Exclusive 6-month Personal Mentorship
Including 1-on-1 Support
With Stephen Dinan, Founder and CEO, The Shift Network
And Devaa Haley Mitchell, Co-founder, The Shift Network

Expand your vision, increase your reach, and align your work with your soul...

Receive expert mentoring for your next level of inner work, empowering you to step into your “full-spectrum” leadership.


Are you here for a bigger destiny than you’ve fulfilled so far?

Do you intend to grow your transformational business to the next level and reach all of the people you’re meant to serve?

Do you want to expand your business and still have time to enjoy a high quality of life?

If so, you’re part of a growing movement of heart-centered entrepreneurs and conscious leaders who aim to change the world through businesses that heal, evolve, and shift our culture.

Our planet NEEDS people like you entrepreneurs, healers, teachers, and change agents to become skilled at focusing, growing, and expanding their businesses so that we can turn things around in time...

This level of excellence requires more than visioning, a clear strategy, and external skills...

It means living as a true embodiment of your vision... so that who you are BEING and how you are showing up each day is in alignment with the message you want to share.

You need to have a high level of self-confidence as well as a depth of presence... charisma as well as deep knowledge of your material... excellent decision-making skills as well as emotional intelligence... just to name a few of the essential qualities of a Visionary Leader.

Standing as a visionary leader also means letting go of beliefs or fears around becoming “too visible,” which may be blocking you from fully realizing your destiny. You also need equal access to your feminine and masculine qualities so you can become the kind of “full-spectrum” leader our which our world desperately needs.

That means doing business in a new and profitable way, while also creating a deeply fulfilling lifestyle.

It’s time to go from six figures to seven or even eight, not out of greed but because YOU have essential medicine that more people need. It’s really about teaching, healing, inspiring, or mobilizing every person you’re destined to inspire and transform.

However, your business is more than just a money-making endeavor...

It’s your life’s work... a manifestation of your soul’s unique code for this lifetime, flowing from a passion to serve the evolution of our world, the healing of your community, and the creation of new possibilities.

We invite you to open to an expansion of the abundance that will enable you to reach as many people as you are truly here to serve, and to expand your team with people who love doing those parts of your business that you can’t or don’t want to do.

That IS your future if you discern the right path, do the right things, and avoid the pitfalls on the road ahead of you.


So how do you expand your reach, success, and influence while avoiding challenges such as inauthentic branding, poor marketing strategies, cookie-cutter approaches, and outdated business models?

How do you embody the leader you need to BE in order to manifest all that is wanting to flow through you?

How can you stay true to your highest aspirations, while promoting your offerings in a way that magnetically attracts your ideal clients and customers?

How do you expand your consciousness while also growing your business?

How do you create the messaging, positioning, and programs that are UNIQUELY yours so that your business stands out in an increasingly crowded marketplace?

The simple answer: Expert mentorship.

It’s essential to tap into the expertise of those who know how to take your business to the next level of profitability, reach, and positive societal impact.

It’s vital to receive practical insights to become a respected leader who is heart-centered and effective, philanthropic and abundant, spiritually based and practical.

It helps to receive business strategies and personal support to do the inner work that can reveal and transform whatever may be in your way.

Finally, it helps to mastermind with leaders who can help propel you into becoming a “Shift Leader,” someone who embodies your highest values in your mission, leads with conscious excellence, and bequeaths a legacy of good for generations yet to come.

Stepping Into Your Next Level


You undoubtedly feel your business or project is an expression of a higher purpose for your life.

It might be based on a powerful set of teachings that the world truly needs. It might be a business that could be a game changer in your industry. It might be a business featuring you as a transformational leader who offers profound teachings and healings.

Whatever the true mission of your endeavor, you need strong entrepreneurial skills, excellent strategies, great marketing, clear leadership practices, and ongoing deep support to translate your highest vision into tangible reality.

Skilled mentorship is essential for making the jump from moderately successful 6-figure business owner to recognized transformational leader.

An experienced mentor can help you:

  • Monetize your mission effectively and with high integrity
  • Speak, write, and act in a way that inspires trust in others and enrolls them in participating in your dream
  • Live in alignment with your message at all levels, so there’s coherence between your offerings and the way you show up in the world
  • Develop the inspiring vision, business savvy, and social and emotional intelligence you need to attract and retain the team members that will make your mission soar
  • Position and skillfully market your work in an authentic way
  • Feel confident in who you are and what you’re offering, so you can magnetize aligned opportunities and partners

If you’re one of the leaders of a company or organization, trusted mentors can help you unlock your full potential by taking your work to the next level.

