With Leading Enneagram Teacher
Jessica Dibb
A 12-module On-demand Video Training

Immerse yourself in the guiding wisdom of the Enneagram to radically transform self-limiting patterns and heal core wounds.

Embody the essential qualities of your type (and the other 8 types) in your spiritual practice, life purpose, and relationships.


You’ve identified (and perhaps you’re also acutely aware of!) some of the challenging patterns of your basic Enneagram type...

For instance, if you’re a Type 4, you’ve discovered that your tendency to look for “what’s missing” in relationships keeps you from being truly intimate.

Or, if you’re a Type 6, you know that your fear can be paralyzing, or cause you to overact.

If you identify with Type 9, you may tend to avoid conflict with others or “numb out” with food and TV or by fantasizing that all is well with you (when it’s not!).

Of course, you may also have had a taste of the gifts of working with your type... awakening to the healthy or higher aspects of your Enneagram point such as love, authenticity, power, equanimity, or clarity.

Yet, there’s a much deeper path ahead... to your very essence, calling, and fulfilling a life of meaning and purpose.

The Enneagram illuminates nine ways we leave presence, nine ways we forget who we really are and nine direct pathways for re-awakening to your essential nature.

The Enneagram is not only a map of your own type’s fears and fixations, shadow aspects, and gifts... it’s also a dynamic guide for realizing your full human potential, beyond the boundaries of a single type.

With the right teacher who can create a safe space for you to work deeply, you can access and embody the life-changing essential qualities (even world-changing) of your type and the other 8 types...

Respected for her experiential “depth” approach, renowned Enneagram teacher Jessica Dibb has crafted The Living Enneagram to help you relinquish the ego’s limiting patterns, heal core wounds, and embody essence in your spiritual practice, your work in the world, and your relationships.

From Ego to Essence


The Living Enneagram is your opportunity to dissolve wounds that drive an emotional wedge between you and others... and separate you from your authentic Self.

This illusion of separation generates fear, causing pain and conflict in our relationships and communities, and creates larger divisions out in the world.

Over the past 25 years, Jessica Dibb has developed a process called “The Ego Project to Essence Project.” The Living Enneagram introduces this profound endeavor, for those who wish to explore the original purpose of the Enneagram: remembering the true Self, experiencing the totality of actualized human development, and awakening to the Divine.

In a challenging setting of dedicated seekers, you’ll be supported in working with the physical, cognitive, and emotional defenses and behaviors that can conceal Essence. As these obstructions fall away, the defenses of your personality dissolve, and the instincts of your ego loosen their hold allowing you to abide in a loving, wise consciousness the very essence of being.


Through 12 depth sessions with Jessica, you’ll discover:

Key aspects to developing a personalized Ego to Essence Project for each type or realm of consciousness The core wound and Shadow as well as unconscious fears and pain-driven responses of each type Somatic blockages, openings, and practices for experiencing Essence A breathing style for each of the 9 realms which restores the brain and self to Essence and awakening Rewiring neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of that realm Opening to the eros energy of that realm Specific projections and resistances to releasing projections to other types and how to release them, transforming and embracing a re-constellated way of being in relationship Specific spiritual practices for each type’s awakening journey The archetypal purpose of each realm for all of us what it invites us all to remember The part of the human psyche and experience that this type is carrying for all of us Ways to use your natural gifts in vocation and service Examples of fruitful and successful Ego to Essence Projects of each type An aspect of the Divine and an example of mystical experiences at each Enneagram point What each Enneagram point realm can contribute to a shift in global consciousness

Plus you’ll discover the transformative power of conscious breathing, working with your type and the other types’ shadow aspects, Enneagram type-specific movements, meditation, and other practices all designed to help you integrate the changes you experience, into your full being.

Greater Connection Through Video


You can now actually watch and see the movements and the transmissions of each type...

So you can better connect with Jessica and her teachings, all of the sessions are on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Jessica’s teaching.


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

This advanced, groundbreaking course with Jessica Dibb, one of the world’s most skilled depth teachers, synthesizes experiential practices with the exquisite guidance of the Enneagram.

During The Living Enneagram, you’ll receive new insights, techniques, and processes. You’ll learn about about, and practice, the nine pathways to realization and embodied Essence, working in particular ways (including somatically) with the Shadow aspects and blockages of the types.

