With Spiritual Teacher
Miranda Macpherson
A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Relax control, dissolve fear, and expand the grace that is already present in your life  through sacred meditation and mantra practices.

Discover how self-inquiry can ground you in that which is unchangeable… allowing you to meet life’s challenges more gracefully.


When life rocks your world, do you lose your spiritual footing… waver in your trust in Source, God, the Divine… or resist what’s happening, judging yourself or others?

Even seekers with decades of spiritual practice struggle with the very human tendencies to grasp, defend, or control when life shakes them to the core…

And yet there is always an opportunity to relax egoic reactions that keep you fixated, caught up, or stuck and awaken to the loving presence of Grace that is ALWAYS with you.

Just being in a state of grace enables you to meet life with less resistance and more elegance and fluidity…

There is nothing to change or fix. 

Instead, you can be present to moments of awakening that are available in every situation.

Through sacred meditation practices, self-inquiry, and focused attention on forgiveness, Grace melts the grip of control, dissolves fear, and transforms suffering into wisdom.

Grace is always present. You imagine it is something somewhere high in the sky, that has to descend. It is really inside you, in your Heart, and the moment you merge the mind into its Source, Grace rushes forth, sprouting as if a spring from within you.
Sri Ramana Maharshi

In Life of Grace, renowned spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson will guide to open to the Grace that already flows through you…

Grace will help you walk into and through apparent obstacles and live with a full heart.

You become a portal of Grace for others simply by being as your wisdom and love provide a deeper presence that nourishes, inspires, and can lead you to your greatest service in the world.

The Power of an Authentic Teacher


In this transformative new 12-part program, Miranda will guide you in spiritual practices that she’s never shared before that promise to open you to the power of true forgiveness and a deeper, wiser, and more fulfilling life

a life that’s always available to you through the flow of Grace even in the midst of uncertainty and serious life challenges.

You’ll practice “ego relaxation,” which helps you lovingly recognize and integrate all parts of yourself especially the parts that seem to be obstacles to awakening.

Grace is often the missing key on the path of awakening liberating you from unnecessary suffering and re-aligning you with love, peace, clarity, awareness, strength, and joy. Truly, there is no spiritual transformation without Grace. 

Miranda draws from extensive study of the world's wisdom traditions, depth psychology, and 30 years of guiding people all over the world to directly experience the Sacred. She will share with you inquiry practices, beautiful devotional mantras, and deepening meditations including the Shower of Grace meditation.

You’ll explore what some Sufi teachings refer to as the “dark stain on the heart” those human emotions, such as hatred, rage, and envy that spiritually “enlightened” people often have difficulty owning. Practicing self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, you’ll come to see true forgiveness as a nourishing balm in your relationships and day-to-day connections with the greater world.

What Miranda calls “a celestial helping hand” will guide you to embody your heart’s deepest prayers and noblest intentions.

Miranda’s Own Journey of Awakening


Miranda’s teachings marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart. She herself underwent a life-changing spiritual awakening that shifted the core of her being and prepared her to lead others in catalyzing deep shifts.

After 20 years of dedicated spiritual study and practice, she was graced by a powerful awakening in the same cave in Arunachala, India, that Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi once called home. Her concepts of self, God, and world gave way to a deep and profound silence.

She then underwent a great unraveling of her familiar ego identity that initiated powerful changes in all aspects of her life. It took her years to stabilize this awakening, integrate its wisdom, and learn how to guide others to live daily life from this deeper ground.

Since then, Miranda has become a global spiritual teacher. She speaks with the refreshing candor born of her Australian roots. She draws from a deep study of world religions and practices as an interfaith minister. 

In Life of Grace, Miranda will offer you a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual spiritual realization that leads to the discovery of new dimensions of Grace.

Opening to the full stream of Grace within you, you begin to see everything as a blessing and an opportunity to awaken.


