A Virtual Wisdom Council With
Grandmother Flordemayo
Universal Healer and Member of the
International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
A 7-module On-demand Audio Training

Experience the ancient Mayan wisdom through ritual, prayer, and ceremony with a revered wisdom keeper to live a more sacred and heartfelt life.

Discover the power of knowing each day’s sacred meaning and aligning with the archetypal forces available to help you live in greater harmony within and with all beings.


Are you intrigued by your relationship with the greater universe and how its cosmic forces can come into play in your daily life?

Do you find the wisdom traditions of indigenous peoples offer important medicine for sacred living?

You’re definitely not alone...

Around the world, more and more people are being drawn to the wisdom inherent in cycles of nature and time knowledge that’s been explored in both ancient and modern times.

The Mayan culture understands the passage of time in sophisticated and metaphysical ways. It created multiple calendars together known as the Mayan calendar that depict celestial cycles and, perhaps, more importantly, their subtle influences that govern each day.

Long before Western calendars attained anything like its predictive power, this ancient “map,” with its philosophical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions, revealed important truths about the cosmos and consciousness...

Indigenous elders claimed it was “star knowledge” passed on to them from more advanced civilizations.

Yet, whatever its origin, it undeniably contains layers of valuable wisdom that can connect us with different aspects of our being, help us relate to the energies within and around us, and roots us in a life of meaning.

Ultimately, it helps us to awaken spiritually, live from our depths and experience a more energetically aligned life. One with more love, beauty, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, and connection.

At The Shift Network, we believe that indigenous elders have much to teach us about how to live harmoniously within ourselves, with others, and the land.

For the Mayan peoples much of this wisdom is crystallized in the symbols and systems of the Mayan calendar wisdom the Maya still honor today to guide them in healing, ceremony, and living a spiritual life.

The wisdom of the Mayan calendar serves as a guide to living in alignment with the greater cosmic forces...

Its serves as a bridge between worlds, reminding us that we’re both terrestrial and celestial. On any given day, it can guide you in how to orient in more harmonious ways with the natural energy currents around you.

It offers us a way to gain insights into the energies that mediate between the visible and the invisible and the positive and negative.

The Mayan calendar is not just one calendar, but multiple calendars that chronicle and can help us understand different levels of time.


It can guide you in living with greater reverence, peace and acceptance, and in love and harmony with all of creation.

In Universal Wisdom From the Mayan Calendar, universal healer, and founding member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Grandmother Flordemayo will guide you in a sacred exploration of life as viewed through the wisdom of the Mayan calendar.

She’ll share how each day has a “symbol” with its own archetypal energies that play a role in shaping and influencing what activities, intentions, changes, and personal and spiritual shifts are best undertaken on that particular day.

Through this exploration which will include ritual, prayer, meditation, and the creation of sacred altars you’ll gain insights into how larger forces affect your day-to-day and how to honor and help create important transformations in your personal and spiritual life...

... positive shifts that can have a ripple effect on the wellbeing of those around you, your community, and the world.

Learn From a Blessed Elder and Healer


In this unique 7-step program, you’ll have the opportunity to sit in a virtual sacred circle and receive guidance and heartfelt wisdom from a world-renowned and beloved elder.

Grandmother Flordemayo is a Mayan-trained priestess and leader in the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. She was was born in Nicaragua, the youngest of 15 children, and began to have visions very early in her life. By age four, she was being trained in the art of curanderismo shamanistic healing practices handed down from mother to daughter for generations to cure physical and spiritual illnesses.

Today, Flordemayo’s earthy, universal wisdom invites us to revere the simple things in life water, trees, sun and family. In her teachings and transmissions, she calls on her Mayan lineage, including the Mayan calendar, and the spontaneous guidance of the Beloved Mother.

If you feel called to learn from this remarkable healer, teacher, and seer, know this:

You’ll receive beautiful blessings and simple practices such as learning to “release and walk in trust” and how to create a sacred altar to enrich your spiritual life and help restore balance to our planet.

You’ll discover how to align your energies and life with those of the universe, open your heart and mind to more love, navigate life’s challenges with more grace, and live in greater harmony within yourself and with others.


In this exploration of our energetic connection with cosmic forces as illuminated through the Mayan calendar, you’ll:

Embrace yourself as both a celestial and and terrestrial being Connect profoundly to cosmic wisdom through ritual and ceremony Pray more deeply and effectively benefiting yourself, your family and the world Connect with key elements of Mayan cosmology and healing practice Expand your capacity for compassion and forgiveness Rediscover the center of your being, the central place of your heart and mind Receive greater guidance from your dreams and visions Enter into sacred ritual time, and respect natural flows of energy, attention and time Discover how you can be a channel for healing in your own community Renew your hope for our future, and understand the unique role you play in it

Insights Into the Mysteries of the Mayan Calendar

Mayan cosmology as explored through the wisdom of the Mayan calendar offers us access to an ancient system that interprets the relationships between the world, life, things, and time.