Mentorship helps make the journey easier, more successful, and more enjoyable. The right mentor relationship can help you with:

Overall business strategy, vision, and idea generation Branding, marketing, and core positioning Honing your vision and attracting people and resources Navigating the many demands on your time including balancing your work life and your personal life Expanding your leadership capacities and dissolving internal blocks to becoming more visible, powerful, and prosperous Online marketing and launch strategies Identifying areas for growth and how to get there Setting boundaries and saying “no” when appropriate Letting go of inner barriers and limiting beliefs Applying both your feminine and masculine leadership qualities Supporting you to feel confident while offering your soul gifts Owning your worth and learning to negotiate effectively for favorable deals Developing your work in the most aligned, harmonious, and beneficial way

When you’re growing a transformational business, a LOT of challenges come up... Imagine having an expert mentor available to give you straight answers and thoughtful guidance.

Choosing the Right Mentors for You

To get the greatest value from a mentor, you need someone you can deeply trust someone who embodies the specific kind of success you want to create.

In other words, you need someone you deeply respect and who is farther ahead on the path that you want to walk yourself.

The Shift Mentorship Program is led by the two highly respected leaders who co-founded The Shift Network.

From the beginning, they’ve been committed to creating the most trusted brand in transformation by doing business in a socially conscious way, which has allowed them to grow an 8-figure business that’s healthy, loving, and serviceful while also being successful and profitable.


Stephen Dinan is a widely respected visionary entrepreneur, evolutionary change agent, and Shift leader. He’s part of the Transformational Leadership Council and Evolutionary Leaders. He’s also the author of two books: Sacred America, Sacred World and Radical Spirit and has spoken in more than 100 venues in the last three years. He’s a Stanford graduate and a top-tier strategist, coach, and leadership mentor as well as someone who has led Holotropic Breathwork workshops for decades.


Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell, one of today’s foremost teachers of transformation, is the co-founder of The Shift Network and the founder of the Inspiring Women With Soul dialogue series. She’s also been a teacher to many thousands of women in her embodied feminine leadership programs. She’s also a Stanford graduate, business consultant, and nonprofit founder and executive not to mention a soul midwife. She has worn many hats, offering her unique insights into how to empower others. She brings her talents as a coach, facilitator, teacher, and interfaith minister to provide a deep container of support.

Together, Stephen and Devaa birthed The Shift Network (as well as a beautiful daughter), empowering tens of thousands of change leaders around the world and touching over 1.8 million lives. They’ve worked with over 1,300 thought leaders in diverse fields of personal development and social change, including many of today’s most respected authors and speakers.

They’ve married their depth of understanding of transformative practices with the skills of modern, internet-driven entrepreneurship.

The Shift Mentorship Program allows them to work with a select group of participants very hands-on for six months to birth the next level of their business and their leadership.


Because Stephen and Devaa have different, complementary styles and skills, you will receive support that’s deeply balanced in masculine and feminine qualities and contains a potent mix of entrepreneurial wizardry and spiritual depth. They’re skilled at creating a container for leaders that’s authentic, empowering, and sacred.

Having worked with many of today’s top teachers of transformation, and having studied major systems of marketing and business, they’re particularly skilled at designing marketing strategies for teachers and change agents to grow into their full capacity.

The Shift Mentorship Program is designed to move you from making a reasonable livelihood to an excellent livelihood, generated from a profitable, growing business.

The truth is that the world truly needs you to reach as many people as possible who can benefit from your work, teachings, services, products, and your message of change. The world needs some big shifts, and you and your work can help.

A Journey Optimized for YOU

Rather than spend precious time delivering canned teachings about various aspects of business and leadership which may not match your most pressing needs Stephen and Devaa will focus most of thier time on answering your questions and masterminding your most pressing challenges.

They’ll engage in coaching, mirroring, teaching, sharing, and feedback in response to your evolving needs, as well as those of the group.

They will also refer you to any previously recorded content from relevant Shift courses that you can review on your own schedule.

Two Mentorship Retreats


The Activation Retreat will kick off our program. You’ll be invited into Stephen and Devaa’s beautiful mountain sanctuary called the Jewel in Nevada City, California (January 30 to February 2, 2019). This will begin the 6-month journey of birthing the next level of your work AND the next level of you. You’ll stay at this extraordinary property, which is surrounded by 30 acres of pristine forest. All expenses after your arrival are included in the investment of this program.