During this profound journey, you’ll:

  • Discover teachings that help you be truly present and undefended with what IS... in body, heart, and mind
  • Recognize the activity of your ego that blocks the flow of grace in your life, and learn to say “yes” to what life is asking of you
  • Begin to distinguish between the wisdom of your survival instinct and the anxious mind-stream of fear
  • Address the roots of your fear down to the level of identity (who is it that is afraid?)
  • Learn to relax and allow ego structures to dissolve, and trust to blossom in your body, heart, and mind
  • Discover what’s alive in the space beyond your fear and control
  • Bring greater compassion and precision to the way you meet your defenses
  • Liberate ego fantasy that often gets mixed into acts of service forgiving, understanding, and relaxing into the purity of your desire to be of service
  • Receive initiation into the Maha Lakshmi mantra that makes you receptive to infinite blessings upon your sincere heart’s prayer
  • Discover how true forgiveness dissolves the lens of guilt, hatred, and projection, dissolving the inner violence that distorts your vision and wreaks havoc in our world
  • Forgive your taboo emotions such as hatred, anger, and envy, and lovingly contact the spiritual poverty underneath them
  • Journey through the 6 stages of forgiveness, both as principles to support your release and as a practice of spiritual transformation

Miranda will guide you beyond the contractions, distortions, and emotional frustration inherent in your struggle to open into who you truly are...

Her transmission is palpable even when offered virtually filled with acceptance and love, as her steady, compassionate gaze meets yours. Even those new to her work can instantly recognize her firsthand knowledge of the path, and her ability to open to and embody Grace.

If you’re ready to stop striving and cease suffering, you can discover how to access a limitless stream of spiritual nourishment, guided by a skilled, loving, and compassionate teacher who truly walks her talk.

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules


In this 12-part transformational training, you will be invited to let go of your struggle to awaken and discover how to approach all of life’s challenges as a gateway to awakening and personal transformation.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to walk a true spiritual path of surrender that opens you to the abundant flow of Grace.

This profound journey with Miranda consists of four sections, each with a specific emphasis:

True Surrender and the Practice of Ego Relaxation

Explore the paradox of surrendering to Grace, which asks for deep dedication while simultaneously asking us to let go of the reigns and even let go of our familiar way of knowing ourselves.

Receiving the Shower of Blessings

Grace is much more than a beautiful state that fills your heart with gratitude. It is the ground of your being... the blessings that inspire and sustain your soul and the gifts that help you on the path.

In this part of the journey, you’ll end the spiritual poverty of lack through the practice of yielding to non-conceptual Grace... and transmission beyond mind. For the first time, Miranda will give initiation in the Maha Lakshmi mantra, an ancient Vedic practice for opening to the Grace that ends any sense of lack or unnecessary struggle in your life.

Liberating the Shadows on the Heart

Without dismissing your relative human difficulties, you’ll lay all you’ve encountered on the altar of true forgiveness. This brings a recognition that you are not a problem to be fixed, wrong or bad rather, you offer up your remaining hurts and shame to the deepest chamber of your heart. You allow Grace to lead you to the pure realms beyond human emotion, to a true knowing of “I AM.”

Embodying Your Highest Potential

Our world needs more graceful human beings. By practicing being a completely open vessel in body, heart, and mind a human fountain from which Grace naturally flows you'll more fully embody your service in the world.

4 Integration Sessions & Extended Satsang With Miranda

At the end of each section, you’ll join Miranda for a 60-minute integration session and extended satsang. She’ll open with a meditation and mantra and then give a summary of the preceding sessions to deepen the teachings.


Section 1:
True Surrender and the Practice of Ego Relaxation
(Modules 1-4)

Our 12-step journey starts with an exploration of our relationship to Grace.

Grace is much more than a beautiful state that fills your heart with gratitude. Grace is the ground of your being; it’s the blessings that inspire and sustain your soul, bringing the gifts that help you on the path.

During this first month, you’ll discover the paradox of surrendering to Grace, which asks for deep dedication while simultaneously asking us to let go of the reigns and even let go of our familiar way of knowing ourselves.