The Mayan calendar is comprised of 20 daylords (energetic qualities) and 13 tones (numbers) that work together like moving gears.

The nawal, represented by a symbol, is the energy that animates the different days of the calendar. It is usually represented by an animal and the characteristics and spirit of that animal. (You’ll be working with the nawal and its energies for each meeting day of this 7-week course.)

Nawal’s are also represented by the elements of nature, including the sun, moon, rain, air, water, and plants the Maya believe everything is alive.

They also believe that we each have our own nawal that identifies us, connects us with nature, and helps us promote harmony and an existential balance with all that surrounds us.

The Sacred Calendar is believed to be in sync with our own body the human body having 13 main joints and 20 digits total mimicking the calander’s 13 tones and 20 daylords.

In the 20 days of the Sacred Calendar, all the basic forces of creation and destruction are expressed: positive and negative, good and evil the duality that exists in the world, society, our families, and hearts.

By exploring these cosmic forces and their effects on you, you can better navigate your life, deepen your journey on the path and better understand and help create your destiny. And you can more clearly see that all your actions have consequences on you, your family, and community.

In Universal Wisdom From the Mayan Calendar, Grandmother Flordemayo will offer you a spiritual path guided by the energies of the universe and filled with profound insights into how you can shift to a more harmonious, healthy, and happy future for all of humanity.

This sacred medicine of our ancestors comes to us, not as a thunderous proclamation, but as a gentle whisper into the very heart of our beings.

When you join this new course with Grandmother Flordemayo, you join a Sacred Circle that connects you with nature, the cosmos, and the other participants in blessed ways...

... ways that can greatly enrich your life and the lives of others, as you learn to recognize and honor the wisdom of the natural forces all around you.

The wisdom of the Mayan calendar has guided Mesoamerican peoples for millennia, and can help lead us back to living in harmony, and with compassion and respect for all beings,

In this virtual Sacred Circle, you’ll start by blessing and transforming your own inner life and discovering what you can consciously and lovinging bring to bettering our world.


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational circle, Grandmother Flordemayo will offer teachings you’ll need to help you live in greater harmony with all beings through experiencing the wisdom of the Mayan calendar.

While we won’t have time to delve into every aspect of the Mayan calendar, by exploring the seven course days in-depth, you’ll open a new portal into understanding this powerful system most importantly, receiving deep wisdom teachings for your daily life from Grandmother Flordemayo.

Please note that the teachings in Universal Wisdom From the Mayan Calendar will be quite fluid. In preparation for each session, Grandmother Flordemayo will attune to the collective energy of those present and draw inspiration and guidance from Spirit.

Though there are themes for each session, it’s not guaranteed that everything listed below will be covered; rather Flordemayo will teach as she feels guided, sharing exactly what’s needed.


Module 1: Cultivating Love Within Yourself
10 Tz’i (April 4)


Direction: South
Element: Water
Colors: Yellow, white, beige
Key: Law and authority
Nawal: Dog, coyote
Growth: Eliminating authoritarianism and drastic actions, and cultivating love
Tone: 10 Manifestation of creation, self identity and awareness, revelation, and purpose

T’zi is the symbol of the Dog, Wolf, and Coyote, and can be terrifying with his bark and bite.

T’zi also signifies the staff used by indigenous authorities, and representative of the tangible instrument with which you can secure your steps when you walk, helping you to take your next step in life without stumbling or falling. When a person receives a staff it represents leadership.

Tz’i is a day of authority and learning to humble yourself. It is also a day to be at peace, to correct your mistakes, and to ask for divine intervention regarding any problem.

Today’s teaching is that you can only “move up the ladder” in your work and life after you have learned humility.

In envisioning the climbing of the ladder, you look up and down and in the four directions. You envision yourself climbing a ladder in life. In order to walk as a leader, you have to have gone through all theses steps, including learning to love yourself.