The Momentum Retreat builds your momentum to the next level, a program that also takes place at the Jewel. Dates are April 24 to 28, 2019. This retreat is designed to support you in clarifying your longer-term vision and strategies, honing your support and roadmap for ongoing success, and stepping into the next level of your leadership while enjoying nourishing time in an idyllic setting. We’ll be doing deeper personal transformation work and you’ll also have a chance for mountain hikes, playing in the Yuba River, and time on the beautiful Scotts Flat Lake.

During the two retreats and over the 6-month journey you’ll be guided to:

Expand your vision for what you can accomplish Deepen your connection to inner guidance and intuition Align your business and your life with your highest purpose in a way that attracts the perfect audience Refine ways to monetize your mission without selling out on your values Receive laser coaching about how to improve and scale your work Hone your branding, positioning, and elevator pitch Step into a bigger version of yourself through an archetypal commitment ceremony Identify, dissolve, and transform barriers in yourself to manifest your vision Enhance the quality of your presence so people pay attention to who you are and what you are offering Design effective revenue generation strategies to organically increase your business Clean up those areas of your life that are out of alignment with your goals and where you may be “leaking” energy Clarify the short, medium, and long-term vision for your work so you can clearly and quickly share the value Create an action plan that’s doable, achievable, and joyful Effectively communicate in compassionate ways while also being clear and direct Design your lifestyle to be nourishing, empowering, and ultimately more successful, modeling what you teach in how you lead Practice and refine the key leadership competencies you need to maximize your influence with others Create evolutionary partnerships with like-minded leaders who can help you stretch beyond your comfort zone, transcend any blind spots in your way, and embody your higher potential Learn how to integrate your full Self into your leadership Receive support, mirroring, and encouragement from a circle of allies Experience a microculture where conscious leaders thrive at their full potential

At the deepest level, you’ll integrate and embody a new way of living and leading that’s fully authentic, inspired, and aligned with your highest potential. You’ll redefine success, leadership, and power for yourself and our world.

What You Receive

You can’t unleash your FULL leadership potential alone... you’ll need collaborators, structures, practices, and a network that meets you where you are and supports you as you advance to the next level.

The Shift Mentorship Program offers experiential, action-oriented, and integrative guidance designed to guide you from where you are to where you want to be. During the program, you’ll receive one-on-one access to The Shift Network’s founders and all the insights, skills, and knowledge they have to serve your growth and your business.


Activation Retreat (Valued at $4,500)

An intimate 4-day mastermind at the Sierra Jewel (January 30 to February 2, 2019), Stephen and Devaa’s gorgeous mountain sanctuary in Nevada City, California. These sessions will help you activate your visionary roadmap, develop your action plan, and design your support system for the next six months.


Individual Mentoring Sessions (Valued at $8,000)

Six sessions of personal mentorship, support, coaching, and strategic advice, alternating three with Stephen and three with Devaa. Sessions with Stephen will focus on business strategies to grow your business to the next level, while Devaa will focus more on developing your leadership skills, honing your inner resources, and designing a fulfilling lifestyle.


Group Teaching and Masterminds (Valued at $4,000)

Every week for five months, program participants will gather for an hour of teaching, laser coaching, and Q&A led by Stephen and/or Devaa (with the curriculum directed by your needs). These sessions will include the sharing of your progress and advice on your challenges, as well as time for accountability with partners. Group sessions are on Tuesdays at Noon Pacific from February 5 to July 9, 2019.


Momentum Retreat (Valued at $4,500)

The second 4-day retreat (April 24 to 27, 2019) will again take place at the Jewel, Stephen and Devaa’s gorgeous 30-acre sanctuary. This Momentum Retreat will serve to deepen your transformation and hone your long-term vision and help you formulate a plan for action steps and accountability so you can continue and build upon your momentum.

You’ll also have a chance to enjoy hikes, swimming in the Yuba River, and evening special events. It promises to be nourishing, productive, and utterly delightful!


Access to Specialized Help From the Shift Team (Valued at $800)

The Shift Network, which has built an 8-figure business on conscious principles, has many seasoned leaders with specific expertise that could prove helpful to your own business. So we’re including up to two 1-hour sessions with Shift team members who have specialized knowledge on everything from database and software expertise to writing and advertising.