And so you can better connect with Jessica and her teachings, her sessions will be delivered via easy-to-use video. Or if you prefer, you can join her via audio through your Internet or telephone connection.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential guided practices with Jessica. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embody and sustain this profound awakening.


Module 1: Entering the Field of Awakening & Essence (April 12)


Welcome to the Field of Awakening! Here, we’ll build shared understanding of the landscape of nourishing, growing, and flowering ourselves, others, and the world. A community of inspiration, caring, and wisdom will be formed through exercises and sharing.

We’ll explore the general concepts, practices, and visions of the journey, such as:

  • A depth interpretation of a core wound and how it creates suffering, reactive ego, and Shadow
  • How and why the core wound is differentiated in each Enneagram type
  • The 9 essential Qualities
  • How we’ll be using understandings of core wound, ego, personality, fixation, integration, the 3 Centers, the Wings, inner work, presence, the Instincts, the Virtues, the Holy Ideas, Dynamism, the Missing Piece, the Transparent Veil, and Essence
  • A non-egoic way to understand the Gift of each Enneagram type
  • What is the Ego Project to Essence Project? The great work which goes against one’s nature, Carl Jung’s opus contra naturam
  • What the Enneagram teaches us about the relational field, relationships, and relatedness, eros, and the 9 aspects of authentic love
  • Physical embodiment of states of consciousness and cellular transformation how the Enneagram can help us build a REAL body/vehicle of light and energy
  • Aspects of vocation and purpose from the Enneagram
  • Understanding and contacting the 9 Aspects of the Divine towards a boundless, creative spirituality
  • How the Enneagram can contribute to being a 21st century global citizen and developing the capacity to help shift global consciousness

Module 2: As Above, So Below
Our Instincts Arise From the Divine (April 19)


Everything that we are, even what seems like the most base instincts, is reflecting and emanating from the fundamental frequency that moves and creates all things.

Becoming present with all aspects of ourselves, including our instinctual drives, allows us to harness the full power and intelligence of what we truly are and to build a structure for higher consciousness within our body, heart and mind so that Essence can flow unimpeded through every aspect of our lives.

In this second module, we’ll explicate and do inner work and somatic work with the Shadow and the higher aspect of the instinctual drives, using a methodology of unconscious instinct/healthy instinct/illuminated or awakened instinct.

A new practice will be introduced of consciously using all three instincts together to create new neurological circuits for integrated choices and actions.

In this session, you’ll discover and practice:

  • The awakened self-preservation instinct the path from the drive to survive to the commitments to self-care of ourselves and our lives as sacred
  • Blind spots and inertia of self-preservation instinct
  • The awakened sexual instinct the path from the drive to merge and assimilate to developing unimpeded attunement and dedication to what really matters and what generates emergence
  • Blind spots and resistance of the sexual instinct
  • The awakened social instinct the path from the drive to be protected and belong to the developing stewardship and responsiveness to ALL
  • Blind spots and distortions of the social instinct
  • An emerging feminine and right brain perspective and orientation to the instincts that brings in new possibilities for the transformation

Modules 3-11 (Overview): The 9 Pathways From Shadow to Essence


In the following nine modules, you’ll explore each Enneagram domain from Shadow to Essence physically, emotionally, cognitively, and energetically.

This perspective will inform and enrich the “three-centered” practices that allow you to be fully present to, and work with, the pathway of each type.

You’ll also discover how to access memories stored in neural pathways related to each type, and liberate your attention to, and investment in, the fixations of each type so you can access and experience the unconditioned Self and Essence.

You’ll learn how to awaken to the qualities of your own biology, psyche, and energetic field AND learn how to play, work, be intimate with, and support the awakening of others.

Working with the Gifts and Shadows of each domain is essential to your awakening, liberation, empowerment, and manifestation of a fulfilled life.