You’ll explore ego-efforting and how it keeps you seeking but never truly finding, as well as how you can address the root of this spiritual conundrum and truly stop struggling to come into the flow of Divine Will.

You’ll explore “ego relaxation” and how it allows you to be present and undefended with what is. And how presence is not “thinking,” but demands that you leave your thoughts about what is, and, instead, learn to be with your direct experience.


Module 1: Yielding to the Flow of Grace Through Transmission & Practice of Ego Relaxation (February 6)


In this session, Miranda will introduce you (or share further nuances) to the transmission of ego relaxation that gives you an instantaneous vacation from the incessant and often unconscious ego activity that is always trying to grasp, reject, fix, or rearrange its experience.

You'll begin the ongoing practice of ego relaxation that allows true surrender to take place. Present and undefended, you can re-enter the flow of Grace and reconnect with love, peace, clarity, awareness, strength, and joy.

This feminine approach to non-dual realization and spiritual surrender is deeply compassionate yet potent. Miranda will transmit the state of ego relaxation and guide you to bring awareness to subtle resistance to what is.


  • Receive teachings that help you be truly present and undefended with what IS... in body, heart, and mind
  • Recognize the activity of your ego that blocks the flow of grace in your life, and learn to say “yes” to what life is asking of you
  • Expand your capacity to ground in the support that is always available, no matter what emotions your current or past circumstances trigger
  • Engage ego relaxation as a practice of effortless meditation, holistic inquiry, and a “re-set” amidst a busy day

Module 2: Dissolving Your Roots of Fear (February 13)


To live a life of Grace, you must become aware of the dense forces of your ego that cause you to contract back into fear and habitual reactions to life. Miranda will guide you to begin to differentiate between the wisdom of your survival instinct and the anxious mind-stream of fear.

In an atmosphere of unconditional love and compassion for your frightened ego, you’ll engage in the practice of ego relaxation while turning directly towards your fears the forces that hold it in place and observing who you become when you contract.

Meeting all of this with love, you can then explore what’s alive in the space beyond your familiar identity and its fear. Dissolving the roots of fear helps produce a quiet mind, a more settled nervous system, and a more open, trusting heart.


  • Begin to distinguish between the wisdom of your survival instinct and the anxious mind-stream of fear
  • Address the roots of your fear down to the level of identity (who is it that is afraid?)
  • Learn to relax and allow ego structures to dissolve and trust to blossom in your body, heart, and mind
  • Discover how your fear has been limiting you, and relax into the spacious, loving presence of Grace that naturally holds you
  • Discover how to take a deeper seat in your meditation practice through ego relaxation

Module 3: Melting the Grip of Control (February 20)


When we are not awake to Grace as the primordial ground of our being and all being, it feels that we must contract into a strategy of control to offset the vulnerability of feeling separate. We believe that we need to push, tighten up, and muscle through, from the perspective of our separate “me,” to stay safe and get things done.

Left unaddressed, these unconscious presumptions that we are who we take ourselves to be, create unnecessary stress and block us from the flow and guidance that helps us access the clarity we need.

Often, hidden strategies of control trigger efforting or pushing by your ego. In this session, you’ll explore the relationship between personal will and Divine Will, and what it takes to come into alignment where the two become one.


  • Be invited to melt the grip of control by relaxing with vulnerability and opening to total support
  • Discover what’s alive in the space beyond your fear and control
  • Bring greater compassion and precision to the way you meet your defenses, and the driving forces beneath them
  • Abide in the presence of Grace, which is always available, even when you’re feeling triggered and off-balance

Module 4: Integration Session & Extended Satsang (February 27)


In this 60-minute session, you’ll experience a powerful opening meditation and mantra, followed by a 15-minute summary of the previous three sessions on True Surrender and the Practice of Ego Relaxation. Miranda will then work experientially with participants in satsang style to support deeper integration of the material and transmission of the themes.


Section 2:
Receiving the Shower of Blessings
(Module 5-7)

Grace comes alive through the paradox of surrender, and when you genuinely open to its qualities of boundless love, peace, clarity, wisdom, and the pure awareness at the core of your being.