MP3 Audios and PDF Transcripts of All Online Sessions (Valued at $1,000)

This includes your six personal sessions and 23 group sessions. In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the transcription in PDF format within one week after each group coaching or personal session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Access to Shift’s Program Library (Valued at $10,500)

This includes:

The Shift Leadership Academy (Valued at $5,000)


This Shift Leadership Academy offers the crème de la crème of leadership mentors. You’ll receive full access to the recordings library to help you take a quantum leap in your leadership capacity. With this bonus, you gain access to the latest science, theory, and best leadership practices and specific guidance in marketing, organizing, and team building.

Faculty and topics include:

  • Jean Houston Humanity’s Journey of Transformation & Your Exceptional Role
    Author, PhD Scholar, Leader in the Human Potential Movement
  • Marianne Williamson The Call to Feminine Leadership
    Spiritual Teacher, New York Times Bestselling Author
  • Deepak Chopra Transformational Leadership and Cultures for Good
    New York Times
    Bestselling Author
  • Lisa Nichols Becoming the Divine Messenger You Were Born to Be
    Motivational Speaker, New York Times Bestselling Author
  • Daniel Goleman Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence
    New York Times Bestselling Author of Emotional Intelligence
  • And many more!
The Enlightened Business Academy (Valued at $2,500)

The Enlightened Business Academy includes twenty-seven 90-minute modules of teachings and concrete strategies to give you what you need to create a sustainable and successful heart-centered business. Nowhere else can you get in-depth teachings from such remarkable teachers. We strongly recommend working through this content as part of the Mentorship Program.

  • Module 1: Becoming a Purposeful Entrepreneur & Creating a New Paradigm Business
    Taught by Tim Kelley, True Purpose Institute
  • Module 2: Mastering the Tender Art of Niching
    How to Gain Intimacy, Trust & Connection With Your Best Potential Customers & Clients
    Taught by Mark Silver, Heart of Business
  • Module 3: Creating Your Irresistible Offer
    Taught by Lisa Sasevich, The Invisible Close
  • Module 4: Attract Customers Without Struggle
    Taught by Sharla Jacobs, Thrive Academy
  • Module 5: Heart-based Marketing
    Taught by George Kao, The Authentic Business Community
  • Module 6: Scalable Business Models & The Launch
    Taught by Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin, California Leadership Center
  • Module 7: The Enlightened Entrepreneurial Mindset
    Becoming the Person You Need to Be to Manifest Your Vision
    Taught by Ryan Eliason, Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network
  • Module 8: Entrepreneurial Secrets From the Leading Edge
    Taught by Stephen Dinan, The Shift Network
  • Module 9: Creating Enlightened Work Environments
    Taught by Bharat Mitra, Organic India
Five Shift Programs of Your Choice (Valued at $3,000)

The Shift Network offers many courses and trainings that showcase important teachings from dozens of world-respected pioneers, ranging from purposeful marketing to connecting with higher guidance to shamanic journeying. While enrolled in the mentorship program, you can choose five programs to complement the growth and leadership you’ll be developing; you can participate in these programs via downloaded recordings, or live for current programs. This bonus will help you become a truly full-spectrum leader. Click here for a catalog of past courses that you can access (this bonus includes our 7-to-9-month virtual programs that are priced at $1,500 or more).

Investment and Application

In future years, The Shift Mentorship Program is scheduled to be priced at a higher level, but for 2019 you’ll get uniquely powerful access to Stephen and Devaa’s personal mentorship at a special price.

And... they are only accepting 10 people into this exclusive program to ensure that each person receives an abundance of focused attention and support!

Total Program Value = $33,300
Special Price:
only $17,000 when paid in full
or 6 monthly payments of $2,997

To be considered for The Shift Mentorship Program, we must receive your completed application and $100 deposit (refundable if you are not chosen) by 4:00pm Pacific on December 27, 2018.

Those applicants who seem to be a good fit will be offered an interview with either Stephen, Devaa, or someone from our team.

After your interview, if everyone agrees to move forward, we’ll need to receive your signed agreement and payment in full or your first installment by 5:00pm Pacific on December 31, 2018.

Note: If you cancel the program within three days of registering, youll get a full refund minus $100 processing fee assuming no coaching or retreat has taken place at that point. Given this is a very exclusive program with a committed number of slots available, we are not able to offer refunds beyond that point. So when you pay, please make sure that you are clearly committed. Also note that your registration fee DOES include food and lodging costs for the Activation and Momentum Retreats.