In each of the following nine modules, you’ll discover and practice each type’s:

  • Core wound and Shadow
  • Unconscious fear and pain-driven responses
  • Somatic blockages, openings, and practices for experiencing Essence
  • A breathing style that restores the brain and self to that Essence and awakening
  • Rewiring neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of that realm
  • Opening to the eros energy of that type
  • What are the projections and resistances to releasing projections to other types and how to release them, transforming and embracing a re-constellated way of being in relationship
  • Specific spiritual practices for this type’s awakening journey
  • The archetypal purpose of this type for all of us what it invites us all to remember
  • The part of the human psyche and experience that this type is carrying for all of us
  • Ways to use your natural gifts in vocation and service
  • Key aspects to developing a personalized Ego to Essence Project for these types
  • Examples of fruitful and successful Ego to Essence Projects of this type
  • The aspect of the Divine and an example of mystical experiences in this realm
  • What this realm can contribute to a shift in global consciousness

Module 3: Living as Immediate Power & Life Force
The Essence of Type 8 (April 26)


Neverending life force is always here in the present moment. It’s boundless, this force and power throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Eight domain embodies, loves, and contributes to life.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we both learn to hold and love Eights in their protestations, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a deep life force of vitality in our bodies and not settle for less. This is what Eights want from us. Life loves this, Eights love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 4: Living as Unified Peace & Harmony
The Essence of Type 9 (May 10)


The invitation to relax into the underlying being and Oneness of Everything is present in every moment. It’s a unified phenomenon all life is included. And it’s boundless, this “peace that surpasses all understanding,” this embracing of everything to just BE throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Nine domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we both learn to hold and love Nines in their numbness, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a capacity to see the belonging and use in everything, to reject nothing, to be changed by this contact and not settle for anything less. This is what Nines want from us. Life loves this, Nines love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 5: Living as Sacred Alignment and Action
The Essence of Type 1 (May 17)


There’s an inherent potential nobility to each moment, a doorway to goodness and the Sacred. It opens us to a sense of blessing and taking action on behalf of it. We can sense goodness and holiness in the birds singing, a voice, a plant, and how this energy wants to support a healthy and sacred action in situations such as pain, litter, or destruction.

This opening for basic goodness is always possible throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the One domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we both learn to hold and love Ones in their straining and tension, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a deep commitment and strong capacity to act on behalf of what we know brings health to ourselves and others and not settle for anything less. This is what Ones want from us. Life loves this, Ones love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 6: Living as Loving Kindness & Attunement
The Essence of Type 2 (May 24)


So much flows to us in every moment and is given to us, even without our effort. We can sense the responsiveness of life to life in things like the sun interacting with the earth, gravity connecting things, the smile of another when they look at something or someone... and when there is pain and the hope and effort for restoration and healing. This responsiveness is boundless throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Two domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we learn to both hold and love Twos in their fierce denial of in-body power, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a deep caring and willingness to support every little blade of grass, every creature, and every atom of reality, even if our hearts break into a million pieces. This is what Twos want from us. Life loves this, Twos love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 7: Living as Priceless Radiance & Purpose
The Essence of Type 3 (June 7)


There’s an infinite energy and life-giving force that can transform and make many things possible, even without our effort. We can sense this creative radiance in the sun, the moon, the stars, an idea, a piece of cloth. And it’s boundless, this value, throughout everything in an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Three domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we both learn to hold and love Threes in their endless marathon and their fear that they are secretly nothing, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate reverence and unbroken commitment for developing the gifts and possibilities within us and not settle for anything less. This is what Threes want from us. Life loves this, Threes love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 8: Living as Deep Beauty & Intimacy
The Essence of Type 4 (June 14)


Every moment is infused with mystery, something so deep, awesome, beauteous, beyond words. We can sense the infinite mystery that leads to the endless depth in just a grain of sand, a leaf, a tear, a harsh word, a hand, a galaxy... And it’s boundless, this magic through an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Four domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we both learn to hold and love Fours in their despair, AND stretch ourselves to become a lover of the depth of everything and everyone, even if it tears us part and not settle for less. This is what Fours want from us. Life loves this, Fours love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 9: Living as Clear Truth & Knowing
The Essence of Type 5 (June 28)


Even without our effort, Life is paying attention to everything, to itself. Life is not random, there is an inherent and infinitely dimensional intelligence and awakeness as each moment unfolds from and responds to the next. We can sense the vividness and suchness of everything when we are fully present.