For the first time, Miranda will teach the Maha Lakshmi mantra, which helps attune you to the source of infinite fulfillment, the cessation of all want. It’s an exceptionally nourishing and inspirational practice.

You’ll explore ego-efforting and how it keeps you seeking but never truly finding, as well as how to address the root of this spiritual conundrum and truly stop struggling to come into the flow of Divine Will.


Module 5: Ending the Spiritual Poverty of Lack
Maha Lakshmi Initiation (March 6)


Even if you know intellectually that you are blessed compared to so many in the world, you may feel a sense of lack, as if you’ve not quite received what you need to deeply relax and feel satiated and at peace.

Overly ambitious or driven by the compulsion to try to fill your “holes” with over-eating, over-shopping, or busyness, you may keep seeking while never finding true fulfillment.

In this session, you will be initiated in the Maha Lakshmi mantra, an ancient Vedic practice for opening to the Grace that ends any sense of lack or unnecessary struggle in your life. The focus is on allowing a deep relaxation of any residue within you of inner agitation or not quite being able to access what you need to flourish and enjoy life.


  • Journey into your sincere heart’s desire both in your inner life and in your practical life circumstances
  • Receive initiation into the Maha Lakshmi mantra that makes you receptive to infinite blessings upon your sincere heart’s prayer
  • Discover how to work with this practice to awaken the felt sense of being blessed by life

In this pre-recorded 90-minute class, in lieu of a Q&A session, Miranda will share an extended exercise to inquire further into what you’re experiencing with this subject.


Module 6: Opening to a Celestial Helping Hand
Meditation Activation (March 13)


At every stage of the spiritual path and in life’s ordinary challenges, Grace is available to help us.

However, often it does not occur to us that we can ask for help, or even that we should. In this session, we will explore celestial help and how you can gain access to it, even if your conceptual mind does not fully understand how this is possible.

In this deeply mystical, nourishing session, you’ll explore the nuances of your inner calling and learn to make contact with the subtle forces that can truly fill your inner cup. Miranda will open with a powerful teaching on working with prayer and devotional practice from a non-dual perspective. You’ll also experience a meditation that opens your subtle body to significantly amplify your current meditation and spiritual practices.


  • Explore your relationship with asking for the help you need, and learning to actually receive it (without making demands or reverting to ego grasping)
  • Freshly explore your relationship with the Divine (even if you already know you are not separate from the Source of all Being)
  • Listen more deeply to what name, face, or presence most activates the gates of your soul
  • Learn to drink subtle light as a plant drinks water

Module 7: Integration Session & Extended Satsang (March 20)


In this 60-minute session, you’ll experience Miranda’s exquisite Shower of Grace meditation. She’ll also offer, for the first time, a powerful mantra that will allow you to receive infinite love, blessings, and total support for fulfillment of your deepest prayer.

A 15-minute summary of the previous two sessions will follow. Miranda will then work experientially with participants in satsang style to support deeper integration of the material and transmission of the themes.


Section 3:
Liberating the Shadows on the Heart
(Modules 8-10)

What IS real forgiveness? What is it not? How are errors corrected? What is our part in the process? How do we forgive ourselves? How do we let true forgiveness cleanse the hurts and impossible heartbreaks in our relationships? And who do we forgive even those whose values and behavior we do not agree with?

Without dismissing your relative human difficulties, you’ll lay all you’ve encountered on the altar of true forgiveness.

In humility and prayerful willingness, you’ll offer up any remaining hardness, rejection, hatred, anger, hurt, betrayal, or shame to the deepest chamber of your heart, letting Grace lead you into the pure realms beyond human emotion, beyond right and wrongdoing.

You’ll open to a vision of absolute love for everyone, and for the most hidden parts of yourself, allowing miracles to resolve all grievances.