Are You Ready?
If So, Then Start Your Application Here


About Your Mentors


Stephen Dinan is the founding President and CEO of The Shift Network and a member of the Transformational Leadership Council and Evolutionary Leaders. The Shift Network was founded in 2010 and has served over 1.8 million people worldwide, with customers in 170 countries. It delivers virtual summits, courses, and trainings featuring over 1,300 thought leaders in domains as diverse as spirituality, peace, holistic health, psychology, parenting, enlightened business, shamanism, Indigenous wisdom, and sustainability.

Stephen is a graduate of Stanford University (Human Biology) and the California Institute of Integral Studies (East-West Psychology). He helped create and directed the Esalen Institute’s Center for Theory & Research, a think tank for leading scholars, researchers, and teachers to explore human potential frontiers. As the former director of membership and marketing at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, he was the driving force behind the Shift in Action program and the One Minute Shift media series.

He has been a featured speaker at the World Cultural Forum in China, the Alliance for a New Humanity in Costa Rica, Renovemos Mexico in Mexico City, and the University of Cuenca in Ecuador, as well as over 100 U.S. conferences, events, radio programs, and online summits. He is also the author of Sacred America, Sacred World: Fulfilling Our Mission in Service to All and Radical Spirit.


Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who guides people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. She is co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of the Inspiring Women With Soul series, which has served over 120,000 women from more than 160 countries.

Devaa received both her BA and MA at Stanford University, with her doctorate in Ministry from Wisdom University (now known as Ubiquity University). She’s also an ordained interfaith minister and a Priestess and “Focalizer” of the 13 Moon Mystery School, as well as a member of the prestigious Evolutionary Leaders group.

Devaa was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship for her work with Indigenous groups in the Brazilian Amazon. She then pivoted into the corporate world, working as a Management Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group where she consulted with Fortune 500 Companies. She later worked as the founding Director of the Full Circle Fund, a thriving venture philanthropy group, followed by a senior Director role at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

In her current work, Devaa helps her clients with both the “outer” work of strategy and implementation as well as the “inner” soul work of visionary leadership. Through her trainings, mentorship, and the community she cultivates, Devaa offers a space for true soul transformation as well as worldly manifestation. As a result, Devaa’s clients are able to reconnect with their soul essence, make a meaningful contribution to our planet, and live a life they LOVE.

In her spare time, you can often find Devaa making music! Her songs fuse East and West with groovy, danceable grooves. Her debut album, Sacred Alchemy, aims to reawaken and liberate the many dimensions of the sacred feminine.

What People Say About Our Mentors

“Stephen was able to generate several ideas and practical strategies that could generate an additional two million dollars in revenues for my company”

I just completed a powerful strategy session with Stephen Dinan. In just one hour, Stephen was able to generate several ideas and practical strategies that could generate an additional two million dollars in revenues for my company in the next year, and tens of millions after that. I was greatly impressed with his ability to quickly grasp our global mission, our vision for the future, and workable strategies for implementing those ideas. I would highly recommend to anyone with a big vision that they want to manifest to work with Stephen.
Jack Canfield, Founder and chairman of the Canfield Training Group and New York Times bestselling co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

“Devaa helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective...”

Devaa helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective. Her support enabled me to go to a whole new level in my public presentation and bring new qualities to my leadership. She helped me in a million ways that I cannot even describe.
Marci Shimoff, bestselling author who’s sold more than 14 million books

“Stephen has proven to be the most trustworthy ally possible...”

As a teacher, author, and earth-centered community organizer, my association with Stephen Dinan and The Shift Network is a dream come true. Stephen has proven to be the most trustworthy ally possible in fulfilling the sanction that I was given by my own mentor to bring these wisdom traditions to the Northern regions. For this I am profoundly grateful.
don Oscar Miro-Quesada, shamanic practitioner and psychologist

“After working with Devaa, I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be”

Before I started working with Devaa, I really wanted to step into my leadership and my power. I felt a huge calling in my heart that I could not ignore. I knew had to do something MORE with my life which was not really working the way I was living it. After working with Devaa, I was able to become the woman I always knew I was born to be. Things started very quickly falling into place in my life. For example, I lovingly ended a relationship that was no longer serving me. My new job became completely solid, and I was promoted to Vice President, managing a million-dollar business (which is still amazing to me!). I also became connected to an amazing new tribe of people, and the list goes on... My life has taken a complete 180-degree turn for the better. And I know that I could not have done it without Devaa’s support. She is a truly amazing mentor! The connections and relationships that I’ve made with the others in the program are priceless. The learning, growth, and development that I’ve experienced are more than priceless. What I’ve seen happen with other people in the program is nothing short of a miracle. I absolutely recommend working with Devaa!
Kim Carpenter, Vice President of Operations and Head Marketing Trainer