On this day, you’ll learn:

  • How to better understand and see yourself through the eyes of love
  • To awaken and humble yourself
  • A practice to honor yourself
  • How to bring honor to your community
  • A practice to honor the nation and world

Becoming a true human within the globe. Humbles oneself a beautiful place to be in. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 2: The Knowing of Wisdom & the Mental Transmission of Clarity
4 No’J (April 11)


Direction: North
Element: Air
Colors: Dark blue, light blue
Key: Knowledge and wisdom
Nawal: Coyote, woodpecker
Growth: Mental transmission and clarity
Tone: 4 The Four Directions, natural cycles

The No’j symbol signifies the brain and the superiority of the spiritual mind as it grows.
It represents the connection between the universe and human intellect and our ability to know Spirit.

No’j energy representative of the element of Air helps us to remember the knowledge of the cosmos, the wisdom entrusted in us before we were born. It helps us transform knowledge and experience into wisdom.

In our physical life, we’re continually growing mentally and spiritually. Our connection with the cosmic universe inspires greater illumination and expansion.

This is a day of connection between the cosmic universe and the human mind a good day to nourish the mind and seek guidance through a sacred fire ceremony, asking for answers and signs through prayer.

On this day, you’ll discover how to:

  • Expand your memory with the wisdom within you
  • Seek clarity by nourishing your mind with the knowledge you have
  • Experience and transform through this knowledge
  • Pray for wisdom and clarity to guide yourself

We are vehicles of the divine source. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 3: How to Move Out of Life Challenges That Entrap You
11 K’at (April 18)


Direction: West
Element: Earth
Colors: Brown, yellow, beige
Key: Nets and entanglements
Nawal: Lizard, spider
Growth: Inner clarity without interference
Tone: 11 Letting go; changing from one state of consciousness to another; disappearing; disintegration of substances and ideas; dismantling of the old

K’at signifies the energy of gravity and represents the net, snare, problems that hold us back and entrap us.

When we hold onto things good or bad we need to learn when to release them and to release them with love. This surrendering allows us to thrive in positive energy.

Today is a good day to ask for guidance with confusion, entanglements, and challenges in your everyday life including situations with children, family, or work and how you can release them. It’s a day to eliminate bad energy and any influences you no longer want.

On this day, you’ll discover:

  • How to ask for permission to change
  • A practice that can help you to let go of what no longer serves
  • How to release and walk in trust

It is through faith that we reach our goals in life, remembering the good in humility without self-interest. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 4: Cleansing Yourself of Indifferent Energy
12 Tijax (May 2)


Direction: South
Element: Water
Colors: White, red, black
Key: Double-edged knife
Nawal: Swordfish, owl, toucan
Growth: Warrior, cutting negative energy
Tone: 12 Stability; endurance, firmness, perseverance

The Tijax represents the element of water and signifies the obsidian knife with a double-edged blade (for both positive and negative aspects). Its energies give us the capacity to cut any strings attached to us any negativity.

Today is a good day to seek guidance about what it takes to become a guardian and to “cut” anything out of your life that you don’t want, such as overeating, worrying, or stress.

It’s a good day to ask for good health, to let go of grudges and release any negative energy surrounding you.

On this day, you’ll discover how to:

  • Let go of indifferent energy
  • Eliminate indifferent energy that may surround you
  • Balance your actions
  • Appreciate both the positive and negative aspects of life and balance those aspects

May your sacred path clear and be filled with blessings. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 5: Learn to Awaken the Sacred Centers Within You
6 Kan (May 9)


Direction: North
Element: Air
Colors: Green, red
Key: Energy and inner fire
Nawal: Snake
Growth: Revealing inside information and handling energy/power
Tone: 6 The six sacred directions, order of natural cycles

The Kan symbol signifies the celestial serpent, its serpentine fire and your own inner fire. It is the truth, justice, intelligence, and peace in the cycles of time and change.

This fire energy comes from the Earth and moves through us if we are open to it and allow its sacred movement to go through us.

This is a good day to grow spiritually and develop your own fire within.

On this day, you’ll discover how to:

  • Develop your own inner fire
  • Seek energy from the Earth to move the internal fire within
  • How to balance your actions in life
  • A meditation to help you move this sacred energy through you

It is through faith that we reach our goals in life remembering the good in humility without self-interest. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 6: Developing Your Relationship With Community
7 Kawoq (May 30)


Direction: East
Element: Fire
Colors: Green, blue
Key: Abundance and community
Nawal: Turtle
Growth: Community work and detachment
Tone: 7 Balance keeper; stands alone, protects, and maintains total balance

The Kawoq represents family, groups, community, and society. It’s energy encompasses becoming one with the community and anything that brings a community together.

This is a good day to light a candle and hold family and community in a positive way through prayer asking for the wellbeing of all.