Module 8: Integrating Your Shadow (March 27)


In this module, Miranda will address the importance of integrating the taboo emotions that many “spiritual” people do not want to admit to hatred, rage, and envy, for example. When we deny or repress these shadow emotions, they can spill out of us sideways despite our best intentions.


  • Discover how true forgiveness dissolves the lens of guilt, hatred, and projection, averting the inner violence that distorts your vision and wreaks havoc in our world
  • Understand your taboo emotions such as hatred, anger, and envy, and lovingly contact the spiritual poverty underneath them
  • Journey through the 6 stages of forgiveness, both as principles to support your release and as a practice of spiritual transformation
  • Open to the mystery of true forgiveness that restores you to inner peace, wholeheartedness, and right relationship to one another
  • Access the heart-cave of Absolute Love that Ramana Maharshi spoke of as our true home, our unified Reality that shines undisturbed underneath the emotional heart
  • View the impossible sufferings of the world as a gateway into the transforming grace of divine love

Module 9: You Are Not a Problem to Be Fixed (April 3) (Pre-recorded)


There is no question or challenge that does not contain, at its core, the perennial spiritual question “Who am I”? Commonly, the first answer that arises is, “I am me.” But who is this “me” really?

In this session, Miranda will take participants on a deep and often humorous journey of inquiry and exploration of our central attachment: the familiar construct of self that drives the felt sense that we need to fix ourselves.

From the vantage point of self-forgiveness and compassion, you will meet all that you find with love, unhook from the storylines of suffering, and, with witnessing awareness, open into the space in which the story of “me” has been happening.

Miranda will also guide you in the Vast Heart meditation and share a powerful mantra.


  • Inquire into the nature of “me and I” and unhook from storylines that keep you in spiritual bondage
  • Experience the Vast Heart meditation
  • Begin to let go of the familiar construct of self as a problem that needs to be fixed
  • Witness with loving awareness and humor the central attachment of an unawakened state of mind

In this pre-recorded 90-minute class, in lieu of a Q&A session, Miranda will share an extended exercise to inquire further into what you’re experiencing with this subject.


Module 10: Integration Session & Extended Satsang (April 10)


In this 60-minute session, you’ll experience a powerful opening meditation and mantra, followed by a 15-minute summary of the previous two sessions on Liberating the Shadows on the Heart. Miranda will then work experientially with participants in satsang style to support deeper integration of the material and transmission of the themes.


Section 4:
Embodying Your Highest Potential
Becoming a More Graceful Human Being
(Modules 11-12)

Our world needs more graceful human beings capable of staying present and bringing forth their deepest gifts in ways that help and heal. In this section, you’ll begin embodying your highest potential and practice being a completely open vessel in body, heart, and mind a human fountain where the nectar of all our essential qualities naturally spill over in our way of being to extend blessings, truth, and beauty deeper into our world.

Miranda will emphasize the unity of inner and outer; being an individual who is arising within the One; being in the world but not of the world; and how everything you think and say and do matters in living a life of Grace.


Module 11: Stabilizing in Loving Presence (April 17)


In this session, you will explore the ways you are called to serve. What are you inspired to give your precious life force to?

Often, our most noble intentions can become co-opted by our ego, so how do we keep them fully intact?

You’ll discover what structures help keep your intentions pure, and prioritize staying grounded and present with all that arises. You’ll discover how to be awake to where you’re vulnerable to reactivity, and how to reset quickly when needed.

Miranda will also share a simple but powerful somatic practice for sensing into presence to brings more substance to the embodiment of your intentions amidst daily life.


  • Receive a powerful and playful inquiry practice to ‘flush out” any hidden motivations for serving or for beginning any creative endeavor
  • Sense into loving presence and stabilize your intentions within this energy
  • Liberate ego appropriation that often gets mixed into acts of service forgiving, understanding, and relaxing into the purity of your desire to be of service

Module 12: Integration Session & Extended Satsang (May 1)


In this 60-minute session, you’ll experience the Circulating the Nectars meditation and a powerful mantra, followed by a 15-minute summary of the previous session on Embodying Your Highest Potential. Miranda will then work experientially with participants in satsang style to support deeper integration of the material and transmission of the themes.