“Stephen’s advice and support was a key to our success”

Stephen Dinan played an instrumental role in the rapid growth of my business. He entered my world when my business was grossing around $50,000 per year and reaching 1,500 subscribers. Just a few years later we grossed $700,000 through online training and coaching programs that have reached more than 50,000 changemakers in 25 countries. Those are just the numbers. The more important thing to me is the profound positive difference we’re making for the planet. Stephen’s advice and support was a key to our success. Plus, he’s just an amazing human being. If you have the chance to work with him, it’s something I highly recommend.
Ryan Eliason, Founder and CEO of the Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network

“In our very first call, he brought instant clarity...”

My strategy sessions with Stephen have been total game changers! Stephen has the amazing gift of marrying deep wisdom with practical insights and ideas. In our very first call, he brought instant clarity to the questions our organization had been wrestling with for years, and his ideas for ways to grow and scale brought us to a whole new level of impact. I recommend working with him if you are ready to unleash and grow your potential for good in higher and bigger ways. Watch out, world!
Janessa Gans Wilder, CEO of Euphrates Institute


My strategy session with Stephen left me clear, inspired, and all the more empowered for the next phase of growth for my business. I was amazed at his ability to analyze what I’ve created to date and integrate it with my vision for the future to create a clear path forward... a path with MORE FOCUS and MORE REVENUE. Stephen was able to see and name the “forest for the trees” in a way that brought tears of relief and joy. It was the smartest investment I’ve made in my business to date. I am deeply, deeply grateful to Stephen and his incredible gift for strategy.
Adele DiMarco Kious, Founder of Yinovate

“Stephen’s ability to be exceptionally visionary and extraordinarily strategic simultaneously is unmatched...”

Although I have been teaching visionary thinking for over 30 years, Stephen’s ability to be exceptionally visionary and extraordinarily strategic simultaneously is unmatched by any coach or mentor I have ever worked with. If you have a big idea or are ready for a new vision for your business or life, don’t hesitate. His ability to see and laser-focus on what needs to happen now is a skill/gift that can launch and expedite any project, company, or idea. Frankly, there’s no one better!
Marcia Wieder, CEO of Dream University and founder of The Meaning Institute

“The most life-changing and even world-changing conversations I’ve ever had with another human being”

My session with Stephen Dinan may well prove to be one of the most life-changing and even world-changing conversations I’ve ever had with another human being. He’s become a genius at his craft, no question about it. My life’s work just got hit by a bolt of inspired diagnostic and prescriptive lightning but I don’t feel electrocuted, just energized; an immense thunderclap of challenge has resounded inside me that has only helped me hear far more acutely both what’s real now and what’s really feasible. A flood of insight has washed away a couple of decades of accumulated detritus, yet miraculously is leaving the real value elements of the work far more singularly organized and renewed than ever before; and a gale force wind of change that we’ve long needed is now blowing through, surely and this is the most important thing for the benefit of all those my wife/full partner Linda and I and our team are here to serve, now and ongoing. If you have any gifts whatsoever that you are called to contribute to humanity and to life and feel even a little stuck, stagnant, or unclear how to go forward from here, enlist this unique wise man’s help at your earliest opportunity. It’s later than you think. Don’t wait.
Saniel Bonder, Co-founder of Human Sun Institute and creator of Waking Down®

“After working with Devaa over a period of time, I am emerging with a feeling of wholeness I didn’t even know I was seeking”

After working with Devaa over a period of time, I am emerging with a feeling of wholeness I didn’t even know I was seeking. If you had said two years ago I’d be happy with my work, I would have told you that you were crazy because I was so confused. But with Devaa’s support and the help of this program, I kept listening to the clues and staying in my heart, and then taking action that was coming from my intuition, my inner wisdom rather than taking action that was just being directed by fear and directed by my head. And now I have a business that I love, where I’m using my business skills to help creative women bring their gifts to the world...and I now really love what I do!
Leela Somaya, business entrepreneur and coach