On this day, you’ll discover how to:

  • Appreciate your blessings within your family and community
  • Seek wisdom from all around you in your family and community
  • Find forgiveness to move forward spiritually

Prayer is the only way. Prayer embraces us. Prayer loves us. Prayer protects us. Prayer is a good place to be. Prayer is powerful. Grandmother Flordemayo


Module 7: Learning the Way of Spirit
1 Kame (June 6)


Direction: South
Element: Water
Colors: Yellow, orange, black
Key: Clarity and rebirth
Nawal: Owl
Growth: Resurgence of spirituality
Tone: 1 Unity, wholeness, new beginnings, all existence

The Kame is a crystal being, the lord that sits in the West, with an essence that represents rebirth, resurgence, reemergence, and reincarnation.

We as creatures of the Earth are constantly shedding parts of our thoughts and doing so allows us to create new manifestations.

Today is a good day to connect with our ancestors to ask for strength, protection, and guidance to help us create what we seek.

On this day, you’ll discover how to:

  • Find peace and harmony within your life
  • The story of the Crystal Skull (and its significance to the Kame lord) as told by Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Seek wisdom from your ancestors and heritage
  • Listen to your own intuition to find answers within

The Mayan Calendar Bonus Collection

In addition to Grandmother Flordemayo’s transformational 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these bonus offerings. These bonuses will complement your participation in this Virtual Circle and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Iq: Lord of the Wind
Audio Meditation From Grandmother Flordemayo


Grandmother Flordemayo offers us a beautiful meditation into the spirit of Iq, the lord of the wind. Inhale and exhale as Iq clears your mind, helping you to become a better receptor of the information of the Great Mystery and relieving you of anything which does not belong in the mind so you can receive the blessings of the light. You’ll feel the energy of the wind traveling through your being, cleansing and clearing you of any obstacles or confinement.


Cathar Creed
Audio Reading From Grandmother Flordemayo


The Cathar Creed has been adopted by Flordemayo and the Board of The Path as the guiding creed of the organization. Flordemayo understands from her travels and being in ceremony on that sacred mountain where the last of the Cathars lived is that they lived by the law of love. They left that written creed to humanity addressing what we’re talking about in [today’s world] about taking care of the elements. They left these sacred writings for humanity and the sacred words stating that in the year 1990 humanity was going to reawaken. It was just these beautiful, beautiful writings they left for humanity. And it’s taken humanity hundreds and hundreds of years to come to his point. Flordemayo also believes they were very committed to the mission of love.


Meditations for the Soul
Audio Meditations From Grandmother Flordemayo


“Prayer is a connection between our self as human and the great mystery,” says Flordemayo. “The vibrational sound is the connection between the heart and the cosmos.” This selection of two special meditations from Grandmother Flordemayo will allow you to go deep within the prayer meditations and lullaby.

  • Nurturing Meditation: A beautiful meditation of “Murmúrio,” guiding us back to the vibrations of our childhood and the inner peace of our being
  • Love Meditation: A very sweet teaching and meditation on love

What Graduates Are Saying About Grandmother Flordemayo...

“Her knowledge of life in the most humble way had an impact for me”

What I loved was that Flordemayo is sincere and not judgemental. She’s also truthful in her approach to the course. If she didn’t know an answer she said so, but her knowledge of life in the most humble way had an impact for me.
Irma Watson, Sydney, Australia

“Broadens one’s heart if one listens”

With the disharmony that appears to be going on among humans and Mother Earth and the disrespect for this beautiful living being we live on and all life forms, Grandmother Flordemayo’s sharing from her heart broadens one’s heart if one listens. This course unfolds one to a greater loving reality.

“Helped me feel into the feelings when interacting with the earth, plants, and animals”

I have had some benefit through the formation of meditations that have helped me feel into the feelings when interacting with the earth, plants, and animals.
Yvonne, Victoria, Australia

“I love her non-judgmental, humble way of sharing her wisdom”

It has been a pleasure to continue to learn from Grandmother Flordemayo. It’s a blessing to be connected this way, since I live in Spain and haven’t had the opportunity to spend time with her in person. I love her non-judgmental, humble way of sharing her wisdom.
Ellen, Catalunya, Spain

“A sense of coming home to a quiet, deep indwelling space”

With this course from Flordemayo, there was a sense of coming home to a quiet, deep indwelling space, one that was here with me, but was being bypassed quite frequently. I am looking forward to walking deeper into these areas and meeting these aspects of myself in a more dimensional way as time rolls on.
Eleanor, Wicklow, Ireland

“A portal to expanding your self-awareness”

Whether you are seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual teachings of other cultures or just want to bask in the wisdom of Grandmother Flordemayo and her powerful energy, you’ll gain benefit from this class. The course is rich in information as well as a portal to expanding your self-awareness, lovingkindness, and sense of the impact each and every one of us have in the world. Highly recommended!