The Life of Grace Bonus Collection ($350 Value!)


In addition to Miranda’s transformative 12-part virtual course, you’ll receive an exclusive bonus collection of teachings valued at $350. These complimentary sessions promise to deepen your understanding and practice of the teachings in the course.


Walking the Mystical Path With Depth & Substance
Audio Dialogue With Miranda Macpherson and Russ Hudson


Russ Hudson, revered Enneagram teacher, co-author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram and fellow Shift faculty, joins Miranda for a robust dialogue on what it truly means to walk the mystical path amidst the dizzying level of change and uncertainty of contemporary culture. They explore the gifts and challenges of practicing beyond the structure of an established tradition, and how to avoid the pitfalls that limit the potential of the path to truly transform us into more graceful human beings. You’ll discover how to determine whether or not your practice is truly supporting your awakening process. Miranda and Russ have been friends for over 15 years, and share a love for the mystical traditions while simultaneously being dedicated to living in the world, but not of it.

Russ Hudson is co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and is one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today. He’s also President of Enneagram Personality Types, Inc. He’s been co-teaching the Enneagram Professional Training Programs since 1991, and is a founding director and former vice-president of the International Enneagram Association. Russ is co-author of The Wisdom Of The Enneagram, Personality Types, Understanding the Enneagram, Discovering Your Personality Type, and The Power Of The Enneagram. Russ also assisted Don Riso in writing Enneagram Transformations. He holds a degree in East Asian Studies from Columbia University in New York, from which he graduated Phi Beta Kappa.


Guided Meditations
Set of 2 Audio Meditations From Miranda Macpherson


These two powerful meditations will help you deepen your practice, and support you to more fully awaken to the teachings of the course.

Mountain of Presence
In reality, you exist within a mountain of boundless support, powered by the life force that births everything you see into existence. This is a central concentration practice recommended as a powerful antidote to the multi-tasking distractedness of modern life. Listening daily will help you stabilize in presence, quiet your mind, settle your emotions, and dissolve into deep silence.
Music: Harmonium by Miranda Macpherson; tamboura and bells by Richard Quinn.


Vast Heart, Vast Mind
The human heart is the axis point between heaven and earth. Through breath and focused attention, this meditation, accompanied by lovely bells, helps loosen the cobwebs of closure within your heart so as to liberate the vast compassion, love, beauty, and joy that is your essential heart. Opening up inner space, you are invited beyond ordinary mind to pure awareness, knowing, and pristine clarity.


Introduction to Holistic Self-inquiry
Video From Miranda Macpherson With Neal Rogin


In this video, Miranda demonstrates deepening into the self-inquiry process with Neal Rogin, her longtime sangha member and assistant. All of the great mystical traditions ultimately say we are already one with the fabric of being; however, most of us don’t feel this in our everyday emotional experience. You’ll get an opportunity to taste your true nature and begin to learn to abide from unity consciousness and walk through this world in freedom. Self-inquiry is among the core practices Miranda suggests to help liberate us from the obstacles to direct experience of our true nature.

Neal Rogin is a multi-award winning writer, filmmaker, humorist, and social observer whose work has reached millions of people around the world. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a unique ability to conceive and communicate ideas that move people to action and change the way they think. He's a founding board member of The Pachamama Alliance and a member of the Turning Tide Coalition with Lynne Twist, John and Ocean Robbins, and Vicki Robin, and the Transformational Leadership Council, a group founded by author Jack Canfield, and that numbers among its members Marianne Williamson, John Gray, and Michael Beckwith.


Mantras for Awakening
Audio Recordings From Miranda Macpherson


Sometimes, ordinary language cannot accurately express the deepest dimensions of our being the love for the sacred mystery that is boundless being and bliss. Yet, we can contact our nonlinear depths through sound, silence, and prayer. This is the way of devotion. It opens up courage, compassion, and joy, and supports true surrender. Sanskrit mantras are ancient syllables that exert precise positive effects on the body, heart, and mind.