“... a session with Stephen is a true and precious gift”

Stephen is a master strategist and laser coach. He can hear someone’s seed of an idea and within 10-15 minutes, help them come up with a concept, brand, strategy, and clear next steps. He is also gifted at hearing where someone is struggling or unclear, and cutting straight through the clutter to help them see things in a new way, and reorient towards progress. He can quickly identify gaps in a person’s thinking or logic, as well as potential risks or obstacles of their current approach, and help them discover new, more effective possibilities. He delivers feedback with a kind of clarity and honoring of people’s ideas and creativity so they can really hear it without getting defensive, and then engage in higher-level thinking. And he can spot the opportunities for people to think bigger, stretch to new levels, and envision their path forward with clarity and inspiration. I’ve seen him inspire and galvanize people and their businesses many times in just a short session I can only imagine what’s possible with more time. For anyone looking for how to take a business idea forward, a session with Stephen is a true and precious gift.
Sherri Lassila, executive coach and faculty for Shift Leadership Academy

“Devaa is an unparalleled strategic coach”

Devaa is an unparalleled strategic coach. For me, an entrepreneur with a spiritually oriented business, I’ve found Devaa’s knowledge particularly useful because she clearly knows what it means to run this kind of enterprise successfully. From her first advice to me on what my business model needed to look like to her most recent suggestions on how best to structure and price my offerings, her guidance has been spot on. She’s helped me either get to the next level or refocus and regroup all important moments in the growth of my enterprise. This woman knows her stuff. GRAB the opportunity to work with Devaa!
Marguerite Rigoglioso, PhD, Founding Director of Seven Sisters Mystery School

“Get ready for an infusion of rocket fuel that will help you make a quantum leap forward!”

Stephen Dinan is the advisor that leaders need in their corner to maximize the potential of their gifts and impact! His rare and unparalleled ability to source both the vision and the strategy you need to succeed has been gleaned from decades of experience as a top-tier transformational leader, conscious marketer, and entrepreneur, and one of the leading movement builders in the world today. If you are ever fortunate enough to work with him, get ready for an infusion of rocket fuel that will help you make a quantum leap forward!
Claire Zammit, Founder of and

Frequently Asked Questions

What are you looking for in choosing applicants?
We want people who are highly motivated and committed to bold visions that can truly change the world. We are seeking people with a track record of success, influence or impact who are also team players that will contribute to the growth and success of others in the program. We will prioritize people in fields that are complementary to each other to enhance the networking synergy, with enough diversity to keep things interesting. In your application, be authentic, honest, and clear about where you really are. We also want people who are clearly committed to participate in both retreats, group and personal calls.

How do I prepare for the program?
Once you sign up, you will be sent a list of questions to answer which will help to illuminate where you are currently and what your needs are moving forward. Plan on several hours of preparation in advance of the the Activation Retreat so you will be well-prepared and Stephen and Devaa can be up-to-speed on your vision, background, business plan, and skills. You will send them your summary of key points in advance, which will ensure the time is well spent and productive.

How do the individual sessions happen?
We will schedule a session with you each month, alternating between Stephen and Devaa. In advance of the Activation Retreat, you will receive an email with possible dates and times that you can choose from for your session. We will record the phone session for you and get them transcribed as well so you don’t have to scribble notes or try to remember what can sometimes be a firehose of insights, strategies, and ideas. You’ll want to bring your most penetrating and important questions, which can include questions about your development as a leader.

How do I know if I’m ready for this program?
If it feels deeply important to you to take your existing business and work to the next level and you are not quite sure how to do it. Ideally, you are already earning a 6-figure livelihood from your business but are ready to double or triple or 10x your reach, revenues, and impact. If you don’t really have much of an idea of what you want to create yet, you’re not ready. The Shift Mentorship Program works best by building on a foundation that you have already established rather than starting from scratch.

How can I reach Customer Support?
Please visit our Customer Support Center at, where you can find many answers to issues. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you. In general, we can’t do individual assessment sessions to determine if you are at the right stage of your business and vision development but are aiming to make that clear in the application.

What is your Refund Policy?
If you cancel the program within three days of registering, you’ll get a full refund minus $100 processing fee assuming no coaching or retreat has taken place at that point. Given this is a very exclusive program with a committed number of slots available, we are not able to offer refunds beyond that point. So when you pay, please make sure that you are clearly committed.

Shift Mentorship
Stephen Dinan & Devaa Haley Mitchell