It’s awesome to be in perpetual discovery, and it’s boundless, this seeing, clarity, and attention throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Five domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we’ll both learn to hold and love Fives in their terror, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a deep curiosity and awareness for everything in existence, the light, the dark, the known, the unknown and not settle for less. This is what Fives want from us. Life loves this, Fives love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 10: Living as Grounded Faith & Guidance
The Essence of Type 6 (July 5)


Just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean, so must I never live my life for itself, but always in the experience which is going on around me. Albert Schweitzer

Existence has an endless capacity, a grounding force, that keeps recentering, stabilizing, reforming, and building a steadying presence. We can sense the connectedness of everything in that grounding. And it’s boundless, this communication amongst everything as to how to move, be, and dance with each other and everything throughout an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Six domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we’ll both learn to hold and love Sixes in their anxiety, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate a deep listening to all things so that the truth becomes a collective truth, and faith in possibilities for the highest good and not settle for less. This is what Sixes want from us. Life loves this, Sixes love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 11: Living as Abundant Joy and Creativity
The Essence of Type 7 (July 12)


Each moment, no matter what’s happening, is infused with celebration, joy, and possibility, without our effort. When we relax into presence, we meet an endless energy to generate, to experience, and to receive the fulfillment of life. It’s everywhere, this delight throughout everything in an infinite universe. This is the Essence quality that the Seven domain embodies, loves, and contributes.

In this highly experiential journey from the Ego to Essence Project, we’ll both learn to hold and love Sevens in their franticness and fear of limited life, AND stretch ourselves to cultivate the capacity to see “the infinite in a grain of sand,” to experience the joy of just being alive for no reason, to carry this positivity into everything we do and not settle for less. This is what Sevens want from us. Life loves this, Sevens love this, and our real selves love this.


Module 12: The Ongoing Flowering of Ourselves, Our Lives & the World (July 19)


By the final module, you’ll have put into practice some or all of the elements of your personalized Essence Project! You’ll be deeply engaged with Depth Awakening teachings and practices. You’ll have created a new inner terrain, making you available to embody love, wisdom, and presence in every moment. And you’ll have noticed changes in your relationships, work, spiritual development, and empowerment as a change agent.

Living with the implications of this is a journey of profound change, and in this culminating module, we’ll explore together:

  • How our lives have changed
  • Themes of integration
  • Challenges of integration
  • Ongoing practices
  • Personal stories of change and challenges
  • The Mystery...

The Living Enneagram Bonus Collection

In addition to Jessica’s transformative 12-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.




Receive Two New BONUS Conversations With Jessica Dibb and Enneagram Pioneer Claudio Naranjo just exclusively recorded for participants of this 12-module program.

Both of these exclusive newly-recorded conversations with Claudio and Jessica will help you integrate and embody the transformations you experience during the 12 modules.


NEW! The Enneagram Subtypes in Light of the 3 Poisons & Animal Symbols
Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Claudio Naranjo


In this collaboration and conversation between Jessica Dibb and renowned Chilean Psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo, a founder of the modern Enneagram movement, you’ll discover a fascinating, never-before discussed topic: The Enneagram subtypes, the Buddhist Three Poisons, and animal power and symbology. Listen and experience how each particular subtype, a Buddhist poison, and a resonant animal invite us into a felt sense of how we’re manifesting and who we can become.


NEW! Fixing the World
Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Claudio Naranjo


Claudio Naranjo has lived for decades on the cutting edge of understanding the human psyche and what it takes to develop an authentic soul-infused life. He has counseled, taught, and inspired tens of thousands of people throughout his life. This spontaneous conversation between Jessica and Claudio is their love offering to you. Listen in on one long-time seeker and teacher’s integration of wisdom applied to the world to be inspired to agree, disagree, converse, explore, and empower your own visions and actions for “Fixing the World.”

Dr. Claudio Naranjo is a Chilean psychiatrist who became a leader in the human potential movement and was part of the early Esalen Institute. He is one of the successors of Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt Therapy. Dr. Naranjo developed the psychology of enneatypes, founded SAT Institute for personal and professional development, and became an activist for the transformation of education worldwide the work for which he was nominated in 2015 for the Nobel Peace Prize.


A Conversation on Consciousness by Candlelight
Video Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Russ Hudson


In this special bonus, Russ and Jessica will co-create live a conversation on consciousness in the moment to inspire you to have Essence conversations, and thereby become more porous to real insight, and more of a vehicle for emergent wisdom, creativity, and love to flow into life.