“Offers healing and transformation of self and earth”

I recommend this course with Flordemayo for anyone who’s interested in experiential learning from an authentic teacher who offers deep knowledge and practical approaches to bring sacred wisdom into everyday life. Incorporating the concepts from this course and engaging with the deepening practices offers healing and transformation of self and earth. This course is a blessing. Thank you!
Adrienne, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Allows me to continue in life with more confidence, knowledge, and skill sets”

It is comforting to have support in the aspect of my spiritual life. The support of Grandmother Flordemayo allows me to continue in life with more confidence, knowledge, and skill sets.
Gail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Our humanity is yet closer to surviving any traumas when we practice her teachings”

In seven weeks my soul and heart are filled with love and light and an incredible feeling of gratitude for this experience. Grandmother Flordemayo connects us to the celestial and physical presence within all of us. Our humanity is yet closer to surviving any traumas when we practice her teachings. All is well!
Marty B., Washington, DC

“I feel more empowered and experienced greater love and patience for humanity.”



Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Grandmother Flordemayo

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with beloved Grandmother Flordemayo from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Mayan Calendar Bonus Collection

  • Iq: Lord of the Wind
    Audio Meditation From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Cathar Creed
    Audio Reading From Grandmother Flordemayo
  • Meditations for the Soul
    Audio Meditations From Grandmother Flordemayo

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Universal Wisdom From the Mayan Calendar Virtual Training

We feel honored Grandmother Flordemayo has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a universal healer whose wisdom is helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Flordemayo’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about living a more sacred and heartfelt life and living in greater harmony within and with all beings, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Grandmother Flordemayo...

“Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares...”

When our prayers are heard by Creator, there is no accident, from the day we were to meet the joy, love, and remembrance we have for each other comes into our soul. When I close my eyes, the love and light shines around my Sister, Grandmother Flordemayo. Her beauty walk is the truth she walks and shares with all who choose to receive.
Grandmother SaSa Swan of the North, Elder and Indigenous leader

“I honor her as a wisdom keeper...”

Grandmother Flordemayo is one of the wisest, compassionate, most loving, inspiring, and generous people I know. I honor her as a wisdom keeper, trust her as a friend, look up to her as a Grandmother, and learn from her every time I’m in her presence...
Nathan Crane, Founder of The Panacea Community

“Truly one of Earth‘s greatest protectors...”

Grandmother Flordemayo, universal healer, curanderismo, the humblest of holy people, is truly one of Earth’s greatest protectors of all the family of life, light, and nature. I am a vitally repaired healer who is so proud to stand in allegiance with deep gratitude for the great circle of women of wisdom, of faith, of love, sustainers of life, right beside sweet Grandmother Flordemayo.
Suzanne Lewis, Healer, spiritual community leader, Her-storean, teacher, author, gourd starseed artist

“Flordemayo’s heart is an open doorway to the Divine”

Time with Flordemayo is always experienced as a memorable and powerful healing. It has been a fortunate highlight of this life to witness over the last few years how her rare and unassuming presence has brought illumination and healing to me and to various close friends and family members. Flordemayo’s heart is an open doorway to the Divine. Her spontaneous healing prayer emerges from deep humility, naturalness, simplicity, and eloquence of spirit. Flordemayo is a true living saint, an embodied master, a blessing on this earth.
Walter Reifslager, Austin, Texas

“I’m inspired by being in her light of optimism and unconditional love”

Flordemayo is a gifted storyteller. I become a child again listening to wisdom teachings from her mother or stories of what it is like to "see beyond the veil.” I’m inspired by being in her light of optimism and unconditional love. This expanded level of consciousness for me melts away all that is illusion to see the treasure of the moment. Once you have stepped into this new vibration, looking back is not an option and I am forever grateful to Flordemayo for spiritually nudging me to walk my truth.
Mary Ann Sornito


About Grandmother Flordemayo


Flordemayo TM was born and grew up in the highlands of Central America in a family of Mayan healers and raised by her mother, a midwife. She travels the globe to share her healings and to foster a more spiritual understanding among humanity. She is a founding member of the Church of the Spiritual Path (1998, 2008-2014), the Confederation of Indigenous Elders of the America (1995-2000), Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge (2003-2007), and the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers (2004-2014). She also founded The Path, a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to preserve and distribute seeds for future generations (2014-present).


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