Lean into the mantras as you lean your head into the pillow at night. Dissolve into the mantra and it draws you back into the origin of your being. As you chant, feel into your own prayers your truest yearnings for yourself and for the world. Intoning these ancient sounds, you join with all beings throughout time who have ever prayed these prayers. Now your prayers are part of a continuing stream of the awakening heart. May they become part of your daily life supporting you to reside AS the heart of Being.

In this special bonus, you’ll receive recordings of:

  • Om Nama Shivaya: A powerful version of the Hindu mantra for surrender, the god Shiva is part of the trinity consisting of Brahma (creation), Vishnu (sustenance), and Shiva (destruction)
  • Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya: This is the Hindu mantra meaning, “I bow to the God within, the divinity of my true nature. Please remove all obstacles.”

What Graduates of Miranda’s Courses Are Saying...

“I was able to dive in ever deeper and release more blocks”

This is the fourth course I’ve taken with Miranda and they have all been wonderful, in that with each new course and indeed with each segment of this course, I was able to dive in ever deeper and release more blocks.
John, Bali

“My faith... continues to be anchored more firmly in presence”

The peace and compassion I experience in daily life through extremes and upsets has increased exponentially. My faith and “comfort level” being in the unknown with chaotic challenges to be guided through continues to be anchored more firmly in presence. Thank you, Miranda, for your embodiment of Divine Grace. Thank you, Shift Network, for your platform. Thank you, community, for sharing and supporting me on this journey.
Bhakti, Mountain View, Hawaii

“I feel that this course helped to reconnect me to my inner guidance”

I live in a small, somewhat remote rural area world-class spiritual teachers do not visit very often, so it was an incredible gift to be able to work with Miranda Macpherson through The Shift Network. I feel that this course helped to reconnect me to my inner guidance life has been challenging enough over the past couple of years that I wound up feeling sort of disconnected, so this was really important for me.
Caryn, Ukiah, California

“Through this course, I experienced a deep and abiding transformation”

I felt blessed every time I sat in front of Miranda live and on video. Her ability to transmit the Boundless Love she teaches comes through the screen and heals the soul’s feeling of disconnection. Through this course, I experienced a deep and abiding transformation in my perspective on a difficult situation I have been going through since last summer. My heart is more open and I am able to forgive even though the actual resolution is still not forthcoming. I am so grateful for this deeper ability to trust and abide in my true nature, Love.

“You need to experience this journey... It cannot simply be expressed in words!”

Miranda has such a unique way of guiding you through the most complex issues of life. You need to experience this journey with her to know what I mean. It cannot simply be expressed in words!
Rajiv Gupta, New Delhi, India

“I come away from this course with a lightness of being”

There is enough material here to last a lifetime. Miranda is a generous, gifted, and committed teacher and skillful therapist. Her depth of knowledge and practice has taken my healing and spiritual life to a new level... Miranda’s depth of guidance in putting this material together gave every exercise laser-like precision for healing and expanding into Boundless Love... I come away from this course with a lightness of being and awakened from within in a deeper and more expanded way.
Miranda, Australia

“Miranda has real integrity and wisdom, and at the same time humility”

The course with Miranda was very special for me, the best so far of online seminars. Each of the sessions gave me an important insight into my own inner journey... I am very impressed by the love and kindness she radiates; Miranda has real integrity and wisdom, and at the same time humility and honesty about her own ongoing discovery and learning.

“Miranda... opens up the space for us to directly experience our true nature!”

Miranda embodies what she teaches! Her feminine approach to non-dual teachings facilitates a complete acceptance of what is, regardless of whether it fits our “image” of being spiritual which, in turn, opens up the space for us to directly experience our true nature! She is a masterful teacher and facilitator who doesn’t hold herself above her students. She genuinely cares and simply wants her students to live from the reality of who they are! What a delight to study with her.
Ron, Boulder, Colorado

“It has expanded my sense of who I am and enabled me to feel held...”