For many years, Russ and Jessica have had conversations about awakening and consciousness in the moment. And they’ve done their best to teach from whatever is arising in each of them and their individual journeys, in the conversation between them, in the field of relatedness with themselves and all their Beloveds, and in the culture. They challenge each other to keep the conversation embodied, connected, clear, real, nuanced, unified, surrendered, and completely emergent in the moment nothing canned or cliched from the past. Out of these conversations have come many realizations some surprising, some challenging, some integrating, some inspiring about the personal, the relational, and the collective.

Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He is also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He’s been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is also co-author of The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, Personality Types, Understanding the Enneagram, Discovering Your Personality Type andThe Power Of The Enneagram. Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.


Living Your Purpose & the Enneagram
Robert Holden and Jessica Dibb in Conversation


Ten-time bestselling author Robert Holden will team up with Jessica Dibb to teach a powerful bonus session. Robert’s work on psychology and spirituality is widely acclaimed and we’re happy to present this teaching with him on living your purpose and the Enneagram.

Robert Holden teaches a powerful Leadership & the Enneagram program for some of the world’s biggest brands, including Dove and the Real Beauty campaign, Unilever, IBM and Google. His work has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC documentaries. He’s the author of Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Lovability and Holy Shift!: 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles. His latest book is Life Loves You co-written with Louise Hay, and he hosts a weekly show on Hay House Radio called Shift Happens!


9 Types Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb


In this original meditation, Russ and Jessica will guide you through this unique meditation designed to support and illuminate each type. This meditation will highlight the most important growth areas for your personal journey and help you better understand and relate to others. You’ll find this meditation to be a unique and powerful addition to your journey.


3 Centers Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb


Your orientation to life and each moment is profoundly impacted by your ability to be present in each of the 3 Centers Body, Heart, and Head. In this special session, you’ll be guided through a potent meditation that cultivates awareness and consciousness in each center and its various gifts and capacities. As you learn to do this and to increase the communication and integration of the centers, the strengths of your types can function more radiantly unimpeded by unconscious habits and reactions. Your gifts are then infused with greater vibrancy, enabling them to more ongoingly participate in, and contribute to, reality.


What Graduates of Jessica’s Previous Courses Are Saying...

“Taking her course has made me feel better about myself...”

Jessica’s holistic teaching about the Enneagram and her loving and warm presence are truly a blessing to the world of the Enneagram, and to the world in whole. Taking her course has made me feel better about myself and my journey as a human being. I also feel she has given hope to the world in general and to the humankind. Thank You Jessica!
Sari Heiskanen, Finland

“Turning self-compassion into a compassionate way of being...”

Any Enneagram course taken with Jessica Dibb drives home the realization that all the Points of the Enneagram are within all of us... turning self-compassion into a compassionate way of being in the world.

“I’m now able to see people from a new perspective...”

In releasing old childhood patterns and beliefs, I’m now able to see people from a new perspective without judgement. And, so it is.
Ruth, Honolulu, Hawaii

“Greatly expanded my compassion for humankind”

The emphasis on understanding and experiencing each of the types within myself greatly expanded my compassion for humankind, and especially for people in my life with whom I have had difficulty, such as my parents and siblings.

“Made me realize I can be loved for myself, not for the things I do”

This course has been a great help to fill in the gaps of my understanding of the Self. I have become more aware of my people pleasing tendencies as I move through the day, and can decide when it is appropriate and when my help is not needed. This has made me realize I can be loved for myself, not for the things I do.
Audrey, Iowa

“Gave me insight on a practical level and made the journey very real”

The course gave me insight into hidden spaces, shadows and also uncovered treasures in the depths of my being. Every week I thought... well I got such a lot from the previous session maybe next week will be of more meaning for someone else and yet week after week, the material grasped my full attention. I gained such a lot of insight in myself and what I do with all the numbers in myself. I loved the exercises. They gave me insight on a practical level and made the journey very real.
Liezl Pape, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

“Deepened my commitment to my spiritual practice”

I learn best by doing and reflecting, so I really enjoyed that this course was both experiential and cognitive; I broadened my understanding of the Enneagram, and deepened my commitment to my spiritual practice. I feel very lucky to have experienced it and am happy to have the materials to go back to as well.
Becky, Vermont

“I do have a heart after all. Thank you Jessica.”

