and retreat centers around the world, including the Esalen Institute, the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, and the Science and Non-Duality Conference (SAND).


About Jessica Dibb

Jessica Dibb is founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher of the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community, dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. For over 25 years Jessica has designed and facilitated workshops, classes, and ongoing breath-centered trainings that are grounded in an integrated model of psychospiritual healing and development to support self-actualization. Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward. Using integrative breathwork, psychodynamic principles, movement, meditation, expressive modalities, the Enneagram, and many other established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment.

Her intuitive teaching style individualized and attuned to her students along with an integrative approach, helps to facilitate long-lasting transformations. She teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching integrative breathwork at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for over a decade, and being a principal presenter at the International Enneagram Conference for 20 years. Jessica is also co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) and current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee.

She is founder and host of the annual Enneagram Global Summit, and was co-host of the Breathwork Summit in 2012 and 2020. Jessica was the weaver and visionary behind the innovative conference, Breath Immersion: From Science to Samadhi, at Omega Institute and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Jessica, who initiated the understanding of the Unified Breath Field, is currently writing a book on integrating breathwork into psychotherapy.

Her deepest passion is to support evolving creativity and positive possibilities on our planet by supporting awakened consciousness, and the embodiment of love, wisdom, and presence in every moment… for all life.