I have benefited hugely from this course. It has expanded my sense of who I am and enabled me to feel held in a wider presence than I was aware of before. I am also moved and inspired by the depth of openness and experience that others brought to this sharing.
Susan, United Kingdom


Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Miranda Macpherson

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Life of Grace Bonus Collection

  • Walking the Mystical Path With Depth & Substance
    Audio Dialogue With Miranda Macpherson and Russ Hudson
  • Guided Meditations
    Set of 2 Audio Meditations From Miranda Macpherson
  • Introduction to Holistic Self-inquiry
    Video From Miranda Macpherson With Neal Rogin
  • Mantras for Awakening
    Audio Recordings From Miranda Macpherson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Life of Grace Virtual Training


We feel honored Miranda Macpherson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher and internationally renowned mystic whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Miranda’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about ending your struggle to “awaken,” opening to all of your humanness, and walking the true spiritual path of surrender, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Life of Grace with Miranda Macpherson or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Miranda Macpherson...

“Miranda is the epitome of what we most need”

In an ocean of spiritual guides all over the planet, rarely do you find a jewel that emanates the likes of Miranda’s integrity, depth, and impact. Rooted in the world’s wisdom traditions, yet contemporary and fluid in her approach to assist awakening to the One during these highly complex and challenging times, Miranda is the epitome of what we most need in a postmodern spiritual guide: kick-ass honesty, no-nonsense mirroring, and rock star tenderness. Whether you access her teachings through her moving meditations, satsangs, retreats, or virtual courses, Miranda will leave an indelible impression that will have your friends wondering how you became so present, compassionate, and mindful so quickly.
Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning composer/producer

“... like diving into the source of love and healing”

Miranda Macpherson embodies a deep compassion and wisdom, vast intelligence, and the ability to hold a space for genuine unfolding like nobody else I’ve known. Spending a week with her is like diving into the source of love and healing, anchored by deep spiritual practice and connection to the Divine. Miranda is a rare gift to us all.
Devi Cavitt Razo, Director of the Hoffman Process

“If there is such a thing as angels walking the earth, then Miranda is one”

Miranda is the “real deal.” She is a standout as a spiritual teacher and she is a “stand up” as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. Life is not perfect, and Miranda lives that with a grace and authenticity that is unparalleled by many teachers. If there is such a thing as angels walking the earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.
Laura Bergman Fortgang, Author of Living Your Best Life

“... one of the clearest, purest, most eloquent voices for spiritual truth”

Miranda is one of the clearest, purest, most eloquent voices for spiritual truth I know. She courageously shares both gritty challenges and lofty visions, and weaves them into powerful teachings from which we can all benefit.
Alan Cohen , Author of A Deep Breath of Life

“... she is a shining light”

Miranda’s presence and teaching bring to life the spiritual wisdom of the ages. In my life, she is a shining light.
Susan Jeffers, Author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway


About Miranda Macpherson


Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, counselor, and author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation. Miranda, who also authored the spiritual guidebook, Boundless Love, has been teaching internationally since 1995. She is known for her depth of presence, clarity, and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.

Miranda’s work is a synthesis of self-inquiry, spiritual psychology, devotion, and meditation practice offered with feminine grace that embraces our everyday human experience as a gateway into the depths of our true nature. Through a blend of silent transmission and articulate teaching, she leads ongoing programs oriented to guiding people into direct spiritual experience while providing a practical map for actualizing our realization into daily life.

Drawing from the ancient lineages of Advaita and mystical Christianity, as well as from more recent wisdom teachings such as A Course In Miracles, Miranda leads from the ground of unconditional love and compassion for our humanity, emphasizing receptivity, discrimination, and surrender.

She is founder of One Spirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where she trained and ordained over 600 ministers. Today, Miranda leads the “Living Grace” sangha in northern California and holds retreats in the United States and internationally. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, Bob Duchmann, a teacher of the Diamond Approach (A.H. Almaas’ Ridhwan School).


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