Isabelle, Belgium


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-minute Class Sessions With Jessica Dibb

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn with renowned Enneagram teacher Jessica Dibb from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video option and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Living Enneagram Bonus Collection

  • The Enneagram Subtypes in Light of the 3 Poisons & Animal Symbols
    Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Claudio Naranjo
  • Fixing the World
    Audio Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Claudio Naranjo
  • A Conversation on Consciousness by Candlelight
    Video Dialogue With Jessica Dibb and Russ Hudson
  • Living Your Purpose & the Enneagram
    Robert Holden and Jessica Dibb in Conversation
  • 9 Types Meditation
    Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb
  • 3 Centers Meditation
    Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Living Enneagram Virtual Training

We feel honored Jessica Dibb has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from with respected consciousness teacher, breathwork trainer and Enneagram teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering practices are helping us heal and awaken ourselves, our partners and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Jessica’s incredible teachings and experiential exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about freeing yourself from your deepest limitations and embodying the truest gifts of your soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for Jessica Dibb...

“An extraordinary journey of soul restoration...”

Jessica is a great master of experiential teaching. She is a superb guide and support for people’s inner processes, as well as a brilliant designer of experiential exercises and practices. Jessica does not do anything half-heartedly, and I’m certain she’ll take you on an extraordinary journey of soul restoration, real emotional breakthroughs, and profound self-discovery.
Russ Hudson, Co-founder of the Enneagram Institute


“A compassionate, warm-hearted, and steady stance...”
Jessica Dibb brings to the work of personal development a compassionate, warm-hearted, and steady stance that makes it possible for her to benefit us with her deep knowledge and moving and life enhancing experiential exercises. Her insight and awareness also foster her outstanding work. You can count on Jessica to contribute significantly to your life and wellbeing. I recommend her without reservation.
David Daniels, MD, Co-founder of The Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT)

“Uplifted and expanded...”

[Jessica] shares from the fullness of her being with a generosity of spirit, and we’re all uplifted and expanded, not only from the specific teachings, but from the way in which they are delivered...
Linda Lubin, Redding, Connecticut

“Puzzles I’d been pondering for years... were resolved...”

Puzzles I’d been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “Missing Piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience...
Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.

“I came away more aware...”

[Jessica is] a passionate and knowledgeable teacher of the many benefits that the Enneagram can have in our daily lives. I came away more aware of how knowing my type can help me live a better life, but more importantly, how knowledge of all the types can lead to deep personal fulfilment.
Sally, England

“Wonderful tools for inner growth work”

Wonderful, talented speakers who open the pathways for much more compassion with all the different types as well as integrating behaviors of other types in ourselves! Wonderful tools for inner growth work.
Bettina, Denmark

“Allowed me to see my own patterns at a deeper level”

The course allowed me to see my own patterns at a deeper level. That noticing generated motivation to relate to others from my Essence, instead of from my patterns. It also allowed me to help my clients do the same.
Alejandra Siroka, San Francisco, California

“Helped me get a broad picture of everything”

Whereas many Enneagram teachers seem to polarize the aspects of a particular type into “good” or “bad” traits, this course was different. This course helped me get a broad picture of everything. All was included, all was accepted, which was the Truth of who we really are. By seeing that there is nothing to “fix,” things naturally evolve on their own. Thank you for this beautiful course.
Barbara, Asheville, North Carolina


About Jessica Dibb


Jessica Dibb is the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher of the Inspiration Consciousness School, an integral consciousness school dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. Over the past two decades, she has designed and facilitated unique workshops, classes, and ongoing experiential trainings which are grounded in a highly integrated model of psycho-spiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.

Her teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life, from conception onward. Using Integrative Breathwork, psychodynamic principles, the Enneagram, and established and emergent wisdom teachings, Jessica facilitates embodied awareness of each moment, using methods which combine attunement, psychodynamic principles, intuition, and physical sensation.

Jessica is the founder and host of the Shift Network’s annual Enneagram Global Summit. She was also one of the co-hosts for The Shift Network’s Breathwork Summit in 2012. She’s a founding member of the board of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for challenging social issues of our time. Jessica is the weaver and visionary behind the annual conference Breath Immersion: From Science to Samadhi at the Omega Institute.

Jessica teaches nationally and internationally, including teaching Integrative Breathwork and the Enneagram at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for many years. Jessica also is the co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) and current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee.


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Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
